Endless Love {3} | Justin Bie...

By iamnotlois

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Runaway Love Sequel. Endless love: To Infinity and Beyond. "Promise that you'll always love me and stay wit... More



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By iamnotlois


My eyes were wide in total shock as I held onto my phone and I saw that the call with Cassie had ended. I couldn't really process what the hell was going on at the moment. One moment, we were both laughing over the phone and the next she was being followed and then I heard crashing sounds and glass shattering. I kept calling and calling her name but nothing came back and that's when I realized that the line went dead. Did I just hear how my best friend had an accident over the phone?

I panicked.

Everything inside me told me that something was so wrong. My heart started beating faster and my hands began to shake. I was scared, so damn scared that, after everything I had heard over the phone, something bad had happend to Cassie. I knew that she as driving fast to lose the person who was following her and if she really had a car accident, what if she was ...

No. I didn't want to let my thoughts go that far.

I had no idea what I was supposed to do. I was so shaken up and I couldn't think straight and I was way too far away to get something done from where I was. I needed to see Cassie, I needed to hear if she was alright or else I wouldn't be okay. I picked up the phone that was lying on the floor and tried to call her again, with hope that maybe she or somebody else, I didn't really care who, would pick up but my heart crushed when that didn't happen.

I rubbed my face with my shaky hands and took a few deep breath to calm myself a little. I needed to think rational now and come up with what to do next. I thought about calling an ambulance but what was I going to tell them? I had no idea where exactly Cassie was, she didn't even tell me where she was going because I never asked.

Justin. I had to call Justin. I had to let him know what was going on.

Going through my contacts, I searched for Justin's number and when I finally found it, I clicked on his name and called him. It was ringing and ringing but Justin didn't pick up. I paced back and forth my room impatiently and dialed him number again after it went to mailbox after the first time I called. The second time Justin still didn't answer. I was so frustrated because I needed him now more than ever and he was not fucking responding. I dialed his number again and I told myself to do that until he picked up. I had no idea what he was doing but he needed to stop.

I ran my hand through my hair and let out a frustrated groan when he was still not answering two times later. I went back to my contacts and looked for Will's number to call him instead. I knew that he was busy but maybe if he was that it was me calling he would answer. I was about to dial his number when my phone began ringing and Justin was calling. Fucking finally.

"Justin-" I began saying but I didn't get further than that because Justin interrupted me before I could even tell him what was going on.

"I swear Emilia, you better have a good reason for calling me because I'm in the middle of something," he spat over the phone, clearly pissed about the fact that I had spam called him but if he only knew.

"Justin listen ..." I began but stopped myself. I had no idea how I was going to tell him what happend. Just thinking about it got me all shaky again and I felt like throwing up. I didn't want to know his reaction. "I .."

"Emilia talk," Justin said, impatient with me. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and then I started talking like he wanted me to.

"We were on the phone, Cassie and I, and she was driving somewhere, I have no idea where but all of the sudden she said she was being followed by a shady black car. She told me to wait because she wanted to lose that person and I did as she said but then ..." I trailed off, biting down on my lip and closing my eyes again. I felt like I was being overdramatic but I was just really scared and terrified at this point. Just hearing that crash over the phone made me think of many things that might have happen and those things scared me.

"Then what," Justin wanted to know, though I bet that already knew that something bad was up since my voice was all shaky while I was talking.

"I just heard the sound of cars crashing and glass shattering. I think she was in a car accident, Justin and it didn't sound good at all."

Silence followed right after. I didn't know what to expect now but I wanted him to say something because I hated how quiet it was. Maybe he was in shock just like I was and he had to process what I had just told him and that's why he was being quiet.

"You are bullshitting me," Justin said in total disbelief. I wish I was because I didn't want to believe myself what was going on.

"I swear I'm not Justin, I wouldn't lie about something this serious," I answered him. Justin knew me well and he knew when it came to Cassie I wasn't playing games. It was silent again until I heard something crash at the background. Then Justin started cursing and yelling, making me flinch at how loud he was and how angry he sounded. I knew that he was going to react but I wasn't expecting that.

"I gotta find her," Justin said to me after he had calmed down a little a few minutes later.

"Please let me know if you did. I'm driving to L.A right now. I need to see her."

"Oh hell no, you are not driving in that condition you are in. Take the next flight, it's on me." Justin was right, I was too shaken up to drive right now and I wouldn't be able to focus on the road for five hours straight. We didn't need another car accident today.

"You're right, I'll do that," I told him and a little while later we hung up.

I didn't waste any time to get all my things together and call a cab that was going to take me to the airport. All this time I had Cassie in my head and I was praying that when I arrived in Los Angeles I would see that she was alright. I needed her to be alright because I was not ready to lose my best friend.


Out of all the things I had ever done and I had been through in my life, I have never been so terrified.

The lifestyle that I lived was pretty dangerous. I had a lot of enemies that hated the shit out of me and wanted me dead every second of the day and I knew very well that one of them could just get to me and get rid of me anytime but I wasn't even scared about that.

I had been I fights that had ended badly for me, with cuts, bruises and ribs and other shit but even then I didn't fear anything.

I had been different shootings and I could have been hit by a bullet at any time and died or been injured really badly and I was aware of that but again, I wasn't afraid.

I wasn't afraid of anything really. I simply did my shit like I was supposed to do it and not letting fear cloud my mind was what kept me going and doing everything how I was supposed to.

But then I got that call about Cassie being in a bad accident and fear, like I had never felt it before, ran through every single vein of my body. I was completely lost; I had no idea where she was at the moment and I didn't even know how she was doing. She could be laying in a hospital bed right now, all hurt and injured or even worse, she could be dead.

That thought made me shudder.

I had no idea what I would do if she wasn't here anymore. I had no idea what had exactly happend yet but just the thought of her being dead, the thought of her not waking up to me every morning, the thought of not being able to look into her mesmerizing brown eyes, the thought of not hearing her beautiful laugh and seeing her smile, the thought of not being able to kiss her lips or her cheeks, her forehead, her nose, just all over her body, the thought being able to hold her in my arms at night when we slept or when she needed me the most. Those thoughts scared the shit out of me like nothing else had ever before.

Whatever had happend, I prayed to God that she was okay and that he didn't take her away from me yet.

I wouldn't take it.

I had been in South Central with Will when I had gotten that call and the moment I had hung up, I rushed out of the house we were in, leaving Will without a word and totally clueless and got into the car to find Cassie.

I had called Kevin and asked him to report to me about every accident between Burbank, where he lived, and our house in Malibu. It didn't take him long to find out that there had indeed been an accident and I immediately made my way to the adress he gave me.

I gripped the steering wheel hard as I pressed my foot on the gas pedal and raced through the highway. I didn't care if I was driving too fast and I ignored all the people honking at me when I overtook them. All I cared about was seeing Cassie and making sure that she was alright and nothing bad has happend to her.

If she was harmed in any way it would be my fault only. If I had not agreed to her driving to Kevin to bring him my stuff she would be perfectly fine right now and not involved in a damn car accident.

We both had agreed of her not leaving the house without me or any other person of the gang, for her safety. Cassie was home all the time, just today she went out which made me think, how the fuck did he even find her? He had been MIA for two weeks and honestly thought we wouldn't hear of him but now that things were alright and we were so close from moving away from all the bullshit and start over again he was back.

He had a great fucking timing.

Daniel's stubborn ass wasn't gonna leave us alone and I had no idea why that boy was so keen on getting Cassie back when she was old enough to live without him and do whatever the hell she wanted to do.

For a moment I was thinking about not running from him. I wanted to confront him and tell him to his face that he needed to stop and whatever he was going to do he would never tear me and Cassie apart and she was never gonna leave with him. I needed her to tell him too but I knew that Cassie didn't want to see him again and how important it was to her to go away so I didn't have another choice. We had also bought the house in Panama already so we had to go sooner or later anyway.

I wished we had gone sooner, then all of this wouldn't have happend.

I had no idea how long I was driving but I almost arrived at the destination. I could see the ambulance and the police from a distance. As I drove closer to them, I got more nervous and my heart started beating faster in my chest. I had no idea what I had to expect.

I stopped my car next to an ambulance and got out immediately. The entire street was blocked and a few people were standing in front of the barriers, looking at the scene of accident. The police officers were talking to a few people, probably witnesses, and I wanted to walk over to them to ask what had happend but I wanted to see it for myself even though I was scared of what I was going to see. I pushed through the people until I reached the barrier and I was shocked when I saw the accident. There were three cars involved and in the middle of them was a black Range Rover.

My black Range Rover.

I passed the barriers ans walked over to the car, my eyes wide and my mouth ajar in shock. I heard someone telling me to go back but I ignored him, it was not like I could focus on anything else but the scene in front of my eyes. I took a better look at the car. The complete drivers side was demolished and the car was also hit from the back. Seeing this I expected the worst because it looked like she crashed into five cars and I had no idea how she would make it out of there without serious injuries.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned my hand to look at it and then I looked at the police officer who the hand belonged to. Just then I realized that I had been staring at the accident for a while. "Sir, you can't be here," he said to me but I didn't answer him first and looked back the cars in the middle of the street.

"That's my car," I told him quietly. "My girlfriend. She was in there. Where is she? Is she," I gulped before I continued, "dead?" I asked him and looked back at the officer who was giving me an apologetic look.

The officer shook his head immediately. "She was alive when they found her but unconcious," he let me know. Relief washed over me when I heard that. At least I knew now she was still with me. Now I needed to know what exactly had happend and how she was doing.

The man told me that they had brought Cassie to the closest hospital and I didn't hesitate to make my way there. I drove to through the streets fastly until I reached the hospital the officer was talking about around 15 minutes later.

Getting out of the car, I jogged inside the hospital and went straight to the reception. "Hi. Could you please tell me where I can find Cassandra Rodriguez?" I asked the blonde receptionist, who was busy typing something on the computer. Stopping for a moment, she looked up at me, looked me up and down and then she went back to typing again.

"I'm sorry Sir, I'm only allowed to give this information out to family," she answered me, her tone annoyed but also lightly sassy.

I took a deep breath before I spoke so I wouldn't snap at her. "I'm her boyfriend."

"Like I just said," she began and looked up to me again, "only family is allowed to get this information," she spoke a little slower this time, as if I didn't understand what she fucking said.

It was bad already that I couldn't be with Cassie but that this chick was not letting me see her was worse and because I had already enough to deal with and I was impatient as hell at the moment, I snapped.

"Listen, Miss and listen good. My patience is running fucking thin right now. My girlfriend was involved in a bad fucking accident and I want to see if she is doing alright and you are going to tell me where she is. Family? Her parents are dead and her brother is far away from here. I am her family alright so now you are going to give me the information that I need or else I'm gonna get it myself do you understand me?"

The receptionist just stared at me with wide eyes and in shock, most likely not expecting this reaction out of me. I didn't mean to be this snappy either but I was at the point where I was capable to do anything until I saw Cassie.

After a few moments had gone by and the receptionist snapped out of it she let me know where I could find my girlfriend and I rushed to the elevtors to get to the third floor. Once the elevator doors opened, I jogged down the hall in search for the room the receptionist just gave me. I checked numbers from the doors I walked past to find room 301 and when I found it down the hall, a doctor walked out of it and towards me.

"Are you here for Cassandra?" the doctor asked me before I could say anything to him.

"Yes. Where is she and how is she?" I wanted to know, hysterically.

"She is ..." he stopped and took a breath, looking for the right word to say, "stable. She hit her head pretty bad, lost a lot of blood and has other major injuries. Her left arm in broken and she has a few broken rips; she has a few face injuries too, but they are not that bad. We had to do an emergency surgery because she was bleeding within and outside her lung which made it diffult for her to breathe. We lost her for a short time during the surgery but now she is okay, just unconcious. Like I already said, she hit her head badly; that caused her brain to shift and swell. Due to the shifting of her brain and the swelling, blood and oxygen are blocked to flow to the brain and that's why she had fallen into coma."

My heart sank at this information. I needed a moment to process all this but I didn't know if after that moment I would be able to process all the horrible information. I think, I even forgot to breath for a moment and I just didn't know what to do or say as I stared back at the doctor in shock. What did he mean they lost her during the surgery and why was he making me think she was 'okay' when she had been fucking dead for a minute; how the fuck was that okay? I was losing my god damn mind. I had so many questions, way too many but I could find the answers to them later, I just wanted to know one thing right now.

"She will be fine right?" I asked the doctor, my voice so quiet that it was almost a whisper. The docotor stared at me for a moment and then he gave me a nod. I didn't know if he nodded because she was really going to be alright or because he didn't want me to feel worse than I was already feeling. "When can I see her?"

"She's in this room. You can see her now if you want."

I nodded my head and asked my next and last question, "okay and when will she wake up?"

"She could wake up in a few days," he answered me and I felt relieved but that feeling was gone when he continued talking, "or in two months. It's up to her and if she gets better the next few days. Her condition is not very well at the moment but we tried our best make her comfortable enough and hopefully she'll be better soon."

Letting out a frustrated sigh, I rubbed my eyes with the palm of my hands and then I ran them through my hair. Not wanting to wait any longer, I thanked the doctor for the information and taking care of her, then I made my way to the room Cassie was in.

I grabbed the door handle and took a deep breath before I walked in. I did hesitate a little before I stepped inside the room because I didn't know what I was going to see. I didn't want to see Cassie doing bad ever and by everything the doctor just told me I got a anxious.

I closed the door behind me and gasped at the sight of her laying in the hospital bed with the wires around her and these devices that helped her breathing and stay pretty much alive. I approached her bed slowly, my heart aching to see her like this because I never wanted this for her and I never wanted to see her in this condition. Hovering over her, I looked down to her face and was speechless because of all the cuts, bruises and red marks that were all over her face and also her neck. Not being able to hold back my emotions anymore, I let the tears fall from my eyes down to my cheeks.

"I'm so sorry," I whispered, taking her hand, that was extremely cold, in my hands. I dropped my head, closed my eyes and took a deep breath. This was not happening. "Fuck baby, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. This is all my fucking fault. I should have cared better for you," I said, closing my eyes even more and shaking my head.

I thought about all the things that I did wrong today, starting by letting her leave the house when I knew it was dangerous and letting her deliver stuff for me when I should have thought about doing it myself. We wouldn't be here if I did. "If it wasn't for me, if I didn't ask you to go to Kevin, you wouldn't have been involved in this accident and you wouldn't lay here in this bed," I went on and left out a heavy sigh right after as I wiped away the tears from my face.

I opened my eyes and looked down to Cassie again. I ran my hand through her hair with my free hand, then I slowly brushed my fingertips over the skin of her face. "It hurts me to see you like this. You don't deserve to lay here, shit you shouldn't be in here," I said quietly. As I closed my eyes, I bit down on my lip and brought my fist to my lips to prevent me from letting more tears fall. I never cried about anything, ever, but with Cassie it was just different.

I didn't want her to go through all this. She already went through so much recently and she just didn't deserve all this. At this moment I really wanted to swap with her, to be in her place instead so she could be okay. Damn it, I just wanted my baby to be okay. I had no idea when I was even going to talk to her again and when she was going to get better. The doctor said that it was up to her when she was going to wake up again. I prayed that, she would be coming back to me soon.

"You gotta wake up for me soon baby girl, okay? You gotta come back to me so I can see your pretty eyes and see your beautiful smile again. I want to talk to you and hear you beautiful voice but for that you need to open your eyes for me," I spoke to her, praying silently that she could hear me talk to her. I leaned my head down to place a kiss on her forehead, then on her cheeks and lastly on her lips. "You need to be okay baby. I need you and I can't do this without you. I know that you are unconcious but I'm believe that you can hear me so baby please wake up."

I took a chair that was in the room, pulled it closer to the bed and sat down. Taking her hand in my own again, I leaned my head against her leg, closed my eyes and started silently praying to God that she would wake up soon.

I was in need of a miracle to happen and I knew that only God could help me now.



I was surrounded by darkness. I mean it was obvious that it was going to be to be dark because I had my eyes closed but even when I opened them it was absolutely dark.

I hated the dark. That's why I always slept with the lights on or Justin was there to hold me so I wouldn't be so scared anymore. I wondered where he was right now and if he was at the same place as I was right now. I didn't even know where I was and what I was doing in this complete dark atmosphere.

I didn't dare to move because I was scared of what was in front, behind and next to me. The cold ground I sat on was a reason for me to stand up but at that point I rather sat down the floor instead of moving from there. When I called for someone or for help the only response I got was the echo of my voice.

I was honestly so terrified to be here, at this place I didn't even know, all by myself and all I wanted was a little light, to get out of here and to see Justin. I wanted to know how I had gotten here in the first place. Did Daniel get me again? The last thing I remembered was running from him again. But would he really put me in such a situation when he knew how much I hated it? I didn't really know what to expect from him anyway so he could as well just do it.

I had the choice to either stand up and try to find a way out of here or just sit in the could and wait for something to happen.

I decided for option two because I was too scared to move and do anything for that matter.

Hugging my legs, I leaned my head against them, closed my eyes and hoped to be out of this dark, unknown place real quick.



Hey loves, how are you doing?

Here the update and I'm sorry I took so long again but I hope you like this chapter. Let me know what you think and tell me what you liked and what you didn't like about the chapter and what I can do better. I'm always happy about comments (and votes too ofcourse) :)

Thank you so much for reading. Have a great Tuesday and an amazing week.

Love you guys xxx.

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