Let the Rain Fall (Gale, Nalu...

By truth000

900K 27.8K 35.4K

A Delinquent and a Bookworm. A Teacher and a Student. A Boy with an Unforgettable Past and Girl with no Past... More

Let the Rain Fall (A Gale, Nalu, and Jerza fan fiction)
A Fresh Start
A New Job
An Encounter
Hatred and Determination
Our Similar Miserable Lives
The Pain of the Stage
The Banished Prince
The Strange and the Meaningful
Meetings and Forgiveness
Studying With a Slice of Pizza
A Brother's Intuiton
A Little Too Friendly
Redemption and Damnation
Cinderella Story
Hospitals and Noodles
Our Casual Affair
A New Acquaintence
Rainy Weather
Tied with a Ribbon
A Heart for A Heart
Just For A Talk
The Challenges of Us
Birthday Presents
Addicted to Scandal
Hiding in the Dark
Emotional Roller Coaster
First Date
A Love Connection Like No Other
Trouble in Paradise
Family Reunions
The Loss of A Great One
The Trip (Part 1)
All Things Must Come to an End
Author's Note
Time Is Of The Essence
Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures
Hi im not dead. Please read srsly
Sweet Beginnings (NSFW)

The Second Encounter

26K 794 637
By truth000


Hey, READERS!!!!! Im seriously so happy and angry and sad right now Im happy because recently I finally hit 500 followers!!! SUPER DUPER EXCITED!!! Im sad because of some news I heard, especially with Cory Monteith, who I was one of his biggest fans.I feel so sorry for Lea...and then I heard that Kyle Massey recently got cancer......But what just made me just so darn angry was the result of e Zimmerman trial...Not guilty, really????? iim not gonna get to political i this to avoid argument, but im just really angry about that..Anyhoo, heres chapter 7, ENJOYYY!!!!


Erza P.O.V

I hated when Grandma made me do these things. I felt like it was more like a an arranged marriage meeting than a business meeting. Thats why I tried my best to look...well, like me instead of some polite damsel in distress. But my grandmother didn't like it, especially at that exact moment. She was staring at me with annoyance, examining me from the rubber of my black converse, to my faded blue jeans, to my grey pizza stained sweatshirt. She sighed. "Must you always look like this, Erza? You're gonna make me look bad in front of Mr. Dolley and his son."

I shrugged. "I could've just stayed home, you know? You could have avoided this."

"Ah, don't play that card with me, child! This is important for the sake of Scarlet Citrus!" What's Scarlet Citrus, you may ask? It's a dumb, popular clothing line for women between the ages of 14-25. My grandmother is the president of the company that started seven years ago. From the minute I was born, I had two choices to inherit: The Scarlet Dojo from my father's side of the family, or Scarlet Citrus from my mother's side. For years, Ive wanted to inherit the dojo for the sake of my love for sports and martial arts, but after my grandfather died of a sudden stroke last year, I have no choice. My grandmother is my guardian now, and what she says, goes. Or at least, thats what she thinks. As we continued to ride in our deluxe limo, I just stared out the window in silence. "Joseph is an amazing young man, Erza. He's a beautiful musician, who has won many awards if I may add, and-."

"Im not going to like him," I groaned.

"You don't know that! You need a man, Erza! For-!"

"For the sake of the company, I know I know!" I snapped. "But I bet he's going to be some kind of blazer wearing, gel haired guy."

To my dismay, he was exactly that.

We were at Lexington, a prestigious restaurant for the upper class. It was all glamour and class, with diamond chandeliers and marble dining tables with expensive looking food. I looked so out of place compared to these people. They were wearing such elegant dresses and jewelry, holding such expensive purses and their hair looking so glamourous. I was being stared at and whispered by the other women, but I didn't care. I could care less.

When we got to our reserved table, there was an old looking man who wore a suit, his black and gray hair combed back. His son looked exactly the same, wearing a blue blazer with a black tie, his hair gelled and combed back. When he saw me, he flash a gentlemen-like smile. "Ah, President Scarlet! It's a pleasure to meet you this evening," he greeted, grabbing Grandma's hand gently kissing it. She chuckled. "Oh my, you don't have to do that to such an old woman!"

"But you're still such a beautiful woman. And so is you're granddaughter," he winked. I flinched when he mentioned me. He goes to me and smiles. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Scarlet."

"Uh, it's a pleasure to meet you as well," I said with a forced smile. He moved away, and his son came forward. He grabbed my hand and introduced himself. "It's a pleasure to meet you. My name's Jonathan."

"The name's Erza," was all I said.

He smiled, as if trying to charm me. He kissed the top of my hand and winked at me as we sat in our chairs. "Disgusting," I muttered to myself. I looked at the menus with confusion. Everything was in either Italian or French, languages that I had absolutely no knowledge of. "So Erza, tell me, what are your hobbies?" Jonathan asked, taking a sip of his apple cider.

"Any kind of martial arts," I answered.

"Don't you think its kind of brutal for a young lady like you?" I clenched my fists with anger under the table. This guy was getting on my nerves and we haven't even had our appetizers yet. "Well, I don't really like anything else. Im average at school, and I think any kind of music that isn't loud is boring."

To my satisfaction, his eye twitched. His father took the wheel and began asking me questions as well. "How are you in school, Erza? Surely with your beautiful looks you surely get noticed, right?"

I decided to have a little. "I have a nickname at school."

"A nickname? What is it?" He seriously looked like he was actually interested. I sighed and crossed my arms together. "Titania is what it is."

"Titania! What a lovely nickname!" Jonathan exclaimed.

"Isn't it? It's a well deserved nickname for my granddaughter," Grandma said proudly.

"I'm curious how you got the nickname. Please explain," Mr. Dolley asked. I smirked. I stood up from my chair, catching everyone's eye. "Well you see, I am called Titania for many reasons. Just like the fairy queen, I've been told I'm beautiful beyond compare. My hair is as red as desire, my eyes stare into your soul that give you...pleasure."

"Oh, that is alluring," Jonathan smiled.

"But that is not all. Im also called Titania because...." Before I finished my sentence I walked over to Jonathan with a glass of red-ruby wine. I slowly poured it over his head, surprising everyone. Jonathan just sat there with shock, shaking with anger. "...My heart is as cold as ice and as hard as iron. I live to fight, not love."

"Erza!" My grandma shrieked, jumping out of her chair. I smirked at her reaction. My work here was done. I simply strutted my way out of the restaurant, not wanting to hear my grandma apologize for my remark.

As I walked through the streets of Fiore, I realized that I should've thought of my plan carefully. I didn't have a car, my home wasn't for another ten miles, and I have to go through the ghetto part of Fiore, which is full of gangs and perverts. I raised my hood over my head to avoid attention. The smell of cigars and booze reeked as I approached the ghetto. I could hear the mumbling of voices from all over; deep, husky voices.

Suddenly, a hand approached my shoulder. I quickly turned around to see a blond punk with a group of guys around him. He had piercings on his lips, which made his grin even less appealing. "Hey, honey buns. New to this side of the city?" He asked, winking his eye.

I looked away in disgust. "Let go of me. Now."

"Oh snap, Bently! We've got a feisty one!" A male voice hollered.

"That makes her even more attractive," Bently smiled, getting closer to me. I violently pushed him away, gritting my teeth. "Get away from me!"

"Aw, don't be like, baby. All I want is a piece of-," before he could finish, I grabbed him by the hand and flipped him on the ground, using all my strength. Gasps fell out of the mouths of the gang members. Bently, who was groaning on the floor, did not look happy about what I did. "What are you assholes staring at! Get the bitch!"

At that moment, they were all running towards toward my direction, their fists raised in the air. "Shit," I muttered. I suddenly began to throw punches and kicks at different men. But it seemed like they weren't decreasing, but multiplying. And worse of all, they were good fighters, so they new how to pack a punch. "I've got to run," I muttered, sucking the blood from my lip. With my remaining strength, I sprinted around the corner. I could hear the sound of the gang members yelling at me to give up.

I was getting tired. My legs were aching. My cuts were stinging. I truly thought I was going to die.

Then, something happened. I was running so fast, I didn't see the person in front of me when I bumped into him. "I'm so so...." I stopped in mid-sentence when I realized who it was. My mouth was open and my eyes were wide with shock.

In blue jeans and a Rolling Stones t-shirt, was Mr. Fernandez.

"Erza?" He asked with shock.

"There you are, lady," Bently's voice sneered from behind. I slowly turned around and saw him and his gang, their faces filled with mischief.

Jellal P.O.V

A pack of cigarettes and a book. That was all I wanted. Now, all of a sudden, I see one of my students being chased by a gang. And of all people, it had to Erza Scarlet. I looked down and saw her. She had several cuts and bruises, and it looked like she hurt her wrist. I groaned. "What on earth is going on?"

"This Yankee made the move on us!" The lip pierced man yelled.

"Who the hell told you I was a Yankee!" Erza roared, about to throw a punch. I grabbed her wrist, making her wince in pain. I walked up to the men in a calm manner, trying not to look intimidating. "Who the hell are you, pretty face!"

"I happen to be a rookie on the police force," I lied coldly. The man's eyes widened. Of course he would, he's in a freaking gang. They've probably committed several felonies. "How about we make a deal."

The man narrowed his eyes. "What kind of deal?"

"Simple: If you continue to hurt this girl , I'll call my mates and get you arrested. If you leave silently, I'll leave silently with the girl and pretend this all ever happened."

They took it as a gift from God and quickly ran out of there. "Just don't ever cross my path again!" The pierced man yelled from far away. I groaned with exhaustion. Why must people be this troublesome, I thought to myself. I turned around to check on Erza, but she was already storming off down the street. I raced towards her and grabbed her by the hood. "And where do you think you're going?"

"Home," was all she said.

"You're all bruised up. Let me get you some bandages."

"I said I'm fine, Mr. Fernandez!" She snapped. Her eyes were red with fury. I sighed, combing my fingers through my hair. "Look, you're hurt. Now stop being stubborn and come with me."

"I said no!" She yelled. Annoyed, I grabbed her sprained wrist. She winced with pain, biting on her lip. I raised my eyebrow, and she finally gave in. I let go of her, and we started our way to the grocery store. Once in a while, I would turn around to make sure she didn't run off, and she would be right behind me, looking down at the ground with her hood up. She sure is strange.

When we reached the store, I told her to wait by the magazines. I went to different isles, grabbing a pack of cigarettes, painkillers, bandages, and a bag of chips. I purchased them and went back for Erza. I found her sitting on the window sill of the store, looking outside with her legs crossed. She was different from any other studen I've taught. So far, she hasn't tried to flirt with me, or ask me questions about my personal life. And she most definetely didn't look like any of those girls as well. Not a speck of makeup was on her face, she wore ripped jeans and an old looking sweatshirt. Can she get any weirder?

I walked up to her and threw her the bag of chips. She caught it withought looking and looked at me with confusion. "You looked hungry. Now eat."

She silently obeyed and began to eat the salty chips. As she did that, I patched up her scrates and brusies. When it came to her wrist, she was hesitant. "I'm not going to hurt you, I assure that," I said bluntly.

"Well aren't you charming. What's next, a dinner and a movie?" She mocked. I chuckled softly at her sarcasm. "Just eat your chips." She did as I wrapped the bandage around her wrist.  When I finished, I told her, "If anyone asks what happened, you fell off your bike."

"Oh believe me, no one's going to ask."

"Why's that? Are you some kind of wallflower?" She chuckled softly. She took another bite of her chips. "You could say that. A boyish wallflower." I took out a cigarette from its pack and lit it up. After one puff, Erza looked at me. "Don't tell me you're gonna tell me that I'll get cancer or something."

She shook her head. "You dont look look cool smoking."

"Cool? What does that have to do with anything?"

"If the girls at school saw you smoking, they wouldn't like you anymore."

"I should start smoking at school then." She laughed even more, choking on a chip. I smirked. Suddenly, her face lit up a little. "What time is it?" 

 I looked at the store clock. "Almost eleven."

"Crap! Grandma's gonna kill me!" As she raced out of the store, I heard her yell, "Thanks for the food!" With that, she disappeared into the crowd of people outside. I blew out another cloud of smoke from my mouth. "What about her bandages? I don't get a thank you for that?" 

As I walked out of the store to my apartment, I came to a conclusion: Erza Scarlet was an odd, strange, and unordinary girl.

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