alive; h•s

By Hannahrun1

749 136 268

•yeah so this book was a flop but you can still read some of it. we are starting a new book soon• <>&lt... More

t w o
t h r e e
f o u r
f i v e
s i x
s e v e n
e i g h t
n i n e
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e l e v e n
t w e l v e
t h i r t e e n
f o u r t e e n
f i f t e e n
s i x t e e n
s e v e n t e e n
e i g h t e e n
n i n e t e e n
t w e n t y
t w e n t y - o n e
t w e n t y - t w o
t w e n t y - t h r e e
t w e n t y - f o u r

o n e

122 11 16
By Hannahrun1


{Author's Note - This is my first fanfiction, I'm sorry if its shit. In this book I will be using songs or quotes from a movie or something, all that I use are not mine and belong to whoever the song or quote is from. My book will have some swearing but I will let you know at the beginning of each chapter if there is anything that might offend someone or make someone uncomfortable. There also may be a tiny little bit of smut but I will warn you guys. I don't think there will be anything major like that but I will warn anyway just to be safe. Here goes nothing, I hope y'all enjoy and DON'T JUDGE.}

(Woah this is me from the future! anyway I just wanted to say that this good is VERY slow at the beginning but STAY WITH IT IT GETS BETTER!! so don't give up just yet!!!)

(Abigail's POV)

I take a deep breath and step on stage. I link hands with my best friend Clarissa and she gives my hand a reassuring squeeze. The lights lower and I take one last look around me, my 7 best friends lined up next to me, each with a microphone in hand and a cheering crowd in front of us. Damn, Texas crowds were great. The starting notes of "On My Mind" by Ellie Goulding begin to play and we all go into performance mode. It's kind of strange actually, we're all nervous wrecks before we start singing and then the song starts and we have no nerves at all. Us girls are all wearing matching tight high-waisted "disco pants" with a sweetheart neckline crop top and heeled black ankle boots. Our shirts are the same style but different color. Mine is a pretty coral color that goes well with my long blonde hair (A/N outfit above^^^). The guys are all wearing black jeans with a matching jacket and a white top underneath and sneakers.

Clarissa starts off the song with her angelic voice and struts up the stage. How she is so perfect, I really don't know, she has a perfect blend of brown and blonde hair that stops just at the end of her breasts and is dyed a pink at the tips. Her body is the perfect is model worthy and she is the perfect height too, 5 foot 5 inches. She walks back and forth moving her hips to the music and as her solo comes to an end she turns back to me and flashes a pearly white smile and throws me a thumbs up. It's now Chris's solo, he mimics Clarissa's strut walk and I burst out laughing as long as the crowd. Chris is one of my closest friends, he was there through my dark times and I love him like a brother. Next solo is mine, the chorus. I start singing and I get lost in the music.

Mid-way through the song all 8 of us are singing the chorus and the crowd is cheering and singing along. We're having the times of our lives, doing what we love and touring the country. In the last week we have played 8 bars, 4 restaurants, and opened for Shawn Mendes when he was on tour in Texas.

(A/N:can we just like Shawn Mendes fans unite like yesss)

Before we know it, the song comes to an end and Victoria starts to talk. She thanks the crowd and introduces each of us. She is talking for about 3 minutes about what we do and who we are and she manages to never drop the excitement and the bubbliness in her voice. Soon enough the mic is handed to me, "Hey everyone, how's everyone doing tonight?" I talk/yell into the microphone. All I get is cheers from the crowd, I laugh and continue talking. " Our next song is a song that just us girls are going to sing, it's a song about being with your best friends and not worrying about anything or anyone else. Basically what we are doing right now! Haha. One of our all time favorite songs, This is "Me & My Girls" by Selena Gomez. Hit it! " It's true I do love this song, Selena is just amazing and a great remodel. As the song begins we all take our starting positions, trying to look as "sexy" as possible. We all move our hips to the music as Arianna starts off the song

"Drop down on a desert ride, Just outside the 95, Never felt more, more alive, I got my chicas by my side"

I start singing my solo and walk down the stage and pointing out to the crowd and being as sassy as I can

"If, we want it, we take it. If we need money, we make it. Nobody knows if we fake. You like to watch while we shake it. I know we're making you thirsty. You want us all in the worst way. You don't understand, I don't need a man."

We all break into the chorus jumping and having an amazing time. We get lost in the music while each one of us are dancing around the stage and shake our hips at the right parts. As the song ends, the men hoot/whistle and the girls scream. We thanked all of our amazing fans. Even though we have a small fan base, we are starting to get more and more popular because of Youtube and we have 987,328 subscribers which is still amazing. We step off the stage smiling. "Good job girlies" Chris high fives each of us.

"Don't ever say girlies again Chris Oh my god!" says Victoria as she laughs and starts to walk away.

Chris pulls me to the side away from everybody and as he pulls me into a hug and whispers in my ear "That was a little inappropriate don't ya think." I pull back laughing and playfully slap his arm.

He is only a year older than me but can act like an overprotective father sometimes, he can be so annoying. He laughs and swings his arm over Victoria. Him and Victoria have been together officially for two months. They have had crushes on each other for years though."Awesome job babe" He says as he leans down to peck her on the lips.

"I guess it's time to get back on the stage, before they start banging on the wall" Drew says is a disgusted voice.

Drew is the funny guy in the group and is always making jokes even at the wrong time. I look over and Clarissa who is doubling over in laughter, which makes me start laughing. These are the times I never want to forget, when things are perfect and nothing can go wrong. As we walk out to the stage Drew places a hand on my lower back and guides me ahead of him. He can be really sweet and Clarissa is convinced he likes me but I don't know. I'm pretty sure he is just being nice. We take our spots on stage and start the next song. 

Soon enough our segment is over and we head to our dressing rooms, the girls and boys have separate dressing rooms. Once I am in the dressing room, I quickly slip out of my tight pants and slip on my sweatpants with my One Direction t-shirt. I got it when I went to their otra tour. I have been a fan of One Direction for a while now, but I'm not this crazy fangirl that will sneak into their hotel rooms, but that was one of the best days of my life.

(A/N:I'm basically describing the COMPLETE opposite of me bc I would run over to that room omfg... okay carry on)

The girls change into similar attire as me. As we step out into the hallway the boys step out of their dressing rooms, dressed in nice clothes. "What the hell are you dressed up for" Victoria asks.

"Nothing of your concern Vicky" Connor says in a mocking tone. She throws her hands up as if surrendering and rolls her eyes causing everyone to laugh.

The boys walk off, probably going clubbing or something. We sometimes go clubbing with them but today we were tired from the show. I won't be surprised if one of them brings home some girl like they always do.

(A/N:the only club I get down in is Club Penguin like turn up)

Once the guys are out of our sight,

I hear Clarissa access the group "So girl time?", we all nod. By girl time she means all sit on the couch, fangirl over our obsessions and do nothing.

"So One Direction is taking a break hmm" Arianna says nudging my arm as we all plop down onto the couch in our dressing room. I slap my hand over her mouth "shut the freaking hell up before I bring you outside and bury you in a ditch where no one will ever find you." "Woah, chill chill". Clarissa laughs and Victoria has her eyes locked on her phone, ignoring us, probably texting Chris.

"Don't talk about my boys right now, I'm not emotionally stable with this situation yet, I don't know how I am supposed to survive with out them for so long" I say keeping my hand clasped around her mouth. She licks my hand and I scream and pull my hand away, Clarissa is laughing even harder now her arms linked around her torso.

For the next 30 minutes we just relax, eat junk food, and talk but then Victoria finally looks away from her phone and simply says "Jam out session".

I jump off the couch and run to the ihome plugged into the wall and connect my phone and put One Direction on shuffle. The first song is Stockholm Syndrome and I scream. This is my all time favorite songs, not sure why but it just is. We all break out into crazy dancing and singing and end up throwing chips and other chips and candy at each other. As the song ends we hear someone clear their throat and we turn to the doorway to see 4 boys standing in the doorway.

They take one look at us and start laughing. Of course Chris, Drew, Connor and Luke had to come back at that moment, of course. But this isn't anything new to them because this is all we do after shows.

Once they finish their laughing fit Chris seems slightly annoyed "We have to get in the car in an hour, hurry up. We tried texting but y'all were too busy doing whatever you were just doing" waving his hands at us. They turn on their heels and walk off to their dressing room still laughing to themselves.

We spend the next 45 minutes packing our bags and finally we are ready to leave and head to our next destination, Denver, Colorado. I'm so excited because it's always been a dream of mine to go I just never got the chance and I heard Colorado is beautiful. Once the boys pack up the car Drew hops into the driver's seat as Connor calls shotgun and climbs into the passenger seat, of course that was after him and Luke have a full blown wrestling match over who got shotgun. What do I have to say, they're boys.

I'm seated in the third row in between Victoria and Chris, great I'm in between the lovebirds. I love both of them to death but god they can be so touchy feely with each other. In the back row is Clarissa, Luke and Arianna. I plug in my headphones and prepare for a long, long car ride.

{Authors Note - How was that? I will get into the One Direction/Harry Styles part in a few chapters I promise. Ok, I will clarify who everyone is and what they do. They are all a group of best friends who travel the US on their own time for fun performing. Their are 4 boys and 4 girls. Abigail (main character, 19), Clarissa (19), Victoria(18), and Adriana(20) and Chris(20), Luke(19), Drew(19) and Connor(20).They have all been best friends for years. More about Abigail's past (Her nickname will be Abi so I'm just going to call her that) will be revealed later. A more physical description on Abi - She is 5'3 and has long blonde hair and green brown eyes. She is not fat but not super skinny. She has curves in all the right places. She has a little bit of a darker background dealing with her fam but like she isn't depressed now. I hope that gives you a better idea. And chill out this is our first fanfic so give it time to pick up! Also, we are trying to make a schedule to when we update but we will wait until we start to get more reads and votes. so comment your opinions so far and if we should continue. Please vote and all that stuff. Thanks! xx }

word count: 2196

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