Killing the Band (book 2 of K...

By lexi314

618 24 6

Dreams are never what they seem. Book two of Kicking Ass, "Killing the Band." Ivy wakes up after dieing and f... More

chapter 2: boys again!
chapter 3: fifteen thousand tears I've cried
chapter 4: never sleep never die
chapter 5: I'M BACK!!!
chapter 6: wish it away.
Chapter 7: don't close your eyes
chapter 8: death wonderer
chapter 9: RIP Briten
Chapter 10: work god damn it!!
chapter 11: Wait... What?!

Killing the Band (book 2 of Kicking Ass)

186 2 0
By lexi314

You know how they say before you die your whole life passes before your eyes? Not true... Well I think.

The snow under my paws quickly disappeared as I stepped into sand. The sand was part of a beach that looked really familiar. In fact it was the beach I just played at. Everything was frozen in place and I was in about every place I saw same with 4 boys I don't remember if I knew or not but they seemed like they were a big part of me.

I walked slowly around. I passed a stage where  could see me playing my bass with those kids. We all looked like wax sculptures as we were still. Walked closer to it and found they were statues of some sort. Dust was collecting on them and their eyes looked glazed over.

I walked down the stairs too se me fighting some girl that had the most funniest exspretion on her face as my fist was zooming right past it.

I looked into the distance realizing the skys were rainbow with little stars in them. On start stood out from the rest. It was calling me, it was mine... It was me.

I felt excitement run through my body. I looked down to see the jettie with me on my ass with the most priceless face and some dude laughing at me.

I walked closer and saw another me. My eyes were rrolled back in my head as I was in mid air. There was blood coming out of the back side of my head while some creep girl with blood running down her face stood there and watched me with a wiled smile.

Pain ran through me and knotted up my stomach. This was the first time here I ever realized what was going on, the first time I felt fear.

Everything came rushing back to me. I'm dead or close to it. Those dudes, they were part of me, they were the only people in life I loved, they were more then just my best friends. Was this my death place?

I felt a tear streamed down my face. I was going to miss them, all of them.I loved them all, especially my brother.

I don't know how long I have been dead for but I had a feeling I wasnt going to leave this place. I walked over to the water to see if I could drink form it.

It was hard like it froze over I pressed down a little harder and it cracked and my paw went  through into this mush. I pulled it out to see black goo dripping from my paw. I spun around and ran off the beach hoping to get away from this place but I couldn't then I just stopped.

Everything faded to black. I was lost.


"Ivy, I don't know if you can hear me right now.. but I need you back. Not just me but Peter, the rest of the band. We all love you, you gotta hold through, you got to wake up." I let my head fall to her side as I tried to cry, but I was all out.

School just started 4 days ago, it was already the first week end. She has been unconscious for a little over a week now. Peter was about to break down we have all stayed out of school for at least 2 days too.

Things with Ivy wern't getting much better either. I lifted my head and looked up at the cieling. I convinsed my mom to keep Ivy on life saport and that she will make it through, but everyone is telling me that it worthless and we are waisting money.

I have came here everyday after school to see her and the doctor and nurses keep selling me that I gotta let go, that she's not going to make it.

"Ivy please wake up. I love you so much." I pushed out a couple more tears but the rest were just dry sobs.

I sat there I don't know how long. Thank god I didn't leave though. I must have dozed off maybe fell asleep  but I woke up when I felt her hand  jerk. I looked up to see what was wrong.

Her eyes were wide open and she shook in place like a seager. I looked at her frantic, was this is? was she dead now?

I looked at her eyes that were flickering diffrent colors from purple to red to green to blue to yellow. Then they rolled to the back of her head. Her body stopped shaking and her chest stopped.

My hands and arms were shaking. I turned and slammed my fist into the brick wall. It hurt and I probably broke a couple bones, but it will heal.

"Nurse!" I screamed my voice was cracking as tears pored down my face. I was still facing the wall, "Nurse!" I screamed it louder.

"Whats the matter Ace?" I heard one Nurse say but she slowly cut her self off when she saw the heart monitor above the bed.

"Doctor!!!" I heard her yell out of the room and down the hall way. She ran over to the bed and pressed a button then hooked my little sister up to some thing. Everything was blurred as tears washed up inside my eyes.

I saw two or three more figures rush in and help the first nurse.

I watched agent the wall as they made her body jump up 5 times. They soon stopped and then said a time and date.

"No... no this can't be happening. You have to do something to save her, she can't die!" I screamed after the doctors, but they didn't do anything, they just walked away and said their sorrys.

 I made my way over to her deat bed stumbleing over my own two feet.

"Ivy wake up." I asked one more time. I solked by her bed side before I called Ryan, Peter and Hunter to break the news. They were all at Peter's house so this should be short and easy.

"Hey Ace, your on speaker. How is Ivy doing?"

"Dead. Soon I will be too." I hit the end button.


I flood of light came back to me. It was squeezing my body making me feel like I couldn't breath in, and I couldn't.

I sucked in hard and my eyes opened up wide. I opened them too see a door. I looked over to the side of me.

"Holy fuck! Ivy!" my brother screamed with tears streaming down his face. He gathered my in a hug crying and spilling words into my ear.

"I love you Ivy, please stay awake this time, don't fall asleep!"

Just then I heard the door slam open I jumped at the sight of 3 more dudes standing there I remember them and everything but I forgot there names. This includes my brother.

"I thought you said she was dead! Ace you can't go around stying that then saying that you are gonna kill yourself!" The guy with the dark brown hair said, my mate or something like that. He came over and hit Ace's head.

They all started a fuss and didn't quiet down until the nurse came in.

"What is with all you guys, you lost Ivy, you shouldn't be fighting.

"I'm not dead...." I said my voice was week and confused.

"Oh my god." The nurse ran out of the room then came back in with a doctor.

"Okay you boys out of the room we gotta run some test. This is a miracle.

"No they stay." I heard myself speak up before they guys got up and started to leave.

"Okay... well then they gotta stay on the back wall." they all got up and went to the wall and slumped down and started to whisper to each other.


I sat in the room staring at the ceiling not wanting to fall asleep. The boys scared me into staying awake for the night so I don'r die again. The doctor is totally agents it but I'm not taking the risk.

They were going to let me go tomorrow, thank god. I hated hospitals.

I yawned and looked up at the clock. It was 4am. Just a couple more hours. I looked over at my phone that for some odd reason my parent left here.

 I picked it up and started to look through the contacts. I knew all the people but for some reason I couldn't match their names to their faces. Well now I could to Ace, Peter, Ryan and Hunter.

I sent out a text to each of them try to find something to do,

me- you awake?

 I waited a little for someone to respond.


Ace- now i am whats wrong?

hunter- suuuuup girl?!

I assumed Ryan was sleeping and decided to text Hunter.

me- bored as hell hbu

hunter- bout the same.

I ended up texting Peter and Ace after they got pissed that I didn't respond and thought I died. Blah blah blah.

ace- ur still the same old sarcastic sister. nvr change tht

I smiled at that. I would hope I never will change.

I sent out my messages very short and slowly. It took my a little while to hit the buttons. I could see where they were but I couldn't aim for some reason and my hands were just non stop shaking.

I was texting Ace and talking bout how I couldn't wait to play again and I couldn't wait to record and play up on stage.

ace- ivy, dont get ur hopes up...

me- y at the most it will prob only be 2 weeks :D

ace- no... the doctor said that your movement is off u can see fine and everything but u mite not beable to play bass for the nxt yr if not forever... it will be okay, we will wait for you. it wont be that long.

My heart dropped to my stomach. No that can't be true. Playing guitar has been my life, it's the only thing I know.

me- ace stop joking. that cnt be true bass is the ONLY thing ik!!!!! this cnt be true plz tell me its not.

ace- ...  :(

I threw my phone across the room and started to cry. This can't be true. I was an awesome bassist, if I don't play for a year I'll loos all my skill! What the hell!

I slumped back into my bed. My blankets were up by my chest and I hugged them closer, the only thing for comfort.

My phone went off a couple more times and vibrated along the floor before it went dead. Dead. Wish that were me at the moment.

i feel like i have no life, but a life that is deticated to you guys... well for one day so far. I hope you guys like this chapter! :) Ill try to start making them all long like this one :) thanks for fallowing over love you guys ;) :)

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