Perfect Imperfections | Marco...

By cassheyu

135K 3.6K 8.2K

❝ Out of billions of people in the world, why me? I'm so... unrefined. ❞ ❝ Just so happens that, I love your... More

Chapter 1: Echo Creek Academy
Chapter 3: All So Suddenly
Chapter 4: Yusi Sanata
Chapter 5: Declinations
Chapter 6: Math Major Over Reaction
Chapter 7: Lunch Dates
Chapter 8: A Family, A Special Guest
Chapter 9: Innocence
Chapter 10: Operation Occasion (1)
Chapter 11: Operation Occasion (2)
A/N: Guess Who's Back!
Chapter 12: Operation Occasion (3)
Chapter 13: Operation Occasion (4)
Chapter 14: Operation Occasion (5)
Chapter 15: The Diamond
Chapter 16: Haunted Piece
Chapter 17: Sour Sweet
Chapter 18: At The Top
Chapter 19: Mysteriously Surprising
Chapter 20: Amusement Fiasco
Chapter 21: The Question
Chapter 22: His View
Chapter 23: Her View
Chapter 24: Official & Sorry
Chapter 25: Popularity Factor
[ Status Update : Perfect Imperfections ]
Chapter 26: Determination
Chapter 27: The Old Days
Chapter 28: Expressions
Chapter 28.5: Jealousy Kisses
Chapter 29: Competition
Chapter 30: Ponyhead
Chapter 31: Star Butterfly
Chapter 32: Hekapoo
Chapter 33: Agreements
Holy Shit Im Alive // Will prolly delete this soon
Chapter 34: Star Gazing
Christmas Special

Chapter 2: Liplop

12.2K 299 988
By cassheyu

{ e d i t e d }



A known voice calls out to me. It resembles Marco's voice but I wanted to make sure it was him. I tilt my head to the direction of the call. "Uh, yes?"

I guessed right, it was him. He came from running towards me so he pushes his hands unto his knees and bends, breathing throughout. He finally lifts himself up and smiles, "Yeah, sorry about that,"

I giggle, "That's okay. So, why'd you call out to me?" He pauses for a while and gives me an answer, "Just don't easily believe what anyone says. Please, it'll be worth it." He says. I was about to open my mouth to question what he meant but he already left.

I awkwardly turn to Lucas, "Marco Diaz, huh." He smirks. I playfully punches his arm and roll my eyes, "I just met him earlier, Lucas. Stop jumping into conclusions."

He chuckles at my reaction and went straight to the point, "So, who are we looking for?" He asks.

I tap my chin and put the person's imagine on my head, "I'm not sure who she is. I didn't get her name. But, all I know is that she's same as my height, short platinum blonde hair with wavy figures paired with a blue streak, her eyes are blue-well, to be honest she's really pretty and-"

"You've described her too much, Y/N. You can stop now." Lucas cuts me off.

I cross my arms, "Well, I'm sorry for being so descriptive," My eyes continue to search the figure of the person when I spot her hanging out with some people. The other one skates out from their spot though, leaving only the two of them.

"There she is!" I inform Lucas and drag him by my side and went to the spot.

"Hey! Y/N! I'm so glad you made it." The girl says. I don't wanna call her 'girl' so I instantly ask for her name. "Yeah, you got my name, but, umm... I didn't get yours." I say.

"It's Jackie. Jackie Lynn Thomas," She introduces herself and turns her eyes to Lucas while smiling. "And I see you've met Lucas."

"Mhm, I already know him. He's my childhood friend. We, almost, grew up together."

"Really smooth, Silverwood." She teases Lucas as he rolls his eyes. "Y/N, I kinda have my own thing catching up, see you tomorrow!" He says walking away with a smile. "Of course, see ya!" I permit and face Jackie.

"Y/N meet Janna," She introduces me to a girl with dark hair. She seems fine. I consciously wave at her. "Yow, you're that new girl everyone's talking about right?" She asks.

I nod, "I think I'm that new girl." I slightly chuckle. "Well, Blake's already off to the sunset but that's okay, you can meet him whenever." She must be talking about that guy who left earlier.

"That's okay, but why'd you send me here again?" I question. Jackie sits down unto the bleachers and looks at me, "Because you seem like a cool girl that I could be friends with." She simply answers.

Cool? Well, I don't really know about that.

Jackie suddenly hands me a floral-patterned skateboard, "You skate?" I carefully hold on tight on the skateboard's panel, "Um, no not really." I admit.

I tuck a lock of hair behind my ear and smile politely. "Don't worry, I can teach you first thing in the morning tomorrow." She says, putting on her helmet with a click as Janna stood up to leave.

Before they could decide to fly off I reach out to them, "Wait! If I remember correctly, you said not to get close with Marco? How come?" I tilt my head in question.

Jackie simply answers, "You'll eventually find out soon." Then, she left off, skating.


I head back home alone, quite curious of what Jackie meant. I'll eventually find out soon? What exactly did it mean? The big, loud city booms in front of me. With just a simple distraction, I could easily forget what I'm thinking. That's what usually happens.

Although, today is somehow different. It's been just my first day and I think I'm heading to something huge and drama-filled. Please don't tell me drama's gonna start again.

My shoes clicks unto the solid ground as I go home. The sun was still setting so it's not that dark, I can still see the road. I love walking home alone, the mood feels so calm and innocent. It's what I witness everytime I'm by myself.

Keeping my mind busy for the day is a relaxation to me. It separates me from the horrible reality. It's like a thick wall blocking the real world. But once, my mind's empty. The emptiness will soon be filled by thoughts, situations and what if's, facing the real world I'm living in.

As I was enjoying the breeze that hit upon my face. A rush gleam hit my eye, it irritated me so I turn my head to its source. There, I found an odd looking crystallized diamond. I bend to pick it up with my fingertips. When I did, I suddenly felt connected to it. Like, a string was embedded in my veins to its source serving as a connection.

It looks really pure. So, I decide to pick it up and shove it into my pocket. It was bluish transparent. I find it really prepossessing. I just hope no one owns it and just fell out of its place because damn, I don't even find something like it in a jewelry store.

I got home the second after all that thinking. I'm still thinking about it though. But, my train of thoughts crashed when the voice of my mom echoes, "Y/N, how was your first day? Is everyone nice?" Mom asks while putting her fresh, baked mac and cheese on the dining table. Guess our dinner is just served.

"Did reality meet your expectations?" Dylan, my older brother interrogates. He's only 17 but he doesn't need to go to school anymore. His intelligence is much higher than anyone else. Although, he likes to go to school, since he loves to mock the things he already knows.

I put my bag down, "Not really but in a good way! Everyone's welcoming me with open arms." I say, sitting on the chair. "That's wonderful, honey! You're always so sociable with people." Mom proudly squeals. She hands me a plate of mac and cheese.

"Have you meet anyone decent?" Dad asks out of the blue. He's usually overprotective over me and doesn't want me to get close to people I just met. He wants me to choose people wisely. "I met a few individuals I'd like to count as friends."

Mom sighs, "Dear, she's already 15. She can take care of it."

Yeah, I've grown to be more mature than before. I've experienced a lot of things as a 15-year-old. They did say experience is the best teacher of mankind. That's definitely true. There are these stuff that I don't want to recall anymore. I understand why they're so overprotective of me because of what happened to me in my past. But, they have to understand that I, myself, have look out for myself more cautiously for now.

Dad coughs, "Of course. But I can't let anything bad happen to you, Y/N. I'm concerned about you. That's all." He explains, reasonably. "Thanks Dad. I appreciate that but I'm also concerned about myself than ever. Trust me."

At the corner of my eye, I saw my mom smile while eating her dinner. "No gadgets on the table, please." She referred to Dylan who was playing games on his phone. Dylan growls and hesitantly puts his phone away. I chuckle as we start to eat our dinner.


It's early in the morning. I'm at school right now. But, my morning at school isn't really great as you expected. Remember Jackie told me she'd teach me how to skateboard? Yeah, me neither.

"Jackie, this is really hard. I'm close to death and I'm still on my second day here at Echo Creek." I say, unsure of what to do. She did the final touches and taps on the pane.

"You're not close to death, Y/N. I fell a thousand times too, my first time. Besides, I'll catch you." Jackie reassures as I take a deep breath. "Okay, I'm going to trust you for now." I inhale.

"First, put your foot on the board-whichever foot you're comfortable with," I did as told. I put my foot unto the board. "Your speed depends on the amount of force you pursue on your free foot. Just push it away, like this.." She demonstrates. "Easy part, just put your free foot on the board and keep your balance."

I can hear my heart pounding to my ears, uncertain.

You can do this, Y/N! You've fell a thousand times, this is just another one of those falls to learn something brand new.

I encourage myself as I savor the fresh air coming through my nostrils. I slowly push my free foot bit by bit. Once, I got the courage to push it fully, I kick my feet backwards unto the ground, ready to pump my foot unto the board. I'm almost skating for the first time!

I plan to put my foot unto its desk when, I slip.


My eyes widens from the horror of falling hard to the ground, "Argh!" I scream while falling. Any second now I was going to have contact with the ground through a painful bump. But, none.

Instead, someone caught me in time.


I lift my head up to reveal the face of my savior. "Hey Lucas!" I greet casually. I get up from my feet and dust off myself. "Morning Y/N, I didn't expect to see you have a relationship with the ground. But, good thing I caught you." He teases.

"Haha, very funny." I roll my eyes and pick up my skateboard. "Hm, yeah, by the way..." He pauses.

"Wanna sit together at lunch?" He casually asks me. I've thought about it, we've never hung out for a very long time so it's quite likely I'd say, "Yeah, sure... Liplop." I mumble the last part. He must've heard what I say since he reacts annoyed, "Oh, come on. You still can't move on from that?"

"It's a nickname I like to recall," I chuckle at his misery. "It was one time, Y/N. One time, and an accident too! We were still 3." He sighs, blushing.

I laugh, remembering why he got that nickname. We were 3 and our parents were doing their business to I had to stay over to Lucas's household. He has a few friends that were also boys so I was considered 'One of the Boys' at that time. We didn't know any better.

I didn't like him much though because he always teases me with his friends, so we were like frenemies if you can describe. But, I had no choice, both of our families are business partners. At that time, when they bullied me, one of his friend approaches me and said he was sorry about the way they acted towards me. I cried like a baby-which I am.

We talked for a while and got close. He started to joke and do toddler stuff. Lucas didn't like what he was seeing so, he yelled,

"I hate her!" Then, he called out for his friend who I got close with and fought with him. It was really regrettable for him to do that since it was just a little thing and he was so overreacting. So, I told them to stop fighting.

They stopped. I was still mad at Lucas so I ignored him and went to his friend and asked him if he was okay. However, Lucas pulled me towards him and hugged me and planted a kiss on my cheek, "I'm the leader, so I always get the girl. She's mine!" He yelled.

His friends gasped and shouted, "Lucas liplop-ed Y/N!"

And ever since that day, he regretted ever doing such a stupid thing and because he hurt me I get to call him 'Liplop' to remind him of his stupidity.

Back to reality!

"Hey, Y/N. We should get going." Jackie says. I almost forgot that she was there, standing and listening to our silly conversation. Embarrassing.

I shift my attention to Lucas and state, "Mhm, we're gonna go now. Bye, Lucas. See you later!" We wave goodbye and walk to our next class. Then, I remembered, it was the first class I'm attending and I get to see Marco.

I peek at my schedule.

| Time | Class |

| 8:00 | MATH |

He's such a safe kid. Thickening my paper schedule. It's so thoughtful of him. I don't really know why but I have the urge of wanting to see him. I mean, he is the person I first got to meet here in this school. I don't want us to end up being strangers after that. At the very least, I want us to be good friends.

I got into class. It wasn't starting yet, just a few more minutes. I spot a seat at the side of the window. I decide to sit there. I really like being placed near a window since the outside helps me think, really deep. After I placed my bag underneath my table, a student went near me.

"Hey! You're the new girl! Wow, I love your outfit." She compliments. I didn't know what to say, so I just smile and say, "Thank you." But the next thing I knew after that is my table was surrounded with students. They've been showering me with questions and compliments like,

"Where did you come from?"
"What's your last name?"
"Your hair is so soft."
"Damn baby girl, are you rich?"
"Any social media accounts I can add you?"
"You're so pretty!"

I don't really know about the word, 'pretty'. I ain't pretty, that's what I think. "Give Y/N some space people! Y/N don't sit at the back corner. Sit here!" Janna bursts setting the people aside around me. "Come on." She holds my hand and lets me sit at the middle.

But I really like my position there, but I guess this is how my sitting arrangement goes. "Uhm, okay." I sit down without a question. The teacher arrives in less than a second after that, causing everyone to sit down on their places.

I look around and notice that Marco wasn't there. I think he's running late. I hope the teacher is considerate and kind. "EVERYONE SIT DOWN!" Ms. Skullnick yells.

Maybe not.

Everyone shuts up and lows down their whispers. Ms. Skullnick eyes me suspiciously. I guess, she doesn't know me since I haven't attended her class yesterday.

If looks could kill.

"And who are you supposed to be?" She questions in her growling, unpleasant voice. My chest pounded, am I gonna get embarrassed at my first class this second day?

"She's that new girl, ma'am. Haven't you heard of her?" A girl interjects. Right now, I wanna thank that girl for saving my future fiasco introduction. I'm not used to embarrassment, hint the sarcasm.

"I wasn't talking to you," She says coldly. She was about to say something to me when someone stop her from doing so. "Oh my god, we're so sorry we're late. SOMEONE couldn't just ignore the smell of pancakes." Marco glares at Star. "What.." Star says guilty.

They're here. I guess I was right. But nonetheless, I was saved again from the terror teacher. "Well, well, well, if it isn't my favorite students, Marco and Star. Sit down, will you?" She takes it well. Probably because I'm here.

Someone told me, she's more calm when someone new is coming-and that would be me. They immediately sit down but before that, Marco spots me and waves hi. I wave back. And Star? Waves with exaggeration.


"Ms. Butterfly!" Ms. Skullnick scolds. She turns to me once again, "Now, who are you again?"

This is gonna be a long introduction.


Half of the school has been talking about me lately and it's kind of nice to be, er... the topic? But, it's kinda awkward and worrying for me since I don't know which topic they're into, the good one or the bad one. If someone likes you, there's always those people who hates you.

Other than that, Marco and I are really becoming good friends. Like, just this morning he instructs me to never, ever use the fountain since the water is just as dirty as the toilet. He's such a safe kid. But, it's unusual for me to see him smile and approach me unnecessarily. Ever since yesterday. Nonetheless, he's really, really nice.

"You seem to be in another level of thinking." Lucas taps my shoulder. "Come on, let's get lunch then tell me all about it."

Oh right, I almost forgot I'm having lunch with him. I plainly smile at him and nod. We were about to head at the menu but someone yells out my name all of a sudden.

"Y/N!" I turn to the face of Marco. My stomach suddenly felt... unusual? "Hey, you, um... wanna have lunch together? Star's setting it already." He invites me. But, it's kinda too late for that since Lucas invited me first. But, he's---ughh!

Boys are also so confusing.

"Yeah, she's having lunch with us." Lucas snakes his arm across my shoulder.

What the hell are you doing, Lucas.

Marco was speechless, "Oh.." It was all that he could say. "Mhm, I'm just gonna see you later." I feel really guilty and his fake smile made it worse. I mean, I wanna have lunch with him too! I wanna get to know him like, this and that but it's also unfair for Lucas.

"Shall we?" Lucas offers.

I slap the back of his head, "What the hell, Lucas! You're so mean!"

"Ow! Ow! What'd I do wrong?" He chuckles while I continue to slap him everywhere.

"You've always been so stupid! Liplop!" I yell and stomp my way into the canteen. "Hey! Y/N! Wait up!"


A/N: Hey everyone! Once again, I've edited this chapter and made it longer and sensible than before. This will also happen to a few chapters. Although, when I see that they're already okay and don't need any specific editing then it's good. Here goes the second chapter.

I love Angel Beats and Charlotte, it's both one of my fave anime series. Check it out!

See you in the next chapter!


| hikarusasaki |

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