chapter 2

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3 days later

Cassie's POV: We just got to California which im happy to officially be able to call my home.

You got me bewitched
Cause im under your spell
You must me a witch

My phone started to ring, i looked at it and my phone was being blown up from people following me and tagging me. I realized Dahvie must have tagged me and Tawshia in a post and now everyone wants to follow us because her phone was non stop ringing too. "Nice ringtone" Jayy said and I laughed. "Let's go get something to eat" Dahvie said. "Ok good because im starving" i said and everyone laughed. We went and got some food from Burger King, and we went back home. "Ok after you girls get settled into your rooms we will make the youtube video" Dahvie told me and Tawshia. "K but how do you know what to do in a youtube video?" I asked Dahvie. "It's easy you just be yourself but make sure you're funny but its ok if you arent perfect on your first video." He answered me. I started unpacking my things i out my clothes in my dresser thats pretty much all i had to do and i looked around and saw there was a closet full of clothes and a full body mirror. Even a full size bed not a stupid twin bed.

I walked into Tawshias room and saw hers was exactly like mine but different clothes. "Were ready" me and Tawshia yelled across the house. "Ok come to the living room were setting up" Jayy said. "Um where is the living exactly?" I yelled again. "just follow my voice" Dahvie said. "If were supposed to follow your voice then dont shut up" i screamed. "Ya its kinda hard to follow something you cant hear" Tawshia yelled. "Well if you girls would give me a chance to talk i would but you two just dont know how to shut up" he yelled at us. We all started laughing and me and Tawshia ended up just listening to the laughter and following it.

This house is really big i dont get how they know were they are going. "Glad you made it" Jayy said laughing. "Shut up" i said laughing even harder than Jayy. "Ya seriously its not our fault we dont have a clue where to go" Tawshia said. We all started having a laughing fit when Dahvie walked in with the camera. "Here is the girls i was just talking about" Dahvie said. "Um hi im Cassie" i said. "Im Tawshia" Tawshia said. I was trying so hard to hold in my laughter but it didnt work. I started laughing and then Tawshia started laughing and eventually Jayy started laughing. "Ok excuse them while they are all being little kids and cant controll themselves." Dahvie said. I popped and stopped laughing and screamed im a big kid now and everyone cracked up laughing. Then we played truth or dare and my first youtube video was over. "Come here girls and i'll make your youtube channels" Dahvie said. "Ok" we both answered.

"Ok here's your own cameras and a laptop to upload the videos on and if you have any troubles just tell me or Jayy" Dahvie said to us. "Can we do truth or dare on my channel" i asked. "Sure but not tonight soon though but tomorrow we all have a busy day ahead of us."Jayy said. "Ya you girls go ahead and head to sleep" Dahvie said. "Kk" i said and me and Tawshia went to try and find our rooms. I got to my room and realized this all must have been a dream but its not its real and its amazing. I cant understand why Dahvie and Jayy wanted to adopt two kids from all the way across the country though. I fell to sleep.

Cassie dream

Cassie where are you? Mommy im over here. Cassie i love you. I love you too mommy. Mommy where are you? Mommy? Mommy?! Mommy!!

Cassies POV: i woke up in tears remembering the day my mom and dad had gotten in the car accident. I realized i was screaming and i heard Jayy run into my room. "Cassie whats wrong?" He asked me. "Nothing im fine" i said while wiping away tears. "Cassie you were screaming and crying just tell me whats wrong" he said. "I was dreaming about when my mom and dad had died" i said trying to keep tears in. "Everything is going to be ok i promise" he told me. "K"i said. Jayy hugged me for comfort and walked out of the room and i fell asleep again i didnt dream anymore that night.

A/N hey guys please vote and comment what you think anyways byeeee

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