Towards the Light

By chione-chama

28.1K 1.1K 447

[Atem x Reader] [Dragon!AU] You were meant to sing for all the eternity to preserve peace and harmony. Yet th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 17

949 41 39
By chione-chama

You jabbed at your plate half-heartedly. The argument from a night ago, still vivid in your eyes, made you unfocused. You felt somebody stare at your back, but you dismissed it. This morning you marched through the dining room and sat down at Laegil's side, instead of Atem's.

The breakfast ended rather quickly, with you only answering when Lord Pegasus or if somebody else asked you. You tried to smile convincingly, but you didn't think you pulled it off. You hadn't looke) at Atem the whole time, if you did you might've cried again. You didn't want to cry.

"Where are you going?" Laegil asked when you were all excused from the dining room.

"I... uh, I don't know," you shrugged, offering her a lopsided smile. She raised her brow. "Sightseeing?"

"Huh? Aren't you going to ask Atem?"

"No," you shut your mouth tight and looked away. The she-dragon stared at you for a moment. A few times she looked between you and the corridor behind.

"I'll show you around then."


The two of you walked outside and climbed up the stone stairs. Only then you noticed dragons. Many of them stood by their houses, in their majestic forms, all in different sizes, colors, age. Some were flying above, casting a shadow over your head from time to time. If you were in any other mood, you might have been delighted. Many were still in human forms, walking around. With a slight frown you looked over a group of men, clothed in armor, talking anxiously by the cliff. You noticed more of them walking the stairs or running.

"Mt. Tap Turpu is a home to dragons. Main home that is, a lot of dragons chose to wander off, sometimes they come back, sometimes not," Laegil said. You focused on her words. "Over here is Bronze Terrace, the second lowest one. Yesterday we passed by Stone Terrace."

"Why are they called like this?"

"They are the oldest inhabited by dragons," she said with a smug smile. "At first dragons were mostly in their natural forms, till they decided to use human appearance. Then they started using human techniques, and built houses. Lower terraces are easier to access for the ground, so now poorer dragons live there."

"Oh... then why Lord Pegasus lives there too?"

"He was birthed here, so he stayed. Or so they say," she shrugged. "Okay, so now we're passing by Ruby Terrace. Dragons aren't used to shops as people, but here many things from all over the world are exchanged."

You looked over the stands where a few dragons stood. It wasn't as bustling as city stands you saw the other day, but the objects were weird looking.

"Wanna take a look?"

"Ah, no. Let's go further up," you declined and went ahead. Normally you would be very much enthusiastic to dig yourself in artefacts, and Laegil must've noticed it too. Yet she hadn't spoken a word.

For a while you climbed in silence, the stairs were steep, and you were more focused on your steps and growing weariness than anything else.

"Tch, if I could transform, I would take us up in one go," Laegil grumbled. "Damn that Pegasus."

"Didn't he tell you, that you would talk about it in the morning?" you asked. You actually haven't thought about it, but Laegil was promised to the spell would be taken down.

"Only the caster can take the spell down," she sighed and tugged you the other way through the corridor. You reached something that looked like a cage for a bird. Laegil led you inside, and shut flowery like bars behind. She spoke some spell in unfamiliar language and the cage moved. You jumped surprised as it went up in a slow motion. "Yugi couldn't take it down, because Pegasus hadn't yet permitted him to do so."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sure he has a reason," you offered.

"Reason my ass. He's hiding something and that's why he won't permit," she scoffed and clenched her fists. You frowned.

"Why are you like this towards Lord Pegasus?"

"We... we have our shenanigans."

"Meaning?" you frowned deeper. You trusted that man, and yet every time he would be mentioned Laegil would make disgusted face.

"Don't bother."

Your throat tightened and you fought back the tears making their way to your eyes. Two days, and the second person would tell you to mind your own business. Your heart felt heavy and you silently regretted going out of your room today. You gripped the bars and looked ahead.

"We passed Emerald and Sapphire Terraces, medium and upper class respectively. We just reached Azure Terrace. Nobility lives here, so we're bound to bump into some snobs. But the view is amazing."

She smiled at you as if nothing earlier happened and led you out. Without any word you followed red-head as she led you to the cliff. The surroundings indeed looked rich. Many dragons circled the mountain over there, appearing and disappearing between clouds. Icy wind shook your body as you reached the cliff. It was nothing like the hot weather down below.

You stood, numbly looking at green valleys, forests and plaits. It seemed so small in comparison to you. The view was breathtaking and let you, just for a moment forget about your problems. This is how the dragon feels, when flies through the sky, you thought. No wonder Atem wants to regain his form back, no wonder Laegil looks so wistfully right now.

Who were you, small girl in comparison to the whole, enormous world? Who were you, living creature, who could die from a single blow? You were nothing, but a shred of glass or grain of sand.

You smiled with sadness clear in your eyes.

"Oooh! Laegil there you are!" you jumped at the close proximity of a feminine voice.

"Emaraillis?" she dragon questioned as she turned around. You found yourself facing a girl, around the same height as you. She wore a creamy dress that fluttered on a wind, along with her long black hair kept in braid. Her blue eyes shone with enthusiasm and excitement.

"Glad you remember me!" she laughed. Her voice was like a sound of a bells. She turned to you and smiled brightly. "You must be Lady Vayis! I'm Emaraillis Lillon! I'm so honored to meet you!"

"Oh, ah. It's a pleasure to meet you too," you smiled uncertain as she lively shook your hand. "But there is no need to call me Lady Vayis. ______ is alright."

"Okay! _____ it is then!" she smiled brightly. She turned to Laegil once again. "Priestess Kisara asked me to find you. She wanted to talk to you."

"Priestess Kisara, huh? In a temple at Emerald Terrace?" Laegil questioned scratching her head. Emaraillis nodded. "Alright, I'll find my way. ______, you know way down, right?"

"Sure, I'll be fine," you replied. You didn't have any intention of going down just yet though.

Emaraillis waved as Laegil went to the moving cage. The bars closed and the cage went down. You looked over the cliff once again taking in a deep breath. The dragon beside you stood quietly and observed you.

"You seem to be troubled," she said after a while. You looked at her. If even a stranger could notice, you must've looked miserable right now. The girl still held a small smile on her face as she looked at you. You sighed and removed fake smile you put up until now.

"I am just a little bit ... disappointed," you confessed.

"In what exactly?" she inquired.

"I thought it would be a journey of my dreams, finally getting out of that cave, but more I see the world, I get more overwhelmed."

She hummed for a moment.

"But you still haven't told me in what are you disappointed."

"In myself. In my naivety. In my lack of understanding. Perhaps my cowardice too," you hung your head. Tears pricked in corners of your eyes once again. You didn't even try to lie to yourself that it was because of the cold wind. You continued with a hoarse voice. "I love someone, but he won't love me back. I thought I have a friend, but it seems it was all a fabrication and I just got myself lost in a fantasy."

"I... I understand," Emaraillis said in much more quiet voice that earlier. You wanted to lash out at her, that no, she does not. But the you noticed as ser noble features graced a frown and a nostalgia shone in her eyes. She looked much more older and mature now, the childish streak she showed you earlier disappearing almost completely. "I loved someone too, but I let that person go because I was unable to stay by his side, when he needed me the most. That is probably the thing I regret the most in my life. And I probably won't be able to forgive myself. ______, don't make the same mistake as I did. Don't let go."

She smiled at you and squeezed your hand. You thanked her quietly as she let go of your hand. Afternoon sun casted a shadow over half of her face and you swore you saw tears in her eyes.

"Thank you. I... I should probably be going," you said and smiled at the dragon. She nodded at you as you walked towards the place where cage should be. You heard a chink of the cage stopping at the top. Your heart skipped a beat when your eyes met with Atem's. You frowned.

"Lord Pegasus asked me to fetch you," he said shortly and opened the cage for you. With clenched teeth you walked inside and stopped at the corner. You didn't spare him a look as you leaned on the cold, metal bars. Atem froze as he was closing the bars, but a moments later the doors shut with force that shook the whole cage. You looked up and found him casting a spell and the cage started to move.

You looked over to wave at Emaraillis, but even if she was staring, she didn't reciprocated. Seconds later, you couldn't see her anymore. Atem stood at the opposite corner of the cage, his expression unreadable.

You wanted to say something, but in the end you shut your mouth and looked away too.


Lord Pegasus wanted to talk with you about your journey from the cave. Omitting the personal details you more or less described him these few months. You couldn't believe how much time actually passed since you were freed or how much happened.

He also asked you to sing. With a slight sigh, that you are only useful when you sang, you started your song.

"It was truly moving, my dear," Lord Pegasus clapped and wiped a stray tear from his eyes.

"Thank you," you said. "Lord Pegasus, I wanted to thank you."

"Me? For what, my lady?"

You fiddled with your skirt. You heart bumped loudly in your chest as you wondered what to say. You took a deep breath.

"For helping me. You were the one that let me out of the cave and gave me opportunity to see the world. I can't even say how grateful I am, to be able to be out of my prison. To live."

He sent you a charming smile and took your hand into his.

"The pleasure is mine, I couldn't stand the knowledge of a suffering soul. I knew I had to do something, and I decided to free you, my dear Lady Vayis. You can trust me with your life my dear."

"Thank you."


Laegil walked inside the Temple. She almost forgot how it looked inside. She could say, she missed those carven stone walls. The light illuminated small triangular space on the platform, as the rest of the place faded in darkness.

Dragon's eyes shone with red glint as she walked towards kneeling figure in the light. White hair cascaded down her back. The figure moved sensing her presence.

"Laegil, I'm glad you came," melodic voice echoed through the temple.

"Yes," she-dragon smiled as she watched white-haired woman turning towards her. "Good to see you, Kisara."

The said woman smiled back as she squeezed Laegil's hand. Red-head grinned. She missed Kisara, the fellow dragon that volunteered to be the Guardian Dragon. After Laegil became the chosen one, Kisara was admitted to the Temple as Priestess. Laegil had no doubt in mind, she did a good job here. A small pang of guilt pierced her heart, when she thought of her own petty reason to became a Guardian Dragon.

"We need to talk, but not here," priestess whispered. She led Laegil to her personal quarters and closed doors behind her. "Now we should be safe. I put a spell on the doors."

"What is it?"

"I've had a vision last night."

Laegil gulped. Kisara had a unique talent, no one knew about. She could see future in her dreams. Her dreams were never clear, she told Laegil once, she could see snippets, small and confusing parts of future that could happen. It didn't mean though that it was all true. Sometimes her visions came true in most unexpected ways.

She foreseen something in Laegil's life, that came true. Since then, she-dragon never doubted the priestess' words.

"I saw the Vayis," Kisara whispered.

"What did you see?" Laegil's breath hatched in her throat.

"She stood on a pile of dead bodies and skulls, in her hand bloodied sword. Her eyes... her eyes clouded with mist."

Laegil trembled involuntary. ______? On a pile of dead bodies? How could something like this happen? She was so innocent, afraid of hurting others. Would she kill a human?

"Did... Did you see anything else?" she asked, wishing that the priestess would have clear answer in head. Kisara shook her head and looked at her sadly.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay," Laegil ran a hand through her fringe and let out a frustrated growl. "She wouldn't do that. She wouldn't."

Kisara squeezed her arm trying to comfort her and apologized again.

"The situation outside is not very promising either," she spoke changing the subject. Laegil motioned her to continue. "We're under siege. Humans form Moratu Kingdom and Westenra are demanding to drop the barriers and let them in."

"What do they want?"

"They're looking for the Sword of Obelisk."

"That legendary sword?" Kisara nodded. "The one that is said to be symbol of the King of Dragons?"

"The same. Legend says that the sword can be used only by the rightful descendant of King's blood."

Laegil hummed.

"From what I've heard, the two fool kings were at war with each other, and wanted dragons to choose side."

"They do, they are fighting to obtain the Sword. And to whichever side the Sword would be given to, it would basically mean the dragons chose," Kisara replied grimly. "But Laegil, the Sword is lost. They are fighting over nothing, the massacre is bound to follow. Nobody knows where the Sword of Obelisk is as of today."

"Shouldn't the elders know?"

"They're dead."


"Assassination attacks," Kisara whispered. Her blue eyes traveled from wall to wall, as if afraid of somebody hearing them. "Not many people know, but Council of Six Suns was one after one replaced, the old deciding to leave the mountain."

"Leave the mountain?"

"And they never came back. Guess whose followers are now in the council?"

"Pegasus'," Laegil said grimly. It was no question, she was sure it was the noble dragon. She clenched her fists and looked up with hatred in her eyes. If only she could raise against him.

Kisara was trembling.

"Laegil, don't do anything stupid. You still haven't regained your dragon form. Pegasus won't give it back to you that easily."

"I know. And Yugi won't go against his order either."

They sat in silence for a longer while, only sound heard was wind outside.

"I should probably go. Thanks for the information about _____, and the rest too..." Laegil stood up and smiled weakly at her friend.

"I hope I am wrong. In both cases."

"I hope so too."


Two weeks.

Two weeks of silence, glancing, and clenched teeth. Two weeks of slowly overcoming the pain in your heart. Two weeks of attempted conversations that would lead to half-hearted replies.

Also two weeks of siege at Stone Terrace.

The supper went quiet, as everybody was worried about the siege. You didn't know how war looked like, but anxiousness got you too. You rubbed the Stone Mai gave you, wondering if it was of any use at the time like this.

"Lady Vayis, could you come with me?" Lord Pegasus asked with a small smile on his face.

"Oh, yes," you stood up and let him lead you into unfamiliar room. Spacious gallery with a high ceiling emerged behind the doors. On the walls hung many portraits, one of them you recognized as Lord Pegasus himself.

In dark corner of the room stood a small table, in the middle a crystal ball with two glowing shapes circulating inside. You moved closer to the ball, feeling weird familiarity from it. You turned around when you heard two red curtains being moved aside.

You saw a portrait for gold haired woman hanging in the center. The beauty wore calm expression with a shadow of a smile on her lips. Lord Pegasus stood before the portrait with a sorrowful expression on his face.

"Cecelia, my dear wife," he said softly.

"Your wife?"

"She died of illness, today marks the day of her death."

"Oh, I'm so sorry," you tentatively put your hand on his shoulder. He smiled at you weakly and thanked you. You noticed small casket under the painting. It was made of wood, engraved with gold and gems. "What's in it?"

"Her heart," Lord Pegasus said. You trembled slightly as you looked over him. He was no longer looking at you. A wave of fear shook your body as you watched his face turning dark. You felt as if some kind of shadow stood behind him. "My dear Lady Vayis, do you know what the light is?"

"Light?" you asked taking a step back.

"They say magic of the Light is most powerful in whole world, and they are right," he turned to you.

You felt as the ground shook under your feet. Something bad happened outside, but you didn't have time to wonder if the armies attacked, as Lord Pegasus loomed over you.

"It's life."

"L-life?" you squeaked.

"And you, an embodiment of Light itself," he smiled and took the casket into his hands. He opened it revealing a heart. You gulped and looked for a way to escape, "you have the ability to give life!"

You jumped back.

"Please, you're scaring me! How can I...?!" you squeaked when he clenched his long fingers on your arm.

"It's just a small price, my dear," he moved closer. You felt his breath on your cheek. "In exchange for your meaningless existence, you'll give life to my beloved Cecelia!"

Your blood run cold. He wanted to exchange your life for hers.

"Lord Pegasus," you heard doors being shut. The familiar voice made you sigh in relief. "What do you mean by this?"

Atem's voice was raspy and edgy as he slowly closed the distance. In a split moment, Pegasus grip loosened enough for you to rip your arm from his hands. He hissed and clicked his tongue and, as if he wasn't fazed by Atem's appearance walked over the crystal ball.

"I wanted this to be voluntary," he turned back to you. "Do you know what's inside this ball?"

You looked over Atem, and slowly shook your head.

"Atem's and Yugi's Sarira," he laughed. Atem choked and trembled beside you. You looked confused between the two of them. The half-dragon cursed under his nose and glared at Pegasus. In split second in his hand shone a sword. The ground under you three shook again, making a few paintings to fall down with a crash. "You seem to be confused my dear Lady. Any soul on this earth is made of two components; Atma being the life-giving energy and Sarira, the essence. It is Sarira that makes you a human, a dragon, or any other creature. In my research I found the way to split those two, seemingly indissoluble forces."

He laughed again.

"Back then, at the battle," Atem growled. "When we were unconscious, you took the Sarira for us!"

"You are right my dear," Pegasus nodded as he looked inside the crystal ball. "While you can live with Atma alone, you cannot live only with Sarira. I needed somebody who would be loyal to me. Who would be better, that two orphaned dragons, that I saved life?"

"That's sick...!" you uttered.

"Now, now Lady Vayis," he clicked his tongue again. "If you don't sing, giving your all Light to resurrect my beloved Cecelia, I will break the ball. And Siraras will be gone forever."

You looked at him in shock. Your lips quivered as you searched for the right answer. Should you sing? Should you not?

"Hurry, we are under the attack," Pegasus said raising the ball over his head. "You will do it, will you not? I know you care deeply for Atem boy here."

"She won't sing for you, Pegasus!" Atem said and run towards the dragon lord. You shouted after him. His attack was easily dodged, and with a wave of energy he was pushed into the wall. Pegasus, with two swift steps, was just before you.

"Sing!" he clasped your shoulder and screamed. You yelped in pain, and with tears in your eyes you opened your mouth.

What else were you to do? It was for the best, Atem's dragon form was right before your eyes, if you just sang, if you gave Pegasus what he wanted, he won't destroy the Sarira. You closed your eyes and a single note left your mouth. You felt hot tears cascading on your cheeks. As you continued, your whole body felt hot. You felt as if you could fall apart anytime now.

The ground shook and you stumbled back.

"No!" Lord Pegasus screamed. You heard a breaking sound and you opened your eyes. You noticed Atem on the ground with Pegasus. The ball was in pieces and two glowing shapes slowly flew into the air. You fell on your knees. Pegasus caught both shapes in his hands and turned to you. His eyes scared you, the obsessive gaze shook your body.

"Sing! Or I'll crush it!" He shouted. Your throat was dry as your eyes followed every movement of those shapes. You hadn't noticed Atem's sword swishing right at Pegasus' head. The Dragon Lord dodged and with a grin crushed the shape in his left hand."Do it, or a second one will follow!"

"No!" you cried alongside with the half-dragon. Atem fell on his knees, breathing heavily. He clutched his heart as he stumbled but stood up. Pegasus laughed and walked towards you. Atem's blade whooshed once again, this time the sheer power couldn't be stopped. The scream of pain resounded within the room, and Pegasus fell on his knees. Blood spilled on the floor, and Sarira flew out of the room through the window. He clutched his bleeding arm, while your gaze fell on the cut hand laying on the floor.

Pegasus started to chant under his breath.

You jerked the casket with Cecelia's heart and hit Pegasus in the head. He limply fell on the floor, while Atem stood tall.

"Why?!" you screamed at the half-dragon, dropping the casket on the floor. "Why did you do that?!"

He jumped over fallen body and jerked your head up.

"I'm not letting you die!" he tugged on your arm and with you stumbling behind him, ran out of the room.

"Atem, stop!" you yelled. "What is happening?!"

He didn't reply, instead he quickened his pace. You ran through the corridors of Pegasus' manor, passing servants and even some dragon soldiers by.

At the staircase, you noticed familiar red-head fighting with a human soldier. Atem called out to her and she-dragon with a swift move was right behind you.

"They took over Stone and Bronze Terraces!" Laegil shouted while helping Atem defeat the soldiers. "What do we do now!? Where is Pegasus!?"

"We're getting out of here!" he shouted back.

You were now at the bottom of the staircase, with many soldiers coming your way. You gulped. Atem once again gripped your arm, but he wasn't facing you.

"Laegil, take her out of there!" he pushed you towards the she-dragon. He casted you pained and longing look.

"I can't! No!" you yelled.

"_____," he looked at you with sadness in his eyes. His face graced a soft smile, that you've never seen before. He gave you a small kiss on the forehead and pushed you again. "Live!"

With a last glance he turned around and threw himself into a mass of fighting soldiers.


Heeey! Can you belive? it's 4k words this chapter! Anyway, I won't be able to uptade till February, so here you go, with such a long chapter.

We're finishing the first part of the story! To conclude this part, I have a song for you! (typical me)

Two Steps From Hell - Star Sky

From the next chapter and further on we're going to have many more POV', not just the Readers, and I hope you're going to like all of the storylines :) 

Thank you for your support and motivation, because really if not your comments, even if short - gave me motivation to write more! So thank you so much!

When my finals are over, I'll be back with action filled chapter 18! See you then <3

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