My Dearest mate

Von SamanthaBlue2001

149K 4.4K 1.2K

During the raid when hiccup was a baby something horrible happens, no his mother isn't taken but he gets bit... Mehr

the dragon within
hunters and tickles
on the move
the brother and the mate
Meeting the Queen
Getting out
Witches Magic
i want to fly
a "tiny" disagreement
A Nightly Raid
A plan set in motion
The bumps in the road
Temporary partings (sadly)
to my dear readers
It honestly was all in good fun


25.5K 569 272
Von SamanthaBlue2001

The darkness provides a cover for a dark scaled dragon, her vibrant green eyes full determination. She went to a seer before the raid and she knows what is coming.

She needs to do this for her hatchling, the mother dragon spots her destination. The scaleless' alpha den.

"There it is! You distract his mate and i'll get the hatchling" she shouts to the stormcutter next to her. The fourwinged dragon nods his owl like head.

"But of course miss Shadow-blender" he takes of first, crawling through the weird opening in the roof. A feminime yell is heard, cautiously the night fury enters.

The female scaleless is unconsious on the floor, her hatchling in a weird box. The dragoness tilts her head 'why would you put your hatchling in a box?' She wonders.

She shakes her head 'no stay focused' she scolds herself mentally. Her eyes fixate on the tiny hatchling, he's so tiny even for a scaleless. The mother dragon hesitates in her plans 'he's so small... no! I need to do this for my little one'

Carefully she takes the little scaleless in her mouth, she sqeezes her eyes shut 'i am so sorry little one' she thinks before sinking her teeth ,fully unsheated, into his vulnerable flesh.

The child cries out in pain, causing his mother to awake from her unconsious state. The woman screeches as she sees her baby boy in the mouth of a terrifying dragon. "HICCUP!" she cries out, the boy goes limp in the dragons grip and she lays him back in the box.

Tears stream down the scaleless' face as she scrambles towards the crib. The night fury picks up the soft thuds off footsteps 'oh for the love of the universal dragoness!' "Hurry! The alpha's coming!" The stormcutter grabs onto the woman and pulls her away from the crib.

A monsterous nightmare sneeks in and takes the crib. "NO HICCUP! HICCUP!" the mother cries and screams as she trashes against the hold of the stormcutter. The night fury looks away, not able to handle the torn expression on the scaleless face.

It makes her think of what she would do when her cub would be taken from her, she would die without her hatchling, that she knew for sure. "Foolish scaleless! Accept that your hatchling is no longer yours" the monsterous nightmare taunts.

The woman freezes in shock, "i was are monsters" she cries out as she still struggles to reach her baby. "VALKA!" "STOIC!" The alpha enters the room, knocking down the door. His axe shimmers deathly in the light of the fire.

The dragon glances between the enraged parents, the crib and outside. She sighs as she decides on what to do. "Put down the crib fyrin" she tells the dragon in her native tongue. "Ma'am i think we should-" "i said; put. Down. The crib. NOW" the dragoness roars.

The orange scaled dragon nods and puts down the baby, the dragons quickly make their escape. Stoic rushes to his son, "no..." his voice breaks a little at the sight of the non-breathing baby.

"I'll bring him to gothi! You get gobber!" Valka exclaims taking the limp boy in her arms. "Valka it's -" "don't even think of finishing that stoic or i'll have your intrails for breakfast" the distraught mother threathens. The chief raises his hands in surrender "i'll get him" both parents storm off.

Valka struggles to run up the hill without shaking the poor baby nearly to it's death, if he is still alive that is. "Gothi! Gothi open up you have to help my son!" The woman pleads desperately.

The elder opens her door cautiously, hey eyes glance at the woman before her. The question in her stormy grey eyes is obvious "he-he got bitten by a dragon!" The elder gasps and ushers mother and child inside.

Valka gently lays hiccup on a bed and removes his tunic. Red bitemarks prominent against the infants pale skin, valka's heart breaks at the sight.

Gothi walks up to the pair and closely inspects the wound, she hums a few times before scribbling on the sand on the floor.

"I've got gobber!" Stoic's voice booms through the house. "Good!" Valka exclaims staring at the runes. He....will...die? WHAT? Valka's breaths come out sharply "gobber what does it say?" The smith looks at the runes "he will die...OW! What was that for...oooooh survive, he will survive" he nods at his translation.

"Will he have problems from this?" Valka asks nervously shifting in place, stoic glances worriedly at his son. Gothi thinks for a moment before scribbling something down. "I don't think soup..soup? OW! Sorry so.. i don't think so"

Both parents breath a sigh of relief, their baby will be ok. He'll survive.

~time skip 3 years~

"Hey birthday boy" a soothing voice cooes to the little child, "noooooo, i wanna stay in sleep" valka chuckles "but how are you going to open your presents then?" "Presents?" The boy asks cracking one forest green eye open.

The mother nods "yes, mommy and daddy have a big one for you, but if you don't want to get up..."
"I'm up! I'm upperdieup!" The boy squeals. "That's my boy! Come on, let's go downstairs."

"Hey son!" "DADDY!" The 3-year old rushes to his father. "As energetic as ever huh little hiccup" the boy pouts "i'm a big man" "oh so you're a man huh?" "Stoic don't tease the boy about his size!" Valka scolds her husband.

"Open your present hunny" she cooes as she places the box infront of her son. The boy excitedly opens the box a big wooden dragon comes out along with a plush toy.

Hiccup squeals in delight, "looks like he likes it" valka says statisfied with herself.


It is already dark when stoic comes home "valka? Valka are you there?" He drops his bag by the door. "Daddy!" Hiccup rushes through the house to greet his father. "Hey son, where's your mom" the boy's face scrunches in thought.

"Gone!" Stoic raises his eyebrow "gone? for how long?" Hiccup tries to count on his little fingers "uhmmm.....very long" he says eventually giving up.

"How long hiccup?" "Uhmmm just after you left mommy went to the forest" Stoic looks scared for the 3th time in his life first time... when valka nearly died, second when his son got bitten and then now.

"Stay here hiccup" he says before storming of.


The search went on for weeks before they gave up hope, stoic took it hard. Hiccup wasn't allowed to go outside at any time without at least 3 vikings near. The father himself was almost never home, staying cooped up in the great hall.

Untill..."CHIEF! WE FOUND HER!!" Stoic jumps up. "Where is she?!" "In your house chief" stoic rushes to the house he hasn't seen in weeks. He slams the door open "valka?!" The woman twirls around and meets his gaze with a glare.

"How dare you" she snarls angerly, "how dare i? You went missing 5 weeks ago" "well i didn't let my baby starve!" Stoic looks at her bewildered. "What are you talking about?" "This!" Valka pushes hiccup infront of her.

The boy clings onto her legs, his face smudged with dirt and blood. "Apparently there hasn't been food in this house for a long loooongg time stoic!" She gently pulls her child's tunic off revealing his boney body.

You can count his ribs from a distance, and his body is full of cuts. Stoic stares at his boy in horror, "i-i don't understand" "i do... you abandoned your child to wallow in self pity! The kid is 3 stoic. 3! He had to scout for berries and fish to survive!"

"He wouldn't have of you didn't leave!" "I never left! I got kidnapped! It took me 3 weeks to get back only to find my son malnurished! He nearly died stoic! If he didn't went out on his own into the woods he would've died!"

Valka picks up hiccup and storms to her room, slamming the door. Stoic feels his blood boil in rage, he assigned vikings to watch hiccup and now he finds out his son wandered into the woods and nearly died from lack of food.

He is furious to say the least, he leaves the house to search for the incapable scum. After he found them he releashes his rage on the vikings rendering them incapable of moving for atleast a week.

~ 10 months and a week later~

Hiccup sulks in his room, his mom is locked in his parents room and his dad is ignoring him. To top that the other kids -mainly snotlout- started to bully him.

The now 4 year old hiccup glances at his knees they're covered in scratches from when the town's children pushed him onto the ground, calling him bad names.

Softly the door creaks open, his mother peaks through the crack. "Hey sweety" "hey momma" "can i come in dear?" Hiccup shrugs. Valka slips into the room before softly closing the door behind her.

"Did you sne-snea-sneeze out again?" Valka chuckles and ruffles his reddish-brown hair. "Yes i did sneak out again so shhhhh" she says putting her finger against her lips. The boy nods and glances back at his knees, valka follows his gaze and notices the big scrathes marring his skin.

The mother gasps "honey what happened?" She asks worriedly "i.. fell when i was... playing with my friends" he lies. Valka presses her lips against the youngster's forehead. "How about the two of us head into town for your birthday? Hmmm?"

Hiccup hesitantly nods and grabs his mothers, considerably larger, hand. The duo sneak into town, valka beams at her child as she looks around. "Oh let's go there!" She cheers, pointing at a little stall full of wood and fabric.

Hiccup nods, happy that he made his mom happy. He gently let's go of her hand so she can grab things for closer inspection. Suddenly he gets grabbed from behind and dragged into an ally. All sounds muffled by a hand clamped around his mouth.

"See i said you so!" "It is told not said" hiccup gets roughly turned around. "You came back, did i not say you that you are not whanted, i mean that drehgohn didn't even whant you as a snack! That is why you are not dead" "it is tell, wanted and dragon" fishlegs fearfully corrects.

"Whatever, no one ashked you" snotlout snaps. He smirks at his cousin, "well since you are here...." ruffnutt and tuffnutt stand next to him, smirking as well.

They pummel the boy, hit him with their small hands and feet. They rip of his tunic exposing the bite mark. Hiccup curls up into a ball and uses his arms to protect his head.

Tears burn in his forest green eyes, unknown that his pupils dialate. A scorching pain errupts from the bite mark, a loud scream tears from the 4 year old's mouth.

Everyone stops in their tracks, "hiccup?!" Valka cries out, trying to push through the crowd. "Snotlout what have you done?!" Astrid hisses, "i did not do it!" "Yes you did" "no!" "Guys! The mark!" Fishlegs squeaks.

Each spot where the teeth pierced his flesh sprouts black swirls, his stomach is covered in a matter of seconds. Valka finally breaks through the crows and falls onto her knees next to her baby boy. "Hiccup.. why didn't you tell me?" She whispers, stroking his soft face.

"I didn't want to make mommy sad.." "oh sweety i'm not sad see" valka manages a weak smile. The swirls reach his face "but mommy is crying" he mutters softly.

Hiccup arches his back in pain "mommy! Mommy it hurts!" He cries. "I-it's going to be ok sweetheart, just listen to mommy ok?" He nods weakly.


Hiccup cries again, "what is happening?!" A woman screams paniced. "Get gothi!" "Get the chief"

Valka tunes out the chatter and focuses solemly on her son writhing in pain. Snap "mommy...make it stop p-please!" Hiccup sobs. "I wish i could baby" she cries, "valka!" She hears her angry husband yell.

"You weren't allowed outside" "NOT NOW STOIC! STOP IGNORING YOUR OWN FRICKING SON EVEN FOR ONE MOMENT AND CARE FOR HIM WOULD YA?!" The mother screams furious. Stoic is taken aback by his wife's outburst but glances at his son.

"What is happening to him?" He asks shocked "i have no clue" the father sits on his knees next to the small body. Snap the little boy cries out again, the parents can do nothing but listen to their son's anguished cries.

"Did you know he got bullied?" Valka asks in a whisper. Stoic's breath hitches "what?" His wife let's out a humourless laugh "Apparently he is gettin bullied by the town's children."

Valka brushes her hand lightly against his hot face. Hiccup's skin has turned a sickenly shade of white, his forest green eyes murky and clouded with pain. His arms and legs sprawled in odd angles but no one dares to move the boy.

"Is he going to be ok?" Snap"Who cares, it is my cousin" crack "snotlout!" Tear.

At the sound of ripping flesh every viking falls silent once again, the parents horrified as they can only watch the skin of their son peel back, making way for dark purple scales.

Valka let's out a strangled sob as she gets held back from her own child. His anguished cries intesify as his body begins to morph into that of a dragon, a baby version of the night fury that bit him.

Hiccup lets out one last bonerattling scream, before the vikings lies a baby night fury softly whining on the floor.

Valka rips free from her restrainers and runs towards her baby boy. "Hiccup?" The baby dragon croons, her forest green eyes locking onto her mothers.

"Y-you're a dragon...and a female one at that" she whispers shocked. Hiccup looks at her perplexed like she's saying 'i'm a what now?' "This is unbelievable..." "what is this witchery?! What is that MONSTER?!" Stoic roars from behind them.

Hiccup fliches and hides behind her mothers legs. "WHERE IN THOR'S NAME IS GOTHI?!" Her father roars even louder. Every one stops their chattering and that's when they hear it... the screeches of nadders.

Before they even know it the dragons swoop down, all headed straight towards valka and the hiding night fury. "Valka!" Stoic yells, he quickly grabs his wife and pulls her to him.

The nadder's claws grab hiccup and lifts her into the sky far out of the reach of the arrows. The hatchling squirms in the older dragons grip. "HICCUP!" valka cries out, hiccup whines loudly.

" Don't worry little hatchling we are getting you away from those mean scaleless" the nadders cooes. Hiccup's head snaps to the general direction of the dragon's horned one. It's clear as day that this is a female nadder, "where are you taking me?" Hiccup asks fearfully, what if the dragon eats her... then again snotlout did say not even a dragon would want him, not even when it's starving.

Hiccup goes slack in the dragon's talons "i miss my mommy" "i know sweety, those scaleless are mean creatures. Cornering such a young hatchling as yourself" the nadder huffs. "What is a hatling?" The mother dragon chuckles softly "it's hatchling sweety, hatchling is a baby, a child if you may. Now little one how long have you been there?"

Hiccup scrunches her face in thought "since i was born....i am 4!" The dragoness laughs "four huh? Wait! They've kept you there for 4 summer cycles?!" "What is a summer cycle?" "Nevermind that little hatchling, what's your name?" "Hiccup!" " what a nice name i'm selene.. but you can call me mom"


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