what if ; connor franta fanfi...

By envy-malice

548K 8K 6.9K

what if this was all just our imagination? More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32- END

Chapter 9

17.6K 264 528
By envy-malice

That day, after I took a shower, I saw a text Sawyer.

Sawyer: Boba?

I smiled at the text.

Me: sure!

Sawyer: pick you up in 5

Me: Kk :)

I got dressed really fast. I had a cream and navy striped sweater with burnt Sierra/kind of orange skinny jeans on. I walked downstairs to everyone on the couch.

"Where you headed?" Asked Jc.

"To get Boba with sawyer." I said smiling. I made eye contact with Connor. He did not look happy.

"Ahh. Well have fun!"

"Kk I will!" I said walking out the door to find sawyer in his car waiting for me.

I got in his car and smiled at him. He smiled back. "Wait how do you know where I live?" I said confused but laughing.

"Joey, how else?" He said laughing back.

"I don't know. I'm kind of blonde..." I said chuckleing.

He giggled back at me.

About 6 minutes later we made it to Boba. We took a seat in the place.

"So what is this." I asked sipping my Boba.

"What's what?"

"Like THIS!" I said making weird hand motions. "Like, us coming here." I giggled.

"Oh THIS...just friends getting Boba I guess!" He said back.

"Like a date? Cause' you looovvvee me!"

"No it's not a da-"

"It's a date." I argued back.

We argued a bit more about if this was a date or not.

I put my face all up in his face. "It's a DATE!"

"It's not a date." He said his voice trailing off.

I looked at his lips and smiled slightly. He leaned in for the kiss. It was a perfect kiss. Our lips were in sync and......it was perfect.

"GET A ROOM!" Somebody across the room yelled at us. We both smiled and then pulled away. I covered my mouth as I laughed at what the people said.

"So, I guess this is a date." Smiled sawyer.

"Told ya." I said sipping my Boba.

So we just talked and talked about life and other things for a long time. We ended up both finishing our Boba, and staying for another hour.

"Hey wanna go back to my place for awhile?" He suggested.

"Sure lets go." I said as I grabbed my phone and stood up. He blocked me from the door.

"But one thing." He said. I looked deep into his eyes. "Will you...will you be my girlfriend?" He hesitated.

I thought about it. I thought about Connor. I thought about the kiss we just shared. "Look, I don't want to be mean, but my boyfriend just cheated on me...and I'm not sure if I want to get hurt like that again..." He looked sad for a second. "But since I like you, I'll definitely think about it." I smiled and grabbed his hand. We walked to his car and drove to his house. We walked in holding hands to Joey on the couch vlogging and watching anime. His nose was puffy and he was losing his voice. He looked sick.

"Oh look, it's sawyer and Taylor back from their date" he managed.

"Yeah yeah. Who cares." He said setting his keys down on the counter.

He went on talking and talking. I sat down next to him when he stopped recording. "You okay?" I said petting his hair awkwardly.

"First of all, I'm fine. Just a little sore throught. Second, don't touch my hair." He choked out.

"Reawr. Feisty. But seriousky, let me know if you need anything. I'll probably be here a lot anyway." I said sitting down in sawyers arms when he sat down.

"So how'd the date go?" He asked smiling.

"Good. It was a good date." I answered looking at sawyer.

"Did you kiss?" He said in a low whisper.

"Maybe..." Sawyer said smiling.

Joey grabbed a pen and a pad of paper. He wrote down: sorry I couldn't take it. I'm losing my voice.

"It's fine." I said watching Netflix. I decided to look at my phone to see what time it was 30 minutes later. It was 7. Wow. I spent a lot of time with them.

"Hey guys I, better get going. Ricky might be worrying about me." I said getting up.

Joey grabbed his pen and paper again. He wrote:bye see you tomorrow =D ! He gave me a hug. When he pulled away I went over to sawyer. I exhaled really loudly. "So..." He said

"So..." I said. "See you tomorrow I guess." I gave him a hug putting my face in his chest. He was so muscular. I let go of him and right as I was about to walk out the door...

"By the way Sawyer..." I stopped "Yes. I will." I gave him a kiss on the lips and ran out. I got a text from Joey about 5 seconds later in my car.

Joey<3: what was that? Did he like ask you to marry him or something?!?!?!

Me: nope, he asked me to be his girlfriend. I said yes. 😊

Joey<3: omgeeeeee I'm so happy 4 uuuuuuuu!

Me: thanks 😁 get some rest. You didn't look good when I left. I'll talk to you later. K?

Joey<3: Kk 😉

When I got home, no one was home, but I didn't worry or try to figure out where they were. Instead, I skyped Joey. It was storming by his house too. Considering I was home alone, it was scary. Joey was in his bed when I skyped him, and he was talking better now.

"Oooohhhh girl so you and sawyer..."

"It's nothing!" I said looking nervous. "Between me an you...sawyer is only to get me to stop thinking about Connor."

He looked confused. "What?"

"Well...I really like Sawyer, but I'm kind if still into Connor."

"So instead of playing sawyer, why don't you just talk to Connor."

"Well...no! Cause I just said I still like sawyer a lot." I said.

"Well...whoever you like most...you should go with them, then end up getting married, and live happily never after." He smiled innocently.

"Oh that reminds me!" I said fixing my hair. "I had a crazy dream where you proposed to me, and right before we kissed, I woke up. It was weird."

"Girl, I would never do that. Best friends is closest I'm ever getting in your life." He said pausing. "Except, did you hear about like how Taylor swift and Ed Sheeran are like each others "back up plans"."

"Yeah I just heard about that."

"We should be each others back up plans!" He said almost talking normal.

"Okay!" I imitated him.

"So-wait how old are you?"


"And I'm 23...so how about, yeah 30. If we're both single by the time were 30, we get married!"

"Don't get your hopes up...I'm pretty sexy." I said flipping my hair.

"Well, I'm sexier than you BY FAR. so don't get your hopes up." He said flipping his hair...that wasn't even there.

"Joey, you don't even have hair to flip."

"Whatever!" He said making a sad face.

I took a deep breath. "I can't believe I was watching you on YouTube for 2 years, and now I get a chance on marrying you!" I said surprised.

"Oh my god you watched me when I had my ratchet emo hair?"

"Yeah. And I personally think its a better look for you. Makes you look like a teenager. But other times, it makes your head look to small for your body." I giggled.

He grabbed his face "hey!"

"No, but I'm not even kidding...I used to have a shrine built to you in my room. See?" I showed him a picture of the shrine from my room in Minnesota.

"Wow. I look good!" He said in his grandfather voice.

"I used to like try to make up scenarios in my head where it was like all romantic, and we would like you know kiss in the rain and live happily ever after."

He made a face. "More like happily NEVER after! You were a weird kid."

I spent the whole night talking to Joey about random things. At about 1am Ricky came up to see if I was home.

"Hey Taylor."

"Hey Ricky. Where were you guys?"

"Sams house playing Xbox."

"Oh okay. Goodnight.!"

"Hi Ricky!" Yelled Joey as loud as he could; which wasn't really loud.

"Hey Joey you sound sick." Said Ricky coming over and sitting on my bed.

"Yep I am. Losing my voice." He said holding his throat.

"Get some rest. Goodnight guys." Ricky said leaving.

I watched as he left and Connor walked by. I acted like he wasn't there and talked to Joey. "You should get some rest if you want to go to lunch tomorrow."

"Alright. I'll go to bed."

"But wait! Tell sawyer I said goodnight."

"Oka-" I cut him off.

"And give him a kiss for me."

"Um. Don't push it Tay Tay." He giggled.

"Kk go to bed Joey. Goodnight!" I said ending the Skype call.

I went to bed after that. I woke up at about 10. I took a shower and got dressed in a plain t shirt and joeys pikachu pants. I didn't put on any makeup today. I put a pair of skinny jeans in my bag so I could change when we went to lunch. I drove to their house and got there by about 11:00.

"I'm home!" I said walking in and giving sawyer a bug hug. "Where's Joey?"

"Still sleeping." He said sitting on the couch.

I made a devilish face. "We should wake him up!"


I grabbed a cup of cold water. We tip toed up the stairs. We set up my iphone, sawyers camera, and joeys vlogging camera to get his reaction from different points of views.

I splashed the water on his face. He sat up so surprised. It was hilarious. I was almost crying it was so funny.

He walked over to his camera which he saw after being splashed on. "That was not fun." He said pointing the camera at us laughing. "You better watch your backs..." He said in a sinister voice.

After that he dried his hair off and got dressed. I changed my pants also.

We went to a place called, joeys cafè I think.

"I hear this place has awesome coffee and iced tea." Said Joey making conversation.

"Yea I've heard. It's best in LA." I said back.

We had lunch and talked about me and Sawyer mostly.

"So you guys are a thing now?" Joey said winking.

"It's nothing serious." Said sawyer smiling.

"Did you kiss, like, not as a dare yet?"

I looked at sawyer smiling. "We, might've." I said.

"Kiss now!"

"No! Last time we got yelled at." Said sawyer blushing.

Joey looked confused. "Just kiss!"

I was about to go with it and kiss him, when I saw someone sitting in a place a few spots away from us. My heart sunk. What are they doing here?!

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