Everything you never wanted

By InternetLydia

29.5K 972 537

Phan omegaverse Made by : http://archiveofourown.org/works/3809761/chapters/8489572 Omega!Phil X Alpha!Dan P... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 12

2.1K 64 19
By InternetLydia

"Phil is everything alright?" Linda asked as Phil walked slowly into their house. It wasn't hard to tell that something wasn't right, he looked distant and quietly devastated. She quickly stopped what she was doing to rush over to her son. "What happened?" It came out as more of a demand than a question.

"I don't know if Dan and I are together anymore." He mumbled weakly before using the sleeves of his jumper to wipe away the tears. "I think I want to be alone." He sniffled softly as he edged away from her. Linda nodded before running a hand over his cheek. She couldn't help him this time.

"I just don't understand how you don't know though." She whispered, how could you not? Phil shrugged as he swallowed a hiccup. He knew he must look pathetic crying and shaking in the living room but he couldn't stop himself. "Tell me what to do, tell me how to help you." She offered as she pulled him into an embrace despite his halfhearted attempts to stop her.

"Don't make me go back there, please, let me go back to Eastbrook. Dan doesn't want me, I can't go back." He sobbed allowing himself to breakdown. His mother shushed him. She wished she could have kept him from heartache. But this wasn't something she could make better with a kiss and a band aid.

Getting up and going to school the next day had been hell for Dan. It was as if all his senses had dulled and the world that was once a kaleidoscope of colors had settled into a dark gray. He hadn't bothered to tell his parents but he was sure they knew. They hadn't said anything but he knew disappointment when he seen it. Already he was missing Phil.

He would have skipped class that day but he knew he'd have to face Phil at some point. There wasn't any rush though to walk into the building. First hour came and went and it didn't take long for Dan to realize that Phil hadn't showed up at all. There was no one to talk to in class, no one to laugh with in the halls, no hand to hold. Dan sighed softly as he shuffled along, he could take his time getting to class now that he didn't have to walk Phil to his.

"Thank God." He mumbled as he noticed Chris and PJ by one of their lockers, he couldn't remember. They probably shared one anyway. "Hey, what are you guys doing?" Dan asked, finally being able to break the silence that had followed him around all day.

"Oh, hello Asshole." Chris said, slamming the locker shut. "Not much, just furthering our education." So they'd talked to Phil already. Dan figured something like that would happen. But they'd get over it, if he could so could they.

"Don't be like that..." Dan frowned, shifting on his heels uncomfortably. "I know you've already talked to him but I did what was best for both of us." PJ raised an eyebrow at him, neither of them looked very happy. "I'm not ready for anything so serious...and Phil is. I don't know what you want me to say."

"It's your life, I just hope you know what you're doing." PJ said as he leaned up against the lockers. He was about to say something else before Chris cut him off.

"No, don't give him that shit. If you're not ready to grow up that's fine but the way you did it was really fucked up. Phil was the best thing that ever happened to you. You're going to realize just how badly you messed up. You were lucky and you know what's even worse? He was our friend too." By the time Chris had finished his rant, his face was red and angry. The omega was almost out breath from trying to get everything out so quickly. Both alphas looked taken back by his outburst.

For once PJ didn't have anything to add. Chris summed everything up well enough. "You don't know anything. Not everyone can be like you two." Dan spat. "Some of us want to live, some of us want freedom." He quickly turned. He had nothing else to say to either of them. It was clear they'd taken sides and it wasn't his side they were on.

"I know he's at home right now with his parents. He's waiting for them to decide if he can go back to Eastbrook or not." Chris retorted as he folded his arms across his chest. "I wouldn't count on seeing him again." Dan stopped in his tracks as a pang of hurt washed over him. That couldn't happen, of course he'd see Phil again...right?

"What?" He asked as he turned back around. "He's going back to Eastbrook?" He asked softly as the anger drained out of him. "Like he's not coming back?" PJ shook his head while Chris continued to stare angrily.

"He wants to go back, his parents are talking it over now." The other alpha added almost sadly. While Chris might have given up on Dan's love life, he hadn't. "It's not too late though, maybe you can go talk to him...if you want to that is."

Dan only shook his head in return. Phil wouldn't want to talk to him anyway. He'd gotten the freedom he'd longed for. This was what he'd wanted. "No, he doesn't want talk to me right now."

"Who are we going to hang out with now?" Chris asked, a serious expression on his face. "Dan's an asshole and Phil's gone."

"God Damn it, we've been over this! You hang out with each other, stop thinking of yourselves as some kind of strange singular being." Dan barked in frustration. Chris looked like he wanted to say something else but PJ stopped him with a hand on his shoulder.

"We got to go, Chris has a biology project or something." Dan didn't understand and they didn't know if he ever would.

"Chris doesn't even have biology." Dan mumbled as he watched them walk off. Not before Chris turned around and said, 'Goodbye asshole' loud enough for half the people in the hall to hear.

Dan spent the rest of the day feeling more alone then he ever had. Regret started to build up inside, reaching his heart and clenching it painfully. He couldn't figure it out, he was meant to be happy not choked up and on verge of tears. Dan had no idea that he would physically feel every hour without the omega.

The alpha knew he'd be bothered but this was more than just an uncomfortable feeling. It was painful, he'd cried, he'd paced his bedroom, he'd yelled at himself and anyone who bothered to talk to him. Nothing seemed to help. "Why am I so miserable?" He asked himself, it was only his third day without Phil but already he was contemplating calling him.

Freedom was nothing but missing Phil as it turned out. Dan had missed his scent, his eyes, his soft skin, his bright smile. "Stop!" He yelled, willing himself to stop thinking about the omega. He could feel the tears start to sting his eyes again. It had been three days since he'd slept properly, eating was a task, and even breathing was starting to become a chore. "I can't do this." He felt like he was losing his mind.

"Dan who are you yelling at?" He hardly looked over when his father came in without warning. Dan shook his head in dismissal.

"No one, I'm just thinking." He mumbled, taking a seat on the bed. He didn't have much to say and especially not to his father. But the man sat down anyway like Dan knew he would.

"Well you're thinking awfully loud. Are you missing Phil, yet?" Of course he was. Dan knew everyone knew already. It was impossible to overlook his misery. The sadness had taken over his life and he'd stopped caring who knew by the second day. "You know alpha's need their omega just as much."

"I don't even know if he's my omega anymore, I just...he asked me if he still was and...I couldn't say anything." Dan admitted sadly. "I don't think this is what I want anymore." Dan couldn't even think straight. Every thought focused around Phil. It was if something else entirely was pulling him towards the other.

"Do you think you should talk to him, he's not heartless you know." Dan scoffed before looking away. Why would Phil want to talk to him, what kind of second chance did he deserve. He'd already proved himself unworthy of Phil's affection. "You know I didn't think you'd go and break up with him after your mother and I said what we did."

"I did though didn't I?" Dan hissed. He knew it was his fault but he needed an outlet. If only for a couple seconds he wanted to blame someone beside himself. "Guess you didn't think that out very well did you."

"Dan, one day you're going to understand. I don't expect you to right now but I hope you have enough common sense to talk to him. You either need to fix this or try to find a way to feel better. You staying up here in your room all day isn't helping either of you." Dan didn't say anything, he had nothing he could say.

"I'll talk to him." He mumbled after a moment. He doubted he could make anything worse. It didn't get any worse than this. Dan had never pictured himself slipping into despair for an omega but if there was a way to stop his turmoil he had to try.

At Phil's house things were surprisingly calmer. That and Phil was better at hiding his distress than Dan was. While his parents hadn't agreed to let him go back to his omega school, they had allowed him to take a week off to get his thoughts together. For the last couple of days he'd managed to get up and shower, eat, work on school assignments. All which were his basic fundaments of living. While his suffrage was buried deep Phil was doing well at keeping it from touching the surface.

"Are you sure you don't mind us going, because your father and I have no problem staying home with you." His mother said softly as took a seat on the sofa next to him. "We can visit Grandma anytime." Phil shook his head. He knew that if anything he needed some time alone.

"I want you to go, I'll be fine for three days." Phil loved his grandparents and normally went with them but he didn't think he could find the energy to pretend in front of them as well. "It's only a couple of days. I'll probably just catch up on my work and get ready to go back to school."

His mother sighed softly but nodded. "Thank you for being understanding Phil. You know I've really underestimated you. If it was me I would have been completely shattered." He knew she was only trying to help but the words struck him wrong, reminded him of how awful he really felt. Rejection was hard enough without being reminded how well he was holding up.

"I'm fine." He smiled shortly at her before standing up. "I think I'm going to just...clean my room or something." She smiled back before standing up with him.

"Alright, I'm going to go and finish packing for the weekend, I'll let you know when we're about ready to leave." Phil nodded in return before forcing himself up the stairs and to his room.

He looked around his cluttered space and instantly thought of how Dan's was always clean. It was funny how it was the little things that always convinced him he would actually break at any moment. The worst part was that he couldn't remember how he felt before. He longed to hear Dan's voice and to see his face again. The alpha might not have wanted what Phil could give him but Phil knew he'd still take anything Dan offered.

Slowly he picked up the clothes off his floor and put them away. He made his bed and straightened up the shelves in his room. His room might have looked better but his own insides still felt the same. You could make the outside look tidy and put together but the inside was not as easy to pick up. Broken pieces of his heart still rested inside of him. Afterwards he headed back down stairs, knowing his parents would be about ready to make the trip his grandparents.

"Hey, just in time to say goodbye." His father smiled as he grabbed his keys off the coffee table. "We left you some money for pizza, it's in the kitchen. You have everyone's phone number." His father said while his mother frowned before pulling him into another tight hug.

"I'm sorry it's been such an awful week for you. Are you sure you don't want us to stay...or maybe you could come with us after all." Phil shook his head but returned her hug.

"I'm fine, really. I think a couple days alone might help. Besides this isn't the first time I haven't went with you." She looked sadly at him but nodded again.

"Alright just call us if you need anything. You know we'll drive straight back." She grabbed her purse before glancing at her husband. "I think we've got anything, well everything but Phil." She joked, trying to hide her own worry.

"He'll be fine, now I don't want to hit traffic." After saying goodbye, Phil was somewhat relived when he shut the door behind them. In a sense they had been smothering him, making it impossible to be sad. He loved his parents but they had refused to just let him be sad alone.

The first thing he did after they left was let himself fall back onto an overstuffed arm chair wondering when the tears would wash over him. Despite his sadness Phil was restless and when the tears never came he found that he was more frustrated than depressed. There was an itch under his skin that didn't seem to go away and he longed for Dan even more. The omega ran his hands over his face, willing himself to feel something besides agitation. After another five minutes of waiting Phil decided there was no point, he wondered around the house for a bit, trying to find something to keep himself busy with.

Phil couldn't figure it out. Not yet at least. He was compelled to walk around the house, fuming about how Dan wasn't there. He'd been irritated but now he was just angry. "He should be here, he's not meant to leave me." Phil bit, tears finally starting to fall. Tears of anger or sadness he couldn't care less at the moment. For the first time since that day in the park, Phil honestly felt like an omega without their alpha. He yanked lightly at the strands of his hair, he needed Dan, counted on him to make everything okay again.

"Where are you going, it's getting late don't you think?" His mother chided from the kitchen as she spotted Dan grabbing his jacket from the hall closet.

"To apologize to Phil." He mumbled back, a look of determination in his eyes. In Dan's mind he was on a mission, a very important one that he couldn't be stopped from. It was like an unseen force that was pulling him towards the omega.

"Next time you need to apologize to Phil I'd appreciate it if you did it earlier in the afternoon and not at..." She paused to look at the clock before continuing. "Almost ten on a weeknight." But Dan had already closed the door leaving her standing in the kitchen and mumbling about alphas and how they never listened.

Dan had no way of knowing though that Phil had already left his own house ten minutes ago. He would have called or texted but he felt like he needed to see the omega in person. He never would have dreamed that Phil would have taken off on his own to find him.

"At least it's not raining." Dan mumbled as he pulled his jacket closer in an attempt to ward off the cold. It was dark but the street lights provided enough light for him to walk along the empty street. Driving would have been better but he hadn't had time to think about that. Like always Dan had rushed around without taking the time to think out a plan. As far as he knew the plan was to apologize to Phil and let him know that he'd made up his mind. He just hopped Phil would give him a second chance.

Also he wished that Phil's house was closer. Seven blocks was a long way when he so much to say. If anything the walk gave him time to think about how exactly he was going to say everything.

"This was a mistake." Phil mumbled to himself as he walked faster. It had been a couple minutes since he'd noticed the stranger following closely behind him. He knew he couldn't just assume people were bad by nature. Just because he was an omega alone at night didn't mean he should be afraid. That was until he felt slick start to trickle down his thighs and dampen his jeans. "Oh." He gasped softly, everything clicked. He was in heat, again, and without any hope of protection. "Maybe it's a beta, maybe they don't know." He lied to himself as he quickened his pace. He ignored the strong alpha scent coming from behind him.

Phil knew he didn't smell of Dan, it had been almost four days since he'd seen him. Any trace of alpha left on him was gone. He felt himself start to leak more and before he realized it he was running. His heartbeat sped up as the footsteps behind him began to speed up as well. Feet heavy as they hit the ground with purpose. Then he was being thrown onto the cement below him, wincing as he felt the weight of someone else on top of him. He was vaguely aware of his bleeding knees as the man flipped him over. "Stop!" Phil yelled as he started to kick wildly.

His body wanted his alpha, not the stranger looming over him. In any other circumstance Phil probably would have submitted to his biological need. But he didn't belong to any stranger, he was Dan's. Fear radiated off him, perhaps even stronger than his heat. "Stop, let go!" He yelled before a hand was clasped over his mouth.

"Stop screaming." Came a gruff voice that Phil didn't recognize. "You want it, you're not claimed and you're out here all alone." Phil couldn't make out every detail of the man's face because of the darkness but he could tell that he was older. Even his appearance was hard and edged, the man didn't look like someone Phil would willingly approach in broad daylight.

"Don't fight me." The man growled as he grabbed at the omega's clothing. It was dark and there were enough bushes and shrubs to keep them hidden for at least a couple minutes. Long enough for some horrible evil act to take place.

"Please! I don't want this, let go, stop!" Phil yelled again, hoping against all hope that someone would hear him. He kicked and struggled against the older alpha. He could feel the man start to yank and tug at the button of his jeans. "Stop, stop!"

"I said be quite!" The man growled again, roughly bringing a hand down across Phil's face. It only caused the omega to sob loudly as he continued to fight. The man was stronger though and he was able to force Phil's jeans around his slicked soaked thighs. The stranger growled again this time more feral and vicious. "Stop trying, bitch. You're going to like this." Another sharp slap and Phil was whimpering before digging his nails into the man's arm.

"No!" He screamed again, squirming and refusing to let the man get a good grasp on the last remaining article of clothing that did little to protect Phil. He was terrified, everything was happening so fast and the fear and panic had started to make his head spin. He pleaded for help, for Dan, for anyone. But no matter what he was going to fight, he wasn't going to let anything be taken from him without a fight.

It was the sharp sent of fear that made Dan take off like he did. His was running faster than he ever had, he could smell Phil and the danger around him. He was frantic as he started to yell for the omega. It reminded him of the incident at the locker but this time it was more than that. Dan knew it wasn't just some chav bothering the omega. When Dan was close enough he could scent Phil's heat and hear his muffled cries for help. And like that everything went red.

The alpha would have loved to say he recalled everything perfectly. But when he seen Phil under the man half-dressed, crying desperately, and begging for help, Dan lost it. The other alpha was bigger but Dan had already proved himself and showed no fear. That and it was for Phil. He'd never been so territorial before but the omega was his. He knew that. He'd never let anyone hurt Phil and just the thought of someone putting their hands on him enraged the alpha.

There were no words exchanged, Dan just recalls tackling the man to the ground. He remembers them both snarling, growling, and hitting. Everything was a blur but he could feel his busted lip and bleeding nose. Dan fought until the man stopped fighting him and Phil's shrill crying had reached new levels. Breathless he hauled himself off the ground. The man was panting as well, his own bloodied face showed Dan the damage he'd done. Dan could sense the other alpha's defeat, there was no longer a scent of lust. Still he knew if he allowed himself he could do more.

"D-Dan." Phil whimpered as tears continued to fall. The stranger got up and staggered across the street, still stunned by Dan's unexpected arrival. When the alpha was sure there was no longer a threat he quickly assessed Phil. "I'm scared."

"Don't be scared, I'm here." Dan said as he held Phil at arm's length trying to see any visible injuries. The omega was dirty and smelled off from his usual scent but his sticky sweet essence of heat was overwhelming. He frowned as he noticed the state of Phil's clothes. The button of his jeans was missing and the zipper had been pulled so roughly that it was off the track. His shirt was ripped and there scratches everywhere. Not to mention a dark bruise forming on his cheek.

He felt a surge of protective instincts inside of him as he looked Phil over. "I'm so sorry." Dan whispered, feeling weak in the knees. He sniffed lightly at Phil's hair as he pulled the omega closer. "Are you hurt?" He asked as he continued to sniff at the other but he couldn't pick up on anything but fear and fevered heat. Phil shook his head but clung tightly to the alpha. Dan had never knew Phil could smell so good, while he was still shaking and clinging Dan couldn't stop himself from rubbing his scent onto the other.

"I wanted to see you, I didn't...I didn't." Dan shushed him gently before quickly wrapping an arm around his waist and leading him back the way Phil had come. Thankfully they were closer to Phil's house now, just a few blocks down the street. Apparently Phil hadn't gotten very far. While Dan was still enraged he was more focused on the omega. "Please don't leave."

Dan shook his head. Nothing could pull the alpha away from Phil. "I won't leave you." He said as he nuzzled against Phil as something else started to settle in his stomach. "Your parents let you go out like this?" He asked, glancing down at Phil's jeans. Ripped or not he could see the dark and damp spots. Phil's body was reacting so quickly that his slick was starting to soak through.

"They aren't home." Phil mumbled, shifting uncomfortably as he continue to walk with Dan. Dan on the other hand was finding it hard to stay focused. Phil's heat was getting to him and they longer he stayed with him the harder it became to fight his own urges. He need to claim and mark was building inside of him. "I just wanted to see you."

"Phil I'm sorry. Being without you isn't what I want, I know that now." Dan said softly, still leading Phil along. It wasn't long though before he spotted the familiar porch light. "I can't believe I left you so alone." If Dan had just been a better alpha nothing would have happened. "I put you in danger." Phil just sniffed softly in reply.

Dan helped Phil unlock the door. Phil's shaking hands made it too difficult to steady his key. "Come on we need to get you inside." Dan whispered, standing closer to Phil. He couldn't stop himself from inhaling the omega's pheromones. "But maybe I shouldn't stay." He could already feel himself getting hard. If he stayed around Phil for much longer he'd lose all self-control.

"Please don't leave me." Phil nearly whined. His body knew there was alpha near, one who was meant to be with him. "Not again." The two stepped inside but Dan hardly had enough time to shut the door before Phil was already latching onto him again. "I don't understand. Do you want to be my alpha or not?" Phil's voice shook with want but also with sadness. He couldn't handle it, either he belonged to Dan or he didn't. He needed to know.

"You know I do, you know I am!" Dan growled as he grabbed onto Phil's wrists. How dare his omega challenge him. "I was stupid, I thought being with you meant giving everything up. But being with you is just me getting everything instead." Phil's hazy brain was starting to shut down. All he knew was that Dan was there and the pressing need to submit to him. The alpha's breath was coming in short gasps as Phil's submissive behavior appeased him.
"Dan please, it hurts." Phil whined as he wrapped his arms around Dan's neck and nuzzling against him. "I need you." The alpha growled softly as he nipped at Phil's neck. "If you're my alpha then you should-" Dan quickly silenced him by yanking the other closer.

"I am you're alpha, don't doubt that." Phil was whimpering now and gently grinding himself against Dan. He was no longer coherent. Instead his underwear was soaked and his skin felt hot, he needed his alpha in the worst way possible. It was a biological need, he could physically feel his body preparing itself. Dan wasn't holding up much better. Phil didn't even need to vocalize his needs. Dan could scent them. He knew right then that he was going to claim Phil. The omega was his and he was finally read to mark, mate, and bond with him.

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