Adopted by BOTDF

Par Cassie_whitaker

8.7K 421 120

Two friends (Tawshia and Cassie) are put into an adoption center. But they had no idea they had the luck of b... Plus

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
New Book
AN please read
shout outs
Lots of Prizes
May 30th
Today is the day
Dear Colten
account ratings
YouTube Channel
im baaaack

chapter 22

161 9 1
Par Cassie_whitaker

Cassie's POV: me and Tawshia walked to our lockers and put our things away that we wouldn't need for Financial Literacy. "So does anyone know about what happened" I asked her and she looked at me. "No they probably think we were skipping" she said and I shrugged. "Awe well" i said and looked at the clock on the wall. 7:45 already. We walked into the teachers classroom and sat down only a few other kids were there. We decided to talk to the teacher about our detention. "We're staying after today to serve our detention" I said and he shook his head. "Good now go sit" he said and he took our seats. We couldn't talk anymore because we sat on separate sides of the room so we waited for the bell to ring. It felt like ten million years later but it finally rung saying class had started. "Ok now that you two are finally back here are the worksheets everyone else has been working on" the teacher said handing us papers and each a book. We had a big packet eight pages due in two weeks and four other worksheets. I can already tell I'm going to have lots of homework in the future which sucks.

The teacher gave me and Tawshia both note taking guides and we had to hurry and copy notes down which was horrible. After we were done my hand hurt so bad. All we did that whole entire class was take notes which I really hate. The bell rung and me and Tawshia pretty much ran to our next class for no reason at all. "Hi girls I've missed you" the teacher said as we walked in. "We have been working on two study guides you will have to catch up we are all on chapter 10 now" she said and handed us the study guides. "Holy crap" I said as I walked to my seat. "Well now we have something to do during detention" Tawshia said which was the only upside about all of this homework. These people really like killing trees. Landon walked in and it looked like a tear rolled down his cheek when he looked at me which confused me. If it was about me anyways then I didn't get it. We only dated for like five days and it was never even that good of a relationship.

The bell rung and everyone stopped talking and looked forward. "Ok kids take out your books and go to chapter 12 we are reading out loud today" the teacher said and then she looked at me and then Tawshia. "Since you girls aren't caught up you can stay in the hall and work" she said and we got our things and walked out the door. "She seriously thinks that we're going to work when we ate both out here" I said laughing. "Teachers these days" Tawshia said and we both started laughing. "Selfie time for twitter" I said and took out my phone and she did the same.

"Sent out in the hall to do work....yes that's totally going to happen.....XD"

I sent that tweet with a picture of me and Tawshia sitting in the hall on the floor.


Jayy responded to the tweet. "Didn't think that through" I said as I put my phone down. "Nope so should we try and work" Tawshia asked me. "I guess let's just read" I said and we both pulled out our books. We read the rest of the time and my eyes were glued to the book. When the bell rang we hurried and stood up and went to Social Studies. The bell rang as soon as we entered the door and we sat in our seats. "Ok kids tomorrow is your test over the Bubonic Plague you can work with a partner the whole time to finish your study guides, Cassie, Tawshia up here please" the teacher said and we walked up to his desk. "Ok so we have been talking about the Plague you girls can take the test next Tuesday but hers are papers covering everything and here is the study guide" he said and gave us the papers and we walked back to where I sit and she sat there and we worked together on it after we read all the information.

"This is why i don't like rats" I said and made a disgusted face. "Exactly" she said and she made a disgusted face too. Then I looked around and realized people had been staring at us and I started laughing and so did Tawshia. "What's all the laughing about" the teacher asked standing up. "I want in on the joke" he said walking to the center of the room. "Nothing Cassie and Tawshia just made disgusted faces after reading the papers" a random kid answered and the teacher smiled. "Oh I know can't you just imagine the big blue bumps on their necks filled with blood and disease, just imagine if someone popped one" he said smiling and me and Tawshia started gagging. "That's the exact reaction I was hoping for" he said laughing and he sat back down and we got back to work. "Ok so where did it originate" I said reading the first question out loud. "Asia" Tawshia answered and we both wrote it down. "What did the disease come from" Tawshia said reading the second question. "Fleas from the Black Rat" I answered and we wrote it down. "Wow we still have 29 questions left" I said as I flipped through the packet.

"Ya but so far its easy" she said and she had a point. The bell rang and we got our Algebra books and went into the Algebra room. I already bet there will be loads of homework in here. The bell rung and me and Tawshia took our seats and the teacher walked in. "Tawshia Cassie" she said holding two packets of homework for us. "All do tomorrow or no points" she said as we took our seats. There was five different things and I didn't know how to do any of it and I'm guessing Tawshia wouldn't know how to either. We took more notes the whole period and then we went to lunch and me and Tawshia didn't eat. We sat down at a empty spot at a table and Drake and Landon started walking towards us. They got up to us and sat down like everything was the same. "What ate you doing" me and Tawshia said at the same time. "Its the only available spots" Drake said and me and Tawshia both looked around and we didn't see any open spots. "Well don't talk to us please" Tawshia said and their faces were shocked. "You know what you two are both just little snobs since your dad is a famous singer" Landon said and his face got all red. "I only said not to talk to us because we were going to try and catch up on homework" Tawshia said and we showed him our books full of homework. "Oh my bad" he said and he looked down.

"But since were snobs don't talk to us ever" I said and got up and walked out of the lunch room right before the bell rang. I went to the teacher I help and helped him gather everything for his class. The rest of the time me and Tawshia just read our books for English. The bell rang and it was time for choir. We walked to the room and sat down. The teacher stood up when the bell rung. "Tawshia and Cassie I see that you girls have signed up for the talent show and while you were away we did auditions to be in it so sing now or you can not be in it" she said and me and Tawshia looked at each other. "Ok can we sing a song together like the song we were planning on" I asked her. "Yes but it has to be school appropriate" she said and Me and Tawshia looked at each other. "Ok we'll sing Bewitched by blood on the dance floor" Tawshia said and we stood up in the front of the room. We sang it exactly like we did at the concerts when we sang that song anyways.

Once we were done everyone clapped. "Thank you Thank you now if you want more go to BOTDF concert in Hollywood tomorrow" I said laughing. We sat down and the teacher gave us the music we have to sing and we started singing. After that class it was time for science. We did a lab the whole time and then it was time for Spanish. We walked in and checked the absence folder and of course there were tons of papers. At least she was nice enough to print the notes for us though. I put the papers in my folder and took my seat when the bell rang. "Ok Cassie and Tawshia we picked our new names for Spanish, here is the list of names Camila, Elsa, Dora, Tatiana, Conchita, Lola, and Silvia, Cassie what would you like" the teacher asked. "Um Camila I guess" I said and she wrote it down. "Tawshai what would you like" she asked Tawshia. "Lola please" she said as the teacher wrote her new name down. We learned to 30 the rest of the day and got homework and then the bell rang. We went back to the Financial Literacy room where our detention would be.

"Hello girls" he said as we walked in and sat down. "You girls can work on anything but you have to be quiet and you may leave at 4:05" he said and I looked up at the clock. 3:07. I took out all the homework I had gotten and first did my Spanish because it was easiest all I had to do was write the numbers one through thirty. Then I did Social studies which took a good twenty minutes and then I did as much of the Algebra I could and then it was already time for us to go. "Hopefully this won't happen again you may go" the teacher said and we walked out. We got our book bags and put everything in them and walked out of the school. We started walking home and when we were passing by the park we saw Landon and Drake running over to us. We didn't even bother trying to get away from them this time. "What do you want" I asked as they got up to us. "Please just give us a chance date us for real" Landon said and they were both close to tears. Me and Tawshia just looked at each other. "We'll think about it" she said and we walked home.

This chapter is way longer than usual so yay peace out girl/boy scouts

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