Her Boyfriend is my Fiance'!?

By Edy_Kings

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NIckkie is your average high school student. trying to survive her senior year. She has wonderful parents, a... More

The News
Welcome Home
It's the truth... Kind of
Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say
Birthday Bash
Birthday Crash
It Gets Better
What's Done in the Dark
Curtain Call
Christmas Surprise
One Life
Two Steps Forward, Three Steps Back

Center Stage

38 2 0
By Edy_Kings

It had been about two weeks since the falling out with Ben. He hadn't spoken to me in that time and I didn't expect him to. I really hurt him and it was killing me. When I passed him in the hallway, he wouldn't look at me. I had to go on with unanswered texts and phone calls. I missed my friend, but when he was ready to talk about it, he would come back. I knew Ben better than that. Somehow in all the turmoil, Jenny had convinced me to try out for the school play. We were putting on Cinderella. I don't know how I ever let her get me to do it. The whole idea of a bunch of high schoolers doing this play seemed a little elementary to me, but I think our director put some sort of 60's twist on it. Anyway, Jenny and I were on our way out the door after rehearsal.

"You did well today" she complimented me.

"Thanks, but I don't get how you practically twisted my arm to try out and you only signed up to be stage manager" I pointed out.

"I figured that this would get you out of your funk about Ben" she smiled. I had to admit it; it did kind of take my mind off it. "I mean sure your romantic opposite it Eugene, but he's not all bad" she said trying to justify it. Eugene was notorious for smelling of cough syrup and Dayquil. I mean nowadays, being a nerd can be kind of sexy. Eugene: not so much. 

"How did I get stuck with this guy anyway" I asked her

"Well no other guys tried out and those who are involved in the play are all stage hands" Jenn told me. I let out a big sigh.

"I'm going to have to sanitize my self when this is all over" I said jokingly. Kathrine got the role of my evil stepmother and I don't think she could have been cast any more perfectly. The only problem is she plays it a little too well. She loved being able to give me orders and be the boss of me for most of the play. Between her and Eugene I would have been happy with costume design.

"Did Leo tell you that he was one of my stage hands" Jenny asked me.

"No, he didn't tell me" I answered

"Yeah, it's part of his last few weeks of detention" Jenny explained. "How could you not notice until now" she wondered.

"It's not my fault. Eugene kept distracting me with his inhaler and I'm not sure, but I think Kathrine has been loading up laundry bags she gives me in act 1"

It was the next day in rehearsal and Eugene and I were practicing the last scene. The bright lights were blinding and were hot. I didn't let it get to me though. I was too busy trying not to let Eugene get too comfortable with practically shoving his tongue down my throat. Although the thought of him getting that close to me was revolting, I had to commit to my role. Once I start something I have to finish it.

"Okay everyone, take a brake" we heard Mrs. Dillard shout as the lights came up. I looked out at the empty seats and saw Kathrine sitting on Leo's lap and playing with his hair. It was sickening. I went to the back to see Jenny who was taking inventory.

"Did you see Kathrine all over Leo like that" I asked her angrily.

"What's the big deal? She's always like that" Jenny answered me with a "duh" tone in her voice.

"Yeah, but still we supposed to be rehearsing for this play that opens in a few weeks and she's all over mmm...her boyfriend" I said. I know what I almost said. I just hoped that Jenny hadn't heard what I almost said. "Besides, if Leo is one of your stage hands, shouldn't he be back here helping you" I asked hoping that she wouldn't notice what almost slipped out of my lips a moment before.

"Jealousy is an ugly monster" Jenny said. My eyes grew wide and awed.

"Excuse me? I'm not jealous. Especially not of Kathrine McDowell" I defended.

"Dude, you just came close to calling him your boyfriend". I looked away sheepishly. "Yeah, I heard you" she assured. "I hope you're not trying to hide your feelings for him from me because I can see it in your face" she said as she was writing on her clipboard. I walked away.

"Quit knowing me so well Jenn" I said as I left. I knew she was doing that smile she did when she was right about something. I could practically hear her doing it. I stopped in the hallway and leaned against the wall. I sat on the floor and listened to my Zune. I just wanted to drown myself in the solitude that was my music. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I looked up and saw Leo.

"Hey" I said

"Hey" he said back sitting on the floor next to me.

"Looking forward to smooching Eugene" he asked teasing.

"Looking forward to lifting up the castle" I asked back. He nudged me. I pushed back. Leo pushed me but when I went to get him back he dodged it and leapt from his seat and ran for the auditorium. Although the two of us were just having fun, we didn't pay attention to the fact that I wasn't wearing the right kind of shoes at the time so as the two of us were goofing off, Leo made a turn. As I was preparing to do the same in an attempt to catch him, I bumped into an empty paint can which tipped over and started rolling. The paint can unfortunately, rolled underneath a nearby stage hand's foot causing her to fall backwards. Instinct made her grab onto the curtain. The curtain swung her and she landed smack dab into a ladder. Coincidently, the ladder had a container of glitter sitting on it and it spilled into the vision of the costume designer. In her confusion, she stumbled around and bumped into Eugene causing him to fall off the stage and land on his right arm. We all gathered around and saw that he was howling in pain. Leo and I looked at each other in guilt.

It was about 30 minuets later. "Well Eugene is out of the play" Mrs. Dillard said dramatically. "He shall be fine in a matter of six weeks. How this happened is not important. It happened and as the saying goes 'The show must go on'". She said. "My other concern is who we will get to be his replacement". It grew quiet as we all looked around.

"Leo" Jenny finally chimed in. I looked her with a "Have you lost your natural mind" look but she just looked right back at me. "He's been helping Eugene with his lines and he's been here every day of rehearsal" she reasoned. "What other reason do you need" she asked. Kathrine stood up in an oppose

"I have one" she stated. "How about that he already has a fabulous girlfriend and would rather be acting with her than that thing" she said pointing at me. I could feel my fist curling.

"Not now Kathrine. Jennifer poses a good point" it didn't seem like Mrs. Dillard was paying her defense must attention. "Very well, If Leonardo has no problem with it, then he will take Eugene's place" the whole cast and crew looked at him. he looked back at them, then at me, then at Kathrine.

"I guess I don't really have a choice" he said shrugging his shoulders. The room let out a big sigh.

"The theater thanks you" Mrs. Dillard said as Kathrine stomped off in her clogs. As everyone got back to what they were previously doing, I looked at Leo who was going after Kathrine. I looked back at Mrs. Dillard and approached her.

"Mrs. Dillard, I am SO sorry about causing you so much stress just now" I pleaded.

"Accidents will happen Nicole, but the next time you and Leonardo decide to pull a stunt like that, the two of you will be running lines during your visit to principle Morgan's office" she said. For the first time in my life I had heard her speak in a human tone. I nodded my head to her. I had gone to the dressing room to get my things so that Jenny and I could walk home.

As I was putting my script and things in my bag I heard the door close. I looked back and saw Kathrine standing there staring at me.

"Look Nicole you may have him right now, but after this play is over, then you don't talk to him. You won't speak to him and you certainly won't think about him" she ordered.

"I don't have to listen to anything you say Kathrine" I tried to defend myself.

"Oh please hobbit, don't act like I'm stupid. I've seen the way you've been looking at him lately" she declared. "Your little friend got you a pretty sweet deal by letting you kiss my boyfriend, but outside the auditorium, all of his sexy comes back to me" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "So sure you can look at him for now, but that's it. As far as I'm concerned, you're just a window shopping at a mall that belongs to me" she said to me as she turned to leave.

"Hey Kat" I said to her as I looked in the mirror. She turned to me and I saw her reflection. "I'll be sure to throw you a rose at curtain call after I'm done making out with your boyfriend" I said with a smirk. I saw the fire in her eyes as she slammed the door behind her. What I said to Katherine was just a mental defense mechanism. The truth is, I actually was a little intimidated by her words.

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