chapter 15

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Cassie's POV: "I'm not even sure if were actually dating or not" I said Tawshia was trying so hard to not laugh she was covering her mouth and I gave her a death glare. "Well you girls need to pack your bags were doing a little favor for the MDE family and since were gonna be in Austraila for it we booked a concert" Jayy said. "Kangaroos" I screamed and Tawshia finally couldn't hold in her laughter anymore. "Were leaving tomorrow" Dahvie said. I wonder if we get to me Camila and Jenna then since their new members of the MDE fam. "Oh and I'm sorry girls but while were spending time with Jenna and Camila you girls are staying with the Mde family" Jayy said. "Oh ya but you can probably meet the girls later" Dahvie said.

If you have read my MDE fan fiction I changed Cassie to Camila

I've always wanted to meet Jenna and Camila I'm so excited but were not positive if we'll meet them or not but we probably will. "Were leaving at six in the morning to go to the airport so pack your bags now set your alarm for five and go to sleep" Jayy said. "Five am!!" Screamed Tawshia. "I am not a morning person I will chew your head off if you do something I don't like" I screamed and Dahvie and Jayy laughed. "Suck it up" Dahvie said. Me and Tawshia practically marched to our rooms to pack she decided that she wants to sleep in my room tonight so we brought her bags into my room. It was 9pm we would have troubles sleeping but we need the extra time to sleep. I laid down on my bed and Tawshia slept on a air mattress on the floor.

We talked for a little bit before I finally fell asleep I'm guessing it was around 9:30 when I did.

The next morning

I woke up to the alarm blaring in my ear. "Get up" I screamed and Tawshia jumped and woke up. "Moody" Tawshia said smiling. "Don't" I said and started walking to Jayys room. Him and Dahvie weren't up. "Get up" I screamed and Jayy woke up. "Five more minutes" he said his eyes closing again. "Uh I think not" I said and jumped on him then moved onto were Dahvies room was he was sitting up in bed. "You got lucky" I said to him. "Ya I can tell you gave me a heart attack when you yelled at Jayy" Dahvie said and I smiled. I went to get my bags and brought them to the living room then I went into the kitchen to get some breakfast and mountain dew. "Cereal and mountain dew for breakfast" Jayy said puzzeled. "I don't like coffee and mountain dew wakes me up" I said to him and took a sip of the mountain dew.

It was already 5:45 so we decided to get the bags in the car use the restroom and go to the airport. We didn't get to the airport for another half hour and I ended up passing out. We got to the airport and got out of the car and walked into the airport we put our bags threw the baggage thing and went to get our tickets. "The next flight to Australia will be leaving in 30 minutes" the desk lady said. "Wohoo another half hour to sleep" I said and laid down in some chairs Tawshia did the same and so did Jayy. "Well I guess I'm staying up so we don't miss the flight" Dahvie said. The half hour of me sleeping passed by way to fast it felt like 10 seconds. Dahvie woke us all up we got our bags and boarded the plane we were going on.

The flight was supposed to be 15 hours long. Of course we all decided to get some more sleep. We had already buckled our seat belts after the pilot said to and we all decided to go to sleep. I only slept for three hours so I took out my phone which was fully charged. I turned my mobile data on and got on Snapchat. I took a pic so me Dahvie Jayy and Tawshia were all visible. "On our way to Australia were sleepy" I said and posted it to my story then my phone started getting blown up with new snaps. I opened some of them and replied to a couple but I got bored I turned my mobile data off and read a book I had on my phone.

After the plane ride

We finally landed. We got our bags and got off the plane after we walked out of the airport it was hot I did not wear the right choice of clothing. None of us did really. We had to use a rental car to go to the house Dahvie and Jayy were renting for three weeks. It would have been 10pm in the US right now but in Australia it is 4am.

That's most likely wrong I'm just saying a random time.

"Jenna and Camila are coming around five so you girls do whatever and around 4:30 come to the living room" Dahvie said. Me and Tawshia walked around the house so we knew what was where we found the living room and an empty bedroom that was gigantic so we decided to both stay there because there was three beds. Me and Tawshia played on our phones for an hour then we talked for about two hours about random things. We ended up sleeping for seven more hours after that. It was already past 3:00 so we went to the living room and watched TV we had to pack a set of clothes for when we went to visit the MDE family. Time passed by fast we weren't allowed to let Camila and Jenna see us because they were doing a prank on them so when they got here we went out the back and met up with Jordan.

"Oh my gosh hiii" I said and hugged Johnnie. He shook me off and we all got in the car. It took a half hour to get to their house. Their house is big but not as big as ours which makes sense. We made a video and played so games and then we decided to go to bed when we woke up in the morning we didn't really do much but eventually it was time to go and I was sad.

Hiiii so I mashed my BOTDF and MDE fan fics together I hope you like it peace out girl/boy scouts✌✌✌

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