chapter 5: I'M BACK!!!

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hey guys thank you for the support! love you all. I wont beable to upload tomorrow :( I have a thing for my sister I need to go to and depending if I am getting my hair dyed friday, ill be at my cuzens. saturday looks the best for upload cuz its going to be a hurrican all day! haha. sorry bout tht but enjoy!


Goth... People call you goth off the cloths you wear and the music you listen to. Then they stereotype the rest.

In school I would be considered a goth person. Yeah okay so I don't denie it but why do we need to categorize each other? I guess I would never find out.

I go to a small school, and sense it's a very small arts school with the max of about 100 people per grade it's easier to teach to everyone to be sportive of one another. Also sense we are all artist, we are all attention drawers, some in other ways.

It's Monday! First day back to school. I jump out of bed and ran to my closet where I already got my cloths planed out. I threw on my favorite Suicidal Tendencies shirt and a black ripped pair of jeans.

I took my hair out of the still semi wet pony tail from last night and blow dried the rest out then flat ironed it.

I didn't sleep at all last night though. First because I was too existed, and second I had that same dream two more times and woke up with the same results, I didn't wanna have it happen again.

"ivy you getting ready?" I heard Ace knock on my door then open it open it a little.

"More ready then I'll ever be!" I jumped up onto my bed then back down, avoiding the clear walk way that lead from the bathroom to the door. I jumped down and grabbed my phone and iPod and ran to ketch up with Ace.

He was already half way down the stair well and I hopped up and slid down on the railing. As I passed him he made a pushing movment that freaked me out and I lost balence. I fell and did a back flip making me land on my feet.

"Holy shit that was awesome!" I cheered.

"Don't tell mom!" was Ace's reply.

"Eh my head, now what happen again? Oh yeah," I looked at him in the eyes as he made his way towards me, "you pushed me!"

"Hey! That's so not fair!" He laughed then pushed open the doors to the kitchen. I walked behind him just then stopped when I saw a dark figure cross the back wall. Then I freaked when the doors hit my ass as my dad pushed them open.

"Jeez dad you can't sneek up on some one like that!" I turned to face him and saw a musch larger shadow slip across the back wall and front door.

"You okay? Looks like you saw a ghost." My dad laughed.

"I feel a disturbance in the force! Run hide under the table!" I tried to make a joke out of what I did feel. I ran and hid under the table but I felt the cold force fallow me. I looked to my right to see a figure of someone squatting me.

He was all black I could not make out one detail of him. I closed my eyes hard then opened them to see if it was just another hallosanent, but it was still there, but even closer.

"Get out from under there Ivy!" Ace called. He held out his hand and it went right through the head of the figure and it disintegrated.

I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up. "You didn't see that did you?" I piratically whispered to him.

"No?" he whispered back then walked away.

"Ivy are you okay? Do you need to stay home another d-"

"No. I'm fine." I cut him off and went to go get a toaster strudel from the freezer.

We ate with out being disturbed then went out to walk to the bus stop.

"What did you see under the table that seemed to have scared you?"

"Nothing. I wasn't scared." I replied back.

"Oh shut up, you were too, you should have seen your face!"

"Okay fine. I saw a... ghost I guess you could call it."

"Wow I really think you need some help now." He laughed to him self.

"Sense when has that changed? I've needed help sense you became my brother." I laughed trying to make things a little easier between us.

"Ha ha, you're soo funny."

"I know!" I gave him the biggest smile ever.

"Oh please don't do that again." He snickered.

"Can you give me a piggy back ride? Like the awesome big brother you are?"  I asked. He looked down at me.

"Well if you put it that way, nope!" I glared at him, "Okay fine." He caved in. I swear all the guy in my band have became melted butter in my hands sense my incident. Well everyone except Ryan. I think he can tell it gets annoying and I've told him before that I hated being treated less then everyone else.

"I call out side." I said as the we made it to the green where it was picking us up.

"Okay. No call backs. We are sitting three to a seat with Peter though. You'll be the one falling out of the seat!" I narrowed my eyes.

"Great." He let go of my legs and dropped me to my feet. Then I was greeted by two girls that I don't even know.

"Oh my god Ivy! I heard what happened is your head okay?" The blond one said. I gave Ace a 'Who are they?' look and he just shrugged. Like I said, the school is small word get around.

"Yeah thanks I'm fine."

"We thought you died, that was what the word around school said." The ginger one commented. I was about to tell her that I was but the bus pulled up before I could say another word.

I climed on and the bus driver stopped me, "Do you belong on this bus?" She snarled.

"Yeah I'm Ivy. I haven't been on 'cause I almost died last week." I blurred out to her.

"Oh yeah Ace's brother. Okay." I walked pass her and sat with Ace in the second to last seat on the right.

The bus smelt like perfume and men's clone making me wanna barf. It's like I stepped into a Holister store.

"Hi Ivy!" I heard a familial voice come from behind me. It was my friend Ethan. He was sitting behind me. He was about average height, 5'9" and had mediem brown hair that came down across his forhead.

He is my best friend out of the band and I met him in freshman year. He gets on the bus before me about a couple towns over. There was only 3 stops this bus made and it almost filled up the bus with a couple seats left open.

"Hi Ethan whats up dude!?"

"Nothing you getting better?"

"Yes much!" I smiled. He returned one but it then faded as he looked down at his phone.

"Hold on my mom's calling." He picked up the phone and I turned back around to see the same figure again that chased me under the table. Goose bumps covered my arms and I shivered.

"Looks like we are sitting four to a seat."

not the best chapter but i wanted to give you guys something i hope u liked;) love you all thanks for a the sapport again...  rawkk on

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