chapter 2: boys again!

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hey guy sorry i didnt edit it yet.. enojoy! :)

Laughing is something I havent done in a while. Laughing is something I wont do in a while. The only way I want to ever laugh again is to be able to do the only thing I love...

 I sat out on the back porch listening to Better Days by Uncle Kracker blasting through my spakers waiting for Ace to get home from school. It's tuesday and I finaly get to hang with all of the boys after school. Next monday is when I'll beable to go back to school an be normal.

I'm counting down.

The wind slowly blew through my hair with the hint of a fall smell to it. I took a deep breath in and opened my eyes to the bright sun that my skin was so happily soaaking up.

There was a slashing sound down by the pool that just the other week I was throuwn into. That same night is when I became a wolf. It seems so long ago.

I looked over my sholder aand saw my bass leaned up agent the house. The finishing paint made it shine and I had to sqint my eyes to acholy look at it.

I had played.... tried to play it for the past 4 hours trying to make my self use full to what I use to be. I've tried aiming a thret higher or lower then what I was sappost to hit but it kept vibrateing and making it sound like I have only been playing for a week.

All I know is that I was going to keep playing this till  kick whaat ever the fuck is wrong with me. I can'y let down my band. Who would of thought 8 years of playing the one true thing you love would end up being useless to you?

My black tanky was burning agent my skin and I thought about going inside but for some reason there was just something about in there that made it so uncomfrible and not welcoming.

I closed my eyes again. I have been very tired lately, my mom said it's because my body is working hard to fix my head, but I'm a wolf it's sapost to be better with my really quick heeling powers. Also I juat slept for a week strait!

"Hey Ivy?" I turned to see my moms head poke out of the door way.


"So I made a hair apontment for me. Wanna go and get your's done by Stacy again too?  I believe she is in today." I looked down at my hair. I did need another hair cut abd because of the sun my hair dye turned brownish and I haqve about a half an inch of blond comeing through.

"Yeah sure. When we leaving?"

"About 10 or so minutes."

'Alright." I turned back around to view the trees that were already starting to turn. The summwer was ending sadly and this next week was the olny time that I'll beable to were just a tank top out side before getting bitched at that I'm going to freezee to death.

 think I'm strong enough to take care of my self and tell if I'm bout to die of hipothermia in 70 degree weather... don't you think?

I got up and turned to walk through the door when I felt a wierd feeling to look back. So I did and I saw Briten. He looked angrey but slowly walked back into the shadows of the trees behinde the rock wall.

Normaly I would go run after him and see what the fuck he wanted before biting into an exspozed body part but Ace told me I shouldn't be changing other wise I might reopen the stiches in the back of my head and have to go back into the hospital to get them replaced.

I've had enough hospital for the past couple weeks.

I walked back into the house with my guitar, "Now that is the look of a rock star!" my dad cheered.

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