Chapter ten

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  Chapter 10

Collecting the driver JD, the Alpha had sent him to the pack house under a watchful eye. He had confessed that he was searching for his mate, they were to meet here soon. The Alpha of this pack had captured him three towns over. Made him drive these idiots around. He was in search of the Alpha of this territory, but Alpha Savage had taken a hold of him.

Max was given a call to bring Langdon back home. What route to take and who will be waiting when they cross the broader. He was to stop nowhere until they were at the pack house.

"I don't want to go back, not when Savage is there."

"Zero, Josh and Aaron will be waiting on us. Alpha said Zero will get into the car once we cross."

"Come on Langdon, May and June are still there." Jen had to try that approach. "They need you."

Hesitantly he let Max and Jen put him back into the car. Jen handed him a blanket, the guy looked like he was going to pass out. Shortly after getting down the road, Langdon did that very thing. Jen kept taking glances back at the wolf in the back seat. Somehow he looked smaller today than before. Maybe it was the situation.

An hour and fifty-four minutes later Max slowed the car down and stop yards from Zero. He popped open the back door, gently slid under his mates head. Once Aaron and Josh were in the other cars, he told Max to go. Josh led the way home while Aaron followed behind them.

"How's his headache?"

"Comes and goes," Jen lightly replied. "His nose bled a bit, not much. What does that mean?"

"Langdon pushed himself. He can't open the channels too long or he'll get severe migraine and nose bleeds."

"Man, he didn't want to come back because of this other Alpha." Max looked hurt upon the statement. "I know I'm not as strong but I would do my best."

"I know you would. That's why I entrusted you with my mate. Langdon trust you. This is why when I tell him to run, you and Jen are to take him and run. Don't tell no one where you're going. Call back in a day, ask me or the guys if I know directions to Langdon's favorite place."

"Botanical gardens," Max answered.

They were on the same page. Zero was grateful for that. The way he looked at it was Max and Jen brought him his mate. If Max wasn't like he is, Langdon wouldn't have trusted him. Max was the type of guy who would rather kill himself before he turned his back on a friend or betrayed the pack. This made Max a good loyal friend to his mate.

The pack house was full of people worrying about the New York pack in the territory. Langdon kept his hand locked in Zero's as he hummed to keep from freaking out. The Alpha pointed for them to sit behind him and his Beta's.

During the meeting the Alpha tried to ensure his pack that they had the situation under control. As of right now, if the New York pack stayed between the lines that was drawn out for them. They were granted permission to be here. He had to see what their intensions were. For now May, June and Langdon will be staying under his roof. They know of them belonging to this pack.

"Alpha, why do they want them?"

Dropping his shoulders for a mere moment, he turned to his boys. Placed a hand on Langdon's shoulder. "As we know our girls were abused in ways that one should never witness or be expose to. Langdon and his mother lived in New York for a short time. Where he had helped May and June escape."

A struggling breath came for a moment, he was feeling Langdon's struggles. Zero stroked his mate's back. Whispering that everything was fine. This needs to be told. The pack as a right to know that he saved their little trouble makers. This received a small laugh from Langdon, allowing the air to lighten up.

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