Return of the ancients (boyxb...

By krissy1306

266K 9.5K 632

A young man caught between finding out who is he and the fear of another wolf pack. Only to find out that som... More

Return of the ancients
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-nine
thirty one
thirty two
chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five
chapter thirty seven
final chapter 38

chapter thirty six

3.7K 154 10
By krissy1306

Shifting in the wind sent a chill across the packing lot. Catching the reflection of the stars in a puddle on the asphalt, Tibitha titled her head. Dim lit sky looked down upon her. Her feet stopped just before the walkway to the hospital. A cloudless sky. The temperature was off, everyone had noticed this. Including her son and the wolves. By now the ground would be covered in a nice layer of snow. The temperature would be hanging around the freezing mark. The days were that of a warm autumn.

Closing her eyes for a moment, Tibitha inhaled a deep breath. She wasn’t for sure if she was ready to take on the task of seeing Kagen in the hospital. He wasn’t allowed to be injured, let alone die on her. He was all that was left. Tatom was now fully committed to the pack and Langdon. He will not becoming back, maybe for a visit. If the council will let him.

Shaking her head, she proceed towards the door of the hospital. No time like the present to get this done and over with. The faster she can see what Kagen looked like, the faster she can help him heal. Kagen will need someone to help him wash, cook food for him. Gather up anything that he needs. She was the mom to do it.

“I’m here to see Kagen Valitore.”

The nurse behind the desk typed the name in the computer. Noticing the woman’s ring, she wore a Celtic Trinity symbol. Studying the silver ring on her finger more, the solid lines were wavering with a mist like visibility. Leaning in, she listened to the silent air around them. The hairs on her arms began to rise.

“Excuse me,” the nurse snapped.

Tibitha jerked back. “Sorry, I was trying to see your ring. It’s very beautiful.”

“Oh, my mother gave it to me.” The nurse held it out.

All that was there before was gone. Smiling, Tibitha repeated her words to the nurse.

“Kagen in is room 305.”

“Thank you.”

“Visiting hours are almost over, so I would hurry if I was you.”

“Thank you,” Tibitha tightened her coat around her body.

Walking away she glanced back at the nurse as she rubbed her arms. Stuff like that only happens in a warning. Just what was the warning. Running the thoughts through her mind, she began repeating what the Trinity symbol was regards as protection.

As the elevator doors closed, she wiped her forehead. The hairs on her arms still have not return to their natural state. Thoughts like Father, Son, Holy Ghost began to appear in her mind. Past, Present and Future. Creator, Destroyer, Sustainer. Creation, Preservation, Destruction.

The ding of the elevator door caused her to jump in fright. Her eyes scanned the hallway from the safety of the little surroundings. Just as the doors began to close, she threw out her arm to stop them. Stepping out, she looked up and down the hallway. Her arm hair was standing on end as it was. A chill ran up her spine.

‘This isn’t right.’ Tibitha scanned the floor as she walked down the hallway. ‘Something is seriously wrong.’

Finding the number plate that read 305. She held her breath for a moment then laid her hand on the door. ‘He has to be okay.’ Tibitha sucked up the tears before entering the room.

The lights were dim. The curtain was pulled to hide him. Her hands tightened around her coat as her feet carried her slowly towards the bed. Pulling back the curtain, Tibitha’s eyes widened at the sight. The lower half of his body was covered in a sheet. White gauze covered his whole chest and stomach. Followed by his leg propped up with a pillow tucked under it. Examining the toes that peeked out, his big toe was black and blue. Forcing her eyes passed all the bandages to his face. Kagen’s nasty multi-colored eyed was swollen. A cut down the side of his face, his bottom lip was blue.

“Kagen!” Tibitha didn’t mean to shout but the sight of him alone frightened her to death. “Kagen.” She cried.

Movement from the chair in the corner caused her to jump back and away from the opening beside the bed. The highest Priest stood up from the very spot he had stayed since Kagen was placed in the hospital. Tibitha took calming breaths once she had seen who it was standing there.

“Angus,” Tibitha whispered loud enough for him to hear.

“I am looking over Kagen. I was the one who found him carrying the wolf.”

“So it’s true. He captured a wolf.” Tibitha smiled down at the sleeping man. “Amazing.”

“It is.” Angus moved towards the bed, yawning.

“Have you figured out if it’s a changing bite or not?”

Angus rubbed his temples, “We do not know at this time.”

Nodding her head, she leaned down and moved a piece of hair that was laying on his forehead.

“I take it that your son has given a legacy.”

“He has, it’s his birth right.”

Angus nodded in return.

The reflection in the window told her that a guard came in with two cups of coffee in his hands. Tibitha looked over her shoulder towards him then back to the man on the bed. Her heart ached to see him lying there injured the way he was. Kagen was a fighter ten times over the next man. He would never have gotten this way if it hadn’t gave it his all.

“I just got word that Lorraine is on her way,” the guard said.

“What on earth why?” Angus seemed confused on this matter.

Keeping her ears open and her head down at Kagen, Tibitha allowed the conversation to go forth without interruption.

“She said that she had knew information about something. Lorraine wouldn’t tell me over the phone, just that you needed to hear it for yourself.”

Time seemed to have stood still for the fifteen minutes it took Lorraine to come in the door with more guards behind her. Tibitha rolled her eyes at the sight of the woman. Lorraine stood like she owned the place, like it was her who was the Highest Priestess.

“Awe Tibitha, it is good to see that you are home.”

Tibitha nodded. Her hand tightened around the bed post.

“I assume that Tatom has tied his soul to the wolf.” Her voice dripped with venom.

Straightening her back, Tibitha turned towards Lorraine. “Yes, which is my sons right. This coven has kept him from his true destiny for years. I will not allow another moment to go by with him away from Langdon! Or his mate!”

“Tibitha shut up,” a groggy voice came from the bed.

Flipping around with eyes full of surprise. “Kagen!” Leaning down, “You’re awake.”

“I wish I wasn’t,” he mumbled.

“Did I wake you?” Her face full of guiltiness.

“Like you would have it any other way,” he replied in a mumble.

Tibitha smiled at the man on the bed. Kagen had to be healing. His jokes were directed towards her in the manner they always had been. Straight forward and direct.

“Are you in any pain?”

“Not at the moment,” Kagen shifted his upper body to scratch his back.

“Here let me help you,” sliding her hand in between the bed and his back. She began to scratch. Kagen hissed loudly. “Oh God, Sorry!”

“There are open wounds back there.” He snapped. “Lord woman, trying to kill me?” Hissing as the fingernail trails stung, Kagen shot her a nasty look.

Breaking up their little interaction Lorraine announced, “Tibitha Hawthorne, you are to come with us at once.” Two guards seized Tibitha around the arms. She snuggled to get free.

“What is the meaning of this?” Angus shouted.

“By orders of the council.”

“I am the head of the damn council. No such orders passed over me.”

“You were out voted. The council will see you first thing in the morning.”

Angus, Tibitha and even Kagen was stunned at the words. The guard shifted uneasily beside the Highest Priest. No one knowing what to do at the moment. The guards holding onto Tibitha wasn’t for sure if they had heard correctly. The council is ordering the Highest Priest.

With a smirk on her face, Lorraine ordered the guards out with Tibitha. Dragging her along, she went with them willingly. Not knowing what to do for the time being.

Breaking the silent air the guard asked, “What does that mean?”

Angus was shocked into a dumbfounded state. From the bed Kagen rolled his eyes at the older man. Before he just thought that the older man put up with the council going behind his back. By his reactions Kagen realized that the man actually didn’t know. He personally didn’t think that the older man was that naïve.

“Why would they arrest Tibitha?” the guard asked.

“Because she went against the council. Her son tied his soul to the wolf.” Kagen laid back in heartache. “The council forbid it I guess. Tibitha sent him away and she wouldn’t speak of where he was.”

“What?” Angus sat down. “I know of no such thing.”

“You really are that dumb aren’t you?” Kagen popped his head up to look the man in the eye. “You have no idea what the hell is going on.”

“Listen here, I– – ” Angus stopped his protest. Blowing out a breath. “To be honest, the council has been going behind my back, changing rulings. Talking in secret.”

“Why do you think that is?”

“Who are you?” Kagen snapped at the guard. “For days I’ve had to put up with you standing over my damn bed without knowing who the hell are you?”

The guard looked uneasy. Kagen pulled himself up to a sitting position. When the guard went to move, Kagen snatched a hold of him and pulled him down towards the bed.

“I don’t think so, start talking.”

A moment went by when Angus told him to tell Kagen the truth.

“Everyone knows me by John. My real name is Malory. I came from an older coven. One that dates back hundreds of years. Our little coven is no more. The last of us decided to join others. Years ago, I came here when I found out that Tibitha’s son was linked to the Empathy.”

“Why?” Kagen growled.

“Kagen please let go of him. Malory will tell you everything.” Angus placed a gentle hand upon his arm from the other side of the bed. Kagen slowly released his grip upon the man’s arm. The guard straightened up.

“Go on,” Kagen’s voice was deep and full of dominance.

“As I said, my name is Malory. I am a child of Mabon, the Scared Son of the– – ”

“Celtic Lore. I know of the coven.” Kagen interrupted him. “Word has it that the coven broke up years ago due to the low numbers. So far we are on the same page.”

Angus chuckled. The younger man was more wise than what the coven gives him credit for. Malory nodded at Kagen.

“Years ago, many years ago a woman by the name of Mary Ann Hawthorne wrote down that the wolves during her time will return and that the Empathy is the key to all. Unfortunately the document in which held this information was burned. We only hold a few lines of the letter. A man had received that a witch had joined a wolf pack.”

“Sandra and Ramsey?” Kagen questioned.

“Yes, only time that a Empathy is born is that of a witch and a wolf. We began looking into the life of the Empathy’s family until the pack was attacked. One of our members had found out that Tibitha gave birth to the witch that was tied to the Empathy. Mary’s visions were as strong as they come. The coven relied on her sight. When she spoke, people listened.

“I was assigned to this coven. I was able to find Angus who believed that the Empathy was real and would return.”

“We all know that the Empathy is an old wolf. Get to the part about why are you doing this and what the hell is going on.”

“Simple,” Angus took over. “War is coming. Some of us believe that the Empathy knows how to stop this or can help us. With the betrayal that has happened, witches and wolves have gone their separate ways.”

“It’s stupid and you two are not telling me everything. You are the head of this coven, step up and do your damn job.”

“Hold on Kagen, we don’t know everything. Malory has been searching for answers all these years. You my friend are the closet thing we’ve come to reading the werewolf documents. It is our fault that Tibitha has annoyed you to the edge of breaking. Malory would place a thought into her mind and she would seek you out.”

“Really?” Kagen narrowed his eyes, “Come closer so I can give you matching eyes.”

Malory laughed. Angus chuckled.

“Calm down, we do know that we are dealing with someone who is speaking with the wolves.”


“What makes you say that?” Malory questions.

“Let’s just say I know something. And she was working with, probably still is, Savage.”

“Tell me how you know this,” Angus demanded.

“I will not. I only have the proof of my eye sight.” Kagen laid back, allowed his head to fall to the pillow. “The council as well.”

“Probably why I’m getting ready to lose my seat.”

“So you’re not as stupid as I thought.”

Angus smiled, “No, I believe that there is a war coming and we are all in danger.”

The air went silent between the three men. Kagen wondered if he paid attention like he thought that he had, if he would have picked up on these two pretending to so whatever it was that they were doing. War wasn’t coming, it was upon them. The coven believed that they were untouchable. Maybe the wolf attack will spread new light upon them.

The door bounced open with a bang, guards surrounded the room. Lorraine came in behind them with a evil smirk upon her face. A rolled up paper in her hands. Angus stood, demanded to know what was going on. She had no right to come into this room the way she did.

“Yes I do, Kagen Valitore you are under arrest for the murders of Tanner Hage, Eledon Fleur, Gale McHenry.”

Kagen rolled his eyes. He was wondering when they would figure it out. Yet his gut told him that they were just blaming him.

“So just trying to blame me huh?”

“We have proof that you were not in jail. We have proof that you were no where near the town you said you were.”

“Really, so explain to me where I was?” Kagen laid forth a challenge in hopes she would screw it up.

Lorraine straightened her back. “There are eye witnesses that place you with the council at the time of the murders.”

“I thought they were traveling when they were murdered?” Kagen countered. “Did you seize the Empathy to kill off the Halfling?”

“Halfling?” Malory whispered.

“Excuse me, until morning I am still in charge. This man here captured a wolf who killed off members of this coven. He is injured and will not be taken anywhere else until he is able to walk on his own.”

“Angus, he murdered three council members!” Lorraine shouted.

“Where is your proof. Bring me proof other than hear say, then I shall listen.” Angus was firm with her. Lorraine’s mouth open to find him pointing for her to leave the room.

“I am here on official council business.”

“And I am the head of the damn council until your back stabbing pathetic low life’s over throw me in the morning. As the Highest Priest I say move your ass before I lose all of my manners and give your ass a swift hard kick to send you on your way.”

Lorraine gasped at his words. “How dare you!”

“I dare very much my dear.” He moved from around the bed, “Now leave, my foot is starting to itch.”

Lorraine backed away from him with her eyes glued on the three men. She turned around and motioned for the guards to leave. Stating she will be back in the morning for Kagen, he was to be imprisoned at once.

“Well, I guess that means Tibitha is there.” Kagen laid his head back down.

“Kagen is there any truth in what Lorraine had said?” Angus asked quietly.

“You have your secrets I have mine.”

Malory laid a hand on his shoulder. He understood the hidden truth behind the words. By freeing the Empathy, he had to eliminate a few problems first. Although his meant, that he’ll be sentenced to death.

“I thank you two for standing guard. However I would like some alone time. If you would be please leave me alone for the reminder of the night I would greatly appreciate it.”

“Are you sure? Lorraine will probably have guards here all night.”

“I am sure. For the remainder of the night I am safe.”

With some debate in their eyes Malory and Angus decided that the man had a right to his privacy. It was probably going to be the last few hours for a long time. With Angus losing his seat in the morning, Kagen won’t have an ally one.

Building himself up, Kagen focused on what he needed to do. A list of belongings flashed over his mind. The best way to figure out what was truly going on inside the coven. The nurse came in an offered him more pain medicine. Nodding his head, he threw back the paper cup with the two small pills inside. Washing it down with water, he thought that Vodka would give a good kick right now.

Once she left, Kagen threw back the blankets from the bed. Groaning, as he moved his legs to the floor. Sweat had started to form on his forehead. Using his foot, he retrieved the bag from underneath the bed. He might not have a friend in the coven but he does have friends else where.

Struggling with the pants as he placed them upon his legs, Kagen groaned. ‘Damn wolf tore me up.’ A smirk formed on his lips. The pain medicine began to kick in. His body felt light then like it was falling. Swaying a bit, Kagen stood up on his left leg and pulled the pants up around his ass. As he button them, he remembered that there would be guards at his house. Hopefully not around the hidden door. Or he wouldn’t have a chance getting into his house.

By time he was fully dressed, the wind was knocked out of him. Breathing heavily, he gathered up the bag and moved to the door. Slightly popping it open, he glanced out in the hallway. The guards were down the hallway. At least they weren’t by the door.

Just across the hallway was the emergency exit, aka, stairs. All he had to do was reach the door and get it open before they noticed him. Leaning on the door frame he took a long deep breath to ready himself for the small jog five feet from the door. Eying the guards, Kagen saw the opportunity to bolt.

Putting more pressure on his left leg than his right, he pushed off and wobbled towards the stairs. Popping open the door, he slid inside the stairway. Leaning on the door, he listened as he held his breath. Pain bolted up from his side, groaning he slid to the railing. Using the cold metal as support, his feet slid down the steps instead of picking them up.

After god who knows how many stairs and a few doors, Kagen had finally reached the parking garage. By this time the pain was so severe his mind had checked out. His body focused on getting the hell out of there. Fishing the keys from the bag, he pushed the button. Lights bleeped down the way. Blowing out another breath, his feet carried him over to the car. His beloved black slick car.

Opening the door, Kagen fell into the car. Groaning and cussing as the pain sparked up new trimmers in his muscles. Pouncing the steering wheel to let off some of the steam, Kagen grinded his jaw together.

“Damnit, that hurts.”

Taking a breather, he wiped his face. “I need to find Tibitha.”

Starting the engine, he peeled out of the parking garage. Flying down the street, his mind focused on the task at hand. What was the coven actually doing with Savage? Why would they team up with someone who is destroying all packs? He was missing something bigger here.

Pulling up to the side of the road, he killed the engine. Lights illuminated the house up the path. The coven house. A place were all could find hope. A place where they would keep someone before throwing them in prison. Tibitha.

After fighting with his legs to work, Kagen stepped out of the car. Walking straight up wasn’t the smartest yet, they wouldn’t expect someone to walk straight up. They would be out in the small wooded area. However, they could see if someone approached from the house. The trees didn’t truly cover up the road or the house.

Walking down the road a bit, he decided to go around the house towards the back. By luck they would have Tibitha in the back of the house. As quietly as he could, he walked through the garden towards the back of the house. A window was lit up with people standing around it. Kagen ducked down. Peeking through the hedge, he saw that it wasn’t Tibitha.

“Damn, where would they take her?”

The guards were on their way, searching the back of the house for any movement. Kagen slide down to the ground. Holding his breath, he waited for the feet to pass over the area in was hiding in. When his eyes caught a small window leading to the basement of the house.

‘Of course, this wouldn’t be that easy,’ he thought to himself.

While he was already on the ground, he moved with the hedges to position himself closer to the window. A small dim light appeared in the back ground. Casting a silhouette against the wall. The hair was that of Tibitha’s length. Whoever it was, was pacing around. Silently hoping they would come into view of the window. After a few moments, whoever it was was not going not to help him out by any means necessary.

Seeing that their was no guards standing around or coming, he lifted himself up off the ground and made his way over. Sliding down the old brick house, he peered inside. It was Tibitha. She was crying and mumbling to herself. Shaking his head, the woman was depressing. One minute she had confidence leaking out of her pores, next she was balling like a baby. Tapping the window with his fingernails, Tibitha flung around to look. Her eyes shot out as surprise fall upon her.

Waving her over, Kagen pointing to the lock on the inside of the window. She mouthed that the window was nailed shut. Rolling his eyes, Kagen looked around. Seizing a rock close by, he held it up for Tibitha to see. She nodded her head. Pointing to the pillow on the bed, she looked back. Going for it, she held it up. Rolling his eyes, he mouthed for her to cover the window with it. Nodding, she placed the pillow against the window and held it there.

As fast as he could, he took off his shirt and folded it against the rock. With a count of three in his mind, he slammed it against the window. A crack was heard. The pillow disappeared for a moment then went back. Secretly he smiled, Tibitha was using her head now. After a couple more hits on the window, the glass finally gave way. Shaking out his shirt, Tibitha set the pillow down on the floor.

“No, throw the glass in the trash.”


“It will keep them guessing for a short time. There is no wind tonight. Clear out all the glass and throw it away.”

Tibitha quickly did what she was told. While Kagen ready himself to pull her out of the basement window. Once all the glass was thrown away, she held up her hands.

“Place your feet on the wall and you have to help Tibitha.”

“I will.” Tibitha inhaled a deep breath, “Ready.”

Kagen slid his hands through the window. Wrapping his hands around her wrist, he told her to grip his wrist like he was hers. Tibitha planted her feet against the wall, as Kagen pulled she lifted. Pushing off with her toes, Tibitha’s upper body came out of the window. Kagen slid to the ground as he held his side. Groaning, he cussed under his breath. Tibitha pulled herself out of the window and over to him.

“Are you okay?” she whispered.

“Hell no, I really did it this time. I think I reopened my side.”

Tibitha had tears in her eyes, he had come for her while he was busted up. This meant something was going on or something had happened after she was taken away. Pulling him up off the ground, they stumbled towards the car. Kagen fell against the door. Snapping at her to get in. Now they needed to get out of here.

Three hours later, a back seat full of Tibitha’s clothes and belongings. They were hiding inside Kagen’s favorite room of his home. Down in the basement with his books. Guards were placed around his house, they were even sitting on his couch. Using Tibitha’s cell phone, he called Angus to let him know what was going on. His gut told him that Angus and Malory was the men to trust.

Another forty five minutes later, Angus came walking down the steps with Malory towing behind him. Tibitha waved them in the direction that they needed to be going. Slipping through the door, Kagen shut it behind the men.

“I swear if I find out that you are doubling crossing me. I will rip out your hearts and shove them so far up your ass. Your tongue was beat.”

Malory seen the glare in his eyes and swallowed. Kagen wasn’t the man to mess with. He knew his way around a good fight and was the one who came out on top.

“This is what we are going to do. I don’t want to hear no other way. These are all the books and documents I hold about the werewolves. I need to get them to a safe place. But the idiots upstairs pose a problem for me.”

“I can rent a storage unit.” Malory said. “No one knows my real name.”

“True, but I have full control.”

“Kagen what are you doing?” Tibitha hissed.

“We are getting out of here. By morning, Angus won’t have a leg to stand on. Malory here will probably be thrown away just like Angus. He’s shown his loyalty to Angus. And you are a wanted criminal at the moment.”

“And you?”

Throwing back a quick shot, Kagen wiped his face. “I killed the boy and those others. I’m the one who freed Langdon. Lorraine doesn’t have proof, but she is correct. I murdered the council.”

Tibitha gasped. “But I thought you were in jail.”

“I have a friend.”

“Well, at least you were able to save the Empathy.” Malory glanced at Angus. “What are you going to do old man?”

“Get all this out of here. We need to find somewhere to hid.”


“Seeing that something bigger is going on here and they were in the process of killing the Empathy. I say he helped us out.”

With that they began collecting what they could. Kagen kept his thoughts to himself. There still was a chance that these two would stab them in the back. He’ll keep his eye on them and make sure that Tibitha does the same. For now, they were a ticket out of here.






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