The Nerd Is Back Bitches! (CU...

By dreamyperson

307K 6K 783

What will happen if the nerd you just always bully before comes back? Not only that, she's now the super-hott... More

I'm going back BITCHES!
Goodbye America, Hello BITCHES
Nerd is that you?
The Nerd and the Jerk Finally meets.
The Nerd's Best friend
The Flirt is here.
The Flirt The Nerd and The Jock crossed paths.
The Nerd's name
Back of Flirt
Date with the Jerk.
The Oreo!
Want some Tampons?
First Love
Ring That Bell.
Could This Day Gets Any better?
Good And Bad Day
I Love You Nerd [END]

Cat Fight

6.3K 162 32
By dreamyperson

"I knew there was something off about you, a new girl suddenly shows up and gets the attention of Will Evans." She start to walk towards me,

"I knew from the first glance there's no way this girl seems to be perfect. Good girl, gorgeous smile, nice silky hair, nice body..." she looked at me up and down.

Wait, did she just praised me?

"So are you saying... You're jealous?" I asked

"No way! I am not jealous of you! Especially of you! Not again!" she said

Again? Oh right, she was jealous of me before.

"Little Elizabeth is back, huh? What brought you back here? Revenge? Or is it Will? You are head-over-hills-in-love with after all."

"Maybe I just wanna ruin your life. You know I heard from Will that you're pretty obsess with him back then , and you got jealous of ME! Because he likes me more than you, can you believe that?! You lost to a nerd like me. Isn't that embarrassing? Don't you always get the boy?" I crossed my arm over my chest and smirked at her.

"He told you that?!" she frowned at me

"Ashamed? The-good-and-famous-Pammy can't get the boy she likes because of a nerd? I wonder what your friends will say?" I grinned at her

"Bitch!" she then start to run towards me and jumped at me, we both fell down on the ground.

We start pulling each other's hair and rolling around the dirt.

"You selfish bitch!" I slap her on the face,

"You ugly nerd!" she scratch my face,

We chanrge into each other, grabbing each others hair. I push her away and kick her on the stomach she landed on her ass.

That's right mother fucker! You deserve that!

"BITCH!" she shouted again before coming after me, she slap me on the face and grab my shirt tearing it apart. I slapped her back and grab her hair and yanked it.

We just keep on going at each other, this could last forver.

"OH MY GOD!" we heard a voice.

Suddenly Pammy was being held back by Nathan and Will was holding me back.

"Let me go! I'm going to rip that bitch head off!" I tried pulling away,

"Eli! Stop!" Will said

"I'm going to beat that nerd! Let me go Nathan!" Pammy was glaring at me,

"Bring it on bitch!" I shouted

"You know, this could be a major turn on. Two girls fighting and tearing each other's clothes out but we need to calm these two kittens out. Take her." Nathan told Will.

"Gladly" Will drag me somewhere far away from Pammy and Nathan.

"Let me go Will!" this time I successfully pushed him away, "Why do you have to drag me away?!" I asked him angrily

"I have too; you and Pammy were almost killing each other!"

"What do you care!?" I glared at him,

"Because you're the girl that I've love!" he told me.

I was speechless for a second, "You heard?"

"Yeah... But I always suspect." He looked away,

"You suspect?"

"Yeah I'm not an idiot, you resembles her too much. I've been observing you, the way you move, talk, walk, eat and even the way you tucked your hair behind your ear, they are all similar to hers. To Elizabeth Peirce or should I say to you." That sounds creepy.

"Since when did you suspect?" I asked

"Since the day I told you the story about you. At first I wasn't really sure about it. Maybe it was just my imaginations, cause I really missed you a lot. But spending more time with you just feels so right. When I first I met you-" I cut him off,

"At the mall."

"Yes, I didn't really recognize you; I thought you were just some beautiful girl I bump into. Then I saw you again-" I cut him off again,

"At the basketball court."

"Right again, I realize that time that you looked like her, when I look at you more closely you have the same smile as hers, the same eyes, the same at everything! I wanted to ask you what's your name but I hold myself back cause it might be too obvious so I asked your friend Nathan to have a duel with me and if I win you'll tell me your name. Well unfortunately I lost, so I also lost the chance to get your name. The third time I saw you is at the mall again, I heard you talking to Shelly I heard her say your name. That's when I got my hopes up that maybe; just maybe you really are her. But I still hold myself back and confronted you about it, but you told me your last name was Damon so I was a little disappointed but the feeling is still in there I don't know why it didn't disappear. Then here comes my birthday, you spend the time with me and I told you about that, that's when I'm sure that it's you. I saw in your face how much you wanted to punch me and tell me you lying son of a bitch. I was telling the truth when I told you that story, I wasn't making it up." he held my hand.

"If it's true then why did you said that you hated nerds? That you don't wanna date one" I frowned at him,

"I wanted to see if you'll react, I wanted to see if you'll give in but you didn't you were very composed and calm."

I suddenly punch him in the face "I was holding myself back from doing that."

He cups the cheek I just punch and looked at me "I deserve thay."

"I still hate you! Do you know what I've been through?! You broke my heart! You're the guy I've loved! And you just broke my heart for what? For your fucking reputation?! Then why don't you ask that reputation of yours to go out with you? You two looks good together!" I told him with sarcasm on my voice.

"I know that I hurt you and I regret that, I wish I could turn back time and protect you. Tell you how I really feel about you. I was so immature back then, I was scared and I thought back then that popularity is everything." He explained, "I don't really expect you to forgive me I just wanted you to know the truth, I just wanted to tell you how I really feel because I never got the chance to tell you, you left before I even did."

I just shook my head "I need some time... Maybe a lot of time before I really forgive you. But... I'm not mad anymore that's for sure." I tap his shoulder before I left.

When I went home I didn't see Pammy or Nathan in front of the house and I'm thankful for that. I don't wanna see Pammy it'll just make me mad again.

When I enter the house I heard some noises coming from the kitchen but I didn't bothering taking a look cause I want to change my clothes since it's all ripped apart.

I run up to my room and grab a shirt.

"Elizabeth! Come down here for a sec." Mom shouted from downstairs.

I comb my hair and run downstairs.

"What is it Mom-" I saw Mom, Grandma and Dad in the living room.

"What the hell is he doing here?" I pointed at Dad,

"Elizabeth, just listen please." Mom told me calmly,

"No! I don't want him here!"

"Elizabeth! He's still your Dad!" Grandma shouted,

"Not since he left us for his fucking girl!" I shouted back.

"Honey, please hear me out." Dad pleaded,

"NO! Why are you even here?! Is it to tell me that we're going to have an additional family? That I'm going to have a baby sister or brother?! From a freaking 21 year old girl!" I shouted

They all went quiet, "I've had enough of this shit!" I told them before storming out of the house and walk, just walk. I don't even know where I'm going I just wanna get away.

I wish I own a car so I could just drive away from here.

"Fuck!" I shouted, I don't even know what's happening to my life anymore!

First it's all going well; my plan is going smooth then the second I turn around problems start to pops out in front of me!

I sat down on the side walk and took a deep breath,

"Eli? What are you doing here?" it was Nathan,

"Don't talk me, I'm still pissed at you." I tucked my head down

"I didn't bang her 'kay? She was probably lying when she says that. She was going to fucking rape me Eli, the hell! If ever I girl will rape me it'll only be you." he winked at me.

Great, now all my anger at him is gone.

"How about you? Where's the bitch?" I asked

"I walked her home. So what are you doing here again?" he chuckled

"Getting away." I wipe my tears away,

"From what?" he sat down beside me "You can tell me anything Eli, I'm your best friend." He rested his arm on my shoulder.

"It's Dad and his fucking mistress! They're having a child Nathan!" I rested my head on his chest while he pulled me in closer,

"I can't just accept that! Does that make me a bad person? I mean I know that thing--" Nathan cut me off

"Child." He corrected

"Whatever! I know that... That child has nothing to do with what it's mother have done to my family but... That thing is a reminder that Dad really have left us. He's not going to come back!" I cried,

I hate my Dad because he left us, but I've always been a Daddy's girl before. I always barge in his office and just spend time with my Dad.

I love his so much that it really kills me to know that he choose that bitch over us!

"Eli calm down.." Nathan said,

"I hate him, I hate Will, I hate Pammy and I hate my life!" I said then Nathan lifted my head and... I don't know what else happened I just suddenly felt Nathan's lips pressed with mine.

It feels good, so soft and he smells so dang good too!

It took me a couple of seconds before I realize what we're actually doing right now. I pushed him away and stood up.

"What the hell was that Nathan?!" I shouted at him,

"I..." he looks like he doesn't know what else to say,

"I'm so upset right now and you're going to take advantage of that?! Why would you kiss me? Your best friend?!" I asked him

"Because I fucking love you Elizabeth!" he shouted at me.

I opened my mouth but closed it again, he's what?!

He's in love with me?

No freaking way!








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