Wilted Rose

By Kiitty_qt

1.2K 167 97

"No!" I screamed, "You can't keep me here forever." and ran out the door slamming it behind me. A cold autumn... More

Chapter 1: New Home I🌷
Chapter 2: New home II 🌷
Chapter 3 :New Class🌷
Chapter 4 :Shades of Purple 🌷
Chapter 6: Betrayal🌷
Ctd 🍁
Chapter 7 🌷
short A/N
Chapter 8 🌷
Ctd 🍁
Chapter 9 🌷
Chapter 10🌷
Chapter 11 🌷
Ctd 🍁
Chapter 12🌷
Ctd 🍁
Ctd (2)πŸπŸƒ

Chapter 5:Memory 🌷

73 7 2
By Kiitty_qt

My heart was hamming hard into my chest, my eyes were wide in fear. My captor- still had an iron grip on my hand-was leading me out of the forest, towards the pathway I might have came.

Around me was pitch black and I could not make out the outline of this  person. Twigs and branches clawed  at my legs,arms and face drawing what I presumed was blood. I tried to keep myself as calm as possible.

My mind raced with possible plans that could have been helpful, but I had to be realistic I was not dealing with a human and this person could easily kill me. As if the person could read my mind she said.

"Im not here to kill you Cheerie."

Sherize! I thought. Great the last person on this earth I wanted to see right now.

"Running around the woods like some little kid  isn't the right way to get attention,"She spat out.

Angered, I pulled my hand out of her grip. Or at least tried to! Her grip didn't loosen or falter.

"Lets get back to your mother," she said.

This was not the Sherize I met in school today. Well the nice version. Slowly light began to seep through the trees and my house came into few. Suzie was standing near the door with a worried look plastered on her face.

"Cheerie,"she said and ran out to hug me after Sherize released me now throbbing wrist.

Suzie then turned to face Sherize giving her a look I didn't recognize.

"Your mother is waiting for you,"she said, and made her way to the door. I began to follow her.

"Cheerie," Sherize said, attempting to grab my hand. I pulled it back but was too late.

The speed she possessed was inhuman.

"Look I'm sorry if my words offended you." she looked uncomfortable shifting from foot to foot like she had never apologized before.

"Its cool," I replied, but it really wasn't.

"I actually wanted to talk to you about this concert, since you just moved here . Would be nice to show you around, "she began.

"I cant go," I said, and walked away from her. The nerve on this bitch!

"Think about it!" she called out behind me.

I entered the house for the second time today and seemed like I had interrupted a heated exchange between my mother and Suzie.

She gave Suzie a death glare which sent shivers down my spine. This was not good. Realizing my presence my mother turned to me her expression set in stone. She began chanting foreign words and stared directly at me. What was going on?

"Selena no!" Suzie protested, but mother continued. A sharp pain raked through my head so forceful it knocked me off my feet. Suzie let out a blood curling scream.

I looked into her sad eyes, trying to make sense of things. My eyelids betrayed me and fell. The whole world was in darkness.

*time lapse*

I woke up next morning on my bed, with a splitting headache.

There was a soft tapping on my door then Suzie emerged holding a tray of my ideal breakfast-pancakes, drizzled with maple syrup with a little butter and orange juice.

"How are you feeling?"she asked, giving me a sad smile,her eyes quickly searching my own as she set the tray besides me.

"My head hurts, alot " I rushed out digging into the delicious food before me.

It felt like I hadn't eaten in decades and I graciously choked down the food.

"What time is it?" I asked, my mouth half filled with pancakes.

"Seven," she said, as she watched me murder my pancakes.

"Your mother has already left though," she added gently running her fingers through my head.

"Already?" I said, wolfing down the food. " I needed to talk to her,"

Suzie grimaced, "Oh, you did sweetie, lastnight."

"I did?" I finished my plate " I don't recall."

"Do you remember what it was about? I can ask her if you wish. Your mom is a busy woman you know." Suzie said.

I stared at her  "Funny, I don't remember," I added rubbing my temples.

"Well if you do,just tell me," Suzie  paused, "You should start getting ready."

I handed her my empty plate and drank my last drop of orange juice. When she left I  entered the bathroom.

*more lapsing*

I sat in the car with the window fully down, trying in vain to dry off my thick brown locks. I had on another pair of black boots and a black bodycon dress that stopped jus above my knees.

My bag had already been packed and i had on my rose necklace. I decided to check my phone, ten minutes into the ride. There was one message from an unknown number.

"I hope you thought about the concert its going to be a blast p.s. dont tell your mom".

I had no idea what the message meant or who it was from. I quickly deleted it and placed the phone back into my bag.

When Suzie left Sherize and her red haired friend was waiting for me in the parking lot. Sherize had on a leather pants -which clang to her frame really well-and a white vest. Her friend wore a red t-shirt and black jeans.

"Hey," Sherize called out to me and  I walked towards her smiling.

"Whats up?" I asked her.

"Did you consider the message?" She inquired.

"Oh that was from you? I thought someone had a wrong number " I laughed.

"Soo?" Her eyes begging for an honest answer.

"I don't know I mean" I said, as we were walking to Mr. Handsome's class.

"My mom, and all and, I don't even know who's playing". She stopped dead in her tracks and looked at me.

"Bitch, I've already paid for the ticket you're going," she said jokingly, and I laughed as we entered the class.

Late once again. Surprisingly there were enough seats for us though they were across the room.

"Miss St. Rose, Miss Rese, Miss Marks so lovely of you to grace us with your presence," Mr. Beckham said looking directly at me.

There was no anger in his tone and his eyes sparkled slightly as if he was truly happy to see us. I blushed, and noticing I was uncomfortable Mr. Beckham got back to his lesson about the impossible.

A concert? Why not I needed to see the town and with Sherize the coolest girl I know was perfect. Besides she knew Suzie and my mom no danger there! I reassured myself. But I couldn't have been more wrong...

A bit lengthy I know. Hope you enjoyed reading it. Feel free to comment and point out mistakes. The next chapter will be quite a bombshell so prepare for it.

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