Learning | Jacob Frye x Reade...

By lailanarayan

135K 4.9K 995

assassin meets assassin. you and jacob frye. with the whole of london at hand and cupids' arrow at play, what... More

London, Trains and Jacob Frye
So, We Meet Again
Stabs Followed By Stitches
Silver Buttons
We Are Men
The Unruly Lighter
Meet The Vetrollis'
Betrothed and Intoxicated
Deux Ivrognes
The Issue of When and Where
Fathers and Lack of Mothers
A Prince of Sorts
Spare the Lambs
Husband, Again
Love is Not a Light Term
Smoking in Wellness
Unlike Mother
New Job
Belongings of Thy
Votre Soldat
Cheap and Illegal
Fresh Eyes
Hostage Situation
Another Day, Another Bed?
Some Realisations
Nouvelle Maison
The Night They Were The Vetrollis'
And Then?
Au Revoir
Confess To Me

Intoxicated and Regretful

4.4K 185 9
By lailanarayan

I felt the sun burning against my skin. I woke to the sound of a man but I soon realized that it did not sound like Jacob.

"Mrs. Vetrollis, it's 11 o'clock," said the unknown voice. I cringed at the sound. The sun was burning to bright to open my eyes.

"Mrs. Vetrollis?" I say, hearing the foreign name. Then I realize. I shoot up in my place, to discover that that I'm not in a bed, I'm not even on furniture. I open my eyes, only to be met with the harsh sunlight that had already greeted my skin. I adjust my eyes and feel a pounding headache introduce itself. I look around to see a lavish house, a house which I do not belong in. I see Jacob sprawled on the floor next to me, with his arm on my stomach which I failed to notice prior. I gently shake his arm.

"Jacob! Jacob get up. Jacob!" I whisper, roughly. Jacob shifts around and falls asleep again. I roll my eyes and hit him.

"What Evie?" he says, not opening his eyes.

"I'm not Evie, and we don't belong here. Jacob we have to get out of here before someone notices us," I say. He gets up and goes through the same chain of events I did. I watch him scramble to his feet. He pulls me up and I take a look around the room to notice several other people sprawled in various positions on the floor, on couches and even on a set of staircases.

"What happened last night?" he says, yawning.

"Alcohol. A large amount of alcohol," I say, holding my head. I see and open door and walk towards it. Jacob soon follows. I was still wearing a ball dress, which undoubtedly was dragging on the floor now. The sun hits me all over again, as I see it all of its raw glory.

"Why?" says Jacob, covering his eyes accompanied with a loud groan. I would normally laugh, but as I am in the same situation it didn't seem wise. The edge of my dress hooks onto something unfamiliar on the ground, and I hear the sound of the delicate lace ripping. I cringe at the dragging material and stumble into the open door carriage.

"Rough night?" says the driver with a smirk on his face. I ignore him and feel my way onto a seat, away from sunlight. My pursuit is cut short of Jacob's piercing speech.

"Shut up! Talking hurts my head," snapped Jacob as he followed me. He gets in the carriage and we begin to move. As the carriage moves, I hear every step the two horses make, as well as the noise of the usual crowds murmur, spreading across the street. The gravel below the carriage rattles and churns, striking my head with every step. I open my eyes to see Jacob's head nodding and his eyes fluttering. He suddenly collapses forward and crashes into me. I would be more bothered but I was in too much pain. It wasn't long before my own eyes had faltered. I closed my eyes, knowing well that it was not a good idea. I heard every sound, felt every bump in the road. I saw nothing but black as I faded into my own mind but it wasn't for long that I stayed there.

"Oi!" I hear the driver yelling. We had stopped moving and arrived at the station. I lift Jacobs head off me, and look outside, once again feeling the wrath of the sunlight.

"Get up Jacob," I say. He shakes his head.

"Ten more minutes," he says with laziness plaguing his voice. He drops his head back down.

"The driver won't appreciate that," I say, yawning. I glance back at the driver, who at this point is eager to be rid of us.

"Driver?" he says confused. He opens his eyes and looks around. Finally having realized where he was, Jacob growls and gets out of the carriage. As I get out and accidentally step on something soft.

"(Y/N) you're standing on my foot," Jacob groans, in a course, broken voice.

"Sorry," I whimper, unable to offer anything further due to my state. We stumble through the station, bumping into people left and right. I finally see the train and see the driver waiting. It looks like he had been for some time.

"Ah, Miss. Frye told me to wait for you sir. I didn't realize that it would take all night and half a day," says the annoyed train driver. Jacob looks up and just as he was about to speak he ran to the railway and emptied his stomach. Many people around us grimaced and threw some rather colourful language our way. I lurched my way to him and pulled Jacob's arm on to the train. I was so tired I didn't even see which cart we had entered. Jacob told the driver to hurry up before the police charged him with public disturbance and indecency. I heard thumping footsteps approach and a heavy figure fell next to me.

"This is mine, (Y/N)," Jacob exclaims, shuffling to get comfortable.

"Please don't make me move," I say as a plea and half asleep. Jacob put his feet up and puts his head on my lap.

"Fine, just don't move," he says. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. I drifted into space with another mind drifting into itself in my lap. I run my hand through his hair without realizing what I was doing. He turned on his side, facing me and moved closer to me. I groaned slightly as I tilted my head back, to find the comfort of an estranged pillow. The events that would be sure to proceed, were not going to be pleasant. 

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