Jungkook's babysitter 2: Grow...

By -bloopbloop-

240K 10.1K 2.8K

Aedda has lived in Busan for more than a year. With things going better than ever, nothing could possibly go... More

Usual Job
Usual strange feelings
Usual worries
Usual joy
Usual quietness
Usual school
Usual regret
Usual forgiveness
Usual anger
Usual characters
Usual new friends
Usual pain
Usual rejection
Usual decisions
Usual graduation
New happiness
The end
Q & A (answers)

Usual Clumsiness

15.4K 606 449
By -bloopbloop-

The next morning, Aedda woke up early and, quietly, made her way back to her own apartment. Her parents were eating breakfast, and smiled when she joined them.

"Slept over Jungkook's last night?" Her mother asked, Aedda nodded and continued eating the toast she took from the big plate.

"Hope you used protection." Her dad said, laughing at his own joke.

Aedda nearly choked on the bread, "appa~ you're disgusting. You know that I made a vow to Jae-oppa that I won't do it until I'm married." Aedda stood up and walked into the bathroom.

"That's my girl." The parents said in unison, then laughed.

Aedda came out of the bathroom, her parents have gone off to work. She pouted and looked at the time. She still had 45 minutes until school starts, Jungkook must've gotten up already. Aedda smiled and adjusted her uniform, taking out the spare key she had to the Jeon's apartment. She walked out of her apartment and locked it, then she unlocked the door next to hers. Slowly, the door opened without a creak. Min Hee was on the couch, watching TV, so she didn't notice Aedda coming in. The girl smiled sheepishly, she was going to scare Jungkook, something he always did to her.

She went over to his bedroom door and swung it open, only to scream and cover up her eyes. Jungkook stood in only his boxers, looking at something on his phone. When he heard the scream, he looked up and saw his girlfriend a blushing mess.

He chuckled, "is this payback?" Jungkook walked closer to her, making sure that Min Hee didn't hear anything- which she didn't. He pulled Aedda inside his bedroom and closed the door. Forcefully, he pulled her hands down, only for her to close her eyes.

He pouted, "do you not like what you see?" Aedda opened her eyes, damn that pout! How can someone be cute and hot at the same time?

"I-I-I am sorry." Aedda stuttered.

"Why? Because you saw me naked? It's about time you saw the sexiness in me." Jungkook whispered in her ear, making her blush 100 times more. He pulled away and dressed up, leaving Aedda still stuck to the door.

Jungkook was about to button up his shirt, when an idea popped in his mind, payback. He smirked and walked over to the girl.

"Babe, could you be a dear and button these up for me? My hands don't seem to be working well." He teased, not letting himself blush for using that nickname for the first time.

Aedda hesitated, but she knew what he was doing and she wasn't going to give in.

"Sure." She grabbed the shirt and pulled him closer to her, seeing a hint of pink in his cheeks. She buttoned them all up, getting angrier at him. Once again, he made her an embarrassing mess and felt like he needed to continue. She wasn't letting this go, not this time. She was going to make it hell for him today; she knew just the thing for it.

To school, Aedda completely ignored Jungkook. When he tried to take her hand, she pulled it away. When he put his arm around her waist, she looked away. All of these things were what Jungkook hated: being ignored.

Aedda still sat with Jungkook, only turned her attention to her new friends: Seuguh and Herim. The girls were nice to her, but only when they found out she was dating Jungkook. Aedda never got close to them, but she needed to put her attention away from the boy with the amazing abs.

The rest of the morning was quiet simple. The teacher taught and the students listened. Only when it came to Lunch, then all the students hurried out of the classroom and to enjoy their free time. Aedda stood up, ready to go to Baekhyun, when Jungkook grabbed her wrist and pulled her down to his lap.

"Don't go. I'm sorry that I embarrassed you, just please don't go." He pleaded, kissing her neck up to her forehead. Aedda smiled, she couldn't be mad at him, not since he was practically a man-child. She sighed and turned to him, cupping his face and brushing her lips over his. They were like that for a few seconds, until someone cleared their throat. Both of them stopped and turned their attention to the door, where two boys and girl stood, plus a very unamused Baekhyun.

"Make out at home will ya." Taehyung, with his hair now a fainting purple, laughed and made a puking sound.

"You're just jealous, because you're single." Jimin, now sporting orange hair, laughed and kissed the girl next to him's cheek. "By the way, this is Misoo and she's my girlfriend."

Misoo smiled and waved at everyone, who were scattered around the classroom. Aedda on Jungkook's lap, Taehyung next to Baekhyun and Baekhyun next to Taehyung.

The next half an hour was spent with the group laughing or yelling. Still on her boyfriend's lap, Aedda thought about how great these people were, and even greater now she had a girl friend in the group.

After school came along quickly; Jungkook and Aedda made their way to the kindergarten, to pick up Min Hee. They found Min Hee and happily made their way back home.

"Can we go to the park today? We haven't been to the park in ages!" Min Hee said, holding each of the couple's hands. If anyone saw them from the side, they would say they looked like young parents- but there was no one looking from the side.

They got to the park and stopped. On one of the swings was a girl, she looked around Jungkook's height and her back was facing them. Even looking at her back, Aedda knew she was very pretty. She was wearing a white and yellow summer dress, her hair was raven black and you could see that she had curves.

"Who are you?" Min Hee shouted, making the Raven girl turn around.

Jungkook took a sharp breath in, no it can't be. The girl walked over to them, and hugged him.

"It's been a while Jeon Jungkook." She smiled, stepping back and looking at Min Hee. "I see you've grown a lot, Jeon Min Hee." Now she turned to Aedda, her breath hitched and she had no idea what to do. "And who may you be?" The Raven girl asked, raising her eyebrow slightly.

"I'm Ryu Aedda-"

"She's my girlfriend." Jungkook added, in which the Raven girl smiled and put her hand out to Aedda.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Li Bora. I am Jungkook's ex-girlfriend."

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