My Dearest mate

By SamanthaBlue2001

150K 4.4K 1.2K

During the raid when hiccup was a baby something horrible happens, no his mother isn't taken but he gets bit... More

hunters and tickles
on the move
the brother and the mate
Meeting the Queen
Getting out
Witches Magic
i want to fly
a "tiny" disagreement
A Nightly Raid
A plan set in motion
The bumps in the road
Temporary partings (sadly)
to my dear readers
It honestly was all in good fun

the dragon within

16.1K 435 144
By SamanthaBlue2001

The little night fury looks at the roaring waves below as selene- no her new mom- carries her to the gods know where across the wide blue.

"How are you holding up sweety?" Her new mother asks. Hiccup shifts uncomfortably in her new skin, "uhm think good" "so what has you mother taught you about being a dragon?" The nadder asks light heartedly.

"Nothing" hiccup answers dejectedly, the nadder purrs soothingly. "Well then i just have to do it for her!" She cheers.


"Welcome to your new home!" Her mom exclaims once she carefully puts the little dragon down on the ground. Hiccup looks around, it is beautiful! There is a mountain surrounded by meadow and forest. With her new enhanched senses she can hear a river nearby.

"Mommy!!" She hears two voices squeal. Moments later her new mom is tackled by two nadder hatchlings. "Yrsa! Aron what did i say about leaving the den?!"  The nadders look down at their feet in shame. "Never leave without either daddy or you" they say in unison.

"Selene... who is the Shadow-blender hatchling?" Another voice joins the conversation. "This is our newest addition to the family, guys meet hiccup" the one nadder she called Aron steps forward , his soft green scales shimmer softly in the afternoon sun.

His big brown eyes look at hiccup with curiousity. "Hi i'm Aron and 7 summer cycles old!" "I-i'm hiccup and 4 y-years old" Aron glances at his mother "he means summer cycles sweety."  Aron's eyes sparkle with excitement.

"Yes i have a little sister!" He turns to the red scaled dragon "take that Yrsa i'm not the youngest anymore go pick on someone else!" Yrsa rolls her mud brown eyes.

"Sure Aron, hey dear. I'm your big sister Yrsa i'm 8 summer cycles old" hiccup nods, so summer cycles are the same as years huh....

A large dark red Nadder steps forward and stares the little night fury down. His large claws encircle the small dark purple body "Sigeweard!" Selene exclaims, but Sigeweard scoops the young dragon into his paws and craddles her to his chest.

"Welcome to the family baby girl"
He growls out. Hiccup trembles in his hold "t-thank you sir" she stutters. Sigeweard laughs a deep, rumbling laugh, "such a polite hatchling! Don't be scared baby girl and most definately don't call me sir! I'm your new dad!"

Hiccup nods and manages a weak smile. "So where did your orginal parents go?" Aron asks curious "Aron! Don't ask such a thing!" Yrsa scolds. Hiccup's new mom purrs soothingly as she rubs her big head against hiccup's dark purple body.

"In berk...with humans" everyone except her mom gasps in horror. "Oh poor baby girl" her father says, craddling her closer to his deep red chest. "What did they teach you? Like flying" hiccup shakes her head.

"No nothing" "well let's start training then!" Sigeweard  says cheerfully. Hiccup cocks her head "trai...ning??" Her dad chuckles as best as a dragon could do so. "Training is the same as teaching you new stuff such as flying" hiccup nods in understanding.

"So like dragon slaying?" She ponders outloud. "Why would you say such a thing?!" Her mom exclaims horrified, "t-that was what all the h-humans were talking ab-about" she stutters as she trembles in her fathers hold. Trying to hide as good as she could in the claws of an large dragon.

"Selene be gentle who knows what kind of hardships she went through amidst those filthy scaleless she probably doesn't know better!" Hiccup's dad defends her.

Selene looks down at her talons ashamed, "sorry hiccup dear" she croons softly. The little night fury shakes her head "it is ok" she mumbles.


They stand on a cliff, the wind blows strongly and brushes past their scales. "Ok are you ready baby girl?" "For what?" Aron chuckles "for flying lessons of course"

Sigeweard nods "who can explain the basics of flying? Yrsa?" "The main thing is to capture the wind in your wings! The big wings are for flying and the tail is for steering!" "Correct! So baby girl spread your wings" Hiccup's father instructs.

Hiccup shifts uneasily and tries to spread her wings. After several attempts she spreads them, "hmm that's a large wingspan for such a ......young dragon" her father ponders outloud.

"Now what?" "Now we just..JUMP!!" Aron yells and pushes hiccup off the cliff. The poor dragoness screeches as she plummets towards the ground. "USE YOUR WINGS HICCUP!" "I DON'T KNOW HOW!!!" "FLAP THEM LET THEM PUSH YOU UP"

Hiccup pumps her wings up and down, catching the wind in her strong wings. Slowly she gains altitude, "YOU'RE DOING GREAT BABY GIRL!!" Sigeweard pushes himself into the sky. Withing mere minutes he catches up with the young hatchling.

"Now use your tail to steer!" Hiccup tries to steer with her tail but her tail fins twist and turn in the strong wind. The Shadow-blender hatchling swings from left to right without any control.

"You have tail fins! Use them!" "I don't know how to!" Hiccup cries out. Before her father can do anything the poor dragoness crashes head first against a rock.

Her eyes roll back as she falls unconsious "HICCUP!!" Sigeweard shouts as he speeds up to catch the falling hatchling. The father stretches his claws and captures his daughter  just in time before she crashes into the deep blue below.

He carefully carries her back to the cliff where the family waits. "So how did it go?" His mate asks "it went well untill she had to steer, i can't really teach her how to use her tail fins Selene" the dragoness nods. "I guess she has to learn herself"

Hiccup groans as she stirs awake, "hiccup! Are you ok?! How many talons?!" Aron rushes out. Hiccup giggles "i'm fine big bro, don't make such a fuss" she teases. "Sweety do you know who we are?" Selene asks softly as she gestures to herself and Sigeweard.

Hiccup looks at her strangely "uhm...yeah.. mommy are you ok?" Selene sighs in relief "yea.. yea i'm fine sweety" the dragon family walks back to their den.

"Hey lil' sis! Can you tell me more about the scaleless village?" Aron asks in a whisper. "Scaleless village?" "Yea..y'know where mom saved you from?" "Huh? I don't know anything about being saved from or even being in a scaleless village sorry big bro"

Yrsa, whom overheard their little conversation speaks up "mom i think hiccup has amnesia" she says worriedly. "What does she not remember?" "Ever being with the scaleless"

Selene looks at her newest hatchling, "maybe it's for the best, who knows what terrors she faced before i saved her... maybe it's good that she has forgotten all about them" is for the best of her young ray of sunshine.....

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