chapter 11

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Jayys POV: Two ambulances showed up shortly after somebody called them me and Dahvie felt so bad and they wouldn't let us ride with them so we ran back to the house as fast as we could and got in the car and started driving. We got to the hospital five minutes later and tears were trying to escape my eyes. "What room is Cassie and Tawshia in" Dahvie asked. "Tawshia is in room 143 Cassie is in room 144 both on fourth floor" the desk person said. We pressed the elevator for the elevator but it was taking to long so we decided to run up the stairs. It was a lot but eventually we got there. "Ok I'll go to Cassie you go to Tawshia" I told Dahvie. And we departed after all we need to apologize. I walked to the door as a doctor walked out. "She's awake" he said and I rushed in. As I ran in I saw Cassie sitting on the bed in pain it looked like. I ran up to her and hugged her. "Cassie I'm so sorry I should have thought about what I was doing I didn't know this would happen" I said while still hugging her. "Hey Jayy" she said. "Ya" I responded. "THIS MEANS WAR" she screamed which caused me to laugh but now I'm kind of nervous.

Dahvies POV: Me and Jayy departed after getting up the stairs. I ran into Tawshias room she laid there awake giving me a death stare as if she knew I was going to walk in. "Oh god" I mumbled under my voice. When those girls give you death stares wow you better be prepared because they are really mad and they are going to get revenge. "So I'm guessing this means war" I asked and faked a laugh to hide my nervous ness. "Heck ya it does" she said with a devilish grin. I have to be honest I'm really scared now. I wonder what she has in store for me this time. I walked out in the hall holding Tawshias hand and I saw Jayy was doing the same we went to the desk and asked if we could leave with them and they said yes but we had to get some medicine because they will be having headaches.

Cassie's POV: I felt kind of weird walking through that hospital holding Jayys hand. Tawshia was right beside me holding Dahvies hand. Me and her shared a look we each knew that we were going to plan revenge. We walked out of the hospital and there were lots of people around the door with cameras flashing. "I don't want pictures taken of me right now" I said to Jayy. "Me either" Tawshia agreed. "Well are car is way in the back to we need to run then" Jayy said. "But our legs are weak still"I said. "Ok hop on" Jayy said and I got on his back Tawshia and Dahvie did the same. They started running and we were holding on for our lives. They were running so fast I was scared they were going to drop us. There was a few fans running alongside us so we kept our heads down. We finally got in the car and we drove to Walmart because that's were they decided to send the prescription. We walked in and instantly people realized who we were. We ran to wear the coats were and we all put one on and put the hood up to shield our faces. Some people still knew it was us and asked for autographs. Dahvie and Jayy told us we could walk around and they would call us when they were done.

Me and Tawshia decided to go to the electronic section. We acted like little kids we were playing with the laptops they had out on display. A guty came up to me and asked if I was Jayys daughter he looked around 17. "Uhhhh no you must be thinking of someone else" I said and rushed off. But the guy knew the truth and he followed us around. "Go away" I said and Tawshia laughed. But he still kept following us and then he grabbed mine and Tawshias arms. "Cooperate and no one gets hurt" he said. "Thank you very much but I'm not getting kidnapped" I said. "JAYYY" I screamed as loud as I could but he put his hand over my mouth and I licked it he pulled his hand away and I screamed again. I could her Jayy and Dahvie come running from one of the aisles. "He was gonna kidnap us" I said pointing to the guy and he slowly started walking away. "Your dead meat kid" Jayy said and started running after him.

They both ran very fast but Jayy caught up and grabbed him he dead legged him and dragged him back to where we were standing. He pulled out his phone and I saw him dial 911. "No please man I don't want to go to jail please I'll do anything" the guy begged. Jayy ignored him and we all stayed quiet. About five minutes later I heard police sirens. "Here come the popo" me and Tawshia said at the same time and we both laughed. The police ran inside and came to where we were and he handcuffed the guy and started talking to Dahvie and Jayy. Me and Tawshia got bored and we both grabbed a magazine from the registers. On the front of the one I grabbed said "Are pranks worth it in this famous family" oh that's great the word is spread around now. I showed it to Tawshia and she just sighed. I always wanted to be on a magazine and have thousands of followers but people posting pictures of this kind of stuff really sucks I just wish it would stop but then again I can't complain to much I mean I am kinda famous. And my best friend is my sister. And two guys that are from my favorite band are my dads.

There is really nobody in this world as lucky i am. I love my life. Ten minutes later the police walked out of the store. We put the coats back realizing they were no use and instantly fans grabbed them to buy them. We went to stand in line for our prescriptions it felt like forever before we finally got them. We got the medicine and walked out to the car. "Ok so as a I'm sorry gift what store door you girls want to go to it can be any in the mall and you can spend as much as you want" Jayy said. I find it funny that he thinks if we get gifts we would forget about revenge. "HIT TOPIC" me and Tawshia screamed. "And can I please get my lip pierced" she asked. "Sure" he said. "Do you want a piercing Cassie" Jayy asked me. "No I want an infinity symbol on my wrist that says Tawshia + Cassie = Best friends till death as a tattoo" I said. "Ok" Jayy answered. Oh my gosh me and Tawshia are getting matching tattoos and were only 13 yayy. Plus Tawshia has been wanting piercings since forever.

We got into hot topic and picked out lots of out fits we got some make up too. Then we went to white wizard to get Tawshias piercing and our tattoos. I was so excited but nervous at the same time. Tawshia got hers done first and acted like it didn't hurt. But then it was my turn and I swear that was the worst pain in my life ever. But it was worth it because it was super pretty.

Heyy I haven't updated this for what felt like forever anyways please vote and comment peace out girl scouts✌✌✌

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