Adopted by BOTDF

By Cassie_whitaker

8.7K 421 120

Two friends (Tawshia and Cassie) are put into an adoption center. But they had no idea they had the luck of b... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
New Book
AN please read
shout outs
Lots of Prizes
May 30th
Today is the day
Dear Colten
account ratings
YouTube Channel
im baaaack

chapter 21

152 8 4
By Cassie_whitaker

Cassie's POV: We got off the plane and stood outside of the air port. "I'm going to have the jet pick us up we can get home in a hour then" Jayy said getting out his phone. "Ok they're coming but their still a half hour away so we some time" Jayy said as he put his phone in his pocket. I looked at my phone which was at 48% and it was 7:30pm. "So we have to go to school tomorrow right" I asked already knowing the answer. "Ya oh and you will have to stay after school for an hour because of you detention" Dahvie said and at the same time me and her both groaned. Tomorrow is Thursday and Friday there's a concert so at least I have that to look forward to. "Where is your concert going to be Friday" I asked randomly. "Hollywood" Jayy answered. "Ok" I said and we walked around the little area because we had to wait here for the jet. "Are we doing anything special for this one" Tawshia asked. "Well the usual you two girls singing and jumping on trampolines, but this time we are letting two boys jump on the trampoline because its always girls" Dahvie said and I nodded. It had already been 15 minuted I was surprised time was going by so fast. "Oh and by the way me and Dahvie are picking the people" Jayy said and he quickly looked back at Landon. Oh no he better not pick Drake and Landon.

"Is it going to be people from the crowd" I asked him. "Possibly" he answered. I really don't want to go to school tomorrow after the past two days but awe well. The jet got here and we got on.

One hour later

We got off of the jet and we all decided to walk home it was going to be around a 15 minute walk. I wasn't as mad at Landon anymore then I had been and I am pretty sure Tawshia wasn't as mad at him anymore either. I was still upset about what he did but I'm sure I'll get over it. We walked home in complete silence. When we got to our house Landon walked home to his house. I checked my phone as I went to my room and it was 8:45. I realized I had homework that I had never turned in. I checked it and it was already finished so I put my things away and got on Twitter.

"Super excited for the concert Friday hope to see you there:-)"

I started getting bored so I went into Tawshia's room and she was sitting on her bed on her phone. "Tawshia help me" I said and I sat on her bed. "Help with what" she asked me putting down her phone. "Well I need to figure out if I should still date Landon and I need to figure out what to wear tomorrow" I said and she smiled. "Well I can easily help with the first one" she said and we ran to my room and she helped me pick out a outfit. Black skinnys, a FIR shirt, and black converse. "Thanks" I said and sat on my bed. "Now about the dating one" she said as she sat beside me. "I honestly have no idea just keep thinking about it and take a while to think about it but of you need help you know I'm here" she said smiling and I smiled back. "Thanks again" I said and I hugged her. "I don't want to stay after school tomorrow" I pouted. "Neither do I" she said and made a fake crying face and we both ended up laughing. "I'm going to bed I need to catch up on sleep" I said and I looked at my phone and it was 9:15. "Ok night" she said and she walked out of the room. I turned my alarm on and then I changed into my pajamas and went to sleep.

The next morning

I woke up and it was 6:45. "Crap" I thought to myself. I usually get up around 6:00-6:30. I quickly got up and grabbed my clothes and put them on. Then I put on my shoes and makeup and finally I straightened my hair. "6:55 wow that's a record" I said to myself. It had only been 10 minuted for all of that. I ran down stairs so I could eat a tiny breakfast and when I got down there Jayy and Dahvie were talking about something but when they saw me they stopped. "Is something wrong" I asked them confused and then Tawshia came running down the stairs. "I need a banana give me a banana" she screamed and held out her hand. "I want one too" I said holding my hand out and Jayy gave us each a banana. "Yayyy" we both screamed at the same time. We ate our bananas and when we were done it was 7:10 because we had been talking too. "Don't forget about your detention" Jayy said as we walked out of the kitchen and into the living room.

"What should we do now we still have lots of time" Tawshia asked me. "I have no idea really" I said and I looked at my book bag. "Let's walk around before school" I said and we grabbed our bags and walked out the door. Dahvie and Jayy wouldn't mind at least I wouldn't think they would. We walked to the park and when we got there it was 7:17. "Ok let's only stay here until around 7:25 because then we will get to school around 7:35" I said and Tawshia nodded. We sat our bags down and ran over to the swings. "So what do you want to talk about" I asked her while we started swinging. "Anything" she said which didn't help because I clearly didn't know what to talk about. We kept swinging and I looked at the time on my phone. "7:26 let's go" I said and we both jumped off and grabbed our bags. We started walking to school and we saw Landon and Drake walking together and they both smiled at us and started walking up to us. "Run I don't want to talk to Landon right now" I said and we started running away from them but they chased after us. "Can't they take a hint" Tawshia said loud enough for only me and her to hear. "Clearly they can't" I said as we kept running.

We ran into the school at 7:33 ahead what I thought we would have since we ran. We weren't allowed to run in the school so we had to stop running and walk so of course the guys came up to us. "Hey" they both said at the same time and me and Tawshia both stayed quiet. "Uh hello" Drake said and they both waved their hands in front of our faces. "Oh well excuse me for not saying hi back but maybe I had a reason not to oh and by the way Landon I never wanted to date you all of that stuff was a dare so ya I'm breaking up with you" I said and his jaw dropped. "Ok so Drake listen up I never ever likes you Cassie is the one that said I wanted to for revenge so I'm breaking up with you bye" she said and now both of their jaws were dropped as we walked away from them. "Well that just happened" I said laughing and high fived her. "Sure did" she said laughing.

Hiiiiiii please read my other stories and everything lol peace out girl/boy scouts

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