chapter 3: fifteen thousand tears I've cried

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Death is something a lot of people are afraid of. Where do you go? Is it like sleeping with out a dream? Is it really better then life? Okay well at least there is a lot of deep unanswered questions, but when it happens, you feel at peace. No longer afraid.

I jumped awake confused as to where I was. A blur of green came into view with a little bunch of isolated colors. Then I saw a darker shade of color come into view. My eyes soon sharpened and I made it out to be Ryan.

"You looked funny." he teased. Were they really not that worried about me? Yes! They wont baby me just because I almost died!

"Ryan she just blacked out stop being so ignorant!" Spoke to soon.

"This is Ivy we are talking bout." He muttered and did a back flip out of view. Sometimes even though Ryan and I aren't the closest out of all of us, he seems to understand me the most.

"He's right. Come on I just went into a coma."

"And died for over a minute!" Ace snapped back.

"Oh yeah like I'm the special one, it could have happened to anyone and it probably happened to many people before, some right now!" I snapped back, he didn't know everything.

"Yeah well you wern't the one looking over your bed every day just hoping that your heart beat wouldn't stop!" Ace was angry now. His voice was firm and harsh and was close to yelling. Then it broke off.

"It stll hasn't started back up." he mumbled under his breath. I looked at him puzzled. What in hell's name is he talking bout?

I looked around at everyone. Their smiles I just saw a few minutes ago spread wildly across there face disappeared.

"What the hell are you guys talking about?" I half whispered wondering if I even wanted to know. I felt Peter's grip around me tighten and I felt this spark of coldness run through me body.

"They don't know how. They wanted to run test, but mom and dad said no... They don't know what you are, we don't either." I barley heard Ace speak. I could hear the hesitation in his voice as he spoke slowly.

"What do you mean?" I asked slowly still not understanding what the fuck they mean.

"Ivy you're dead. You're.... you're like the Living Dead Girl. Like the Rob Zombie song but not that way. You're heart hasn't been beating sense you died earlier. No one, except us know. Well and the doctors and you can't tell anyone.... How did you not notice?"

This all hit me like a huge wave. Emotion after emotion hit me again and again. I was washed up like a fish flopping around on shore.

I wiggled loose of Peter's grip and scooted over so I was away from anyone.

"Am I going to die?" I heard the words slip my mouth and I felt tears well into my eyes. No one answered me and that's when I let a couple slip from my eye. It felt warm as it rolled down my cold cheek.

I got up and started to walk to the exsit of the trampoline. "Ivy stop." I felt Ace pick me up off my feet and bring me back over to the back side. He sat down and I curled up in his lap and cried quietly.

Was this going to be the last time I was ever this close to my brother. Was this the last time I was ever going to cry?

I felt Peter get closer as Ace and I sat curled up. The rest of the band started to try and confort me.

"You're not going to die Ivy. Not over my dead body." Ace whispered into my ear.


"Put me down! Put me down or I swear to god I'll curse you with my death spell!" Yeah I guess you could say that our sappy 'oh my god that horrible' thing become into jokes as soon as that stage passes over. Isn't it like the stages of grief or something like that?

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