chapter 24

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Cassie's POV: We got to where the concert was supposed to be and we walked in. "Ok concert starts at 7:00 be back by 6:30" Jayy said and we all went our separate ways. I checked my phone and it was 5:30. "What do you want to do" Tawshia asked me as we started walking. "Tweet from Johnnie hang on" I said as I read the tweet.

At the concert really early oh well gonna look around

"We have to find him" I practically screamed and she started laughing.

So where at exactly

I tweeted and Tawshia watched me. "He's going to think you're stalking him" she said still laughing. "Nah let's go" I said and continued to hold my phone in my hands in case he tweeted back which he did in five minutes.

Its like a commons room

I put my phone in my pocket grabbed Tawshias wrist and we started running. "Johnnie" I screamed as I ran over to him letting go of Tawshia. "Johnnie run" she said laughing as I jumped on his back. "Never leave I love you so so much" I said and he tried to shake me off. "There's no point" Tawshia said as she tried to get her laughter under control. "Get down and I'll give you an autograph" he said and I jumped down. "What do you want me to sign" he asked me and I looked at my things. "My phone" I said as I held out my iPhone. "Ok" he said and he took my phone and signed it as I jumped up and down. "Wow you're really excited" he said as he handed me my phone and I looked back and Tawshia was on the floor laughing her butt off. "Oh my gosh Andy Biersack" I screamed and pointed at a door way. "Where I'll kill him" Tawshia said as she jumped up and stopped laughing. "Nowhere next time stop laughing" I said smiling at her. "What time is it" I asked Tawshia. "6:05" she said putting her phone away. "Johnnie where are you planning on sitting durning the concert" I asked him randomly. "First row right in the center" he said and smiled. "Kk" I said. "We have to go soon, well actually we better go now so we can find our way back" I said and we said goodbye and me and Tawshia went to find where we were all supposed to meet up.

We got there at exactly 6:28. "Ha we're not late" Tawshia said as we walked up to Dahvie and Jayy. "No you're not but get ready we have 15 minutes then we have to wait by the stage" Dahvie said and me and Tawshia went into a room that was supposed to be the dressing room. I sat my phone down and fixed my makeup and checked it in the mirror and was ready which only took ten minutes. "Let's go" I said and me and Tawshia left our phones in the room this time. We walked where we had to wait and Dahvie and Jayy were standing there. "Ok so first we're singing Candy land then you sing Bewitched then we sing Death to Your Heart and Star power and you finish with Yo Ho" Jayy said and took a drink of the water he was holding. "Ok and you're picking two guys to jump on the trampolines right" Tawshia asked to double check and make sure we didn't need our phones. "Right" Dahvie said and a guy started talking to us. "Alright guys 4 minutes till show time" he said handing Dahvie and Jayy their mics. "Alright girls get on our backs" Jayy said and they both crouched down and we got on since it was like our little tradition. "Ok you're on" the guy said and they started running out. They threw us on the trampolines and ran to the center of the stage. "Alright guys so tonight we are going to do something a little new" Jayy said and looked at Dahvie. "We are going to pick two boys to jump on the trampolines" Dahvie said and looked back at us real quick. "And the two guys we pick each get to go out with one of the girls" they both said looking back at us smiling. "What" me and Tawshia both screamed.

"Landon and Drake" they said at the same time and they ran from backstage. "You're kidding me" I said and smacked my forehead. The ran and got on the trampolines beside us and Jayy and Dahvie sung Candy land. "Alright your turn" Dahvie said as they finished and me and Tawshia ran up and so did Landon and Drake. "Nooo" me and Tawshia both screamed. We started singing and this time Drake and Landon randomly sang parts with us and I was trying so hard not to sing. We finished and Dahvie and Jayy walked up to us and took the mics. "You're dead" I whispered as they grabbed them and we went back to the trampolines. They sang Death To Your Heart then Star Power and me and Tawshia ran back up and sang Yo Ho and then the concert was over. We ran out and me and Tawshia didn't stop running until we got to our dressing room. "How could they do this" she screamed as I slammed the door and locked it. "I don't know but we have to get them back" I said and we both smiled. "Last time it didn't turn out so well but let's do it anyways" she said and we both checked our phones. People took videos of all of us singing Bewitched and posted about us being couples.

When I saw it I screamed on the top of my lungs and threw my phone down. "No this can't happen" I said and started running out the door and Tawshia followed me. "Where are we going" she asked as we kept running. I didn't answer but then we found Dahvie and Jayy just like i wanted. "Look I don't know why you did this but we are not very happy about it and we don't want to date them so you better tell them" I said as my face turned bright red. "Cassie they both like you a lot why can't you girls just give it a chance" Dahvie said and acted all confused. "You don't understand at all" Tawshia said and her face was starting to get red too. I turned around and Landon and Drake were right behind us. "Hey babe" Landon said putting his arm around my waist. "Remove your arm or I will slice your throat" I said smiling and he removed his arm and backed away a little bit. "That's what I thought" I said and started walking away with Tawshia. "Wait we want to come" Drake screamed and they ran after us. "Rape murder homicide" I started screaming and they stopped. Me and Tawhsia ran to the dressing room and decided to stay there during the meet and greet.

I heard a knock on the door and it was obvious who it was. "What did we do that was so wrong" Landon said through the door. "Let's see Landon you faked kidnapped me" I said and tried not to open the door and kill him. "Well what did I do" Drake asked and I actually didn't know the answer. "Nothing actually I just don't want to date you" Tawshia said and there was a silence. "Well technically we are already dating" Landon said and I opened the door. "Thats what Dahvie and Jayy might have said but I swear if you come through this door you will regret it" I said and left the door open to see if they would walk in. They did and me and Tawshia both quickly stood up and grabbed little metal poles and chased them down the halls with them. "Stop we're sorry" Drake screamed as we ran into the room where the meet and greet was and everyone cheered. "We warned you" Tawshia screamed and then Dahvie and Jayy grabbed us. "What's going on" Jayy asked pulling both of the poles out of our hands. "We told you we don't want to date them" Tawshia said and Dahvie and Jayy both loosened their grip. "What were you going to do" Jayy asked looking at the poles. "Kill them" I answered and he seemed surprised by my answer. "Ok then" Jayy said and let go of me. They finished the meet and greet and all of us got in the car including Landon and Drake.

Thanks for reading I hope you like my book peace out girl/boy scouts

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