Belong Together

By ticklebug

25K 1.2K 328

A dilmer fanfic More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
thirty eight
thirty nine
final chapter


941 42 13
By ticklebug

Demi's pov

It's not even nine yet and it's already been a long morning. My head is throbbing and I can't tell if the room is spinning or if it's just me. I slowly make my way into the kitchen trying to think of something to make for breakfast.

"Maya come down from your room, I'm making breakfast!" I yell at the ceiling.

"What are we eating?" She yells back through the floor.

To be honest I'm not sure what we're going to be eating. I see her walk down the stairs from her room, rubbing her eyes.

"I thought you had breakfast ready." she says with disappointment in her voice.

"No, I want you to help me make breakfast." I reply back.

"Can't we go out for breakfast or actually I wanna eat with dad." She blurts out.

Here she goes with her dad again. Why can't she see I'm trying and that I love her. I don't want to keep having the same fight over and over again with her.

I don't know if it's my headache getting the best of me but I say, "Fine. Go eat with dad. I'll call him now. But you come straight home and if something happens you call me."

"Really, are you serious!" She replies happily.

I've haven't seen her that happy lately, it makes me sad that leaving me for her dad makes her so happy. I usually have someone like Marissa, my best friend, go with them when she and Wilmer are out alone. But she's getting older and she has a phone. I can trust Maya and it's just a morning.

"Yeah, I mean you clearly don't want to eat with me and your dad's in town." I reply, on the verge of tears.

She hugged me and ran up the stairs. I guess rebuilding our relationship means listening to what she wants at times too.

"I'll be ready by the time he gets here." She replies with a smile so big I swear I couldn't see her eyes.

She shut the door to her room and I fell to the to the floor. She hugged me. The last time she hugged me was on my birthday. The only reason she hugged me today was because I let her see Wilmer. She only hugged me on my birthday because I let her leave early to say bye to Wilmer when he had to leave to shoot a movie. It seems like she only loves me when I let her see Wilmer. Speaking of Wilmer I better text him.

Maybe trying to reach out to Maya was a bad idea. Clearly she would rather be with her father.

Maya's pov

I kinda feel bad that I'm leaving Demi hanging, but I get to go see dad so it doesn't matter. She always tries to make me feel guilty when I see dad. We wouldn't have this problem if she would let me see often and not once in a blue moon.

I'm almost ready I just have to put my socks and shoes on. I swear I think I hear mom crying downstairs but I'm not too sure.

"Maya your dad's in the driveway waiting for you, don't forget your phone." I hear her yell.

"Okay, I'll be down in a second." I yell back.

I don't think my dad's ever picked me up. It's usually one of Demi's friend's and they always stick around updating Demi which I think is dumb.

As I make my way downstairs I can see Demi wiping away at her eyes. This is how she makes me feel guilty. I just want to have breakfast with my dad and I'll be back at her house before she knows it. I don't understand why everything has to be such a big deal for her.

"Have you been crying?" I ask cautiously.

"No" she chuckles awkwardly, "You know I'm like allergic to everything, my eyes were just itchy." She says with a smile, which is a bit odd.

"Oh" I don't believe really believe her but then again she is allergic to like everything so her explanation is completely reasonable.

"Do you have your phone?" She suddenly asks "If something happens call me." She says seriously.

"Yes." I held my phone up for proof, it's not like it ever leaves my person anyways.

I realized I've never even been out alone with my dad. Demi always had someone 'secretly' supervising our time together. And today she's just letting him pick me up and go by ourselves. Is she starting to trust him again? Maybe this is part of the big lifestyle change she just made by taking a 'break' from work.

"I'll be okay." I smile, she looks like she's overthinking this.

"Okay." she whispers back. Something weird is going on with her lately and I'm not sure what it is.

"Bye" she says as I walk out the door.

I don't get why she's so sad. She didn't really care about me before and if she did she clearly didn't show it. And what's her deal with my dad, she was married to him. Doesn't she have have any trust left in him or at least in me.

Demi's pov

Maya just walked out the door and got into Wilmer's car. I grabbed my phone and walked upstairs to my room. I don't know what I'm supposed to think. She wants to live with Wilmer but the closest thing I can do is let her see him more often. I just can't trust him. She doesn't know I'm trying to shelter her from getting hurt.

I can't believe I let her life become everything I didn't want it to be. Her parents are divorced. I wasn't around as much as I should've been though that's going to change. She doesn't really have a stable relationship with her father, again my fault. I can't lose my daughter she's the only thing I have left.

Without even realizing I start crying. I can feel my wet cheek sticking to the pillow. I let out a loud sob and continue crying. I can't stop. She loves Wilmer more than me. I carried her for nine months. I went through crap to save my marriage with Wilmer just so she could have a father figure. But he broke the last straw and I had to leave with Maya.

I was still crying and thinking about the years when we were married. Sure we were happy at times but the rest was hell. If only Maya knew. Maybe she wouldn't hate me as much as she does now but she doesn't need to know any details. No child should be put through a divorce, but we put our daughter through one making her life just that much harder. I'm left with thoughts of my past as I close my eyes.

The tears aren't slowing and suddenly I'm having a hard time breathing. I can't remember if I dozed off but right now I can't catch my breath.

"Breath Demi!" I tell myself, "You've been doing it your whole life, just breath."

But its not helping. I'm trying to breath but I can feel my chest tightening. My breaths are getting shorter and more rapid. I can actually hear my heartbeat and it's scaring me even more. I lift my hands to cover my ears. I hate being so overwhelmed by my emotions.

This room is too loud. My hands are getting clammy and suddenly I feel really hot. I rip my shirt off and throw it on my bed. Every bit of stimulation in my body is intesified. I let out a scream of frustration as I try to cover up the noise. I can't see anything but black spots. I can hear footsteps coming from outside my door. I try to calm myself down but it doesn't work Why can't everything just quiet down for two minutes. I just scream louder to cover up the noise.

Maya's pov

I'm home from breakfast actually it was more like brunch now that it's two in the afternoon, I had a lot of fun. Demi probably enjoyed her morning because I was gone. It's not that I want to live with only my dad, I just want to see him more often. We do sometimes hangout all together but it's awkward and those occasions are too rare to my liking.

As I putting my keys in and unlock the door I hear a noise from inside, wow Demi must have the TV on really loud. I turn the handle to walk in to find out it's Demi screaming. I hear my mom screaming. I run down the steps from my door to my dad who's already backing out of the driveway.

He gives me a weird look, brakes and gets out of his car. He's now worried and I'm stuttering.

"Demi.. Mom.. She's-!" I start, " She.." I stutter out.

Before I can finish dad's already racing up the stairs to her room.

"Wait in the car." he yells from the stairs.

But I don't listen, with heavy steps I run upstairs and follow him. We open the door to Demi's room and the sight has me in shock.

She's hunched over on her side, in only her bra and pajama pants. Her hands are covering her ears and she's screaming. I've never seen mom like this. I get scared so I run and wait in the car like my dad asked me to do earlier.

Wilmer's pov

The sight had me in tears. I told Maya to wait in the car but of course she doesn't listen and follows me. Maya is right behind me when I open the door. I turn around to tell her to go back to the car but I see her already running downstairs. Who could blame her, this is her mom. Slowly I made my way to Demi. Hoping don't scare her.

I rub my hand up and down her back. And her screaming stops, she looks up at me and flinches back. I see the fear in her eyes and it makes me feel awful. I look straight into her eyes and tell her I'm not going to hurt her.

She looks at me and I move closer. In her vulnerable state I calm her down. She stops crying and she's leaning against my chest trying to slow her breathing. I can't help but take in this moment. I'm sitting beside the love of my life.

The girl I was and still in love with, the girl I was married to until I screwed it all up. I just want her to see I'm a changed person and not the same person I was like ten years ago. The person she first met not the person I became after we married. If she sees that maybe it'll make a difference in our life.

Her breathing slows and her tears stopand I am pulled out of my thoughts. She slowly moves away from me and hugs her own knees.

She gently whispers a thank you.

"I can stay if you need me to." I tell her.

"It's okay," she says, "I hope you had a good morning with Maya." She whispers.

"I did." I quietly reply.

It's obvious she doesn't want to talk about what happened so I let it be.

"I'm going to get Maya from the car." I say, "Take care of yourself and Maya, bye."

I feel bad for leaving but she wouldn't want me to stay. I tell Maya that her mom's okay and that I'll miss her.

"Bye dad, I'll facetime you tonight." She says.

"Okay, I'll have my phone with me, waitin for you." He says and I chuckle.

I'll have to ask for an update on Demi later.

Maya's pov

I slowly walk into the house. I hear sniffling upstairs and I see mom laying in bed. I take one look at her and she looks so broken and sad. She sees me and I make my way to her. You know what, this is a clean start, she's kinda trying to fix our relationship and so will I.

"How was your morning with dad?" she asks, sitting up and wiping her tears.

I don't reply and I just make my way into her arms. I don't know why it just felt right. She hugs me tight. Then she whispers sorry to me about a million times. What is she so sorry about? I stay silent.

Then she starts crying again. We lay down on her bed and I let her cry. I can't help but wonder what happened? Maybe she was just scared, but of what? She let dad into the house to help. It's like she can trust him at times and just completely shut him out as well.


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