Chapter 10: work god damn it!!

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"Work god damn it!" I cused my fingers out as I grabed all four strings in my hands and clamped my hand together. I knew throwing my guitar way out of tune wasnt going to help anything but I'm just so fucking pissed.

I didn't hear anyone come into the band room until they turned off the speakers that were blaring out megadeth from them. 

I spun around to face who ever dared to enter the band room with out permition from me or the rest of the band. My eyes narrowed to see Peter standing there.

"What do you want?"  I muttered as he made his way closer to me, "Arent you saappost to be in school right now anyways?"

"We were let out early, the others went to go get something to eat but i desided to come back and check on you... You okay?" He raised an eye brow at the end.  I looked down at my bass and loosened my grip totally around the strings and they bounced back into place.

"Yeah I'm fine." I fumbled with the tuning pegs as I listened for the open string to fall on the right note. I looked back up at Peter as he walked over to the drum set and sat down behind it picking up two drum sticks.

"What song you wanna play?" He asked closing the snare. I narrowed my eyes once again, "I'll go slow but you really gotta work on this, a band withe out a bassist is like a sea with no waves." I nodded slightly, understanding what he ment.

"Lets do, the day I died." I shrugged. This was on of our easier songs, one we wrote a year or two ago. He started off and I closed my eyes, the bass didnt come in until after the intro where Hunter plays some sick riffs. Once those are done then I come in on a E. The part was easy for me cause it was just and E and I am able to play open, but I still cant go as fast. 

"Ready?" I heard Peter shout over the loud duble bass drum. I could feel my exsitment boil up inside of me, all my hope building up to just be broken down again.

Once I got past the first part next came a part in which my fingers would have to trill. Now this is normaly no problem and really easy but sense im thrown off I completly missed the thret. I cised loudly and took my bass off over my head and threw it into te bean bag across the room. Not a smart move but I could of cared less as I stormed out of the room, down the hall into mine. I could hear the drums rattle to a stop as Peter ran and blocked my way to my bed room.

"What are you doing get out of my way." I tried to push him aside but to no avale did he even budge, "Let me though!" I could feel the tears start to brew up in my eyes but I sucked them back and tried to keep pushing past.

Reluctently I stopped and went to fall to my ass as hot tears dripped down my cheek but I was swallowed up in his arms as he hald me tight to his chest. He rested his chin on my head and stroked my back.

"Just wanna beable to play again." I muttered between sobs. 

"I know, we all want you to beable to, but youre just gonna have to keep working at it and stop getting upset when ever you don't get something right." I just cried even more. It's hard knowing you have something and everything's going great and and then you just loose it because of one small thing that happened. I guess they are right when they say even the smallist thing can have the greatest effect.

I could feel my feet leave the ground as Peter scooped me up into his arms and carried me over to my bed. He sat down with me and I looked up. He looked down at my face and wiped away a couple tears. "Don't worry you'll get your talent back I know you will." I nodded and leaned back into his chest and he hugged me tighter.


I staried out the window of the back seat of the car as the band and I made out way to the recording studio to talk to our producers. I watched as the dark sarroundings seemed to pass by me with out notic. The car slowed to a stop. Everyone seemed very awkward as we sat in sighlents. Ace was the first to speak up. 

"What band you guys wanna listen to?" He asked. We all shrugged so he put his iPod on shuffle. The car set off again and I dont know what happened next but all I saw was a bright beam of light that soon was fallowed by a loud crunch and darkness.

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