Room For Rent

By ThEe_CrEaTiVe_NeRd

127K 3.8K 147

Alicia...I mean Ali is a 23 year old junior in college stuck living with her parents to save money. She's jus... More

Room For Rent
The Stranger
I Needed Him
Not That I Don't Want To, But...
Funeral/Love Taps
Didn't Make It...
Love Or Lust?
All That Glitters...
Find Out
He leaves...
Now What?
Business Partners
One Minute...The Next
Scared To Death
Point The Finger
Should Have Never...
Thanks...Thanks For Nothing
Something More
The Ring

It Never Happen/ Emotions Run Deep

6K 181 4
By ThEe_CrEaTiVe_NeRd

Chapter 5:

Ali's POV

I rushed out to my car and sat there trying to keep in the tears. My breath was heavy and as I tried to keep from choking on my tears. I don't know why he was making me act like this...I've been rejected a kiss before. I was never fighting back tears. I closed my eyes calming myself down. I had a strong urge to go to the bar, but I decided to go to Jason's instead since he was the only one up at this time. Lin had an old soul so she went to be at like 10pm when she doesn't have anything to do.

"Are you drunk? I could've had a guy over." Jason said.

"I'm sorry. I should've called." I said rushing in his kitchen. I took out his half pint ice cream.

"This must be serious if you're bringing out the Double Chocolate Mint." Jason said with concern.

"Can I stay here tonight?" I asked slowly stabbing the ice cream as I started to cry.

"Omg honey what happened?" Jason said rushing to my side.

"I just don't know what went wrong. I had a really bad night."

"Let's get you in some jammies and we can talk about it." Jason said taking me upstairs. He gave me a pair of his pajamas and we cuddle on the couch as we ate ice cream.

"He basically tried to get me drunk so I can sleep with him. Such a asshole."

"You should've kicked him in the balls." Jason said shaking his head.

"I did." I said. "I pretty much attacked him like I had self defense classes."


"So we're at the restaurant and he orders all these drinks to go. After we leave he offers me one, but I say no. Then he tries to force me to drink them and was spilling all over me. Then he picks me up, takes me to this alley and then tries to have sex with me. So I slap him like five times to get his weird hands off me then I punch him in the stomach, kick him in the balls and when he's down I kicked him in his jaw. He fell out and I ran home." I explained.

"Damn girl, I didn't know you watched Jackie Chan movies." He said giving me a high five.

"I didn't tell you or Lin this but a few days ago some guy broke in and tried to rape me."

"Oh my Did he---"

"He almost, but Justin..." I trailed off thinking about what we almost did...we almost kissed...the kind of kiss that will lead to something else. I didn't even bother to tell Jason about it. About the real reason my car and emotions drove me to his house...

Next day

I woke up at around 11 am and went home after stealing one of Jason's bagels while he was sleep. I stayed in my car for about ten minutes trying to prepare myself for the awkwardness.

I went inside only to find him on the couch sleeping. He waited up for sweet. I closed the door trying not to wake him up, but waking him up anyway. He sighed in relief when he saw me.

"I was over Jason's...I didn't drink." I assures him.

"I'm glad you're scared me." He said shaking his head.

"I'm didn't mean to and I'm sorry about last night. It wasn't your fault. I know you were just trying to do the right thing." I told him as he got up from the couch.

"It's ok..." He said walking upstairs.

"Can we at least talk about it?" I said making him stop. He glanced over his shoulder.

"Talk about what?" He said in a dry tone. I frowned.

"What happened last night with me and you."

"We talked and went to bed. Our own beds." He said like he was pissed.

"We can't pretend that didn't happened."

"It didn't happen because your---" he stopped when the door opened showing that Mom and Cameron was back.

"Mom..." I said in shock. I looked back up only to find that Justin disappeared.

"What happened to calling every day?" Cameron said to me.

"I'm fine, Cameron. Thanks for asking." I said sarcastically.

"Honey why are you in those clothes? Didn't you just wake up?" Mom asked.

"I was over Jason's house."

"Plastered from the other night." Cameron mumbled. I pushed him as he walked passed with his luggage. He laughed and went upstairs.

"I can help you mom." I said taking her bags and taking them upstairs.

"Were you really drunk?" Mom said in concern.

"No...I just hung out at his house late. I spend a night."

"Well I don't have to worry about you having sex with him." Mom said. I laughed and she joined me. She opened her door and I followed her.

"How was Justin?" Momma said. I sighed and looked behind me.

"I don't know...I told you he barely comes out of his room." I lied.

"You didn't talk to him?"

"I don't know him...umm mom I have to go take a shower." I said walking out.

"Ok but I'm making lunch." She yelled toward me.

"That's fine." I said stepping in my room quickly getting my clothes and going to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and changed into my in the bathroom. I walked out the bathroom as I put my hair in a ponytail.

"Come here." I was getting pulled in Justin's room.

"Get off me." I said in a whisper scream. He closed his door.

"You don't have to whisper your mom and Cameron went to the store." He told me.

"So what does this have to do with anything? Why did you pulled in here?" I said folding my arms.

"We need to talk...I don't want you to hate me."

"Why should I hate you? You barely come out of your room. We never really talk." I said.

"Ali, stop."

"Why not? You did it to me..." I said braiding my hair as if I didn't have a care in the world.

"Ali I'm 34 years old...I'm too old for you. Besides I live in your mother's house. Don't you think it's a little messed up that we even have to have this conversation?"

"I'm a grown ass act like you're a pervert or something. It's just simple attraction that--"

"We can't act any farther on. Last night never happened." Justin yelled. I shook my head and frowned.

"Fine, Justin. Since you want to pretend it didn't happen, I get to pretend that you're a weird guy that my mom knows and took pity on because he couldn't even keep a job." I said walking away from him. I felt him grab my hand.

"Don't be like that..." He whispered as if it was hurting him to let me go.

"You're wrong...all of you are a disappointment and you turn out to be one of the biggest ." I said snatching away from him. I wiped my stray tear and walked out.

"What were you doing in there?" Mom said as Cameron stood next to her waiting for an answer. "I thought you don't talk." Mom added.

"Oh yeah I was just...he asked me a computer question so I was helping him." I lied quick since I can feel Cameron's gaze peeling my skin.

"Oh that's nice of you." Mom said walking to her room. Cameron walked closer to me and have me a look of disbelief.

"What's going on?" Cameron asked. I frowned my eyebrow.

"Nothing...move." I said pushing him away. I went downstairs and went to my car so I could go to class. It was the last day...and then tomorrow is finals.


I walked in the house only to find momma in the kitchen sitting at the table looking at something.

"Hey mom, what's up?"

"Hey, Alicia."

"What's for dinner?" I asked sitting next to her.

"I made plenty for lunch, knock yourself out."

"Where is the food?" I asked hoping she wouldn't say---

"The fridge." She said...damn. I looked down and sighed.

"I'm not hungry now. I was just wondering."

"Have the two of you been starving since we been gone?" Mom asked.

"No...we've ate. I'm not hungry now that's all." I lied again.

"What's that?" I asked changing the subject.

"I don't know some kind of letter from Ken."

"Who's Ken?"

"Justin's father. I wonder what he wants." She opened the envelop and read the letter. The more she read the more devastated she became. She slammed the letter down and wiped her tears away.

"What wrong? Mom what's wrong?" I asked concerned. She hopped up with the letter in her hand and rushed upstairs. I followed her worried that she might do something.

"Justin! Justin!" She yelled. She went to his door and banged on it. I stood behind her biting my lip still worried. Justin opened the door with bed hair and squinty eyes if he was up for days.

"What's going on?" He asked in a tired voice as he opened his eyes wider to wake his whole self up. Momma wiped her face and gave him the letter. Justin looked at her confused...then he looked at me with his eyebrows up. He forced his eyes on the letter and read. His face fell as he read and when he was done he crumbled the paper. I looked at him hoping he would give me a sign that everything is ok...but he looked at us with water eyes. One tear fell out his eye and my mom grabbed his hand.

"I'm so sorry, Justin." She said in a soft tone. He put his head down and gave mom the letter back. He opened his mouth as if he was going to say something, but he slid back in his room and slammed the door making me and my mom jump. My mom went in her room and closed the door. I didn't know who to I just went in my room.

...keep fighting bitch, it turns me on

I closed my ears as if he said it in my ear again.

Ignore strong Ali, I told myself. I closed my eyes and took deep breaths to make myself calm down. His voice...his image went away. I smiled a little as I laid on my bed and hugged one of my pillows. My smile faded when I heard Justin in the other room...crying.

Few Days Later

"Let me go with you mom." I heard Cameron's voice.

"I need to go out. You can't go don't you have a date tonight?"

"I can cancel, Michelle will understand that my mom needs me."

"Cameron I'm fine. Go to your date." Mom said. I heard the door close.

"Ali?" Cameron knocked on my door.

"Come in."

"Hey, I'm going out for a while." He said. I nodded.

"Ok...have fun."

"Don't wait up it''s a date." Cameron said smiling.

"I doubt you'll get lucky." I said laughing. Cameron tilted his head with a straight face.

"Shut up." He said walking out.

"You sure you don't want me to come with you mom?" Cameron said.

"Yeah I'm sure." Mom said. "Now open the door I'm gonna be late." I heard them leave and started their cars. I got up and went to Justin's door. I hesitated on knocking on his door? But I was worried. I knocked lightly...he didn't answer. I knocked louder and he still didn't budge. I opened the door slowly and reviled Justin laying face down on the bed. I tapped his arm.

"Justin." I whispered trying to get him up. He moaned and turned away from me.

"What?" He said in a really quite voice.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"Why do you care? I'm just the weird guy in your mom's house." He said turning to me now. I sighed regretting I said that. I shook my head feeling so bad.

"I just said that...I didn't mean that, Justin." I whispered. His eyes were red and he looked so devastated.

"Fine..." He said sighing. He wanted me to leave in his mind...but deep down he need me for something. It must have been about that letter.

"What was in that letter?" I whispered as I grabbed his hand. He made me let go.

"Nothing...none of your business." He said getting up.

"I just---"

"You were just asking too many damn questions!" He yelled. I got closer to him seeing for the first time his pain in his eyes.

"Justin, you wanna talk about it?" I asked not know what 'it' was. He clinched his jaw trying to hold in tears.

"There's nothing to talk about..."

"Something really bad was in that letter wasn't it?" I said walking closer. I reached out but he moved away.

"Leave me alone!" He yelled...I wasn't use to this. He was so hurt...but shower it with anger. I felt my own eyes water.

"It's ok, Justin. Just talk to me." I said reaching out again. He moved again and backed away, but I keep trying to hug him.

"Alicia, stop. STOP...I'm fine!" He grabbed my arms and held tight to stop me.

"No you're not! What happened why won't you just tell me?" I said. He brushed his hair back and sat on the bed. He rested his head on his hands making himself looking down on the floor.

I kneeled in front of him as I watched his tears rolled off his nose. He looked at me with his eyes wet and red from the fresh tears. I wiped his tears slowly as he stared blankly. He came back to life and grabbed my hands for comfort. He looked at them...but he wasn't thinking about my hands. He was thinking about whatever he was about to tell me.

"I don't know why...." He trailed off and took a deep breath. "I don't even know why I'm crying..." He said shaking his head.

"Why not? What was in the letter?" I asked in a soft tone.

"It was from my dad...he sent it to your mom telling her mom just died." The words hit me as hard as it was for him to say.

"Oh my god, Justin..." I said in a soft tone. He shook his head when he saw my eyes watering.

"Don't you cry...I don't even know why I'm crying and I'm her son."

"Because you're her loved her."

"I shouldn't have. I should've hated her after what she did to me."

"That's not who you are, though. You can't hate anyone for a long time. I bet you don't hate Lori."

"You've only known me for like a month and you know me." He laughed a little.

"Well you make it easy." I said smirking. I put his hands around my body and gave him a hug. He held me tight and cried some more...but they were light. I pulled away a wiped those too.

"It's one thing I don't dad sent that letter. How did he know? Where the hell was he all this time?"

"Maybe you should try and find him. What's the address on the envelope?" I said getting up, but he stopped me.

"I don't want to think about it anymore." He whispered as he looked in my eyes. I nodded as I rubbed his cheek with my thumb. He started to run his fingers through my hair making it hard for me to not think about him that way.

"Justin..." I said as I moved his hand out of my hair. "Try to get some sleep, ok." I said getting up and starting to walked toward the door.

"Wait, Ali." Justin said. I turned only to find him right in front of me so closely. "Thank you..." He said in a soft tone. He pulled me in his embrace for a hug. I pulled back just a little. Even one hiccup could make our lips touched. He looked deep in my eyes sending shivers down my spine. His touch was making me weak.

"Justin, I have to---"

"Shhh." He put his finger on my lips and caged me in. He grabbed my chin and guided my lips to his slowly. He started kissing me soft at first then a little harder once I let go. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pulled me closer to him with one arm. I felt his hard and it made me moan. He picked me up and I locked my feet around his waist as we kissed. I pulled on his shirt as if I lost all if I let my emotion take over my whole body. I got blazing hot with ever touch. I've never felt this way before. I've never wanted a man like this was scaring me.

I pulled out lips apart and look at his beautiful eyes. I tried hard to not get lost in them...but it was hard.

"We have...we have to stop." I said in a whisper. Justin looked at me confused, but let me slid out of his hold. Once my feet hit the floor I looked away from his eyes before it was too late. His arm didn't move from my body so I did it for him. I opened the door and walked out slowly.

I went in my room and curled in my bed. I was falling for him already...but I had to make sure he wasn't just kissing me because he was emotional. I had to wait at least a month...a whole month.

(Ok I lied next chapter will for sure have mature content...more that little make out session. Lol. Um k I just randomly did two chapters...cause I'm weird lol. {actually I was IN THE ZONE} ight Lost childhood will be next. I might end it early an make a sequel with Jordan and Taraja older. Excited? Should beeeeee!!!! ~ LadyJDomoniqu)

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