Bad Boys Kidnapped Me

By vintage_for_days

1.8M 51.9K 18K

Bad ass Katrina Moores. Beautiful, stubborn, rule breaker and has a potty mouth. But she has a dark secret... More

World War III
The Black Dragon
Going out
The Kidnapping
This isnt over
Tame The Beast
Killing Bambi
You so want me
Call me Kat
I fell
Ice Cold
Hes A Gang Leader And He Always Will Be
Can't live without
Time for you to quit
Too Beautiful
Even if it kills him
Over Two Hundred
Burn in fucking hell!
In love
Meet the boys
I'm Hungry
What am i going to do?
You counted!
I Hope So
Bobbie pin
Dante & Benji
The Ball
Ted & Joe
I Am Going To Live
The In-Laws
I Want You
Antonio Belucini
I Want This Baby
Im Not Letting You Die
I Cant Do This Anymore
I Can Do It
Its Time

Love struck teenager

28.3K 779 278
By vintage_for_days

Pink fluffy night gown^^^

My eyes flutter open as sunshine hits my face gently as I hear the curtains being drawn.

"My deepest apologies to wake you up miss, but master Dante awaits your presence." I hear a horrible, deep British accent interrupt my precious beauty sleep.

I groan and rub my eyes with the back of my hands and sit up. My shoulders slump from exhaustion. What's happening? Where am I? What on earth happened last night?!

I finally open my eyes and see I was in a fancy looking room. I look around in awe and yelp in surprise when I see Benji standing next to me.

He had straightened his posture and had a snobby look on his face, "good morning madam, would you like some tea?" he asks, conjuring up a horrible British accent.

I guess that was the horrible sound I heard before.

I stare at him flatly but I couldn't help admit that he made me glad that he was his funny usual self. Stupid kid.

"That's the worse British accent I have ever heard" I croak out, my tone thick with sleep.

He breaks character immediately and looks at me offended, "hey! That's the best accent I can do!"

I roll my eyes but smile sneakily when he wasn't looking and stretch my arms above my head, yawning.

"So attractive."

"I don't appreciate your sarcasm this early in the morning" I glare at Benji.

I rub my face and look at the silk cotton candy pink sheets, so feminine. I take them off and widen my eyes when I see what exactly I was wearing.

A pink fluffy nightgown!

Oh, this so doesn't suit me.

I cringe and play with the hot, pink fabric, "what? you don't like it?" Benji asks, hiding his laughter.

I snap my head up and narrow my eyes "I will kill you kid." I threaten darkly.

"I'm only two years younger than you!" He exclaims, huffing.

"Mentally I'm ten years older than you," I say bored, getting out of bed.

He opens his mouth to snap back but then he stops and crosses his arms thinking deeply, looking at the ceiling and rubbing his chin, "you might be right."

I shake my head and walk to the mirror in the corner of the room and stare at myself. I looked so innocent. I had a clean face and my long hair was in two braided ponytails behind my back.

"Who did this to me?!" I ask, horrified, staring flabbergasted at my reflection, squeezing the fur around my wrists.

I immediately take the braids out and watch my straight hair turn into smooth curls. Not a bad look.

"Oh, it's not that bad." Benji says, rolling his eyes,"Come on! I wasn't kidding when I said" he clears his throat and straightens up his back and says "master Dante is awaiting your presence" in a horrible British accent.

I raise an eyebrow and he looks at me waiting for a reaction. He slumps his shoulders, staring at the floor and sighs deeply. "Why won't anyone find my sense of humour funny?" He asks himself.

I walk past him to the door "come on kid. Take me to Dante."

I hear his footsteps behind me and soon he was in front of me with his hands in his pockets humming a tune.

I eye his back and his cheerfulness. He really didn't look anything like Dante and their personalities were so different. But Dante was right, this kid could never survive the Mafia world.

"We're here!" He chirps and pushes the double doors open.

We walk in and I see Dante behind his desk looking at paperwork. Work, work, work, work. That's all these gang leaders do. Well, I've only met two, besides the point.

Benji runs up to Dante and tackles his half-brother into a hug. "Dan!"

Dante nearly falls back on his chair but recomposes his self and glares at Benji who still had his arms around his neck.

"Benji! I'm working."

Benji pulls back and pouts "Dan! You're always working!"

Have I walked in some kind of brother complex?! This isn't an anime. Unfortunately. I look at them weirdly and cough to let them know I was here.

Dante snaps his head towards me and immediately throws Benji to the ground. "Ow!"

He raises an eyebrow and looks at me from head to toe. "Who did this to you?" He asks amused.

"That's what I'll like to know" I sigh.

Benji pops his head into view and looks at Dante in a hurtful expression. "Why have you forsaken me, brother?!" He asks, dramatically reaching his arm up to Dante and throwing his head back, the back of his hand resting on his forehead.

Dante snaps his head towards Benji and looks at him with a flat look.

"Because your an idiot."

I chuckle and sit on a chair and start taking the braids out. "You're both idiots" I mutter. "Anyways. Why have you called me Dante?"

The room becomes silent and tense in an instant. Oh no. I know exactly why I'm here. I'm gonna have to explain what happened last night. I keep my face expressionless and rub my fingers through my now unbraided hair.

"Well this is awkward," Benji says, as Dante backhands him. "You're always hitting me!"

I sigh and cross my legs. I really don't want to tell him, but he's helping me get out of here even though Lucinda is threatening him. I watch as Benji and Dante bicker back and forth and can't help feeling like I can trust them, but I don't.

I honestly don't trust them. This can all be apart of Lucinda's plan. I can't trust these guys, although Ryder does.

I just want to go back home. I want to see my brothers and parents. Even though Zach and Drew know my situation but what about my mother and father. I miss them so much, I miss my mothers cooking, I miss my father's kindness, I miss my mother's warm hugs and how she always smelt nice.

I miss how my father and I would spar, I miss how he would encourage me, how he would tell me I could do anything if I put my mind to it. I miss my mother's wisdom and advice. I miss how my brothers always got my back, no matter what. I miss us wrestling and mucking about.

I miss how we would all sit down and eat dinner and just laugh, how we could joke around and fight at the same time.

I miss my family.


I snap my head towards Dante and see Dante and Benji looking at me with a surprised and concerned expression. I feel a wet feeling on my knuckles and realise that I had been crying. No sobs, no facial expressions, just tears.

I look at my knuckles in surprise and reach out towards my face and feel the tears strolling down my cheeks.

"I can't stop it," I say emotionless.

I see a tan hand with a handkerchief between his fingers and I look at Dante's warm smile.

I gently grab the handkerchief and softly pat my cheeks and eyes. I'm such an idiot. Crying in front of the Belucini brothers.

"Sorry" I mutter before putting the handkerchief in my lap.

Dante nods and Benji gives me a toothy grin.

Dante clears his throat and entwines his fingers together, "so I called you in here to discuss what happened last night."

I squeeze my eyes shut and breath out. I knew it. I open my eyes and nod, signalling him to continue.

"You need to tell me what you saw Katrina. I need to know every tiny detail so nothing goes wrong with our plan."

I breathe in and out, he's right. I don't trust him but he really does despises Lucinda, which is something we have in common.

"I don't trust easily, so when I decide to trust you. Don't make me regret it." I say coldly, looking at Dante with cold eyes.

Dante nods his head and waits for me to start.

"I saw the two me who men who kidnapped and experimented on me" I answered coldly.

He raises his eyebrows and nods, "it could have been just a coincidence." He tries to reassure me.

"At a ball for all the gangs across the states? Who are we kidding Dante." I sigh heavily.

I'm so tired. I'm physically and mentally drained. I don't know how much I can take more of this and I know it's only the beginning.

"Why don't you go and rest some more, I'll get Roxanne to escort you back" Dante says, picking up the phone.

I close my eyes and lean back, I don't know what I'll do if this goes on for any longer. I never thought I would say this but, I miss school. I miss the routine. Waking up, going to school.

I miss not having to dodge bullets or always look over my shoulder. Even though I have been the happiest I've ever been, I miss the normality.

A knock on the door snaps me out of my thoughts and I immediately sit up and open my eyes. Dante and Benji will be the only ones to see me vulnerable in this house.

"Come in."

I watch as the big double doors open Roxanne's small frame enters the room. Her fiery red hair and her maid uniform neatly worn. She was very small and cheery, she looked...


"You requested me, boss." She says casually, almost in a teasing manner.

"Take Miss Katrina back to the room I put her in" Dante orders, not lifting an eye from the paperwork.

I watch Benji sit on the desk, licking a lollipop staring off to space. When did he even get a lollipop?! When did he even get on the desk?!

I look at him weirdly, Benji sensing my staring turns his head slowly to me and looks back at his lollipop.

"Want some?"

I blink in response and look away from him. He sure is one weird kid.

"No problemo" Roxanne chirps, "come on miss. Follow me."

She turns to me and looks at me up and down, her eyes widen and smiles "you look adorable" she gushes.

I groan and slump back in the chair. This is not good for my reputation.

"I was right to dress you," she says to herself.

My body freezes and the room becomes silent. I look at her in anger and my body shakes with rage.

"You," I say, my voice shaking with anger, "did this to me?"

She seems to miss the obvious trace of wrath behind my words and chirps "yes! I even did your ponytails!" She smiles, looking me up and down.

I stand up and ball my hands into fists. "You!" I shout angrily. "Put me in this, this," I say looking for the right word. I look at the gown and spit out "monstrosity!"

She pouts and looks at me in hurt. "Monstrosity? I think you look great."

"Roxanne." I breath through my nose, "Run." I command, narrowing my eyes and gritting my teeth.

She gulps and immediately runs out of the room, with me following her, leaving Dante and Benji alone.


"What just happened?" Benji asks Dante as they stare at the door where Katrina and Roxanne had just run out of.

Dante closes his eyes and sighs, rubbing his temples dropping the papers.

Benji looks at Dante, concerning over his brother. He knew exactly what position Dante was in but he could never tell him he knew. He couldn't watch his brothers face turn into dread and sadness.

Even though Dante acted cold towards Benji, Benji knew what forces Dante would go through to protect him. Benji loved his brother dearly and he knew Dante did too.

"Dan. Katrina seeing those men at the ball. It wasn't a coincidence, wasn't it?" Benji asks.

Dante sighs and leans his head on his entwined fingers, looking at where Katrina had just been sitting.

"No, it wasn't."


It's been two days since the ball and Lucinda hasn't shown her face here since, which I was very happy about, because I was now able to sleep and stay in the guest room I first woke up in.

It was right across from Benji's and Dante's room so it was safe, even though I can perfectly handle myself.

I didn't have any clothing with me so Roxanne always had the opportunity to dress me in frilly dresses and clothing.

I, of course, didn't go out without a fight but I had no other clothes. It was either the frilly dresses or being naked.

I preferred the first option.

So right now I was reading a book in a light pink silk nightgown that brushed the floor as I walked. The gown wasn't so bad but it wasn't my style. Even though I was raised in a very wealthy home with servants and cooks I never told them to call me Miss, or Lady, or Mistress. I never wore gowns or let the maids clean my room. I didn't take advantage of my very fortunate lifestyle.


I tear my eyes away from the novel and look at Roxanne who had just walked in.

"For the last time Roxanne. It's Katrina or Kat. Not Miss." I scold, since I came here she has never once addressed me with my name.

She smiles wearily and shuffles side to side, fidgeting nervously.

"Roxanne? Is there something wrong?" I ask, getting off the bed and walking towards her.

She looks at me panicked and I look at her worried. What's gotten her to behave like this?

"Roxanne," I say sternly.

"They told me not to tell you" she bites her lip "but they're here. They're here miss."

"Who?" I ask, my fear increasing.

"The leader of the Black gang."


I grab her arm "take me to them."

She winces and I realised I had dug my nails into her.


I immediately let go but don't leave my heated gaze from her.

"Take me to them, Roxanne."

She looks torn between herself but I narrow my eyes and grab her face, making her look straight at me.

"Now." I say with such hostility that she flinches and nods her head frantically.

Oh my god. They're here. Why wasn't I allowed to know?! They were my family but I wasn't going to be told that they were coming?!

My heart thumps loudly and I run past Roxanne and barge into Dantes office causing a big slam.

I huff and puff, my chest rising up and down, trying to catch my breath as I see six men looking at me with wide eyes.

Shit! I forgot to get out of the gown!

"Nice outfit" James snorts.

I ignore him and run into Ryder's arms causing Ryder to stumble back and wrap his strong, big arms around my frame.

"You saw him three days ago, geez get a room" James mutters.

I pull away and storm towards James and punch him straight in the face. He falls back and holds his nose desperately.

"What the fuck?!!" He shrieks.

"Oh that felt good" I huff out.

I had been keeping my anger in and I desperately needed to punch something.

I feel something or should I say, someone, tug at the bottom of my nightgown.

I look down and see Benji playing with the fabric and chewing gum. He lifts the gown up and peeks up.

I yelp and hold the gown desperately. "What do you think your doing, kid?!" I spit, my tone lethal.

Benji gets up and pops a bubble and shrugs his shoulders, looking bored. Rage fills my body and I go for the kill but I feel someone pull me away from my waist.

I look and see Nathan holding me back, "Nathan let me go. I'm going to kill him" I seethe. No one looks up my nightgown and gets away with it.

"Ryder can you control her," Dante says tired, pulling Benji behind him and sitting down on his chair behind his desk.

Ryder silently walks up to me and takes me away from Nathan's arms. "Calm down" he soothes, running his fingers through my hair.

I close my eyes and inhale his scent. God, I love him. His touch is enough to send me into a sex frenzy.

I run my fingers down his chest and breath out. I'm just really stressed. Next thing you know I'll have grey hairs, and don't tell me I'm too young because I once saw this fifteen-year-old girl with a single grey strand of hair, shining out of her ponytail!

"Keep him on a leash" I snap at Dante.

"I'm no dog!" Benji exclaims.

"But you are a bitch" I retort back.

"Ooooooooo" Daniel and Dani say, looking away impressed by my comeback.

"Katrina get out" Dante demands.

"No fucking way" I start, "why wasn't I told about this meeting?" I seethe.

How dare he not tell me about this?! I don't care how close he and Ryder are, I should have been told! I don't expect Dante to tell me everything but when it's about the boys, I want to know everything.

"I told him not to."

I snap my head towards Ryder and look at him in shock, his calm, stone-like face looking at me.

"What?" I say, merely about a whisper.

"I told him not to tell you" he repeats.

I pull away from him viciously and grit my teeth.

What the fuck is going on?

I look at him in betrayal and anger, "here we go" Nathan mutters.

Ryder crosses his arms over his chest and looks at me with a blank expression, "don't be dramatic Kat."

"Dramatic?!" I ask, waving my arms around, making a frustrated noise. "I am being far from dramatic, how could you not tell me you were coming?!" I add.

"I have my reasons." He states coldly, looking away.

What the hell? What's going on? Why is he acting like this? Am I missing something?

So many questions but no answers.

Growing impatient with his bullshit I turn my lips into a sinister sneer "then tell me your reasons" I snarl.

Ryder snaps his head towards me keeping his body and face calm, showing me no emotion.

"Get out Kat." He commands, walking towards Dante and looking over the papers with him.

The rest of the boys, excluding Benji as he was just staring off to space, which he seems to do a lot, look at me wearily, waiting for me to explode or something.

I honestly don't get him. Somethings off, he's either putting up an act in front of Dante but since there close friends I don't see the reason why, or he's on his period and is suffering from major PMS.

I thought he would miss me.

Realisation shoots through me and the tingle in my lips returns as I think of that night with Ryder. The night we finally did it.
Really?! Now I think of that!
Looks like I missed him, more than he missed me.

"Tsk" I spit out frustrated, punching the wall, breaking the wood under the impact of my knuckles making them bleed.

This is nothing. This physical pain is nothing compared to my emotional pain right now.

I storm out of the room making sure to hit the door again the wall, with droplets of blood making a trail behind me.

Good luck cleaning that blood from the carpets Dante, I think angrily before focusing my thoughts towards the main jackass.

He's such a jerk! I can't believe he wouldn't tell me he was coming?! Didn't he want to see me even a little bit? How would he like it if I was at the mansion without him knowing?! Hell, I don't even think I could have kept my mouth shut being so close to him.

I enter my room and slam the door shut. I'm acting like a dramatic love-struck teenager!

You are a dramatic love-struck teenager.

I halt in my steps and look at the floor. That's right, I am. I clench my fists and hiss, forgetting about my knuckles.

I look at my busted knuckles and see they weren't healing. What? I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. Why aren't they healing?!

What's happening to me?!

Before I was brought here I was suffering from random panic attacks, and I couldn't control my anger. Also, my purple eye sometimes stung.

I stumble back and the back of my knees hit the bed. I stare at my hand covered in blood. This has never happened before!!

All of a sudden my door slams open and Roxanne and the old maid, Doris, rush in with a fearful expression on their faces.

They look at my crazed state and immediately run over.

"Miss? Are you alright?" Roxanne asks gently.

I close my eyes and breath out, what's ever happening to me has to wait.

"What is it?" I croak out.

Roxanne looks at Doris hesitantly and I look at Doris "what is it?" I ask, again, my voice now firm.

Doris snaps her eyes to mine and I look over at her wrinkled skin. Even though she was old, she was still beautiful. Her ocean blue eyes still had that playful spark in them but at this moment all she had in them were fear and regret.

Panicking myself now over Doris's state I place my hand on hers and she jumps in fright.

"Doris?" I ask, gently.

"I'm so sorry miss" she answers, looking down.

And that's the last thing I saw before everything went black.

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