chapter 7

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Cassie's POV: "hiii" I said and ran and gave them each a hug. "Hey" the both said. "I can't believe we are actually in your house right now" Lainie said. "Well believe it" I said laughing. "Go ahead and make yourselfs at home I need to talk to Tawshia real quick. "Hey since we were supposed to film your video but we never did you can film yours tonight with them in it instead of me doing that" I said. "Oh its fine you came up with it we can do mine another day" she said and we walked out to the living room and Lainie and Carrie stopped talking. "Oh by the way that Chloe girl I followed her on twitter and she said that you two are best friends" Carrie said. "Oh um ya we are totally best friends" I said with a fake smile. I haven't told anyone about the texts from Chloe yet but I'm going to tell Tawshia soon I think. "Ok well me and Tawshia have a surprise for you" I said and we started walking to my room. I grabbed my camera and laptop. "Were doing a you tube video" I said. They both screamed out of joy.

"Ok so I was planning on doing the ice bucket challenge" I said. "Ok" they both said. Dahvie and Jayy just got done setting all the stuff up outside. "You guys can borrow some of our swimsuits" Tawshia said. We went ahead and got changed and I gave the camera to Dahvie because he was going to film us.

Hi guys its Cassie and I have some guests. You all know Tawshia and if you remember Dahvie and Jayys last concert these are the girls that jumped on the trampolines with us. Carrie and Lainie. So tonight we are going to be doing the ice bucket challenge that's why we are all in swimsuits. Jayy is going to be dumping it us one by one and first up is me so wish me luck.

I sat down in the chair and prepared myself for the freezing cold water. Jayy ran up and dumped it over my head I jumped up out of the seat while screaming.

Ok that was super cold so next is Tawshia.

Tawshia sat down she didn't act like it was cold at all when Jayy dumped it on her.

Ok I have no idea how she isn't freezing but ok now Lainies turn.

Lainie sat down and as soon as the water hit her she had the same exact reaction as me.

Well clearly me and Lainie are alike ok Carrie your turn

She sat down I don't get it she didn't react to it at all.

How are you guys like that I said laughing ok guys well this has been fun but its time for us to go peace out girl scouts wait Jayy what are you doing seriously Jayy that was colder than the first one I said well I officially nominate Jayy to do this challenge I said. Peace out girl scouts

"I hate you Jayy" I said and he started laughing. I started fake crying which I'm awesome at. "Cassie I'm so sorry" he said and walked up to me and I tackeled him in a hug. "Dangit" he said. "I can't believe you just fell for that" I said laughing. "So do you guys want to go watch a movie" I asked and it was already midnight. "Sure" they said. I slowly started dozing off to sleep.

Carries POV: everyone but me is asleep and we are laying in the living room. My phone buzzed and I went to check who it is. Its Chloe ever since I followed her on Twitter we have been texting.

Chloe: I have a question

Me: ok what is it

Chloe: well I need to send Cassie something and she forgot to give me her address

Me: oh it 1111 north street blah California

Chloe: ok thanks and I have to go to bed night

Me: night

And I ended up falling asleep around 10 minutes after I said night to her.

Cassie POV: I woke up to so much noise outside. I am the only one up. I looked out the window and there was so many people outside there was the poparrazzi and lots of fans. I checked twitter because it was blowing up. I can't believe what I saw Chloe told everyone my address. I ran to Dahvies room. "Wake up someone found out where we live and now there are lots of people here trying to get in" I said. He got out of bed and woke up Jayy he told me to wake up the girls and stay in the kitchen while they took care of it so we did. 5 minutes later there was lots of pictures some people had snuck in. Me and Tawshia told Carrie and Lainie to got to my room and lock the door. Me and Tawshia were staying on our phone watching for new pictures so we could know where they were. I heard footsteps in the living room. "I think their in the living room" I whispered to Tawshia. And we tip toed and sure enough they were. There was only two so we each jumped in front of them grabbed their cameras and smashed them. "Jayy there's two in the living room" I screamed. Jayy ran to the living room grabbed both of them by the wrists and dragged them out the door.

I went to get Carrie and Lainie. "Hey its me" I said through the door and they opened it. "You guys need to get ahold of your parents its not safe here right now" I said. 2 hours later they were both gone and Jayy and Dahvie had gotten rid if all the fans and every thing. "Let's sleep in a hotel tonight" Jayy said. "Good idea" Dahvie said and we packs our bags and left.

AN hey guys please vote and comment and read my other books anyways peace out girl scouts✌✌✌

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