The King (Harry Styles Fanfic)

By HazzaluvAidanxx

84.3K 1.7K 167


The King (Harry Sttyles Fanfic)
Chapter 1 (Taken)
Chapter 2 (Castle)
Chapter 3 (Escape)
Chapter 4 (Fire)
Chapter 5 (Liam)
Chapter 6 (Tricked)
Chapter 7 (His)
Chapter 8 (Helpless)
Chapter 9 (Finding Harry)
Chapter 10 (Fake)
Chapter 11 (Bruised)
Chapter 12 (Darcy)
Chapter 13 (War)
Chapter 14 (Blood Shed)
Cahtper 15 (Hidden)
Chapter 16 (Clarity)
Chapter 17 (Changed)
Chapter 18 (Proposal)
Chapter 20

Chapter 19 (Found)

1.7K 43 3
By HazzaluvAidanxx

It's been a week since we've been married. It's nice to know that I have my normal life back. Harry went out hunting in the woods, I'm about to go to the market, to buy some vegitables. I slipped on my boots, and knuckled gloves, and headed out. I spotted Harry, and gave him a quick peck on the cheek, and attmepted to walk away, but to arms snaked around my waist, and yanked me back. Harry. He gave me a soft peck on the lips, as his hair tickled my forehead. I giggled then kicked in the, erm, 'no' area. He chuckle-groaned.

"Sorry! I didn't see you there" I joked. He was still groaning, but still laughing. I walked to the villiage market, and looked around. POTATO, check. A trumpet was blown. I saw Liam on a horse, with soldiers around him. God no! I stood still hoping he didn't see me.

"The princess is missing, if any of you see her a reward will be given" Liam declared. His eyes searched the crowd, and landed on me. Two pairs of arms grabbed mine from behind, as Liam walked toward me on his horse. I shook my head, as if he where using telepathy.

"Nadia?" he questioned angrily. I yanked away from the soldiers into the woods, ignoring the ones running after me. I took a cross path to our home and saw Harry.

"Harry please! Liam say me!" I cried, running into the house. I waited ofr Harry but he didn't come. I peeked out the window to see soldiers holding Harry, Liam barking at him mercilessley.

"Where is she!? Tell me or I'll slit you neck, faster than you can say your own name" he threatened. I ran out to face Liam, he dropped the sword against Harrys' neck, and walked towards me.

"Please don't hurt him" I pleaded, He shook his head and chuckled.

"I know he took you, I'm here for you now, love" he held my face. I yanked away, DeJavu.

"HARRY!" I screamed running towards him, kneeling down.

"They cut your neck" I beamed down at the small cut left from the sword pressed against his neck. I glared at Liam in horror. He grabbed my arm, but I yanked away. I could've swore I heard him growl.

"I won you fairly, you are MY property" he yanked me away from Harry, and threw me on the horse. If I wasn't with Harry I didn't want to live. I jumped of the horse, and ran. I ran through the woods, pushing every branch or bush that brushed in my way. I ran into something hard. I looked up slowly, and dnagerously. Liam. He was mad, very mad, furious. He flung me on his back, and threw me roughly to a soldier. I glanced back at Harry. He was on the floor lifeless and pail. I balwed and screamed trying to get to him.

"LET ME GO! PLEASE!" I screamed trying to kick Liam for attention They killed him. They killed My King. My lovely king.

"Please..." I pleaded silently letting everything out in my head. Liam turned on his heel walking towards me.

"Your with me now, it's alright, he can't hurt you anymore" He used sympathy. I shook my head angrily.

"HE DIDN'T HURT ME! YOUR HURTING ME!" I kicked him straight in the, erm, yeah. He groaned and looked up angrily, and slapped my cheek, and pulled out a white cloth. No no not again!

"NO NO! PLEASE I'M GOOD NO! P-please..." The white cloth was pressed against my nose, it's sweet bitterness sinking into my nostrisl.

"No..." I drifted off into a cloud of swirls, and spirals.

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