chapter 4: never sleep never die

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I'm on the strings of hell as the just keep thrusting me around like a toy doll, unforgiving to me for what ever reason.

I fell asleep listening to the loud music in the other room coming from the great musicians that I was no longer useful to.

I fell asleep but awoke again. It was late, the band has stopped playing, they probably all went home and got some sleep for school tomorrow.  I took off my blankets and exposed my bare legs to the icy cold air.

I got in front of the mirror and pulled my hair up into a pony tail. The short dark layers came down and aliened my face, the way I like it, and my side bangs came down right in front of my for head and left eye.

My eyeliner was smugged a little but it still looked good. I went to my closet and got my leather jaket and threw it on. I slipped on my black high tops and made my way to my door. I didn't bother to put on sweat pants over my baggy shorts even thought it was freezing.

Slowly I made my way out of my door and past the band room. I peered in to see Ace had fallen asleep on my bean bag with my bass next to him. I looked back ahead of me and started my way down the stairs as light as I could on my feet.

I use to be a gymnast. I was trained to be light on my feet and seem weightless. I made it down the the bottom floor and turned to my left into a the hallway that lead to the kitchen.

The whole house was sighlent the only thing I could hear was my slow breaths go in and out of my body as I seemed to drift along the floor like fog lingering aimlessly.

Only I knew exactly where I was going.

I opened the slide and glass door that lead to the back yard. A rush of wind came flooding in and hit my face as I walked on.

The mildew on the grass ahead of my was shining in the moonlight, only problem was, tonight was a new moon.

I walked on under the dark red sky the spiralled and swirled above me. I walked to the edge of the tree lines and stepped up onto the rock wall. All the trees looked dead, no leaves and started to rot.

I walked on.

I walked for about a mile into the woods before I finally stopped.  I looked up to the sky above me that was still a dark red. It seemed to be getting closer to me though. I looked dead ahead of me to a wolf.

It was a different wolf then I have ever seen before. It was huge and majestic. It's eyes were deep and black. Full of nothing. There was fog drifting along the ground dancing like it was in a ballet. Light and graceful.

I started at the wolf and watched it breath in and out. It's soft caramel brown fur ruffled in the breeze that also made my hair whip in front of my face. The wind came to an abrupt stop and my hair fell back to it's natural position.

I felt something wet land on my for arm. I looked down to see a drop of blood landed on my skin. A few more fell until it picked up and became almost a down pour.

I let my arm fall baack down and I looked back up. The wolf was nearly a foot away from my face. I could feet its warm breath pound down on my face making my hair blow out of my eyes. I felt a smile creep onto my face.

Although my skin was almost completely red and blood rolled down my arm and across my hand and then dripped off my finger tips the wolf seemed to keep its fur color. The rain just simply came down and rolled right off leaving no trail on his beautiful coat.

The wolf bowed it's head and then started to turn to show it's side. I looked down to see it's body was decaying all along the side. The outer rim looked like it was burning away and the sent of burning flesh hit my noise.

Killing the Band (book 2 of Kicking Ass)Where stories live. Discover now