I'm Not Who You Think

By b_writing1d

437K 6.9K 1.3K

*THE STORY IS NOT LIKE DARK* Harry Styles. What do you think of when you hear that name? Sweet? Generous? Hot... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Over 7 years later...please read!

Chapter 43

5.4K 94 25
By b_writing1d

Kate's POV:

My eyes became wide at who I saw. My heart raced faster, butterflies forming in my stomach.

"Jack....?" My heart was pumping faster and faster.

"Hello... Kate."

"What are you doing here!?" I snapped. His dark brown hair laid upon his forehead, his matching brown eyes dull. He wore a filthy white shirt with the sleeves torn off. His medium blue baggy jeans hung low on his hips, covering the tops of his tan boots.

"I came to talk to you." He smiled, shoving his hands in his front jeans pockets. My heart was pumping faster and faster by anger and worry. "You're still my baby sister." He nudged by me, stepping into the flat.

"Jack, get out now." I grumbled, holding the door wide open for him. He chuckled, his laugh filling the space. "I will call the cops! Get. Out." He completely ignored me and sat comfortably on the couch. I slammed the door shut and walked over to be in front of him.

"Come on Kate, you don't have your little Harry here to protect you." He chuckled once again. I felt my heart shatter. Is he seriously thinking that I'm taking it funny that Harry can't be here right now?

"Who do you think you are?" My voice rose, anger filling inside of me. He stood up to be right in front of me, his legs touching the back of the couch.

"I'm Jack. Who do you think you are leaving me like that?" His voice began getting louder. I shoved him, causing him to fall back onto the couch. A light laugh escaped from his mouth, he quickly stood up. "Am I just allowed to talk to you for a bit?"

"Lets get one thing straight Jack. I SAVED YOU! GET IT? HARRY WAS ABOUT TO BEAT THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF YOU, BUT I SAVED YOU. SO SHUT UP AND GET OUT!" I screamed. I had never screamed at Jack like that before ever. His face filled with fury, madness covering his eyes. Just as he was about to grab me, I turned around and ran to the kitchen. I began searching through the silverware drawer until I came across a huge knife. I quickly grabbed it and slammed the drawer shut. I turned around, gripping the handle tightly in my grasp. There stood Jack, a shocked reaction came across his face as I pointed the knife at him.

"Kate, put the knife down." He said calmly, slowly stepping forward to me. Tears formed the rims of my eyes as I still held the knife out at him. Why was I doing this? Was I fighting for love? Have I really hated Jack all along?

"Get out Jack." I sobbed, the knife becoming shaky in my hand. He stepped forward again, slowly and calmly.

"I just need to talk to you, please let me do that." He begged, standing in once spot right in front of me now. Why am I doing this?

"About what Jack?" I sobbed once again, but placing the knife at my side, still keeping a good grip on it. He sighed in relief, but still stayed in one spot.

"About Harry." He gently said. I stomped my foot, letting a whimper escape my mouth. "Why do you hate me?" I gulped, my heart began pounding again.

"There is no hate about it Jack. I just don't care about you anymore." I simply stated. He looked down at his tan boots and then back into my eyes.

"But why?"

"YOU TRIED TO KILL MY BOYFRIEND! DON'T YOU GET IT? IM. IN. LOVE." I sobbed once again, bringing the knife back up again. He stepped back quickly.

"Kate, listen to me. Does Harry REALLY care about you?" He questioned, his low voice was quiet and gentle. I huffed and looked up at him, the knife shaking in my hand.

"Yes you dumbass!" I screamed. He crossed his arms in disapproval of my language, but what can he really do?

"Think about it. If he really loved you, he wouldn't have went on tour." Jack chuckled, balancing his weight on one leg.

"We dated AFTER he found out he was leaving!" I yelled, the knife blade coming closer to him. He stepped back once again, his breathing becoming heavier. "You don't know Harry and I, Jack. Listen to me, IM DONE WITH YOU! I WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU." He gasped at how I was screaming. I slightly lowered the knife, but to still have it sticking up pointed at him.

"Kate please stop and listen.. I just want you to talk to me." He begged. I sarcastically laughed at him. He expected me to talk to him after he nearly killed Harry?

"You're dead to me." I simply said, bringing the knife blade up to be inches from his chest. "Now I suggest you get out of my home before this goes through your chest. If you EVER come back, I will call the cops on you. You're dead to me. Hear that? DEAD. I want you out of my life for good. I'm done with your utter bullshit."

"Kate .--"


He slowly backed away and headed for the door. I set the knife to my side as I watched him approach the door.

"This is just a phase of yours. I know you'll want me back into your life one day when Harry breaks your heart. My number is still the same. Call me when you learn to move on and you realize Harry is a violent piece of shit."

"A violent piece of shit!? Really Jack? Just cause he has anger issues doesn't make him a piece of shit! You're the piece of shit!" I screamed dropping the knife. It made a clinging sound as it hit the tiled floor. Jack looked at me and sped walked over to me. Before I even had the chance to pick up the knife, he grabbed me by my shoulders and slammed me against the cold refrigerator.

"I'm the piece of shit!?" He bit. Tears formed on the rims of my eyes. He was violently pressing me against the fridge. I looked up into his eyes. They were filled of anger, but disappointment.

"Yes Jack, you are the piece of shit. You tried to kill Harry, and worst of all you got two people to help you. ONE OF THEM WAS MY VERY OWN BEATER." I yelled and kneed him in the crotch. He stepped back and hunched over, making a oof sound.

"Get out. I NEVER want to see you again." I walked over to the door and opened it, waiting for him to leave. After a few moments, he leaned up and wobbled over to the door. I kept my eyes focused away from him as he walked by me.

"Bitch." He grumbled as he was walking out of the doorway. I slammed the door behind him and locked it. Tears immediately began pouring down my cheeks. My back touched the door and I slid down till I was sitting flat. I brought my knees to my face and just began crying. Why is everything going wrong for me? I don't want life anymore. All its filled with is backstabbers and people who leave you.

Harry's POV:

The concert was great, but I couldn't keep my mind off of Kate. She's just worrying me actually. She's hiding stuff from me, and thats what I need to find out. How will I though? She's not telling me anything, nor is she even trying to. Did I do something?

"Hey lad." Niall said walking into the hotel living room. I looked up at him as I sat on the couch fiddling with my phone. I smiled and turned my phone screen off, patting the seat next to me for Niall to sit. He warmly smiled back and sat down next to me.

"Hi." I said and began twirling my thumbs. Niall looked at me suspicously, but I just tried to give a reassuring smile that I was fine, but I must be terrible at it.

"What's gotten with ya Harry?" His heavy Irish accent asked. I looked away from him and back down at my thumbs as I continued to twirl them. "Harry?" His voice sounded worried. I sighed and stopped twirling my thumbs. I closed my eyes and sighed before looking back up at Niall. 

"Kate." I simply stated. He sighed, running his fingers through his blonde hair. I frowned. He probably doesn't understand. He'll probably just be like everyone else and tell me that I need to stop complaining that I'm not with her all the time.

"What about her?" He calmly asked. I gulped. Should I really tell him? Or should I keep mine and Kates relationship business between only Kate and I? I just really need advice right now, and its Niall, so I can tell him almost anything.

"She's been depressed and not telling me anything. Its really bugging me cause I feel like she's loosing feelings for me." I frowned and closed my eyes. I ran my fingers through my loose curls and looked back at him. Niall sighed once again, biting his bottom lip.

"What do you mean?" Niall deep irish voice asked. I shifted in my seat slightly and began twirling my thumbs again. What I'm most worried about is her picking up a razor blade. She only cut herself when she was in a state of depression... And she's depressed. I can't tell Niall she cuts though. Kate would never forgive me if I let that slip out.

"It's nothing Niall.." I mumbled. He groanded, an annoyed look came across his face. He knows its something, but I just can't tell him.

"There's something Harry."

"ITS NOTHING NIALL!" I screamed standing up and running off to the bedroom in the hotel. I slammed the door behind me and plopped myself on the bed on my stomach. I buried my face in the pillows and just let the tears roll down my face. Why did I let myself fall in love full well knowing that I'd have to leave?

Niall's POV:

"ITS NOTHING NIALL!" Harry screamed while standing up and running to the bedroom. He slammed the door behind him. I quickly stood up and pressed my ear softly against the door. I could hear him sobbing. He's hiding something, but it seems like its between hisself and Kate. 

I walked out of Harry's hotel room over to Louis'. I raised my hand up and let my knuckles hit the door three times. I waited a few moments before seeing Lou open the door. I grabbed his forearm quickly and yanked him over to Harry's hotel room without saying a word.

"Niall, whats going on?" He sternly asked as we got outside of Harry hotel room. I let go of his arm of looked at him. He looked tired, probably because were now supposed to have a day off after our concert. His hair was sticking up, he had his pajamas on, and his blue eyes were darkened, tiredness showing.

"I just got screamed at by Harry, so now you're gonna go talk to him." I simply said. Lou raised both of his eyebrows up, a grin crossing his face.

"Niall James Horan, what did you do?" His soft british voice asked. I rolled my eyes and ran my fingers through my hair.

"I did nothing. He misses Kate and he's worried about her. He won't tell me why though." 

"Maybe he just doesn't wanna talk about it."

"Then at least make him stop crying, cause if I try, he'll kill me."

Louis sighed and opened the door to Harry's flat. I walked in behind him and shut the door. Lou continued to walk forward to Harry's bedroom door while I pulled out my phone from my pocket and dialed for Liam. It rang a few times before he answered.

"Hello?" Liam asked into the phone. I cleared my throat before speaking.

"Are you with Zayn?" I asked quickly. 

"Yes, why?" He wondered. I sighed.

"Both of you need to get to Harry's flat now." I demanded. He groaned through the phone. I rolled my eyes as he did so. "Harry needs all of us. Come on."

"Alright. We'll be over in a minute." Liam said, and with that, he hung up. I stuck my phone back in my pocket and walked forward to see Harry's bedroom door wide open. I walked in quietly to see Lou sitting on the side of the bed and Harry's face buried in his pillows.

"I know you miss her, I miss Eleanor. But we'll be back soon." Lou said calmy to Harry. I leaned against the doorway with my arms crossed. Muffled pouts could be heard from Harry. I frowned. He fell in love quickly, and he fell hard.

"You don't understand." Harry quickly leaned his face up from the pillows, but then plopped it back down. Lou looked over at me, curiosity on his face. I shrugged my shoulders and raised my eyebrows. Lou sighed and turned his focus back over to Harry. 

"Understand what Haz?" Lou once again calmly asked. I then felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Liam and Zayn. I walked out of the bedroom and turned to face them.

"Its about Kate, and he's not talking to me. He hasn't been on tour while having a girlfriend at the same time, so can you go help?" I quickly asked. They both nodded and walked into the bedroom. I stood back in the doorway once again. Liam and Zayn both approached the bed quietly, and lightly taking a seat on it.

"I can't tell you." Harry said and quickly leaned up to see Lou and Liam sitting on one side next to him, and Zayn sitting on the other.

"Where's Niall?" He asked. I stepped back slightly and began biting my nail. Harry rolled on his back and covered his face with his hands.

"He feels like you hate him, so that's why were here instead." Lou answered. He quickly looked over at Lou. I stood in the doorway, being unoticable to Harry that I was there.

"I didn't mean to yell at him... I don't hate him." Harry pouted.

"Then why did you yell at me like that?" I chirped. Harry quickly sat up and saw me standing in the doorway. He stood up and jogged over to be standing right infront of me. His eyes were red and puffy, his cheeks also red. His hair was a mess, and he just looked tired.

"I-I'm sorry. I-I just felt-t stressed out a-and p-p-pressured." He stuttered. My heart shattered for him. I quickly pulled him into a tight hug, letting him cry on my shoulder. Harry doesn't cry often, but when he does, he cries hard and its for a good reason.

"Its okay Harry, now come on." I said letting go of him. I walked over to the bed and stood in front of it. Harry walked over and still remained standing. Everyone stood up. Liam hugged him from the back, Zayn hugged him from the front, Lou hugged him from the right side, and I hugged him from the left side. Harry was stuck in the middle of the tight hug. He needed this. I hadn't seen him actually smile since a few days before we left for tour. We have been a little rough on him due to him always missing Kate, but now I realize that he spent literally almost every second with her, and then had to leave. I realize that he misses her like crazy, and its gonna be a hard 4 more months for him, but the lads and I will be here to help him.

"I'm sorry for being mean to you guys for the past two months." Harry choked out. We freed from the hug due to knowing we were crushing Harry. I looked up at him, dry tears were on his cheeks.

"Harry, its okay. We shouldn't have been so hard on you." Liam said.

"No, its fine. I shouldn't have kept bringing Kate up." Harry responded looking over at Liam.

"We were hard on you, I'm sorry." Lou said.

"I'm sorry." Zayn also said.

"I'm sorry." Liam repeated. Harry looked over at me. I gave a weak smile.

"And I'm sorry for being to pushy. I should've just left it alone." I said. Harry smiled lightly, before hugging each of us one last time.

"Now, who's up for movies and pizza?" Liam yelled. I smiled and looked over at Harry to see him smiling to.

"Count me in." Harry responded. We all cheered and walked out into the living room, flipping through channels of movies until coming across Daddy Daycare. There was nothing better to watch, so that's what we chose. We ordered pizza and soda from the hotel and spent the rest of the night watching a various amount of movies and laughing. One thing for sure is, Harry and Kate better not break up... 'Cause if they do, Harry will never be the same again.

Kate's POV:

My hear pounded as I walked into the bathroom and over to the shower. Tears blurred my eyes as I quickly picked up the razor. My hands trembled as I tried bending the blade out of the razor. After a few times, it popped out. I let the blade holder fall to the ground while I held the blade in my hand. I was shaking. Should I do this? What if Harry finds out? He said there was going to be consequences if I did this, but I feel like that was more of a threat then a promise. 

I stood there staring at the blade. Maybe ill just cut over one of my old scars and itll fade into it. It has a whole four months to heal, so it'll deffinetly be scared by then.

"This ones for not being good enough." I said outloud and slid the blade across the skin on my wrist. I watched as the warm blood oozed from my wrist and down my forearm. "This ones for not having Harry's fans like me." And I slid the blade across another scar. "This ones for not having my brother respect me and my choices." The blade skimmed across my skin, a burning feeling taking over. I shook as I looked at my now bleeding skin. "And this ones for not having me die in that car crash instead of you, mum and dad." And with that, I made the final cut... For now. 

I dropped the blade and stood there, staring at my once again harmed skin. Dark red liquid oozed out from the cuts. I grabbed a towel from the sink and set it on my skin. I watched as it quickly filled with blood. I squeezed it tightly to have the bleeding stop. After a few moments, I set the bloody towel back on the sink and looked at my wrist. New cuts were showing, and it still burning like hell. Physical harming helps with emotional because it sets your mind off of everything and it calms you down. Its hard to explain, but it helps.

I walked out of the bathroom and into the living room. I laid on my side on the couch and began crying again. Harry doesn't seem to concerned anymore, I have no trustable family, I have only one friend, and my life is turning into shit again. My depression is back.


Guys, sorry for not updating for a long time. Ive been busy and my life doesn't revolve around Wattpad ._. Anyways, I WENT TO THE ONE DIRECTION CONCERT ON JULY 6 AND I WAS CRYING THE ENTIRE TIME.

Okay, so if you guys want to talk:

Kik: brittanystylesbear

Instagram: @brittanystyless

Update will be as soon as I can(:♥

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