chapter 3

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The next morning

Cassie's POV: i woke up to the smell of pancakes being made. I ran to find the kitchen and saw Tawshia in there with Jayy. "Wait dont forget the M&M's" i screamed. "Dont worry i got that covered" Tawshia said. "What about the peanut butter" i asked. "Yup that too" she answered. "Man you girls eat weird things" Jayy said laughing. "You have no idea" Tawshia said. We all started laughing. "Hey where's Dahvie?" I asked Jayy. "He went to go get a surprise for you girls" he answered me. "I love suprises especially when their for me" i yelled and Jayy laughed. "You girls need to get ready after breakfast" Jayy said giving us our pancakes. We hurried and finished our pancakes and went to get ready. Since it was kinda hot out i picked out jean shorts and a BOTDF shirt which they got me. I went back to the kitchen but Jayy wasnt there so i decided to explore the house. I found out there was 3 bathrooms, 7 bedrooms, 2 rooms that could be living rooms and a walk in closet. I was sitting on the couch and Jayy walked in. "What are you doing?" He asked me.

"I couldnt find you so i decided to explore the house" i said to him. "Ok but it's time to go" Jayy said and started walking. I followed Jayy and we got in the car and Tawshia was already in the front seat. "So where are we going?" Tawshia asked. "To go see the surprise Dahvie got you" he answered her. It felt like a really short car ride. We listened to BOTDF songs all the way there and we all sung along as loud as we could. "K girls were here" Jayy said. "I call front seat on the way back" i yelled. "Dahvie will be with us on the way back so he gets front seat" Jayy said laughing. "Dangit thats not fair i called it" i said laughing. "Ok ill see what i can do to get you in the front seat on the way back" he told me while laughing. "Yayyyy" i screamed as loud as i could and everyone in the car started to laugh. We got out of the car and went into a building, it looked like some kind of music studio. When we walked in you would not believe what we saw.

Twaimz was there, and MDE, and FIR. "I saw that you girls liked these people juat as much as you like BOTDF" Dahvie said. "Omg yasss" Tawshia screamed. "Well you girls can spend about 2 hours with them because they are all busy" Jayy said. "Yayyy" i screamed. I was so excited this past week has felt so un real but this is my new life and i love it. I grabbed my phone and realized i had 2,000 more followers than last night. And i asked everyone if i could take pictures with them. We took pictures and put them on instagram and tagged eachother that helped me get even more followers. Two hours passed by really fast and it was time to go. I got my way and Dahvie let me sit in the front seat. Jayy turned down the radio to get our attention. "Ok girls me and Dahvie have a concert tonight and we want you to do a meet and greet with us" he said. "Kk" i said and he turned to the radio back up. "Oh and were gonna go buy you girls the appropiate clothing for it." He finished off. Me and Tawshia looked at eachother. "Were going to Hot Topic!!!" Tawshia screamed. "Yup" Dahvie said. "Omg i always wanted to get clothes from there but we were never allowed." She said still screaming.

"BAND MERCH!!" I yelled. "Yes band merch and some skinny jeans maybe some bracelets and a pair if vans or converse." Dahvie said. "Can i get fake peircings" Tawshia asked. "Sure" Jayy said. We got into Hot Topic and started shopping. I got 4 pairs of skinny jeans, and FIR shirt,a MCR, shirt, and another BOTDF shirt, i also got a MCR bracelet and a P!ATD bracelet and a pair of converse, and pair of vans. Tawshia got fake peircings a P!ATD shirt, a BVB shirt, and a FIR shirt, she got 4 pairs of skinny jeans two BOTDF bracelets and two pairs of converse. We got to the place were they were performing and got changed i wore my BOTDF shirt P!ATD bracelet black skinny jeans and vans. It was time for the concert and they sang Candyland, Bewitched, Sexting, and Yo Ho! Then it was time for the meet and greet. I was kinda confused because people were asking for pictures with me and Tawshia and autographs from us. It was weird having all this attention.

After the meet and greet it was really late. But they were having a party at our house to celebrate me and Tawshia coming. They were drinking and they let me and Tawshia try a sip of their alcohol it was the grosset thing ever we both spit it out and ran for something to drink. I could tell that Dahvie and Jayy were starting to get drunk so me and Tawshia took their alcohol away so they wouldnt get to drunk. Everyone went home after making sure we would be ok with watching over Dahvie and Jayy. Which we were. Some people who's names i cant remember carried them to their rooms so me and Tawshia wouldnt have too.

The next morning

Cassies POV: Jayy and Dahvie both have really big hangovers and they are pretty much staying in the bathroom all day. I brought Dahvie some water. "Are you ok?" I asked him. "Ya im fine thanks for the water" he said "no problem"i told him. While i was checking on Dahvie Tawshia was checking on Jayy. In a little bit some people are going to be coming over to help us take care of them.

A/N im skipping to the next day because i dont know how to go on with this

The next day

Cassie's POV: i smelt bacon being cooked and ran to the kitchen which i was able to find on my first try. Of course Tawshia was already there, i dont get how she beats me every time. I hurried and ate my bacon and went back to my room i saw there was some new things in there than from last night and there was a note from Dahvie on my dresser.

Cassie, i thought you would like some makeup and a hair straightner after all what girls dont and dont worry Tawshia has the same things


I was happy i have never had my own make up or hair straightner. I went ahead and plugged the hair straightner in. And started straightning my hair after i was done i went to the kitchen again and Jayy was in there. "Ok so later if you girls want we are going to dye your hair" he said to me. "Yay can i have blue like Alex Dorame" i asked. "Sure whatever you want" he answered me.

A/N hey guys vote and comment what you think anyways byeeee

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