Once Upon a Drunk: Book 1 [I...

By hefty05

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With a business tycoon father and a Beauty Queen mother, Jasmine is well known in fashion industry and is fon... More

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13.1K 210 45
By hefty05

Chapter 17

Jasmine POV

After our swimming on the beach, we decided to go home now before dinner. Tonight is our last night of vacation so I wanted to freshen up and watch the sunset with the love of my life.

"Jasmine?" I heard a knock on my door as I fix myself in the bathroom.

"At the bathroom Franz" I yell as I heard her walk inside the room.

"You're still not ready? if you wouldn't hurry up the only thing we will going to watch is the moon rise instead of the sunset" Franz uttered leaning on the door frame.

"Just a sec baby"

"Ok hurry up please?" she pecks on my lips then walks out of my room.

After 5 minutes of preparation, I walk downstairs with smile spreading across my face but slowly faded after finding Franz and Nina talking at the living room. I stared at them for a moment. Nina is so happy. I can see it in her eyes. Why I am so jealous with Nina? I admit that I've been jealous with Camille before but with Nina? It's like she's betraying me. Ahrrrrggg! Jasmine! don't let jelousy eat you! Nina is your friend and she will never gonna do that to you. I was so busy arguing with myself and didn't notice that Franz is on my front now waving her hands on my face.

"Hey Jasmine" she leans in looking at me worried.

"Ahmmmm yea?" I declare startled.

"What's wrong?" she asked with knitted eye brows.

"Nothing! Ei let's go now. I don't wanna miss the sunset" I smile at her as she took my hand intertwining it in the process.

"Enjoy you two" Nina wave at us smiling. But there's something different in her smile. Jasmine! stop it! I scowl at my inner self.

Franz and I jog walk at the beach to watch the sunset. But all of a sudden, she pulls me into the side entering a small forest like with small trees but you can really see the thorny ones.

"Franz! Where the hell are we going?! We will miss the sunset!" I scowl at her.

"Just wait and see" she wink at me and ready to protest because I don't want to miss the sunset.

"Franz! my feet hurts!" I whine because we are like hiking a rocky forest.

"Ahhhhh!" I exclaim when my right foot slide to one of the rock.

"Oh shit!" Franz kneels to me as she saw the scratch on my toes. I didn't really hurt but it's still a scratch. I was about to get up but Franz turn her back at me.

"Come on. I'll carry you" she points at her back motioning me to climb on top of it.

"No it's fine Franz. I can still walk you know" I protest.

"Just climb" she retorted with wide eyes. I just sighed and did what she told me. I smile a little as I place my arms around her neck sniffing her wonderful scent. I close my eyes as I burried my face on her back. Her warmth...., it feels so right. I was so lost in the moment and didn't notice that Franz already stop.

"Baby, we're here" I felt her mint fresh breath blew my face. When I open my eyes, it broadens because of the wonderful view. We're on a cliff. You can see the whole resort from where we are. I wanted to get down on the ground because I know that I'm not that light and I don't want Franz to suffer from my weight.

"No, stay there" she tighten her grip on me as we watch the sunset.

"How did you find this place?" I asked with awe in my voice.

"I found this place when Aid and I were searching for chickas" my hand automatically hit her head.

"What did you just say?!" I scowl glaring at her.

"Ouch! I'm just kidding baby" Franz chuckle while rubbing her head which leaves only her left hand on my hip.

"Franz! I'm falling!"

"Oh sorry" she quickly place her hand back on my hip then we both watch the sunset in silence. It's not an awkward silence. It's a very comfortable one. I burried my face on the top of her shoulder tightening my embrace on her neck. We stayed that way until the sun hid from the horizon.

"Franz, you can put me down now" I whisper in her ear.

"Are you sure? I can carry you until we get back at the rest house" she shifts her head near on my face.

"Yes. I can stand on my feet. It's just a scratch you know"

"Ok" she replies bending a little so I can get down easily.

"See? It doesn't hurt that much" I said moving my hurt foot.

"Fine. Just tell me if it will hurt later ok?"

"Okay" I answered leaning in and place my hand on the back of her neck.

"Thank you for this wonderful vacation Franz. I've never been so happy like this"

"It's my duty as your girlfriend to make you happy Jasmine. And I will do anything in my power to take care of you and to make you feel loved. You're the only girl that I want to wake up with. I love you Jasmine. Please hold on to me"

"I will Franz. I hope yoy will do the same for me. I will never let you go" and with that Franz and I leaned in and share a passionate kiss.


We just finished our dinner as Franz and Jeremy were on the veranda drinking beer. I'm really glad that they already make up. I don't want them fight because of me. Franz really miss and loves her brother.


"Jasmine baby, what do you think? What should I choose?" Franz asked raising the two plaid shirts in front of me.

"That one!" I exclaim pointing at the purple plaid shirt.

"Isn't it too girly?" she said looking at the shirt grimacing.

"No!" I declared as she look at me funny.

"Well...... a little. But it's cute baby" I assure her as she smile and went to the counter to pay.

After our shopping, we went to eat on a fast food chain. Franz ordered fries, burger and sundate for me and chicken and rice for her.

"Mom Dad! Barron took some of my fries!" a little girl whine from the other table as she glare at her brother.

"Barron! you have your own, why do you have to take your sister's?" the lady beside the little girl spoke which I'm pretty sure that their mother.

"I don't like mine mom. I want hers" the boy also whine pouting.

"Barron, you're the big brother right?" The man spoke beside the lady as the little boy nods still pouting.

"And what should a big brother do?"

"Protect and never let anyone to make her sister cry" the boy said in a low tone.

"Good! and your sister is crying because you took her fries. What should you do?" their father asked again as the little boy stood up.

"I'm sorry lil sis. Here's my fries. Stop crying now" the little boy kissed her sister's cheek making the little girl smile with twinkling eyes.

"Thank you big bro" the little girl said then kissed her brother's cheek.

"Awwww. They're so sweet. I always wonder what does it feel to have siblings" I declared and turn to Franz beside me. She's smiling while looking at the two kids but she can't hide the sadness evident in her face.

"I'm sorry" I blurt out out of the blue that made her head flung to my direction.

"Why are you saying sorry?" Franz ask as she frown a little.

"I know I'm the reason why you and Jeremy fell out. So I'm sorry" I said looking down.

"Hey baby. You don't have to say sorry you know. It's not your fault that my brother and I love the same woman. I just can't let you go. I will fight for you. Okay? so no. You don't have to apologize" she pull my chin up giving me a warm smile.

"Yah I admit, I miss my brother a lot. He's always been there for me when I need him. But he needs to grow up and accept the fact that we're together now and that I will never let you go" I smile up to her as she took my hand and kiss it gently. I think all the blood in my system went up to my face.

"You're so cute when blush" she declared with smug look as I hit her arm putting my hands in my face from embarrassment. Why does she have this effect on me?

-end of flashback-

"Hey you two" I smile at them as I place my hand on Franz's neck.

"Hey Jas" Jeremy smile up to me then jug the beer bottle on his hand.

"Hello" I reply looking at Franz beside me. She was about to jug her beer when I widen my eyes on her.

"What?" she asked frowning.

"You're being a war freak when your drunk so stop it now before I make you" I scowl at her as she roll her eyes.

"You two are cute" Jeremy uttered chuckling in front of us. It was actually surprising.

"What? I moved on Franz. I'm happy for you two" he smile at us as Franz smile widely. Happiness is evident on her and seeing her like that makes my heart flutter.

"Wait, I'll just get something" he said and started to get up.

"Wait Franz, have you seen Jami?" I ask frowning roaming my eyes on the rest house. She's not around when we had our dinner and so is Aid. Franz was about to answer when we heard Aid yelling Jami's name.

"Jami! Jami wait!"

"Arhhhggg! Can you stop following me?!" Jami scowl at Aid pointing her fingers at Aid's face. I think it's just and inches apart from Aid's face.

"Why are you acting like a jealous girlfriend? I was just talking to her" Aid retorted taking Jami's hand out of her face.

"You're not talking Aiden, you're flirting with her. I waited like 30 minutes there and you're just flirting? Ahrrrrggg! Just go away!" Jami walks away and immediately runs to her room.

"Oh ow!" Franz declared as Aid slums her butt down to the couch.

"Ahrrrrggg! women!" Aid exclaim taking Franz's beer.

"Hey that's mine!" Franz hissed but Aid jugs all of it.

"What happened exactly?" Franz asks as she stood up sitting beside Aid.

"Well... Jami asked me if I can go with her and see some souvenirs because she can't find Jasmine and well... Nina is having a good time with some hot chic at the shore. When we were at the middle of her shopping, I told her that I just go to the bathroom cause I need to pee. And then...."

"And then what?" Franz asked frowning.

"When I was on my way out.....I bumped with.... Kayla" Aid declared mumbling the last part. Sadness is written all over Aid's face.

"Owwww..." that's the only word that came out from Franz's mouth.

"Then Kayla talked to me like you know explaining and such. And I got lost at the track of time and didn't thought that I was talking with Kayla for half an hour so I said my goodbyes to her but Kayla embraced me from behind and here comes Jami with a perfect timing seeing my scene with Kayla. I didn't mean to keep her waiting Franz. I want to apologize"

"Then you should" Jeremy interrupted with guitar in his hands.

"Just like the old times?" Franz asks as Jeremy nods his head. And I think that's my que to go to Jami's now.

"Okay! I think I'm just gonna go to Jami's now so you guys can plan your modus operandi perfectly" I declare standing up going to Franz's.

"Make sure you have a good plan" I peck on her lips then wink at her.

"Good luck Aiden! Just a friendly reminder, my best friend is not easy to please" I pat Aid's shoulder as she took a deep breath.

I run into Jami's room and found Nina and Camille inside the room.

"Hey?" I hesitantly walk inside Jami's room as Nina sat beside her while Camille stood up and ready to leave when someone spoke outside using a microphone.

"Jami! I know you're in there. I'm sorry if I you waited for me. Please forgive me?" Camille, Nina, Jami and I went to the veranda seeing Aid, Franz and Jeremy with microphones in front of them.

"What the----" Jami exclaimed as me, Nina and Camille are fighting our laughs.

"Jami.... forgive me... please?" I think the microphone thing is too loud and it started to attrack people around.

"Aiden! can you stop this non-sense?! You're embarrassing!" Jami hissed at Aid from the veranda.

"Are you kidding Jamilla? It's so romantic!" Nina gigles as Jami glare at her. Jami turn to Aid's direction and was about to scowl again but Jeremy started to play the guitar now. Wow! he's good.

'Little things by One Direction' (at multimedia section)

-Aid: (while looking at Jami)

'Your hand fits in mine Like it's made just for me But bear this in mind It was meant to be And I'm joining up the dots With the freckles on your cheeks And it all makes sense to me 

I know you've never loved The crinkles by your eyes when you smile You've never loved Your stomach or your thighs The dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine'

Franz and Aid:

'But I'll love them endlessly'


'(Chorus) I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth But if I do, it's you, Oh it's you, They add up to I'm in love with you, And all these little things'-

Oh my Gosh! Aid was not quite a singer and mostly out of the tune but her oozing confidence makes it cute. She even have this hand gestures to make it more dramatically. Nina, Camille and I cannot take it anymore and we burst out laughing at Aid. Jami on the other hand place her palm on her face because her face looks like a tomato now. I just didn't know if it's from blushing, embarrassment or anger. But my laughter dropped down when......

-Franz: (while looking at Jasmine)

'You can't go to bed, Without a cup of tea, And maybe that's the reason That you talk, in your sleep And all those conversations Are the secrets that I keep Though it makes no sense to me'

'I know you've never loved the sound of your voice on tape You never want to know how much you weigh You still have to squeeze into your jeans But,'

Franz and Jeremy:

'You're perfect to me'-

Wow! Franz can sing. Well I already know that because we sang a duet when we had a charity work. But damn! Her voice really fits the song. It caresses my ears like a gentle breeze.Oh my! I think Jami is not the only one who's blushing now. My face is so hot so I put my hand on my face gigling like a teenager.


'I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth But if it's true, It's you, It's you, They add up to I'm in love with you, And all these little things'

Jeremy: (looking at Camille)

'You'll never love yourself Half as much as I love you You'll never treat yourself right, darlin' But I want you to, If I let you know, I'm here for you, Maybe you'll love yourself, Like I love you Oh'-

Wow! Am I missing something here?

"Oh ow! I think someone's going to rekindle their past" Nina teased while looking at Camille. And for the first time in my life, I saw Camille escape a genuine smile. And..... she's blushing!


'And I've just let these little things Slip, out of my mouth, 'Cause it's you, oh it's you, It's you, They add up to And I'm in love with you, And all these little things'

Aid, Franz and Jeremy:

'I won't let these little things Slip, out of my mouth, But if it's true, It's you, it's you, They add up to, I'm in love with you, And all your little things'-

After the song, all of the people who gathered around while this three idiots sing roar and claps their hand. Other guys even do wolf whistle and some even shouts 'Nice one'. Then Aid spoke.

"So Jami, will you forgive me?" Aid asks still holding her microphone. The people yelled out come on, she's so sweet and other complimentary comments.

"Ahhrrgg! Fine! Now go away!" Jami scowl and run inside the room as Nina, Camille I follows behind her. But before I turn around, I gave Franz, Aid and Jeremy two thumbs up for a good performance.

Franz POV

"Home sweet home" I exclaims and slouch my body on the couch.

"I'm soooo tired!" Jasmine uttered and slums her body next to me.

"Let's eat? I'm hungry" I pout as I embrace Jasmine's waist burying my face on her neck.

"What do you want to eat? I'll cook" she whispers then kiss me on my forehead.

"You're tired. Let's just order pizza or something" I said not looking up at her.

"Ok" she responded and took her phone to order.

"I'm sorry baby" I mumble to her neck after she ordered.

"It's fine baby. But I still didn't know how the press learn about it. I already asked someone to settle things up but I guess one of the customers at the bar that night were the one who spill the beans"

-flashback at the airport-

"Woaahh!" we are all stunned when we saw the crusade of reporters flashing their cameras at us and pointing their microphones asking bunch of questions.

"Miss Jasmine, is it true that Franz and your friends fought some guys at a bar in Boracay?" what the hell? how did they learn about it? I turn to Jasmine on my side who's still stunned and didn't manage to talk.

"Is it true that you and Miss Nina Velasco kissed at the bar? Are you cheating on Miss Jasmine with her best friend?" one of the reporter asked me. Woah! that one I didn't see coming. We didn't answer any of the reporter's questions and managed to get away well thanks to the airport securities.

Jami and Aid already have their chauffeur and so is Nina, Rob and Lea.

"Hey guys, don't say anything okay? we will just release a statement after I talk to my press advisor" Jasmine said to all of them. They all nods and said our goodbyes when all of our driver arrived.

-end of flashback-

I lazily got up from the couch when I heard the door bell. Thank god the pizza is here I'm starving!

But when I open the door, a blinding camera flash welcome me.

"Oh shit" I put my hand in front of the camera and as a reflex of my body I punched the guy in the face.

"Oh fuck!" I exclaim and slams the door close immediately.

"Franz! what happened?" Jasmine hurriedly run beside me taking ny bloody knuckles.

"I think I punched a photographer"

"What?!" Jasmine exclaims with wide eyes.

"I.... I didn't mean to. I was startled when he suddenly flashed his camera on my face and.... and before I knew it his nose is bleeding" I stammered sitting on the couch.

"Ahrrrrggg! I'm losing my patience with that bastards!" Jasmine violently took her phone calling someone.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm calling security. They're too much! They're already invading our privacy"


I'm so sorry for the very long wait guys! But here it is.

I pulled an all nighter for this chapter so I hope you guys will like it.

I still don't know when will be my next update because I'm still busy with work and only have weekends to write. Please bear with me.

I didn't proof read and wrote it on my phone so just tell me if there are any errors and I will surely going to fix it

Enjoy reading!


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