Why Couldn't I Just Leave You...

By starstar1997

12.8K 561 138

A girl who is a hard worker at her job and loves to be there, a boy who is actually a bad boy, beats people f... More

What in the world...
I don't like explaining things...
We meet again
You're going to have to stay
Living with them
Shopping with the Dog Demon
Getting to know each other
So many questions that need to be answered
She's screwing me up
Hope, Worried, Fear, Tears
Understanding a Little
Things go downhill
Dont leave me
She can be scary
I dont want you to go
I had to go
The She Devil
Two Truths
Getting to see them
Simple Morning and A Plan of Attack
What A Mess

Bloody Nose

451 24 4
By starstar1997

I woke up hearing crickets and some arguing outside my window, I got up from my bed sleepily and rubbed my eyes with a yawn. I was curious on why someone was yelling at this time of night, wait,,, "Night!!" I screamed out, I shot up from my bed looking up at the bright crescent moon in the dark sky.

I slept the whole day! This is insane, what about Inuyasha? I remembered there were people arguing so I looked down seeing three men directly outside the house, those three men are Miroku, Koga, and Inuyasha. Wait, he was terribly wounded, why is he up and walking around? Why are they arguing? When did they get back? Agh, so many damn questions going through my head at once. I tried listening upon their arguing but the window muffled the sound, how disappointing.

I stared at them as they spoke, Miroku looked very upset from his facial expressions, Koga just had his arms crossed listening carefully, Inuyasha's hands were clenched in a tight fist looking like he wanted to punch Miroku. I wonder when they got home, I glanced back up at the sky feeling stupid for sleeping so long.

When I looked back down at them it was Inuyasha speaking this time with his arm raised a little, he looked like he was ready to strike, I quickly left my window and out of my room going straight to the front door quickly. I swung open the door jumping across the stairs, I ran towards them, Koga noticed me first his eyes widening then it all went in slow motion. Inuyasha arms swung towards Miroku and I reached out grabbing his arm, I used a little to much force and pulled his arm back making his elbow smack into my nose oh and it hurt badly. Miroku looked shocked and even more angry now.

Inuyasha glared down at me then his
eyes softened, he looked away as I felt something run down my nose to my chin, I wiped my nose seeing red liquid on my sleeve "Damn..." I whispered.

"See this Inuyasha! You hurt everyone, you can't even fucking control yourself!" Miroku yelled at the top of his lungs "I'm tired of watching after the dog who can't even...!" He looked at me and sighed "Miss Kagome please let me help you clean that up". I looked at the back of Inuyasha's head worriedly then nodded.

Miroku and I went back into the house leaving Koga and Inuyasha alone, Miroku went into the bathroom first then I followed him, he gestured for me to sit on the toilet seat so I did. When he pulled out some Q-tips and other supplies from the first aid kit he started to speak. "I am sorry Kagome he did that to you" He handed me some tissues and putting them under my nose then tilting my head back, I held onto the tissue keeping my head tilted back. "You shouldn't be sorry, it wasn't your fault, it was mine I was stupid for even grabbing his arm" I couldn't see what Miroku was doing but I heard shuffling around in the bathroom.

"I don't care, he didn't even say sorry" Miroku said a little angrily "Miroku it's okay, not like I'm going to kill all of you guys for him hurting me on accident, what did you mean earlier?" the shuffling stopped "It...He loses control, that damn dog demon isn't trained and we don't have that much money for his actions....I lost control myself I guess while I was arguing" he sighed. "Miroku exac-" "Please don't ask miss Kagome, I rather not tell you, but I should thank you for helping Inuyasha.." I smiled a little "I'm glad you guys are just back, and home not dead somewhere" Miroku laughed a little "It's hard to get rid of us, even our own boss tried..." I giggled "I'll stay in here a little longer, why don't you get some rest" I looked at him seeing only his face since my head was still tilted backwards. "Yea..I'll get some rest" he winked "Lovely miss Kagome" he smirked then left the bathroom. I grumbled a little calling him a pervert under my breath.

After a while with a bloody tissue in my hand and throwing it in the trash bin I had grabbed a new one. I don't think my nose is bleeding anymore but just in case, I got up stretching my back because it was sore as hell from seating on the damn toilet seat. I opened the bathroom door seeing my entrance was blocked by a human body, looking up seeing familiar golden eyes and silver hair "Inuyasha?" I questioned, he just stared down at me with an emotionless face, I was curious if something was wrong with him or maybe he was half asleep again for some reason. What I didn't realize until just now that there was some sadness in those eyes, his hand had went to my face and his finger went to my nose and he poked it ever so lightly, like a feather.

"I hurt you..." he mumbled, I raised my hands shaking them quickly in disagreement "No no no no no no no, please Inuyasha you cannot blame yourself for this, I am the one who grabbed your arm I am-" he stopped me from talking by covering my mouth with his damn hand, that didn't make me to happy but I let it slide "I could've pulled away before my elbow even reached your face, but I didn't, I was angry and just wanted to hurt something...but I didn't want you to be the victim".

The way he was talking didn't sound like the normal Inuyasha, even though I've only known him for a few days, the way he was talking right now he had such a soft voice, apologetic tone. So to make him stop, I licked his hand. He flinched and pulled away making a disgusted face while looking at his hand then looked back at me with the same disgusted face. "That was to stop you from going any further, like I said it was my Fault Inuyasha" he made some strange noise while shaking his hand that I licked "Alright, well that was a good trick to stop me..." I smiled when his tone wasn't so soft anymore "Now, can I leave the bathroom?" I asked curiously while pointing behind him. He took a glance behind him then looked at me with a dark grin "On one condition" I raised an eyebrow wondering what in the world this 'One condition' could be "Sure" I nodded "What is it?". "Tomorrow when you go to work, could you...possibly make me a nice bowl of that noodle stuff?"

I started to laugh "Alright" I agreed to his one condition he looked a lot better after I agreed, he didn't look so depress this time "But what about all the bandages?" He rejected the idea with his hand "So what, I don't care what they think" I smiled "Alright". After that he had moved out of my way and I left the bathroom, I walked down to my room while Inuyasha followed me. Turning my head with a raised eyebrow "Why are you...following me?" He looked away and shrugged "Just wanted to make sure you were alright" after he said that he had went to the main room leaving me by my door.

I giggled lightly at how weird that guys is, how adorable he could be when he was upset too....shaking that thought out of my head now, I had went into my room crashing into my bed with a 'thump' and quickly had fallen asleep.

HEY! I am so so so sorry that I was a little late, I had the chapter all typed out but I couldn't think of a tilt for the chapter but I had finally did!! Hehe sorry if this one was a little boring, next one will be in Inuyasha's POV! See you soon!  P.S sorry for the language, if you don't like it I will change it

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