Chapter 7: don't close your eyes

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"Yeah I'm taking Ivy out of school, I'll bring her home. She just shouldn't be here today, she's not ready... And DON'T tell Peter or Ace for at least the next 10 minutes..." Ryan tendeds to like to talk out load when he uses his mind link, "Hunter will tell them after we are already gone."

"Okay." I muttered a response as I played with my hands.

Ryan and I got up and started to walk out of the school. Plane was we were going to run along the trail that lead from town to town, back to farther behind my back yard in wolf form. That way it will only be like 10 minutes compared to that 20 it takes by bus and almost and hour by walking.

Although Ryan was going to have to run on my back half way sense he can't change and in human form you can only run so far with out getting tired at that speed.

Once we got out of the school and into the woods behind it I ran and jumped making my body ripple into wolf form.

The stitches in the back of my head were already gone, I got them taking out last Saturday, but changing back and forth still wasn't something advised.

We ran along side each other and even though I was small for wolf size Ryan still looked tinny next to me, but I didn't say anything.

Finally we got back to my house. I walked inside and made my way up stairs. I changed back into my human form outside my door and quickly ran in before Ryan could see me. I got into a different set of cloths and then walked down stairs.

"You sure you wanna do this?"

"As sure as I'll ever be." I sighed and we made our way out of the door. Perfect, as we stepped out side it started to rain.


"Come on guys, they are just going home, what are they going to do?" Hunter called after us.

"This is fucking Ivy we are talking about, she never just 'goes home'!" I snapped back.  Ace and I were about ready to rip someone's head off if they got in our way. I could tell there was something up. There was something wrong.

Ace Hunter and I all ran out the door and to the back of the school, "They have been here I can smell it." Ace mumbled. We all changed and begun to fallow the path of of Ivy and Ryan's sent.

They both blocked us out so we couldn't contact them, which gave me the edge that  we were in for a bit of an adventure, but then again when are we not?

'What time did they tell you they were leaving?' I heard Ace's voice travel our minds.

'Uhh alomost a half an hour ago.' The only reason why I know what happened is because I asked Hunter if he saw them by any chance and that they haven't come back from he bathroom.

Another reason I was so worked up is because Ivy looked like she was about to loose her mind in the class. Something was really bugging her.

I pushed a little harder on my legs to make my self  pick up the pace.

When we got to the house they had already left. Ivy's car was missing from the garage and there was a note on the table.

Once we were in close Ace picked it up and read it,

if you are reading this, im most likely diving off the side of the highway into the water. im really sorry, i love you guys but i cant keep living my life half dead, there is just too many things that keep happening. and don't blame ryan, i made him come with me so he wouldnt tell anyone or stop me.... im sorry, i love you mom and dad, ace and hunter and peter. ill miss you

love ivy

My stomach twisted. What the hell was she thinking!? I watched Ace's hands tighten with the small note pad paper in it and then he let it drop. Immediately he turned and ran out the door into the breezway. I was right behind him and Hunter behind me.

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