The Immortality Stone - The C...

By ErinMayHackett

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What would you do if you woke up in a different world? Where there were Wizards and Talking Trees and Elves... More

In the Beginning
An Extract from the Olthém I
Chapter One - Once Upon a Time
Chapter Two - Two Little Princes
Chapter Three - Deadly Decisions
An Extract from the Olthém II
Chapter Four - In a Land Far Away
Chapter Five - Sickening News
Chapter Six - Training With a Bite
An Extract from the Olthém III
Chapter Seven - To Sea A Wedding
Chapter Eight - A Wreck of a Trip
An Extract from the Olthém IV
Chapter Ten - Into the Frying Pan
Chapter Eleven - A Rocky Start
Chapter Twelve - Run Rabbit
An Extract from the Olthém V
Chapter Thirteen - If There Ever Was A Whizz That Wasn't
Chapter Fourteen - On Your Marks...
Chapter Fifteen - Trouble afoot
An Extract from the Olthém VI
Chapter Sixteen - A Sailor Went to Sea, Sea, Sea.
Species Analysis

Chapter Nine - Something Evil this Way Comes....or Not

99 7 1
By ErinMayHackett

Martin and Aramon wandered aimlessly along the beach. Looking for Sameeca in a half hearted fashion, and whole heartedly focusing on how hungry and thirsty they were in. The sand dunes lowered and before them, they could see the dark luscious green trees of the Breanaigh Forest. Aramon looked to Martin before saying;

"If she were sensible, she would have gone into the woods there t'look f'r water." and rum, he thought, despite evidence to the contrary.

"Yes, she may have found dinner and made a fire." Martin agreed, now totally inventing a new Sameeca.

"Aye, she may have grabbed hold of th'rum!" Aramon cried.

They aimed towards the woods, practically running in their haste to get there. This would explain how they completely missed the Elven camp. Well to be more precise, their faces found it first as they tripped over an Elven sentry. I'll skip what happened next, there was a bit of a to do-some minor kerfuffuling, a few knocks and bruises, in which everyone got hit a lot and much swearing. Finally it was the six sharp pointy arrows, aimed at their heads, that calmed the two men down. Lethanas stepped forward;

"Who are you? And why do you seek us out?" He asked.

"Ah, funny story actually..." Martin began


Sameeca is still running. Observer her. See how efficiently she does it? Long strides, even breaths and arms pumping. To one, who declares that the only form of exercise she enjoys is the walk to the dinner table, she is quite the professional. See how even though she's terrified she's not screaming? That's because if she opens her mouth, she will trip over and inhale the sand. Sods law. Sameeca also, does not look back (see above). She's been there. She needs to focus on what is in front of her, because if she moves her head some form of sea weed will entrap her and pull her down to her doom. Also, she didn't want to know how exactly horrifying her future would be if she stopped running.

Behind her SvarrKarr and DeKramarr charged. The SarrVeck had been waylaid after having to remove something from his paw*. Now he was mad and quickly gaining. DeKramarr let the great beast go, the beast needed a run and it was easier to control an exhausted woman than an excitable one. The giant hound roared loudly, enjoying the sensation of the chase. However, both rider and charge were left gobsmacked when the female somehow managed to accelerate whilst shrieking maniacally. SvarrKarr was losing ground.

*a case of the crabs I believe.


Meanwhile Aramon was explaining in great detail, his life story to the Elves. They watched him stonily. Lethanas had a horrid suspicion that the person they were looking for was deeply involved with these idiots. He sighed and folded his arms as the thief continued to talk;

"-and then, the great Queen spoke to me, she said-"

"AAAAAAAARRGGGGHHHH!" a voice screamed out.

"How did you know that?" Aramon cried, looking behind him, just in time for Sameeca to fly by.

For a moment Elves lves and men watched the redhead run the length of the beach, closely followed by the brutal warrior. Silence followed at the odd sight. Martin pointed;

"Oh! I wondered where she'd gone."

Lethanas jolted to attention. That was the one they were after. He rushed to his horse, calling for his party to follow suit. Within moments they were on SvarKarr's heels. DeKramarr glanced over his shoulder, snarling in anger. He did not have time for this. An arrow whizzed past his right ear. DeKramarr shouted and waved his blade threateningly. If he stopped then he would lose the girl, but if he continued he risked losing his life AND the girl.

"Svarr, keep going, get her. I'll sort these out." The dark warrior called to his steed, half dismounting as he spoke.

"As you wish," The SarrVeck growled, launching himself forward as his rider leaped from his back.

Lethanas' eyes grew wide, who was this Black Knight? His bow rose again and he fired twice more. DeKramarr's armour turned them. Lethanas dropped his bow, instead releasing his blade. He called to the rest of his troop;

"Go after the girl. Make sure she's kept safe."

DeKramarr snarled and ran towards the Sky Elf, the other riders dispersing to follow SvarrKarr. Quickly, Lethanas jumped from his own steed, landing perfectly on his feet with moments to spare before he was attacked. Their blades danced causing sparks to fly. Both were well matched. DeKramarr's blade came down in an arc only to meet Lethanas' sharp defensive upper swing. Lethanas would dance to the left to find Vaskar's servant right there to meet him. The sand was whipped up in a flurry, as the two tried to overcome each other. From the strand Martin and Aramon observed;

"Blondie seems t'be putting up a fair fight." The brigand said indistinctly, as he ate some of the Elves rations he had just pilfered.

"Indeed, I wouldn't want to be fighting ol'fearsome there." Martin agreed, helping himself to some dried meat."Should we step in?"

"Nah. We'd only get in th'way. Tha' there's a pers'n'l disagreement."

"I do believe your right. Do you think they have anything to drink?"

"I dunno, le's have a looksee."


Sameeca let out a shrill squeal when the SarrVeck roared, panic took over completely and she could tell he was catching up. Without warning she veered right and ran about the beast confusing him as he tried to bite her. SvarrKarr stumbled as he tried to follow her but he was too late, and he tumbled in the sand. Arrows whizzed through the air, peppering SvarrKarr like a pincushion. The SarrVeck roared in annoyance as they scored his flesh. Sameeca didn't allow herself to slow down, she focused on her immediate path...which contained five horse-backed riders with weapons....what had she done? She had to make a decision.

She ran into the forest and fell into a hole. 


Aramon and Martin were becoming concerned now. There hadn't been anything to drink other than water. This had displeased them. The wizard looked over at the two figures entwined in battle. They'd been going at it for a good solid half hour. Aramon was just thinking about interrupting when a loud roar erupted from the end of the strand. SvarrKarr came bounding down it, looking much akin to a large hedgehog. He plucked his rider from the fray, tossing Lethanas' aside and the two disappeared in a flash of light. Aramon spat out some water he'd reluctantly swigged. He hit his friends arm;

"Now, THAT is a useful trick! Not your fancy poof and glitter bombs." Aramon scolded.

"That page wasn't in the book." Martin whined.

They watched in silence as the rest of the riders came back along the beach to Lethanas. Aramon took another swig of water from his purloined flask. Lethanas' eyes found him, the group turned towards them and picked up speed. Martin gulped;

"Time to go?" 

"Yup." Aramon agreed.

"Not so fast." A male voice spoke softly, which was worse than threateningly. You couldn't punch a person for speaking softly. "We need to find your friend, and as you have so nicely helped yourself to our rations you would do well to oblige us."

The two turned around, Aramon sniffed and Martin licked his lips. They were staring at the knees of two mounted Elves. They should have known better, they thought.

"Of course, my pleasure," Aramon said.

"At your service," Martin declared.


Minutes had passed since Sameeca had plunged into the dark depths of a tree root. Two of the Elves had jumped over her, and no more had appeared (they had since disturbed her brother and Martin instead). Sameeca however, wasn't going to chance moving just yet. It was safe in the hole, it was comfortable and most importantly it didn't contain anything that could harm her, although, there was the distressing smell of fox to deal with. She breathed a sigh of relief. No, no. For the first time that morning, she was well and truly safe. There was snuffling beside her, Sameeca glanced over her shoulder to see what it was and came face to face with a badger. Her eyes widened and she practically levitated with fear as she jumped back out of the hole and into Lethanas' arms.

"We've been looking for you." He told her.

"Just splendid," Sameeca sighed.


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