chapter 23

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Cassie's POV: We got home and hurried and finished our homework which took a whole hour so when we were done it was 5:30. I went into Tawshia's room when I was done because I had an idea. "Hiiii do you wanna make a video" I asked and she smiled. "Well duh" she said and I went and got my things for the video and set it up in her room. "What do you want to do for it" she asked. "Um how about a Q&A" I asked and she smiled. "Perfect let's tweet" she said and we did.

"Hey guys making a Q&A video need some questions help me out"

We instantly got lots and lots of questions and we started the video.

The video

"Hi guys its Cassie and Tawshia and we are doing a Q&A" I said and looked at Tawshia for the first question. "Are you girls dating anyone if so who" she finished off. "Nope I'm a single Pringle" she said and laughed. "Single Pringle twinzies" I said laughing and high fived Tawshia. "Do you ever get in trouble" she read off. "Well at school kinda but at home no not really" I answered. "Is it scary singing in from of lots of people" she read. "Well for me I'm always nervous but once you get up there and get going its amazing" Tawshia said and we were both smiling. "Ya its really fun anyone and everyone would be nervous at first to sing like that even Dahvie and Jayy are but ya once you get going like Tawshia said its amazing and one of the best fillings in the world" I finished off smiling. We answered more questions and ended the video.

After the video

I ended the video and put the stuff back in my room and I realized I had gotten a text message. It was from Landon.

Landon: look I'm really really really sorry about the whole prank thing and I really want to actually date I'm also really sorry for calling you a snob but I really like you, you're pretty, and nice, and funny, and you're an amazing singer please go out with me Cassie Monroe I have never wanted anything this much in my life

Me: look that's really sweet and all and I accept your apology for those things but I already said I would thing about it ok?

Landon: ok

I put my phone on the charger because it was almost dead and walked down to the kitchen for supper after checking what time it was. It was 6:54pm. I went down to the kitchen and Dahvie had ordered pizza and bread sticks. I ate two pieces of pizza and one bread stick with a kick start and went back up to my room. To plan my outfit for tomorrow. I got to my room and left the door open and turned my music on only loud enough for me to hear. Then all of a sudden Setting comes on and I was singing all the lyrics.

New message from BOTDF

Sext sext sext me

Sext sext sext me

Sext sext sext me

Lesson three is just a tease

In this news to make me drool

Hit me up

Not writing the rest XD

"Cassie Sue" I heard Jayy yell and heard him running up the stairs. "Don't say my middle name" I screamed at him when he got in. "What do you think you were just doing" he asked me walking up to me. "Singing your song" I said and crossed my arms. "You didn't say any cuss words if you're going to sing it, sing it right next time" he said and started walking out. "I don't cuss" I said and he stopped in his foot steps and I slammed the door in his face. I contained to find my outfit. Black skinnys, black vans, and a MCR shirt. I put y ear buds in my ears but kept the music as loud as it would go. I was scrolling through twitter on my phone when I saw a random tweet from my kinda like celebrity crush...Johnnie Guilbert.

@johnnieguilber : going to Blood on The Dance Floors convert tonight get to meet them Wohoo

I screamed on the top of my lungs and the next thing I knew every one was in my room. "What" I asked confused. "You just screamed on the top of your lungs" Tawshia said. "Read this" I said and handed her my phone. "Oh my gosh" she said smiling. "Cassie has a major crush on Johnnie Guilbert" she explained to Jayy and Dahvie and then everyone walked out. Time went by really fast and before I knew it, it was already 10:34. I plugged my phone in turned on the alarm and then I went to sleep.

The next day

AN I'm skipping until eight after school when their walking home

Me and Tawshia were passing the park and once again there was Drake and Landon running up to us. "We haven't decided yet" Tawshia screamed before they got to us and they stopped and turned around. We went home and got ready to go to Hollywood it was going to be a 2 hour drive. We packed some things for it and we went down stairs. "Ok tonight you're singing Candy land and Yo Ho" Jayy told us. "Ok" we both said at the same time. "K let's go get in the car" Jayy said and we picked up our bags and walked out the door and put them in the trunk. We begun the drive and of course we did the usual of playing their CD as we all sang along to it blaring with the windows down. 15 minutes after we were driving we got on a highway and I hate absolutely hate highways. I always just try to sleep through them but I can't unless its really late and I'm really tired which doesn't happen much.

Hiiiii so I've been updating alot today peace out girl/boy scouts

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