alive; h•s

By Hannahrun1

749 136 268

•yeah so this book was a flop but you can still read some of it. we are starting a new book soon• <>&lt... More

o n e
t w o
t h r e e
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s i x
s e v e n
e i g h t
n i n e
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e l e v e n
t w e l v e
f o u r t e e n
f i f t e e n
s i x t e e n
s e v e n t e e n
e i g h t e e n
n i n e t e e n
t w e n t y
t w e n t y - o n e
t w e n t y - t w o
t w e n t y - t h r e e
t w e n t y - f o u r

t h i r t e e n

22 4 4
By Hannahrun1

Chapter 13 -

(A/N- Hey guys! Sorry it took so long to update. This is a build up chapter but enjoy! probably errors in there too but oh well.)

It was the day after I hug out with Harry and the 8 of us had decided it would be a hang out day. We hadn't hung out all together in a really long time. Even though we see each other everyday, we hadn't properly hung out like we always used to. We used to get together when we were in high school at one of our houses and watch tv, play pranks, talk and truth or dare. Truth or Dare was definitely a group favorite. The location for our hang out we had decided on was my hotel room.

They all trailed in at around 10 am. We were all in pjs or comfy clothes because since we were all best friends we didn't care what we looked like or acted around each other (Her outfit above^^^). We were comfortable with each other.

I laid stomach down on the floor next to Chris who was sitting cross legged with Vic on his other side. On the couch was Clara, Drew and Connor. On The other side on the couch on the floor was Ari and Luke. Ari was laying on her back doing something on her phone while Luke had engaged in a conversation with Chris.

I was enjoying a delicious bag of cheetos when I felt something hit me on the left side of my head. I turn in that direction to see Clara trying to hide her laughter, I throw a super cheesy cheeto at her. It lands exactly where I wanted it too, her hair. Her hands fly to her hair and she tries to pull it out only for it to break in her hands. Orange specks were all over the right side of her head.

I was too busy laughing to see her grab the bag of cheetos I had left on the ground. The only time I realized what she was doing was after a whole bag of cheetos fell onto my head. She made sure to leave the bag on my head. Letting out some kind of frustrated growl I ripped the bag off my head and snatched Chris's bag of chips out of his hand pouring it all over Clara.

Suddenly I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist, spinning me around so they separated me from Clara. I saw that the person was Drew, that little

"Awe why did you do that we were having fun." I said sticking out my bottom lip.

"Because if I hadn't stopped you, you would have made a even bigger mess to clean up and I don't think anyone wants to hear you complain." He says matter of factly.

"Touche" I reply sitting back down on the floor.

"How about truth or dare? Like the old times" , Chris said after we had all sat back down.

(A/N- call it cliche idc but it always makes a story more interesting)

We all nodded and moved into a tighter circle. We had decided that Drew would start,

"Chris, Truth or Dare", he said with a devilish smile on his face.


"I dare you and Vic to lock yourselves in the bathroom for 15 minutes."

"Ok!" Chris said grabbing Vic's hand.

All we heard was the door lock. 15 minutes passed and they hadn't come out. 30 minutes, they hadn't come out.

"I'm pretty sure they are having sex or something so how about we continue our game", Drew said sounding bored.

"I'll go", I offered, "Truth or Dare Luke?"


I raise my eyebrow at him, " I dare you to prank call your mom telling her you got Clara pregnant."

He just laughed but Clara turned red like a tomato.

"Hey mom!"

"Hey Luke! How is everything? Why don't you ever call me anymore?"

"Oh I have just been busy but there is something that is kinda important and I need you're input because I'm still in denial about the whole thing.''

We all are holding back our laughter because of how serious he sounds.

"Well, dear as long as you aren't in prison, I'm pretty sure you're okay."

" I think Clara might be pregnant."


"Yeah it's a girl."


We all start dying of laughter as Luke calms down his mother and tells her it's a prank.

Luke gains back his composure and continues the game, "Clara Truth or Dare".

"Screw it, Dare" She says giggling a bit.

"I dare you to run down the hotel hallway screaming " me".

She groans but stands up and we follow her out the door. She starts running and as she turns the corner we here her scream " me bit.ches". We all burst out laughing and we then hear some old woman yelling at Clara. We laugh even harder until our stomachs hurt from laughing so much.

She comes back laughing and we all sit back in our circle and continue our game on Clara's turn.

"Abi truth or dare?

"Dare." Just because the other dares went so well.

"I dare you to give me your phone and let me call Harry."

"NO! Absolutely not! " Bad things would happen if she got on the phone with him, very bad things. I know her far too well to know it would end badly.

"But you never back out on a dare do you?"

"But he might be sleeping." I say trying to back my way out of it.

"Oh well, looks like Harry is waking up then!" She says with an evil grin.

I sighed and handed her my phone. She snatched it out of my hand and ran to the bathroom giggling. What is she going to do?

(Clara's POV)

I had the best idea for Abi's dare. I saw her little exchange with Harry and she has been acting really weird lately, she likes him definitely and he likes her. It's a match made in heaven.

After finding Harry's name, I press call on his contact and wait for him to answer the phone.

"Hi love!" He says happily

"Um hi, this isn't Abi it's her friend Clara."

"Oh" I almost laugh because of the disappointment in his voice.

"So you're probably wondering why I am calling you." I say walking back and forth across the bathroom.

"Yeah considering you called me." He says dragging out the y.

"Well we were playing truth or dare and I dared Abi to give me her phone to call you for this exact reason. I can tell you both have feelings for each other so how about we send you both out on a date together?" I say nervously.

Please say yes, please say yes

"Does she know about this?" He says with every trace of the disappointment replaced with excitement.

"No! It will be a surprise. I will send all the info through text and come pick her up at 8 tomorrow and don't worry, we picked out a nice place for the both of you."

"Why don't you tell me now."

"Now, that ruins the fun doesn't it?" I say laughing.

"Well I'll come and get her tomorrow at 8."

"Sounds good"

"Oh, and thank you. This means a lot to me because I like her."

"As long as you don't break her heart, we won't have a problem."

"Okay, don't worry about that. Bye Clara." 

Bye Harry"

"Oh and dress nice, maybe a tux. You will need it" I say right before he hangs up, not sure if he heard me but I guess we'll find out later.

In the meantime I have a very important date to plan!

(A/N- aye this is leading up to what is going to happen so yeah i'll update the next chapter tomorrow)

word count:  1310

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