chapter 11: Wait... What?!

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I awoke in a familiar setting. Though everything was blurry I could feel the cold, stiff sheets around me and the sound of  beeping from multiple machines. I blinked my eyes to try and get a little clarity to my vision as I looked around the hospital room. First thing I did was look down at my body where I could feel my skin burning and my mussels ache.

I had cuts and stitches all over my arms and some deep gashes I could tell that the cuts were already healing and by the morning they should just be small cuts and some already healed.

I sat up making my head throb a little but I ignored the pain and let my legs fall off the bed and towards the floor. I didn't make it very far when an young nurse stepped through the door way.

"What are you doing out of bed?" She snapped. I cocked an eye brow, didn't know a nurse can have such attitude towards the almost dead. I decided it was time to play innocent.

"Miss I'm so confused where am I? Where's my brother and my friends?" I could feel the fake tears welling up in my eyes and the ladys stiff face turned soft as he walked over and helped me back to my bed. 

"You are in the hospital," She explained as she looked over at my monitors, "Your brother and friends are in separate rooms." 

hey guys, wow I haven't uploaded in a while, im sorry about that. I'm going to try and finnish this book this summer along with another one that I've been working on. Again, I'm really sorry I haven't been working that much of this book. I've just been so busy, there is never enough time in this world D: I LOVE YOU ALL I HOPE YOU ENJOY!!!

"Are we gonna be okay?" I asked more pointing if my bro and friends would be.

"Yes, your heart rate seems a little off but other wise you guys will be fine." I could feel my face go pale as my eyes widen and looked up at the nurse.

"You look really sick how bout you lay down?" I ignored her and looked at my heart monitor which was keeping an odd rate... but it was still going. How the fuck did it just suddenly revive itself? 

"Can you tell me what time it is?" I found enough of myself to ask. 

"It's 10 am. Your mom and dad know you're here, you slept over night and will be leaving later today. Would you like anything else? Water maybe?" I shook my head slowly. 

"Can I go talk to my brother or someone? Are they awake?" I asked snaping out of my daze I was in.

"Yes only Peter is but you might wanna be careful. He was hit in the head hard and can't remember a lot, it's not permanit but for the next couple days he might not." I nodded my head and she led me out of my room into the hallway, across the hall into another room where I saw Peter sitting there playing with a bowl full of lumpy oat meal. He looked up from his dish and his cheeks pulled back into a smile.

"Hi Ivy!" I walked over to his bed and sat down on the side of it.

"How's your head?" I asked.

"It's alright. Kinda throbs but it will go away soon."  He pushed away the swingy tray that his lumpy oat meal was on and reached out to pull me into a hug. I hugged him back then pulled away to look at his arms, who's also looked like mine.

"Do you remember anything that happened?" I spoke up drawing my attention away from his arms.

"We got hit by a car and the drum set are totalled." I heard a voice speak up from behind us.  

I turned to face Ryan who was standing in the door way. I scooted over to make room for him on the bed where Peter and I were sitting.

"Shit man, that was one of my favorite drum sets too!" Peter mutterd angerly.

"Yeah well at least it wasn't your best one which is still at your house. Other then the car and drum set the amps seem to be fine and some of the guitars." He exsplained sitting down.

"How do you know? Did you talk to someone about it or something?" I asked puzzled to how he acumulated all this knolage.

"No, I never really got injered in the crash, yeah a couple cuts but nothing big."

"Then why are you here?" I frowned still a bit confussed.

"I was pretending I was passes out in the car next to you guys when the ambulance that I called came." I nodded my head slightly, telling him I under stood. Which I really didn't but what ever.

Peter looked up at me, "What they say happened to you?" He asked. I waited a second debating weather if I should tell them or not.

"Uh, that my arms were pretty banged up. That's it though." I lied and the could tell but I cut them off before they could say anything, "Where's Ace?"

"In the room next to us. He's still sleeping." Ryan was the first to answer.

"Well thanks captin know it all." I teased as I got up, "I'll be right back." I called over my shoulder. I knew that didn't really care but still.

I walked into the room next door to see Ace lying still in his bed. I went over and sat next to him on the bed. His eyes opened slightly and then pinched back together.

"You okay dude?" I asked shaking his leg a little.

"No. I hurt all over." he muttered turning onto his side.

"Welcome to my world bro." I mumbled under my breath, "It'll heal soon don't worry." I was puzzled as to why the pain hasn't gone away yet for him, unless his was just milking it.

"You remember anything?" I asked. He turned back over onto his back and opened his eyes.

"No."  I raised my eye brow.

"Uh okay... well we were hit by a car," I gave his a short and sweet sum up of the story, though I can't say it was very sweet. We sat in sighlents for a moment until Ace spoke up.

"I need to tell you something." his voice was very soft and I couldn't imagen what was making him seems so unconfrible. Although latly he's seems pretty out of place.

"What's wrong big bro?" I asked.

"Well..." He started off, "Ever sense everything started happening to you, after I changed you, I've been, well, blaming it on myself."

I cocked an eyebrow, "Dude, don't do that, you didn't know everything was going to turn out like this. Plus, I found out this morning that my hearts still alive! It's beeting!" I smiled widely, but I only go a forced smile from him, "Go on. What else is bothering you?" I could see my brother start to tear up.

"I don't sappose Ryan told you this yet, but after the car crash, him and I were the only one's who were still awake after the car crash. I didn't know Ryan was still awake. I tried to, well," His voice was getting really choppy, and I knew what was coming up next, I just didn't know how i was gonna handle it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2012 ⏰

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