OPEN SECRETS.[completed]

By 123457ab

44.6K 1.5K 170

Sam is a carefree teen who lives with her family. She was 14 years old when she met Tyson, a guy who lives ha... More

Author's note.
The day it all started...
U'll see !
The Hesitation.
Feelings... And...Me...
I am like that. I can't do anything about it!
And obviously, we broke up!
What are friends for ?
Rise of another problem.
I hate it ! Wait ! I think all teens do !
I really can't forget him...can i ?
The shopping process.
The little clashes
Now that the secret is kind of... Open!
On and off!
Um, important i guess...
Complicated life
The Spark.
Was this too soon ?
Life Goes on.

One out of infinity.

975 59 22
By 123457ab

Another chapter !!! Can't wait for ur comments and votes !!!


I am packing up for my flight tomorrow to New York. COLLEGE!!!!! I was finally there !!! I am going to NYU stern. I've got a lot of flight transfers. From my place to Dubai to Milan to New York. 


I am Sam Brookfields. 19 , single and ready to mingle.
I had met Tyson when I was just 15. He had inaugurated my love life. Until now, my love love life turned out to be kind of a successful failure.

I have almost forgot about Tyson. I mean, of course I remember a guy like that exists! But I don't seem to remember his face, his voice or his anything. I do remember that we talked until I finished my 10th grade. Later on, I got so busy to get into my dream University and future. Eventually, I lost contact with him.

Perhaps, he also do not remember that I exist.


I can hear my 13-year-old brother, Frank running upstairs. He burst open into my room and crashes on my bed, sliding until his head stand out of the edge.
"Stop it Frank!" I say " it's a mess here already. Go downstairs. and tell mom that I am calling her".
Frank went downstairs hopefully to do what I told him to do. 

Soon, I heard mom coming up the wooden stairs. She opens the door to my room , she smiles at me and says... 
" Sam , you got a big day tomorrow, go get some rest. You may spend the night in my room. I'll pack up. Go on honey. "
I give my mom a relieved and thankful look " Thank you so much mom. " 

The next morning, I wake up earlier than I should have. Probably because of my excitement. I get ready and put on light makeup. I get into my room and the sight pleases me. All my luggage is packed and my room is spick and span. . . Aw mom ! I thought...

I carry the luggage downstairs, it was a little tricky of course. Downstairs I see my mom arranging the table for breakfast. 


Right now , I am in front of the airport hugging my dad. I feel warm tears running down my cheeks. Heck I'm gonna miss him !
But I have to go.
I back away from the comfort of his warm hug. I kiss my mom's forehead and look at Frank. " Are you getting too old for hugs ?" I ask him
" Yes, but considering the fact that I won't get to fight with you for a long time now, it's okay. "

I laugh a little and give him a small yet affectionate hug. I walk towards the check-in line pushing my trolley forward and waving my hand up to my family behind. It was a hard moment of course.


I find myself in the in the Milan airport , not knowing where to go, lost and confused. I was way too tired to roam around and check out the place and lack of sleep was killing me. So I just decided to take rest at the gate where sit-back-chairs where available. I found a comforble place and tried to settle myself. I had two more hours for the flight. Quite enough for a short nap I guess. There where very few people there at that time . A few rows ahead me was an old man , deep in sleep, drooling. And a few rows ahead me was a young couple sucking each other's face. I looked away quickly.

I am still awake, unable, too uncomfortable to sleep.

I might be after half an hour when poeple actually started coming in. A tall guy came and sat next to my seat saying "hi"

"Hi," I say "Hi me ?"

"yeah, Hi you"

"oh ! um.. hi"

We laugh a little.

"Um...have I..." He starts... "Have we met ?"

" I don't think so. What makes you say so ?"

"Nothing, you have a very familiar face."

"Oh! well, I dunno what to say"

"ha ha... Anyways... where is your final destination ?"

"New York" I reply

" Oh, me too"

After that i just give him a short smile and reach for my backpack to take out my phone, at stares at it. I can see the guy siting next to me looking in my direction through the corner of my eye. I think he is looking at me, but I'm not sure. I decided to find out.

I turn my head slowly and guess what, I was right ! He is in fact 'staring' at me. It felt weird. 

"Why are you looking at me like that "  I ask 

" Beacause you are Sam" He says.

My eyes widen, my eyeballs almost popping out of my head from shock, surprise, nervousness,strangeness .

There is no way he read it from my ticket or anything. I have'nt even written it in the travel tag of my backpack!

"How in the you know that ?!"

I look at him and he is smiling.

"Guess who I am Sam." He says.

"Stop calling me by my name. I don't know who you are or how you know my name."

"Ok then Sam, if you think I'm a stranger...then..."

" 'THINK' yu are a stranger ?? you are a complete stranger !"

"No sam , I know you and you know me"

"What do you mean" I ask him giving him a raised eyebrow.

"What I said" he answered too fast


"Seriously dont recognise all ???"

" don't think so..."

"Ok, I'll give you a clue. Remember sing high?"

"Now what in the world is sing high?"

He did'nt answer or reply nything. Just kept staring into my eyes.

May it was because if that, somethg started coming up my mind, like an old memory, my teenage days and i was carried to flashback.

Me...staring into my iPad in the middle of the night. Passing out every five minutes. Waking up suddenly. Getting scared if mom is gonna wake high.

"Oh my god you're him" I can't help shuttering from the shock. 

"Hi Sam" he says, smiling.


"Ah! thank God ! Thought I'll have to tell you"

"OH.MY.GOD. This is'nt real !" I say kinda freaked out.

But all he does is that he leans forward and wraps his arms around my waist and he buries his face in my neck curve.

I freeze completely. i did'nt expect him to to hug me now.

But then I just get comfortable with it. I lift my hand and put it around his neck. Many emotions play in me. I am not sure what all.

I still can't believe this is happenig. This seriously can't be real!

I mean, what were the chances of me meeting him in a random place of the world?

One out of infinity ?


Sorry guys I took like a LOT of time to update ! trust me , I seriously  wanted to !

But school kept me way too busy to even open my wattpad and read a page of a book ! 

pls vote and comment guys if u like this chapter....



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