Be mine {Completed}✔

By kiranhafeez

2.8M 121K 7.9K

Stay in your limits. Don't think that I don't know anything. I cannot forget what you and your mother did to... More

Author's Note.
Life's bitterness.
The wedding
The Wedding Night
The Morning...!
Our Journey to Karachi
Home sweet Home
First Morning..!!
Night and you
It hurts...!!
Dear Diary..!
Offended Me..& His sorry!!
New Beginning 2
Thank youuuuuuu!!!
Dreamy Night..!
Surprise oR??
Wishes & Good bye
Missing You..!
She's Mine...!
Author's Note.
The consummation.
Bitter Truth
His Pain,Her Healing
New Journey.
Sequel is out

New beginning

97.5K 3.9K 426
By kiranhafeez

I just wanted to be your last.

Zeeniya's P.O.V.
I opened my eyes and I saw Jahan sleeping.His innocent face was in front of me.I smiled looking at him.

I slowly got up and slowly lean toward him.I slightly put my hand his head.I slowly ruffled his hairs.I turned and got up from bed.I went to washroom and do my wudu.

When I came out of the washroom,I saw Jahan still in I decide not to set n alarm.I slowly walked toward him.

"Jahan." I called him but no response.

"Jahan its Fajar." I again called him but no movement.

I leaned toward him and shake his shoulder.

" Jahan wake up." I said and he opened his eyes.

"Fajar time."  I said and he nodded.

I start offering my prayer and he went to washroom.When I completed my Salah , I saw him performing his Salah next to me.

I made dua and recited Quran.After reciting,I turn to see Jahan who was seated on bed. I placed Quran on its place and was about to go out when he called me.

"Zeeniya." He called me and I turn in shock.

He take my name! He called me by my name.

He for the very first time called me by my name.I was shocked looking at him.

Zeeniya! He called me.

I was looking at him.Didn't answer him I saw him walking toward me. He stopped in front of me.

"Are you okay?" He asked in concern.

I didn't answer.I was just looking at him.

"Zeeniya." This time he shook my shoulders and called me.

I came to my senses and nodded my head.

He removed his hands from my shoulders. An awkwardness took place. We both were not looking each other.

"Where were you going?" He asked to faded away the awkwardness.

"In lawn."

"Can I join you?" He asked scratching his his head.

I smiled on his this act. He looked at me and I nodded.

We both walked out of the room.we were taking little steps to match each other's paced.we walked down.Jahan opened the hall door and I followed him put in lawn.

We both start walking in lawn.I saw flowers and roses dancing.I smiled looking at them.

"You like them?" Jahan asked and I looked at him.

"What?" I asked and he smiled.

"Flowers." He said.

I nodded smilingly.

"I love flowers." I said and he nodded.

We were still walking.None of us was talking.I wanted him to say something. I wanted to listen him.

Say something..!

I was in my own thoughts.Thinking about him.I fixed my eyes on ground.we were walking and I was looking at ground on our moving foots.

I looked at his foots.His foots were so beautiful.His long fingers were touching the grass of ground.I was busy in watching his foots when he interrupted me from my watching.

"I was thinking.." He said and I stopped.

I turn to look at him.He was standing in front of me.

"No i ... I wanted to say.." He again paused.

"I..I.." He was scratching the back of his head.

"What is it Jahan?" I asked looking at him.

He looked at me and then walked toward the roses.I saw him plucking a yellow rose.He plucked it and turn to me.

He was holding the rose and walked slowly toward me.My heart start running fast.

Why did he plucked the rose?why he is coming toward me with rose? Heart stop bearing so fast.its just a flower.

He came to me and stopped. I looked at him and saw him looking at me.

He bring his hand forward in which he was holding the flower.

I get shocked.and with shocked eyes I looked at him.

He pointed toward the rose through his eyebrows,giving a sign to me to hold it.

I looked at him and then his hand and then again at him.

"Will you..will you be my friend?." He said and and I was confirming myself.

I heard him right!???

I was looking at him ,not know what to say.

Jahan's P.O.V.
Sometimes life gives that you never imagined.I always thought that life is full of surprises! Sweet surprises. But the reality showed me that life gives you sometimes bitter surprises.

When my sister got married with zohaib I was happy. But which came after my sister's marriage,gave me shock.

How can be people so hypocrite, so mean.My sister when informed me about the condition which my khala put,made me angry.

I came to meet khala and to find a way out of it but she just didn't want to listen anything.She wanted me to marry her daughter zeeniya at any cost.

She became so cruel at that time as I thought for a second she didn't had a heart.I mean she was throwing her daughter like she was a useless stuff which she can't carry.she wanted to marry her daughter with a person who was not interested.

I tried to talk and slove the matter but things were losing from my hand.and finally I agreed.

I said yes to marry zeeniya.I was really upset of this marriage.
That's why I took break of all this and went to Karachi to settle some issues.

Both month I return and I married to her.When imam asked

"Do you Jahan Ahmad son of Muhammad Ahmad  accept zeeniya Iqbal as your wife?" I didn't reply.

The imam repeated his question and I clean my sweety forehead  and finally replied.

"Yes I do." I repeated it for 3 times and accept zeeniya as my wife.

I was thinking what to do next.How am I gonna face her? What am I gonna say?

I sat in my car and zeeniya sat next to me.I didn't look at her for once.I started driving the car.Our journey to home began but all the way I didn't say a word.

I was feeling her eyes time to time on me.But I didn't look at her.I was actually fighting to myself.The anger which was rising inside me was torchering me. Because I could not give it way to come out.The person seated besides me was reminding me about this forced marriage.

I take a look at her when she was looking at her hands.I knew she was also thinking about this marriage,this all of sudden incident.For a second I thought she was also involved in all this and then I saw her tear escaping from her eye.

She immediately wiped her tear and turn to see me and I immediately turn my face and fixed my eyes on road.I then didn't turn to see her again.

We finally reached home and I saw her lost in her own thoughts.I came out of the car and opened her door.she was still in the same position.

I looked at her and noticed her long lashes. She had very beautiful and long curly lashes. I came out of my observing and call out.

"Come out." I said and she came to her senses

I saw her coming out of the car.Her dress was so heavy which was giving her trouble in walking.I took slow step to be with her.

When we entered the house,my mom and all the relatives welcomed us.We seated on sofa.All the women came and welcomed us.After some time zeeniya was taken to my room and I went outside to get some fresh air.

I turn and looked at my house which was decorated with different lights. All this annoyed me.I felt my heart heavy.I was not able to understand what was going inside me.whether I was or not it comes later,but the current feeling was anger,annoyance and frustration.

I was roaming in the lawn with feelings of anger,confusion.I was in kind of situation where I was feeling helpless.

I married zeeniya but now I was finding it difficult to go in my room where she was waiting for me.I realizes that I did a mistake of marrying.I didn't want to do it.

I was not ready for this companionship. My mom came to me and told me to go to my room and I nodded.

I slowly walked toward my room and stand at the door thinking about the next step.I didn't know what to say to her who was waiting for me in my room as my wife.

I went in,and saw her sitting on bed. I felt my blood boiling. I was being trapped and the marriage of my sister was about to broken only because of this girl sitting on my bed.

I didn't look at her and went to get my clothes.I went to washroom without looking at her and do my wudu.

I came out of room and saw her sitting in the same position. I went to her and said to pray.

When I completed my Salah  I went to my bed.I start checking my mobile only to pass time.when she came to bed I lay down on bed and turn off the lights to sleep.

Next day was the reception. I told her to pack her stuff as I was planing to go Karachi the very next day of vallima.

Mom informed me about the timing of Vallima and I just heard it.

I was waiting for zeeniya outside the hall. A car came and stopped.Zeeniya and saba api came out of the car.I don't look st them.

Zeeniya came to me and greeted me I answered her and we start walking toward the entrance door.we enter the hall and I notice she was walking slowly.don't know why.maybe of her heavy dress.I looked at the hall where a lot of women and girls were standing looking at us smilingly.

I took small step to match hers.I was feeling her eyes on me.I slightly turn to see her and she had tears in her eyes and at the same time smile on her face. And I don't know why but her smile with teary eyes touched my heart for a second. I felt my heart to skip a beat. I didn't know what just happened when she turn to face me and her teary eyes ufff I can't handle it.

I immediately remove my eyes and looked straight.I didn't dare to look at her again.I was still examing myself what just happened a few seconds ago.

I diverted my mind from her and
Sat on sofa.I start looking around.

After function I and zeeniya sat in car and I start driving.I didn't look at her and didn't bother myself to talk to her.

My eyes were fixed on road but my mind was somewhere else.

Two teary eyes with a innocent smile!

What the hell! Stop it Jahan you should stop yourself . why I am thinking about her.

Damn her...

I scolded myself for thinking about the person who was seated next to me.I can't forget what her mother or maybe she too done to me.I never liked to being forced and her mother compelled me for this marriage.

I tried to hard my heart but again two teary eyes tries to divert my mind. A kind of war was started in my mind.

I was driving and fighting in my mind when she interrupted me.

"Why we are going to Karachi?" She asked and I don't replay for a second.

I slightly turn to see her and again fixed my eyes on road.

"I stay in Karachi I have my work if I stay there,you can't stay here." I completed and talk and parked the car.

I directly went to my room because I didn't want to see her eyes for now I can say.when I saw her, her eyes starts developing something inside me,something in my heart.

Gosh! I don't want to see her eyes...I will not look at her.

I entered in my room and sat on bed.I put my head in hands.I start thinking what the hell is happening.

At one side I hate her.I have anger for her and on other side,I don't what is happening in my heart.

Something happens when she looked at me with her long lashes eyes.I don't care about her damn eyes.

I again scolded myself and and get my clothes and went washroom for wudu.

After wudu,I came out and start offering my Salah .When the time of making dua came,I raised my hand and thinking about the dua when I saw a smile with teary eyes on my hands.

I closed my eyes in frustration.

Ya Allah help me!show me the right way.what just happened to me.Show me the right path and guide me Ya Allah.

I make dua in closed eyes.After dua I saw her standing.I went to my bed and she start offering her Salah .I took my mobile and start chatting with friends.I was busy on mobile but somehoe my whole attention was fixed on the figure which was performing her Salah  in front of me.

I take a look at her for time to time.After completing prayer she came bed and before she could asked anything I asked her.

"Did you pack you luggage? I asked and waited for her to replay.I was still busy on mobile I was talking to her but not looking at her.

Looking at her would be means to make yourself crazy and to frustrate yourself for which I was not ready.

"I'm starting to pack." She sad and I nodded.

She started packing her luggage and I looked at her.she packed her clothes,her jewellery and bangles.while keeping bangles in bag I noticed her smiling.

Her weakness bangles!

Why I am observing her? Look away.

I divert my eyes but soon again were fixed on her.Her long curly hairs were opened hanging on her shoulder were making her adorable.I smiled looking at her.
But again...

Why I am looking at her?Jahan control can't love her or be nice with her.don't forget what her mother had done to you and with your sister.

I reminded myself the whole trap thing which bring me back to the bitter reality.I fixed my ryes on mobile.When I heard her.

"Do you mind...if I pack your luggage too?" She asked and I don't know why but I slowly said "okay." Without looking at her.

I lay down on bed and tried to sleep but the voice of her bangles was disturbing me.I tried to sleep but all in vain.Finally after all packing she came to bed for sleep.

She turn off the lights and lay down.I didn't opened my eyes.I was facing her maybe or she turn to me.I was feeling her eyes on me but I couldn't open my eyes to see her.

Strange kind of feelings were knocking on my heart.I just thought I'm going mad.

I was in my own mind fighting when I feel her.I felt her near,very close to me.She was leaning toward my ear.She might be thinking that I was asleep. Bit I was not on sleep,only my eyes were closed.

She leaned toward my ear and I was feeling her warm breath on my earlobe.

Now what is she doing so near to me.Goshhh...don't test my patience. Zeeniya Jahan Ahmad.

I was controlling myself for any stupid act.Her hairs suddenly touched my face and the smell of her hairs makes my heart to run fast.

I was literally control myself and eyes.And finally she said in a very slow voice.

"Thanks for coming in my life Jahan.I hope one day 'I'll be your friend,companion and love of your life."

Her sweet voice was coming in my ear and then she slowly get back and lay down.

I was still feeling her near me.Her fragrance, her breath was still there.After 10 minutes I opened my eyes to see her.She was sleeping but a smile was on her facing making her beautiful.I didn't  know why but I smiled looking at her.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep.Next morning I was awaken by zeeniya.

I offered my Salah and looked at her.

"We'll be out in half an hour.get ready." I said and went our side.

I went to kitchen where my mom
Was cooking.I sat on chair and took my breakfast.

" so?" My mom said and I looked at her.

" so??" I asked questioningly.

" se you happy?" Mom asked and I start my breakfast without answering her.

"I know she's not that pretty with her dark complexion. But.." She was saying and I interrupted her.

" wait mom,I never noticed her colour.and for me colour is not the problem.I don't like those who deceived.just like her did to us." I stopped for a while and look at my mom.

"The colour is given by Allah so who are we to decide that who is beautiful or not.I didn't want to do this marriage not because zeeniya had some dark complexion  but because I was not prepared for marrying now.I wanted to do something in my life and then Marry someone." I said and take deep breaths to control my anger.

" calm down Jahan.Everything happens for a reason." My mom said and I nodded.

Zeeniya entered the kitchen and sat in front of me.Mom served her breakfast and I went out of the kitchen.

When I entered my room,I sa her putting some boxes in bags.she immediately looked up on the sound of door. Our eyes met and her damn eyes make me forget where I was standing.I kept looking at her eyes for few seconds. I realized where I was standing and what was I doing.

I divert my eye and took my clothes and went to change.

After changing I came out and took my wallet and watch.I saw her sitting on bed.

" you ready?" I asked and she replied with yes.

I nodded and told her to come.I picked some of the bags and went out.I out the whole luggage in the car and we said our byes to
Mom and dad and started our journey.

I was driving while she was looking  outside.its been 2 hours of driving but none of us talked.

Why is she silent!

Then why are you??

If I'm not speaking she supposed to talk.

Why should I worry! I don't want to talk to her.

My inner voices were fighting and disturbing me.I looked at her in frustration and find her sleeping.she sleeps and I didn't disturbed her.

I continuously drived.I looked at her,she was in deep slumber unaware of everything.Her long lashes were laying.I feel the urge
Of touching her eyes inside me.

What am I thinking?

Stop Jahan.

I immediately looked away and fixed my eyes on road.The person who was seated besides me didn't know what she was doing to me.she was sleeping here,unaware of the things she's doing to me.

I was tired of driving and so of the fight going inside me.I stopped car on highway hotel.The car stooped with a twitched which makes zeeniya to get up.

A sudden twitched hurt her.

" are you okay?" I asked and she said yes.

I asked her we'll take some rest.After buying some refreshments, we had tea in our car.

I again after sometime start driving.There was only silence once again in the car.I thought girls are talkative but she was so one can say that there were two persons in the car.None of us was speaking.

I kept myself busy in driving.I take a look at her from coroner of eye.She was looking at her hands laying in her lap.I don't understand why she always looked at her hands like this.

I saw her tear felling on her hands and she immediately wiped it.I fixed my eyes on road.Still thinking about her tear.

Damn her! Why do I care.

But why's she crying?

Stop thinking about should not be so concern about her.

I scolded myself and didn't look at her but my mind was still roaming around that tear.I could not resist on my eyes and again looked at her.she was looking outside the was raining and she was smiling.

Smile with wet eyes!

You again started..

Now don't look at her...

I won't look at her.I won't

I said thi myself and for now fixed my eyes on road.But

You can control your eyes but you can't control your mind.

Teary eyes...with smile..

Long lashes..

Her voice..

Her hairs..

Oh stop it please now.

I talked  to myself and start reminding that I could not think about her.Due to her and her mother my sister suffered.This whole marriage drama was only because of her.

I feel the anger arises inside me but again her eyes overwhelmed
My sense of thinking.The anger was gone. Her eyes was on the curtain of my mind which were disturbing me.I was feeling a sweet pinch in my heart thinking about her.

I stopped the car near a restaurant and asked her to have dinner.We were seated in front of each other.I went to pray and when I return I ordered food.

We had our dinner.I in all this time didn't look at her.I was feeling her eyes on me.

After dinner we start walking toward our was raining.little drops of rain were pouring on us.We were walking slow.I don't know why but I was liking this.walking with her in this rain.

I looked at her.she was enjoying this rain.

" do you need anything?" I suddenly asked and she was in her own mood replied immediately in friendly tone.

"Ice cream."   She said and then realized that she was talking to me.

She turn to see me and I saw her face.

I bring ice cream for her and we started our journey again.

I was feeling tired when I heard her.

"Jahan you should sleep now." She said and I thought she is right.

"Hmmm." I said and stopped my car on a petroleum station.

I losed my chair and hers also and told her to sleep.I lay down on my chair and closed my eyes.

I was trying to sleep but not possible till those eyes which were again and again were appearing on my eyes can just go away.

I was avoiding each and every thought coming in my mind about her.But as I said difficult to control your contemplate.

There was all silence in the car.I was listening her breath.After sometime I don't know when I fell asleep.

......  .....   .......  ........

Next morning.

I got up and saw a shawl on was of her.she was sleeping on chair peacefully.I slowly went put of the car and offer my prayer.

When I return I was holding tea for us.I open the door and sat inside.When I close the door,zeeniya got up.I think I wake her up.

I was holding two cups of was the problem how to give her.but finally I said

"Take it." And she took it from me.

I went to take some bakery stuff for her.As it was morning and sheust be hungry.I brought some cakes and biscuits and hand over to her.

I start driving. Its been a long time of driving when she asked me.

"Hmmm..when we will reach?" She asked and I told her that we'll be there in evening.

And thendhe didn't ask or say a word.I was writing for her to say something else but she was again quite.I just turn to see her and again I saw her tear role down on her cheek.she immediately wiped her tear and turn to see me.I in a second turn my face and looked at the road.

Ufff her tears...

Why she always cry?

Maybe because of me.

But I didn't do anything..!

Stop now! Its her tears if she wishes to cry then let her.I font care.

Really? You don't care?

Of course.

The inner fight was continued. I took deep breaths to control whatever was happening onside me.I can't be weak.

I can't be weak.

Her eyes have effect on you..accept it.

No..I won't accept it.Damn her eyes and tears I don't care.

I tried to divert my mind from the all disturbance.But was not successful.

After sometime I saw her looking outside the window.

Hmm she' enjoying the weather and I become mad because of her.

I didn't look at her again and kept myself busy in driving.In evening we reached home.and I thanked Allah for that.

We were safely home.I entered the house and she followed me.I we to my room with luggage and zeeniya joined me.

I placed all the luggage I the corner and went put.Few minutes later I came back and saw zeeniya standing in the middle of the room.She was all lost.A tear was rolling down on her cheek.

I felt my heart got a punch.It hurts.My heart hurt when I saw her crying like this.she saw me and without wasting a second turn to the other side yo hide her tears.

She turn to me after few seconds.

"You stay here.I'll be back." I said and turn to go.

I didn't want to see her like this.I slowly start walking toward the near restaurant to get dinner.

Why always her tears hurt me?

Why i'm always in her thoughts?

In all these questions I came back and went to room to call her for dinner.

When I opened the door,I was stunned.I forgot for what I was here.I felt my heart skiping its beats.

A/N:: Assalam-o-Alikum people..!
Wow a very long chapter huh.. ;)

It was very difficult to write Jahan's P.O.V.its not easy to write a boys' p.o.v.But I tried my best.

A boy's feeling or thinking is much different from girls so being a girl I wrote it with much difficulty and thinking.

And this chapter is not ended yet.I was so tired of writing this so I decided to make two parts of this chapter.I hope you guys enjoy this chapter as Much as I enjoyed it while writing.

And somewhere I cut the scene detail because it would take a lot of time.The important things and scenes are updated.I hope I hope I hope you guys enjoy this chapter.

And the last thing now Jahañ start reading and enjoying Jahan's p.o.v.

Kindly tell me about your opinions in comments.

Till the next update Allah Hafiz dear readers.May Allah bless you all.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling

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