Everything you never wanted

Par InternetLydia

29.5K 972 537

Phan omegaverse Made by : http://archiveofourown.org/works/3809761/chapters/8489572 Omega!Phil X Alpha!Dan P... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 8

2.2K 81 69
Par InternetLydia

"Fuck you, piece of shit turtle shell." Dan hissed as he continued to press buttons rapidly, kicking his feet out slightly. PJ laughed loudly from the other side of him, he'd just taken Dan for first place thanks to said shell. "Blue shell bitch!" Dan cheered, he was right behind him and it wouldn't take much too actually win the game. "Take it!"

"This is getting intense." Phil whispered over to Chris who sat next to him on the sofa, he gave a short laugh but Chris picked up on the tone of worry. He smiled before shaking his head in disagreement.

"Nah, they're always like this. I think it's the alpha in them, the whole competitive thing. This is light hearted compared to some of the terrors I've seen." Chris replied. It's true, sometimes Mario Kart did get a bit out of hand but this wasn't one of those times.

"Oh come on!" PJ frowned, shaking the controller slightly. "Bullshit Dan." He huffed as he lagged behind the other. "I told you it was too fast." He watched in disappointment as Dan came in first for a third time. "Sick of it." He mumbled, dropping the controller and climbing back onto the sofa, forcing Chris to move over to make room for him.

"Sore loser!" Dan grinned, taking a moment to relish in his victory. "I guess we know who the better player is." Dan chimed happily. He knew part of him was showing off and the other part had the inherent need to be the stronger alpha in front of an omega, even if he was just playing a game. "Who's next? Phil you want to play?" Dan asked, his tone softening as he moved a bit from his seat in front of the sofa in an attempt to offer him some room.

Phil still wasn't use to Dan's new attitude. It felt weird that they actually hanging out and not by force. To be fair, the alpha was starting to grow on Phil. His smile was breathtaking and his eyes were much more beautiful when they weren't glaring all the time. Not to mention his subtle charm that Phil was sure he knew how to use.

"I'm not very good." He said climbing off the sofa nonetheless, taking his seat on the floor next to Dan. "I haven't played much." He liked games but he'd Mario Kart hadn't been one he was all that familiar with. Dan shrugged before passing him the controller.

"Don't worry, PJ isn't very good either." He laughed, glancing back over at the other alpha who was leaning into Chris. Chris sent him a mock frown before running his arm up PJ's back in an attempt to sooth his wounded pride. "He's pouting and I need someone to play against."

"I'm not pouting, keep talking shit and I'll shove the kitty car up your ass." Dan burst out in laughter at PJ's apparent anger. He knew deep down he wasn't truly mad and soon enough he'd forgot that he'd even lost. He turned his attention back to Phil, his eyes bright and curious once again.

"Okay you know how to play well enough right?" He asked, moving just a couple inches closer to Phil. He could practically smell his uncertainty, the urge to correct it swept over Dan as he watched Phil carefully.

"Yeah, I think so. Could you show me how to get back to the main menu though?" Phil of course knew how to get back to the menu but he couldn't help playing into Dan's helpfulness. He didn't know how much longer it would last, he might as well enjoy it while he got the chance.

Dan leaned over a bit, reaching out to get Phil back to where he could select a car and a character. "There you go." He said offering the other a smile as he settled back against the sofa, knocking lightly against Chris and PJ's feet.

It wasn't long before they were both playing, Phil struggling to remember which buttons did what and Dan trying hard to hit every shell and banana peel he could. "Oh come on you could have dodged that one!" PJ yelled from the sofa, sitting up straight again to watch the two play. "Oh my god, you're meant to jump."

"You know I think you're right about going too fast." He mumbled, hitting another red shell. "Hey don't forget to hit the coins, you get a boost if you get enough." Dan said, bumping his shoulder into Phil's, making sure he was paying attention.

"Trying, it's harder when you have to jump things." Phil mumbled as he poked his tongue out in concentration. Something that Dan found terribly adorable. While Phil was in second place, Dan was slowing down trying to give Phil the chance to pass him for first. "What do plants do?" Phil asked, not wanting to run into one.

"Mm, you wanted that. Those are good." Dan said as he skidded into the wall, letting Phil easily take the lead. PJ wined softly on the sofa, he could hardly stand it. He knew what Dan was doing but Chris nudged him roughly, giving him a look that clearly said 'don't say anything.' It was harder said than done. "You win." Dan lowered his controller, glancing over at Phil with another smile. "Guess you were better than you thought."

"I guess, huh, I thought it was going to be harder." Phil stared at the screen in confusion. That didn't look right at all but he decided not to say anything, simple returning the smile after a second. Another strangled sound came from the sofa, both of them looking up to find out where the source of the sound had come from.

"Alright, well I think we better get going, I've got a massive power point due in a couple day and I think PJ has an essay he's got to turn in." Chris said, practically dragging his alpha off the sofa and carefully trying to step over the other two on the floor before PJ lost it.

"Really, it's been only been an hour, you're sure you want to leave?" Dan said a bit sadly, it seemed like the two had been so caught up in each other recently he hardly got to spend time with them without feeling like the third wheel. "I'll see you at school then, Phil you want me to walk you home?" He asked, hauling himself off the floor and offering Phil his hand.

Phil didn't know why but his face heated up as he grabbed onto the other's hand, allowing himself to be pulled up as well. "I can stay, I told my parents I'd be out till this evening. I mean unless uh, you're busy or something because I-I can...I can leave too, it's not a big deal." He stuttered over his words, wanting to mentally smack himself.

"No, no stay. Dan needs the company." Chris laughed before pulling PJ towards the door. "Isn't that right Dan?" Dan blinked in surprise, he didn't mind if Phil wanted to stay. He wasn't sure what he was meant to do with him though without his other friends around, maybe a movie?

"Yeah, we can watch a movie or something if you wanted." Dan offered as he showed the other two out, waving goodbye. And like that it was just him in and Phil. They stared at one another for a moment, neither sure what to say.

"I like movies." Phil offered before glancing down shyly. What was it about Dan that made him feel so self-conscious and yet over the moon at the same time. "Did you want watch one?" He looked up trying to fight off the submissiveness buried inside him.

"Sure, I mean yeah-yes. Come on, we can watch one in my room." He said, glancing towards the stairs. "Did you want something to drink though?" He offered, trying to remember how to be a good host. Phil shook his head, letting Dan know that he was alright. "We'd watch it downstairs but I've got surround sound in my room. It's good for movies."

Phil followed him up the short flight of stairs not knowing what to expect. When you go into someone's room you go into their world, how they live, what they like. Rooms said a lot about a person. What Phil didn't expect though was the neatness, in fact everything was in perfect order. A lot cleaner than his. Not a sock on the floor and not one thing out of place. "I'm neat freak." Dan admitted with a laugh. "Omega mothers you know?"

"My parents are both betas." Phil said, not sure if he wanted to sit down on the nicely made bed or not. While there were posters, games, and books you had to look around all the clean to see it. Dan raised eyebrow in confusion.

"Both of them?" He asked after a moment of thought, grabbing the controller from his desk. "You're an omega." He stated to Phil like he might have forgotten. Dan took a seat on the bed and watched Phil expectantly.

"I know that." Phil laughed, carefully sitting himself down on the edge of the bed. "Is that weird or something?" He asked, wanting to find out what Dan had thought. It wasn't all that common for betas to give birth to an omega, usually though the other parent was an alpha or an omega themselves. Dan quickly shook his head, not wanting to offend the other.

"It's not weird...it's just...how did they know what to do?" Phil stared in confusion, he couldn't quite understand what Dan was getting at. He waited, hoping that Dan would clarify for him. Thankfully the alpha seemed to pick up on Phil's confusion. "Like my father is an alpha and my mother is an omega, I guess you could say I'm pretty well rounded. But you know, my dad is an alpha so he usually knew my emotional state or how to help me. But you didn't have an alpha parent to protect you or an omega one to show you how to behave."

Phil stared a bit speechless, did Dan really think his beta parents weren't capable of raising a perfectly happy health omega? His mouth fell open a bit. It sounded ignorant and old fashioned every to his ears.

"Oh God I messed up didn't I?" Dan sighed, running a hand over his face. "I'm so sorry, fuck that was stupid of me stay. I promise I'm not some idiot who thinks that beta parents should have beta children. I could have worded that so much better. I'm sorry." Dan honestly looked so upset that Phil reached out to grab his arm, smiling softly.

"I went to omega only academy. I know how to behave like an omega. That's half of what I learned there." It was true, Phil learned how to play the traditional role of an omega, how to cook, clean, raise babies, and everything an alpha would want in an omega.

Dan sighed again, looking down at his duvet. "I'm sorry, I just didn't know if it was hard or not. Everyone has different needs, I know betas aren't the best at picking up on everything." Phil nodded lightly, his hand still on Dan's arm.

"They still don't get everything right, especially when neither of us know what to do with me." Phil laughed with a small shrug. He knew Dan hadn't meant it the way it sounded. "But that's part of the reason they transferred me, so that I could find a proper alpha who would know what to do with me, one who'd know what I needed."

Dan swallowed heavily, he wanted to be that alpha. He could know what Phil needed. The thought was almost scary but he was sure he'd be a good alpha to Phil given the chance. "Oh." He added softly. He needed to push those thoughts back for now. "So movies right?"

Phil let his hand fall from Dan's arm before nodding. "Right, what do you have?" He asked starting to feel a bit braver. "I pretty much like everything."

Slowly the situation became more natural, the two of them having settled on a science fiction movie, something about artificial intelligence. Instead of the edge of the bed now Phil had moved right next to Dan in the middle, a pillow in his lap as he leaned against the headboard. Every once in a while one of them would comment on the movie, making the other laugh. Or whenever something unrealistic happened or an actor would say something completely stupid, they send each other knowing looks before giggling softly. It was like they'd known each other for ages.

Phil don't know what made him blurt the question out in the middle of an explosion but he couldn't stop himself. "Why aren't you with someone?" His face heated up as he clutched his pillow tighter. "You don't' have to answer that, sorry. I'm not either, I just...a lot of people school are." Hell, PJ and Chris were already bonded.

Dan looked over, the question catching him off guard. He cleared his throat and played with a loose thread on the bed. How did he answer that without feeling embarrassed himself? "I don't know. It's not like I haven't dated before. At first everything is great but I suppose the magic fades or something and they get tired of me." Dan admitted, never before feeling like he could really voice how his heart felt. He didn't know why he was being so open but he felt like he could trust Phil.

"After a while I gave up and decided that I was better off without a bond. I know people say I haven't found the 'right one' yet. Maybe I'm just not anyone's 'right one' you know what I mean?" Phil frowned, how can Dan feel like that? He really was nice once you got to know him, it made Phil hurt just knowing that he felt that way.

"Dan don't say that, everyone has someone. Don't give up just because things haven't went well. I don't see how anyone could resist you." Phil said and as he moved closer, looking for a way to comfort the alpha next to him. Dan rolled his eyes and smiled lightly.

"Trust me, it's not that hard. You know I've been an asshole to you, I don't understand why you'd even want to hang out with me." Phil didn't know why he was drawn to Dan. There was something about him that made him want to be next to him, even when Dan was yelling at him or avoiding him, he still wanted to get that much closer. Dan was different, maybe Phil knew the answer but was too scared himself to admit it.

"You're not being a jerk right now, you really are sweet at times." Phil's face heated up again as he averted his eyes. He was admitting something to Dan that he shouldn't be. "You-you aren't planning on being...you're not going to change your mind about being my friend right?"

Dan frowned and quickly shook his head, he hated that Phil doubted him. "No, of course not. I'm sorry about before, I know I'm hard to deal with." Part of Dan had been so obsessed with Phil that it scared him. There had never been any real hate there, just petty and immature fear. "I promised right, we're friends, that won't change."

Phil smiled before nodding and getting comfortable. "And I can promise that you'll find someone." He turned his attention back to the movie on the flat screen, trying to fill in the pieces he'd missed. Dan on the other hand was lost in thought. He didn't know if that was a promise Phil could keep but maybe he could have is cake and eat it too.

It didn't take long for Dan to summon all his courage and slowly slide and arm around Phil's shoulders. Again Phil flushed but carefully leaned into Dan's side, making himself comfortable once again. It was friendship after all, nothing more and nothing less. Friends could cuddle up to each other. And then Dan's arm slide protectively around his waist while Phil rested his head against Dan's chest, sighing happily at the scent of the alpha.

Dan's jacket had smelled heavenly but the real thing was 100 times better. God if only Dan knew what it was like to smell his scent so strongly. Phil felt himself relaxing even further thanks to the other's pheromones. Dan hadn't meant for his instincts to take control but his body wanted to scent Phil, to rub against him and leave his mark. He didn't want any other alphas near him, they could have any omega they wanted but not that one. Phil was his, at least that's how his body was reacting to the omega.

Dan would have sat there forever with Phil but his arm was falling asleep. If it hadn't been for the painful tingling he wouldn't have said anything. But once he was sure he had no feeling in his left fingers he slowly whispered, "My arm's falling asleep." Phil looked over with realization and an apologetic smile before quickly moving away. "Here just...right here. I think I'm more comfortable than the headboard anyway." Dan said, spreading his legs and inviting Phil to sit between them.

Phil stared in uncertainly, this was starting to feel less like friends and more like something else. But of course he moved to fit himself right between Dan's legs, leaning back against him, his face beat red. "You sure this is alright?" He whispered, tilting his head to look up at Dan who looked down him at with such softness Phil almost wanted to look away.

"Yeah its fine, but we're missing the movie." He whispered back, now wrapping both arms around Phil's midsection, holding him close. Even Dan could start to feel a blush grace his cheeks. He didn't know if what he was doing was actually okay but he was going for it, doing what he felt was right for once. He'd stopped listening to his brain and was going purely on instincts.

Phil cuddled into Dan a couple seconds later, if Dan had said it was alright then it must be. As the movie played on Dan's thumb rubbed small circles into Phil's hand. He didn't know what it was that provoked him, maybe Phil's small hum or being that close. Yet he found himself nuzzling the omega's neck, brushing their skin together so he could transfer his scent. He rubbed the side of his neck against' Phil's, breathing heavily. Phil gasped in response and froze. He smelt Dan on him, knew what he was doing but didn't know how or if he wanted to stop him.

Dan continued nuzzle and rub against him, a small growl coming from deep inside his chest. He'd never felt like that before, like he 'needed' an omega. Phil felt himself submit like his body wanted him to, he tilted his neck giving Dan more room to work with. Like the alpha, he wasn't thinking either. If Dan wanted to scent him then he wasn't going to say no. Even if Dan technically wasn't his alpha. Phil rested his entire weight against Dan's chest, letting him know that he wasn't going to stop him.

"Mine." The alpha mumbled, his teeth scraping against Phil's collar bone. That instantly snapped Phil out of whatever hazy trance he'd been in. He stilled, scared to move away but afraid that Dan might actually try to bite him. Which he knew he'd submit to that as well. But that wasn't something they could do. They were just starting to become friends. Phil didn't even know if Dan truly felt anything for him.

"W-What are you doing?" He mumbled, it was Dan's turn to freeze up. "Dan?" He whispered softly, noticing how Dan had stopped moving, Phil thought it was safe enough to pull away just every so much. "You scented me."

"I'm sorry." Dan said, shaking his head as he let his arms drop from Phil's waist. "I don't know what happened, I just...I wasn't. I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me." Instincts was what it was, Dan was sure he knew now just what he wanted.

"I think people usually date for a while before they start scenting each other. They might be mates first." Phil laughed nervously. He wasn't Dan's mate, they weren't bonded, and they were just now getting to friend status. But still he felt a sense of pride knowing that he smelled like Dan and a strange satisfaction knowing that Dan also smelled like him.

"Are you mad?" Dan asked sadly. He might have just ruined any chance he had with the omega. For once something was going right and he had to ruin it. Why couldn't have just been patient or even voiced how he felt for Phil, that probably would have been the correct thing to do. Not rub all over him like a possessive weirdo.

"I'm not mad. But I think we should slow down." He laughed again, reaching up to brush the hair out of Dan's face. He looked so sad that Phil had to do something. Besides, without Dan's arms around him he was hungry for any kind of touch. "I really like you. I can't explain it but I know I want more than just friendship."

Dan's face lit up, this was the exact opposite of what he thought was going to happen. "Like maybe I'm your right one?" Dan asked. He was almost ashamed of how desperate and pathetic he was acting. That was no way for an alpha to behave. "Because you have no idea how much I want that." Dan wanted to be his world, his day and night. He wanted to be Phil's everything. 'You're falling in love with him.' He thought.

"Yeah, I think so." Phil whispered, his eyes falling back down to the duvet. "I don't want to rush anything." He mumbled cautiously. "But I want to try." Phil wanted to part of Dan's story and like the alpha, he too could feel himself falling in love. When Dan smiled at him he knew something wonderful was going to come from this. "Only under one condition though." Phil added.

Dan's faced dropped in concern at Phil's proposition. "What is it?" He asked, tilting his head to the side. He'd do anything for Phil but he decided that maybe that wasn't something he should voice. He couldn't imagine what Phil's one condition would be.

"Don't ever let me win in at a video game again okay?" Phil said, crossing his arms with cute huff. Dan rolled his eyes and smiled again, quickly pressing a kiss to Phil's lips. "Dan!" Phil giggled, lightly slapping Dan's shoulder. For Dan it was worth it, he leaned in again, slower this time to deliver a real kiss to Phil's lips. It was one of the sweetest kisses either of them had ever had.
"It's a deal."

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