Finding the Missing Piece: Bo...

De cogdill

204K 9.4K 6.2K

Parenthood has finally found Katniss and Peeta Mellark. In this story they are going to be learning to live l... Mais

Prologue/Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-One
Chapter Seventy-Three
Chapter Seventy-Four
Chapter Seventy-Five
Chapter Seventy-Six
Chapter Seventy-Seven
Chapter Seventy-Eight
Chapter Seventy-Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty-One
Chapter Eighty-Two
Chapter Eighty-Three
Chapter Eighty-Four
Chapter Eighty-Five
Chapter Eighty-Six
Chapter Eighty-Seven
Chapter Eighty-Eight
Chapter Eighty-Nine
Chapter Ninety
Chapter Ninety-One
Chapter Ninety-Two
Chapter Ninety-Three
Chapter Ninety-Four
Chapter Ninety-Five
Chapter Ninety-Six
Chapter Ninety-Seven
Chapter Ninety-Eight
Chapter Ninety-Nine
Chapter One-Hundred
Chapter One Hundred-One/Sequel info.

Chapter Seventy-Two

1.9K 93 74
De cogdill

Katniss POV- (That night)

"Pizza!!!!" Willow screeches excitedly as Peeta announced it's time to go make dinner.

"Willow, chill." I laugh, my eardrums faintly ringing now.

"Sorry, Momma." She giggles and we all go to the kitchen. I put Carson in the high chair and let her color on some paper while Willow and Carter wash their hands.

Peeta gets out all the ingredients and I go over to him.

He wraps his arm around my shoulders as I come over and he pulls me closer to him.

"I love you." He mumbles and kisses my forehead.

I smile and wrap my arms around his torso, "I love you too."

Peeta smiles down at me and I peck his lips.

"Ew." Willow says as she comes over, slinging her wet hands around at us.

"Stop." I laugh as she shakes her little hands in my direction and gets little pellets of water all over me.

I scoop her up and start tickling her, Peeta gives me a look.

I put her down after a second realizing while there's nothing wrong with playing with my daughter, being rough like that and picking her up could hurt the baby.

I mumble, 'Sorry' to him and he lets out a relieved sigh.

"Katniss, will you put the oven on?" Peeta asks me as Carter and Willow go around to the other side of the island and sit on the barstools.

"Cat! Cat!" Carson squeals as Buttercup makes his way through the kitchen to see what we are making for dinner.

I bend down and pick him up, he mews.

"Hi, you ugly cat." I say patting his head and rubbing his ears.

Peeta laughs and Willow scoffs, "Him is not ugly!!" She says.

"I'm sorry, Buttercup. You're not ugly, you're hideous." I say sarcastically and put him down.

Willow puts her hands on her hips, "You're a brat, Mommy."

"That's where you get it from, baby." Peeta tells her.

"Daddy..." Willow says frowning.

He laughs, "I'm kidding, Princess. You get it from me." He says.

I laugh a little and he gathers up bowls and other utensils.

"Did you know before Mommy and I started dating, we were gonna go to a sleepover at Finnick's house and we had to get pizza but the place downtown was closed so I took Mommy to the store and got pizza stuff like this. We went to my parent's bakery and made everyone pizza." He tells Willow.

"You remember that?" He asks me.

"Probably one of my favorite memories we have." I tell him truthfully.

That was probably the exact moment in time I realized I liked him as more than a friend.

He smiles shyly, "Mine too."

"We almost kissed that night too." I remind him.

His smile fades.

"Why didn't you guys kiss?" Carter asks.

"Because we didn't know we liked each other then." I shrug my shoulders.

"I knew I liked you." Peeta says.

"And that's the night it hit me in the face I felt the same way about you." I tell him truthfully.

He smiles and Carter awes.

"Where was my Mommy? Was she at Finnick's sleepover?" Carter asks me.

"No, baby. We didn't even know your mom when this happened." I explain to her.

"Ohhhh." She says nodding.

"Yep. Willow, guess what Daddy and I did when we cooked the pizza?"

"What?" She asks.

I look at him and he chuckles.

"He kept being a brat so I took my hands that had flour all over them and put them on his face. Made his face all powdery white." I say.

She giggles, "And him putted a peppernoni on your nose?"

Peeta laughs, "Yep, you remember me showing you that picture, don't you?"

Willow nods, "Yep. And you put some peppernonis on his cheeks, huh?"

I giggle, "Yes. I did." I say.

Carter laughs, "You guys are funny." She says giggling.

Willow giggles too, "Yeah, my parents are so funny." She agrees.

I look at Peeta and he laughs a little.

"Auntie Kat, my sissy is falling asleep." Carter says.

I glance back behind and see Carson half asleep in the high chair.

"Carson, wake up, baby." I say and she opens her brown eyes and looks over at me, half asleep.

"You gotta eat before you go to sleep." I say laughing.

She lays her head down and closes her eyes.

"I can make her something else really quick and then let her go to bed." Peeta says.

I nod, "Alright. What do you need me to do?"

"Can you start measuring stuff out for the girls to pour in that big bowl? I will tell you how much to put for each." He says and gets into the cabinet, looking for Carson something to eat.

I nod.

"4 cups of flour." He says.

I take the bowl and put it in front of Willow and Carter.

I scoop out one cup of flour and hand it to Carter. She pours it in the bowl and hands it back to me. Then I scoop another, handing it to Willow and we repeat the cycle.

"Half a cup of salt." He says after a minute and starts heating up some kind of macaroni stuff for Carson.

I measure and pour the salt, "Okay, now 2 cups of water." He says.

I nod and fill up the first cup. I hand it to Willow and she pours it gently in the bowl, then fill it again and let Carter pour it in.

I start mixing while Peeta feeds Carson who's half asleep still. She is tired.

"I can't wait until this is done. It's gonna be yummy." Willow tells Carter and she nods.

I put it in the pan and while the girls fix it all up with cheese and sauce and pepperonis, I go sit by Peeta.

"She won't eat anymore so I think I'm going to go put her in Willow's room for bed." He says and takes her out of the high chair. She falls right back to sleep with her head on his shoulder.

I nod, "I can if you want. Then you can make our food while the girl's pizza is finishing."

Peeta hesitates a second before agreeing and handing her over.

I take her upstairs and change her diaper and her clothes, while she has not a care in the world and then I put her in Willow's bed. I keep the door cracked open incase she wakes up and go back downstairs.

After awhile we eat dinner and then go play games in the living room.

"Momma!! Daddy is cheating-him has that card and he didn't say 'Gold Fish." Willow tells me, ratting Peeta out in the heated game we are playing against each other.

I give Peeta and a look and he snorts.

"Peeta....." I say.

"Daddy...." Willow says.

"Uncle Peeta...." Carter adds in.

He laughs, "Willow! You're not suppose to rat me out." Peeta says and flings the '6' card over to me.

"I'm sorry but I'm mad at you still." She says shrugging her shoulders then crossing her arms.

Peeta laughs and I roll my eyes, "Cheater." I mumble.

He winks and gives me a few kissy faces.

"You're dumb." I laugh.

Willow makes a face.

"Mommy, you're gonna hurt him's feelings......" She gets onto me and hugs Peeta.

He chuckles, "I thought you were mad at me?"

"I am but I still don't want your feelings to be sad." She tells him.

He smiles and I do too.

"Is it time to be a new year yet? Because I am sleepy again." Willow tells me.

I look at the clock and see it's only 10:30.

"You have a while, baby girl." I say laughing.

Sleep wouldn't be bad but what fun is ringing in a new year if you're asleep when it hits?

"Ugh." She sighs deeply.

"You can go to sleep if you want. Carson went to sleep already, remember?"

"Yeah, but her is a baby and her was so sleepy."

"But you're sleepy too." I say.

"But not so sleepy." She says exaggerating.

I laugh, "You're silly."

"I know." Willow sighs and comes back over to me and lays her head on my arm.

"Katniss, do you have any jacks?"

I roll my eyes, "Just one and he's a backside of a donkey." I say, referring to him and sticking my tongue out, knowing he will get the joke.

Peeta bursts out laughing, "Got me there."

I giggle, "I love you."

He snorts, "I love you too, Hun."


"Yes. Hun." Peeta laughs.

"Hun bun." Willow blurts out.

Everyone laughs, "Willow." I say giggling.

"That's my little baker." Peeta says with a cheesy smile.

Willow nods.

"Is this baby gonna be a baker too, like me, Daddy?"

"I hope so. If not that's okay."

"What if it don't like to make food and pictures and stuff?"

"That'll be alright." He assures her.

I smile and he returns it.

"Do you have an aces?"

"No...." Peeta says slowly.

I give him a look, "Really? Because I know when you're lying."

"You didn't know a few minutes ago when I lied about those sixes." He says.

I scoff, "Ha. Ha." I say.

He smiles evilly at me and we finish the game, Peeta being the winner-just because he cheated.

Afterwards the girls look like they're about to crash any minute so we decide to let them watch a movie until a little before midnight while Peeta and I clean up from dinner.

"New Year means we are closer to the new baby." He tells me and pecks my lips.

I laugh a little, "I can't wait to become a Mommy again."

He smiles, "Me either and I can't wait to be a dad again. I'm so excited."

I smile, "Appointment next week." I remind him.

"I know, I'm super excited."

"So am I."

"It's still too early to find the gender, isn't it?" Peeta asks.

"Yes, not until I'm at least 14 weeks or more and it depends on how it's positioned."

"Okay." He says, "Do you have any feelings on what you think it is?" He asks.

"I still think it's another girl but it could go either way." I shrug my shoulders.

He smiles, "We need to think of names for both."

"Not yet. I don't want to do that until we know what it is." I say truthfully.

"Okay. Whatever you want to do. Also, once we find that out we need to clear up my studio. I want to get rid of if."

"Why? I thought we were just gonna move the art studio into the guest room?"

He shakes his head, "I don't want an art room anymore. I don't need it and besides that, I barely do anything anymore. I'm nearly 30, I don't need that."

"Are you sure?" I ask him.

"Yes, baby. I would like moving Willow's room down one but it's her room. Her painting on the wall and I was thinking about it and the baby will be in our room for the first few months or more anyways."

I nod, "That's true. I just wish it was right across like Willow was but it'll be okay, I guess."

"I think so and I don't think Willow would be happy about losing her painting, no matter what we offered up."

"And I don't want her to. We can paint the baby something us in the other bedroom. It'll be fine." I say.

He nods, "It's nearly midnight." He says looking at the clock.

"2 minutes." I say glancing up, it's 11:58.

"Let's go tell the girls and then get to bed." He laughs.

I nod and we go into the living room.

"Two more minutes." I say and sit down next to Willow.

Peeta sits next to me and the ticking clock on the mantle says there's one more minute left of this year.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!!!" We all say in unison.

"Happy New Year!!" Willow squeals excitedly and claps. Carter claps too as Peeta grabs my face and pulls my lips to his, giving me a passionate New Years kiss.

"Happy New Year, Katniss. I love you." He says kissing my nose.

I smile, "Happy New Year, I love you too." I say excitedly.

Willow hugs me and I give her a kiss on the forehead and the same for Carter.

"Happy New Year, girls!!" Peeta says and the girls go hug him too.

"Okay, I'm going to sleep!!" Willow says immediately after.

I laugh, "I'm following you." I chuckle.

"I'm sleepy too." Carter tells me.

"Okay, sweetheart. Let's go get you in bed." I say standing up. She takes my hand and Willow goes with Peeta to our bedroom while I put Carter to bed.

Carson is still sleeping so Carter and I carefully sneak in and I tuck Carter in.

"Goodnight, sweet girl." I say softly and kiss her cheek.

"Aunt Kat, I miss my Mommy so badly." She tells me softly.

"I know you do but I promise she's coming back as soon as she can and until then Uncle Peeta and I will take good care of you." I assure her.

"I know but I haven't seen her in a long time."

"I know you haven't but she will be back real soon."

"Okay." Carter sighs.

"I love you." I say softly.

"I love you too, Auntie Kat. Goodnight." She says.

"Goodnight, baby. We will be in our room if you need us." I tell her and she nods.

I leave the room and go across the hall to my room.

Peeta is laying down and Willow is already asleep surprisingly so I go in and lay down next to Peeta, somehow he convinced Willow to sleep on the opposite side of him.

Our legs immediately intertwine and he pulls me stomach to stomach with him, "I'm freezing." I whisper softly as I lay my head down on the pillow, glad to be in his arms.

Boy, does it feel good to be here again, especially with my two favorite people, three actually.

"Yeah, you're toes are a little cold." Peeta laughs as I put my cold feet against his.

"I bet you missed me doing things like that. Putting my cold feet on you and stuff."

"I did. It's better than being kicked in the gut by a bed hog." He laughs a little, referring to Willow.

"That is my life." I laugh.

"And that is why she's no longer allowed to sleep right next to you in our bed unless it's just a nap or something but all night, I would rather her not." Peeta says with a sigh.

"Okay." I say nonchalantly.

As long as her feelings aren't hurt, I don't mind it at all but if her feelings get hurt I'm gonna be mad.

"God, I missed you so much. You have no idea." Peeta says, his hands sliding down to my butt.

I giggle, "You just missed touching my butt."

"That too but I missed you more." He says and leans over to kiss my forehead.

"I think I missed you more, actually." I say.

He smiles, "No."

"Yes." I argue.

Peeta laughs, "I'm so happy you're back."

"Me too." I say truthfully.

I missed them so much.

"By the way, Monday if Bristol is not back, you get to go be her substitute. The school approved you to do it." He informs me.

"Seriously?" I say.

"Yes, seriously. And at least it's Willow's class, not someone else's."

I sigh, "Yeah, but I'm not good with kids."

"Katniss Mellark, you know damn well you're amazing with kids and they all love you." He says.

I laugh, "That's you, Peeta. Not me."

"Maybe at first when you have that hard-shell on but after a little bit they all love you and they listen to you too. It's not like me where they like me and then take advantage of how nice I am."

I roll my eyes, "I'm scared. What if she's not back before then?"

"Then you're gonna have to go. And if no one else likes you, Willow will." He laughs.

I groan, "What if I get sick or something?"

"I don't know. I guess keep a trash can near by."

"And I've been having to go to the bathroom a lot the last few days, I can't just leave anytime I have to tend to some pregnancy thing." I say truthfully.

"It'll all work out, sweetheart. Don't worry and if you need me to bring you anything or do anything for you, you know I will."

"You better since you got me into this." I say.

"Okay but you said you wanted to try it soon anyways, at least for when Bristol is gone."

"Yeah, but that was before I was pregnant." I tell him.

"But you knew there was a possibility of you being pregnant when you told me you wanted to do this months ago."

I groan, "Peeta Mellark, you're not helping your case." I mumble.

"You just know that I'm right." He laughs a little.

I sigh.

"You know I'm right, Katniss."

"I know now shut up about it." I say laughing.

Peeta laughs, "You're such a brat."

"I know, I'm sorry."

"It's alright. I love you anyways."

"And I love you too."

"We should go to sleep."

"We should." I agree.

"Okay, goodnight."


"I love you."

"I love you too, now get your hands off my butt." I say laughing. Peeta turns flat onto his back and I lay my head on his chest.

"It's been difficult for me to get comfortable lately so be prepared." I say truthfully.

For about a week or so now I've been finding it more difficult to get comfortable, even though I don't even have a belly or anything just yet.

"I can't wait for you to get fat."

I snort, "Peeta." I laugh.

"Not in a bad way, just fat like that it shows the baby is growing and getting closer to being here." He laughs.

"Fine." I say laughing.

He smiles and presses his lips to mine, "Go to sleep, brat."

"Fine. I love you."

"I love you too." I say and close my eyes.

He laughs a little and I fall asleep with a smile on my face.

****I didn't even edit this so I know it sucked ass but I don't even care right now. I'm so done with everything and I feel bad I haven't been updating but I'm working on it. Sorry guys :(

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