Jungkook's babysitter 2: Grow...

By -bloopbloop-

240K 10.1K 2.8K

Aedda has lived in Busan for more than a year. With things going better than ever, nothing could possibly go... More

Usual Job
Usual Clumsiness
Usual worries
Usual joy
Usual quietness
Usual school
Usual regret
Usual forgiveness
Usual anger
Usual characters
Usual new friends
Usual pain
Usual rejection
Usual decisions
Usual graduation
New happiness
The end
Q & A (answers)

Usual strange feelings

12.7K 572 68
By -bloopbloop-

"I'm Li Bora, Jungkook's ex-girlfriend."

"Jungkook's ex-girlfriend."


Aedda's mind was circling around the Raven's- no, Bora's words. She could still see Bora's plump lips mouthing the words. Jungkook noticed her spacing out, but assured himself it was only the lack of sleep she got last night.

They walked into school, holding hands, and saw a crowd surrounding a person. The two ignored it, and went ahead to their classroom.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook asked, as they sat down at their desk. Aedda looked at his worried eyes and smiled, nodding her head. Jungkook smiled back, turning his attention to the teacher that came into the classroom.

"Alright class, settle down." The teacher, Mr Kim, quietened the class. "We have a new student in this class, please introduce yourself." He looked at the girl, who had her eyes scan the classroom and land on Jungkook.

She smiled sweetly, "hello, my name is Li Bora. Please take care of me." Bora bowed; majority of the class was pleased, the minority had mixed feelings. Unfortunately, Jungkook and Aedda were part of that minority.

"Okay, Li Bora you may sit on the empty chairs." Mr.Kim gestured towards the empty chairs. Bora smiled and nodded, walking over to the table at the front. She looked back and waved at Jungkook, who stared blankly at her. The teacher cleared his throat and started the lesson.

Before the bell even rang for lunch, the class was full of whispers about the new girl.

"Is that really the Li Bora? I heard she got bullied and moved to America."

"Wow, I heard that her and Jungkook went out."

"Yeah, in middle school."

For the first time ever, Aedda wasn't oblivious to what people were saying. She couldn't focus; she couldn't even write, because her hands started shaking every time someone said something.

Jungkook, seeing her behaviour, took her hand and gave it a squezze. Don't worry, nothing will happen, he hoped she could read his mind.

The bell rang, everyone in the class practically ran out- everyone except three people. Jungkook and Aedda never left, they always waited for their friends. Li Bora, however, was a different question. Jimin, Taehyung and Misoo arrived, stopping at the door. They stared at the girl, which they've heard about, and gulped. Taehyung was the first to walk in.

"Bora, how have you been? Haven't seen you in ages!" He exclaimed, making the said girl look up and smile.

"Hi TaeTae! It's good to see you too, Jimin and Misoo. Didn't think you would get together." Bora stated, making the couple blush. It was true, no one thought they would get together. Back in their own classroom, Misoo was the class goody goody, whilst Jimin and Taehyung were the two idiots. Baekhyun had also arrived, stopping in his tracks.

"So you really are back." He mumbled, smirking a bit.

Bora smiled, "hey Baekhyun, how have you been?"

Baekhyun shook his head, "better since you left. Aedda, I'll be at our place, if you want to then see me there." He stated, before walking out.

Aedda stood up, only to be stopped by Jungkook. She turned to him, hurt in her eyes. He let her go, he didn't know why, but he did. Aedda ran out of the room and followed her best friend. Everyone in the room was silent, until Bora laughed.

"Wow, never thought I would see a girl run away from you, Jungkook." The boy's blood boiled, stepping nearer her.


Jimin placed his hand in front of the younger, "Jungkook don't, that's what she wants." The younger relaxed, sitting back down and cursing under his breath.

Aedda caught up with Baekhyun, who was turning red.

"Baekhyun, wait- What's going on? Why is everyone acting so weird?" Aedda asked, once they were on the roof and she was catching her breath.

Baekhyun turned to her, "she's back. I can't believe she came back, I told her to stay away. Yet, she didn't listen. She never listened, she plays and she wins."

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