chapter 14

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Cassie's POV: we finally got to the third floor and a hour has passed man I just want to sleep. We found out that we were in room 204 which was on the fourth floor. Me and Tawshia just ran in and plopped down onto the beds and fell fast asleep.

Where are you I can't find you

Just follow my voice nothing bad will happen I promise

But who are you

Just come here and I will let you know

But that's dangerous

I said come here

Let go of me



Nobody can hear you and nobody can save you

Someone please help


What are you going to do

Oh you'll find out

Please put the knife down please

I woke up screaming I had a nightmare I was so scared I thought that person was going to kill me. I woke up Jayy on accident and he looked at me in need of a explanation.
"Just a nightmare I promise" I told him. He hugged me and went back to bed and I did the same the rest of the night was peaceful.

The next morning

"Ok girls let's go home" Dahvie said while packing his stuff. I was still super tired because I only had about four hours of sleep that's half of what I usually get but oh well I'll probably just sleep on the way home. We got all of our bags and went down to the lobby to check out. "Told you we were their daughters" i said. "Oh I'm so sorry" she said and I just rolled my eyes. We got in the car and I put my ear buds in. The Crush song by Twaimz started playing.

Hush hush hush

Blush blush blush

You are now

My big fat crush

I'm single as I can be

Your single

Perfect for me

I'm gonna

Give you

A bunch of reasons

Why you should date me

(Omg if you don't know that song look it up it is amazing)

I love that song it ended to soon. Then bewitched came on and I softly sang it to myself. But of course everyone else still heard and started singing along. "Why don't we just put the CD back in" I asked. "Good idea" Dahvie said. He put the CD in and the first song was Candy land of course we rolled the windows down and played it as loud as we could. Cars would drive by and look at us like we were insane and then realize who we were. Every time I would make a stupid face at them it was fun.

(I'm actually listening to Candyland right now I love it)

I love acting stupid its just fun. Nobody got chances to take pictures of me though because we were driving so fast. The worst thing is that we were on a highway and I hate highways. That's pretty much the only time I wear a seat BT and at night and when I see a cop or something. I was having so much fun just singing the same songs over and over again for five hours I get entertained so easily. I was actually really sad when we got home. "I'm going to the park" I said. "Ok" Jayy responded. Tawshia decided to come with me which I was glad. I don't know why there are always so many people were at the park usually kids would just sit inside on their phones. Maybe they come out because they know we come to this park very often. Its fun but kind of annoying having lots of people know who you are.

I decided to sit on top of some monkey bars and me and Tawshia started playing truth or dare. "Truth or dare" Tawshia asked me. "Dare" I answered. "Ok I dare you to go up to that boy grab his hand and kiss his cheek and you can't let go until he does and you can't say anything. "Ok" I said. I jumped of the monkey bars and started walking over to him. I looked back and Tawshia was taking a video so I stuck my tongue out. I stood beside the guy and then grabbed his hand he looked at me and then I kissed him on the cheek. His cheeks started getting red. I just smiled because I couldn't say anything then I looked at Tawshia and she was laughing. I looked back at the boy and he was looking me in the eyes. He leaned in to kiss me but I gave him the cheek. I could hear Tawshia laughing so hard but she still took the video there was people staring at me and the boy.

He wouldn't let go of my hand but I wasn't giving up on a dare. We just stood there but then I was still holding his hand and pretty much dragged him over to Tawshia. "Now what" I asked lifting our hands that were still connected and she laughed even harder. The boy just looked at me and I was trying so hard to not laugh. "I love you" he said blushing. "Love you too" I responded smiling while holding back a laugh. Tawshia started laughing really loud everyone in the park was watching. "Tawshia shut up we are having a moment" I yelled at her. Which caused her to laugh even harder. She got down from the monkey bars before she fell. "Can I have your number" the boy asked. I looked at Tawshia to see if I had to and she nodded. "Here" I wrote it down and gave him the paper. "Cool I'll call you later babe love you" he said and Tawshia laughed. "Love you too babe" I screamed while he was walking away. Me and Tawshia were laughing our butts off.

"Wait am I in a relationship now" I asked still laughing. "I think so" Tawshia said she was dying from laughter. "I wonder what Dahvie and Jayy will think about this" I said and we started walking home laughing. Pictures were being posted everywhere of me during the dare which I knew was going to happen. We finally got home and Jayy yelled at me. "Who said you were allowed to date" he said his face red. "Woah woah woah its Tawshias fault she dared me to go up to him and do that but we weren't supposed to start dating" I said and laughed.

Hey I'm posting them now finally your welcome lol love ya peace out girl scouts✌✌✌

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