chapter 6: wish it away.

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"Can you make it go away?" I was still staring at the black figure and it seemed like it was staring back even though it had no eyes.

"Who are you?" I whispered under my breath not sure if it, or anyone else for that matter could hear me. I watched as it's head twisted to his side and then it seemed to open it's mouth.

A bright blue spiraling ciercal came from it and seemed to reach out to me. Then it shot to me like fast then the speed of sound. I closed my eyes tight and reopened them to find my self laying in an open field.

I sat up, the tall grass moved slightly breeze. I looked up at the light purple skys. I kept looking up as I stood to my feet.

I was wearing a long white dress that was tight at the top but hung loose to the bottom and trailed behind me. I took a step my bear feet feeling the cold soil below me.

There was no one around me just trees to my left and right, in back, but in front was nothing, just open free going.

I looked to the side my long black hair brushed over my shoulder. Where was I? I walked along to the tree line to see if there was anyone hiding some where. I looked deep into the trees only to find it was black beyond a couple yards.

"Hello?" My voice ecohed around me and I waited for a response. Their was nothing. I closed my and took a step forth into the dark woods. I felt like I was being sucked into it. I opened my eyes to find my self back on the bus.

"Ivy move in." I jumped a little at the sound of Peter's voice. I tuned around to see him looking down at me, "You not going to move in?"

"Oh yeah sorry." I scooted over and Peter plopped down next to me. I looked at him and his face seemed puzzled, "What?" I asked and looked at Ace who's face expressions changed with in seconds.

"Will some one please tell me why I keep getting wired looks?"

"Your eyes are purple again." Peter finally informed me.

"What? I thought I was done with Briten!" I felt a pain shoot from my arm, "Ow what the hell?!" I turned around and slapped Ace across the shoulder in return.

"I only did that 'cause if Briten felt that then he will do something back with in the next couple hours, like usual. If nothing happens within the school day then I guess your not hooked on him."  Peter nodded his head in agreement. I let my head fall back and hit the seat.

I an idea hit me, "What if it's not cause I'm hooked to Briten, maybe it's like a when ever I come close to death type thing?"  They looked at me confused.

"You are dead, why wouldn't they stay that color?" Ace pointed out. I shrugged. Maybe it's a close to life then?


"IVY!!!!!" I heard some one scream my voice from behind me. I turned to see my best girl friend Olive running with wide open arms for me. The only way I remember what everyone looks like and their faces after my 'incident' is because of Facebook. The one website that I hate but then again love at the same time.

"Olive!" I shouted back with open arms for her too. We hugged and then she stepped back.

"What happen to you, I've heard soo many roomers and when I talked to these fools they seemed to be leaving out A LOT!" She pointed to Ryan and Hunter who were standing next to me.

I turned to them and raised an eye brow, I turned back to Olive, "That's 'cause they are antisocial." I responded but in return got a kick in the leg from Ryan. Olive just laughed.

"What class you going to next?" I asked.

"Uhm science with Mrs. Goodwish." She rolled her eyes.

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