Bold 〈 2Jae 〉


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❝Yah. . .CHOI YOUNGJAE DO YOU WANNA DIE?!❞ ❝I hate you Im Jaebum.❞ bold (adjective) : (of a person, action, o... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
I got tagged
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 1O
Chapter 10
Chapter Q&A
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Q&A #2
Chapter Q&A #2
Chapter 17
Chapter 17.5
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 : The End
BOLD: Epilogue

Chapter 1

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Youngjae dragged himself to Study Hall. He was panting and had to use the wall for support due to an accident earlier. So-called accident. Yugyeom who was waiting for his best friend saw his friend slowly approaching. A quizzical expression overtook his comportment as Youngjae came closer.

"Youngjae, are you okay?"Yugyeom inquired, scanning the other boy for any injures.

"Amazing. Fantastic. Ecstatic. Happy. Perfect."Youngjae sarcastically replied and slid down against the wall.

"What happened?"Yugyeom eyes narrowed and he took a seat besides Youngjae.

Earlier Youngjae was happy and having a pleasant time but now he looked like he had witness something perturbing. And so Youngjae turned to his best friend, letting out a deep sigh. Memories of what happened nearly ten minutes ago rewind in his mind.


Youngjae carried his refilled water bottle and was making his way towards the library last minute to fetch himself a new book. He grumbled silent curses as he saw Jaebum and his annoying friends near the section he needed to be.

Inhaling deeply, Youngjae pulled a poker-face and walked to the section that he desired to be and walked pass the annoying group of people. He pretended they didn't exist and he scanned the shelves for it. By then the others left.

It took awhile but he finally found it and had a smile plastered on his comportment. As he was about to head out the library, someone snatched the book out his hand.
And it was Jaebum.

"Wow, how nice."Jaebum sneered and Youngjae brow twitched.

This can't be happening.

"Give me back my book."Youngjae demanded.

Jaebum smirked and decided to mess with the younger and Youngjae felt angry and had the urge to splash water on the taller boy but he decided to drink it instead because why waste such nice refreshing water on an asshole?

As he drank it, avoiding eye-content, Jaebum took that as the younger disrespecting to the fullest. With that he snatched the water bottle nearly making water spill on his clothes.

"Yah! Jaebum, give me my water bottle!"Youngjae hissed and went to grab the water bottle. Jaebum was messing with him and before they knew what was happening, Youngjae had snatched the bottle too harshly and a ton of water spilled out.

Onto the table.

Where Jaebum project was.

Jaebum stared at his project then other male. Youngjae abandoned the book and the water bottle and ran for his dear life as unreadable emotion was burning in Jaebum's eyes.

End of Flashback:

"You spilled water on his project?!"Yugyeom repeated.

Youngjae nodded.

"Wow, he's really going to kill you for real."Yugyeom laughed and Youngjae mouth hung at the support his friend was offering.

"You're no help."

"I'm sorry. But I'll walk you home today and protect you like a knight, hm?"Yugyeom offered, smiling.

Youngjae cracked a smile and nodded again.

As they entered the classroom, it was easy for him to breathe. A few minute passed and Youngjae wanted to excuse himself to use the bathroom, but halted when he saw Jaebum giving him a death glare.

Yugyeom looked at his frozen friend and glanced where he looking and acknowledged why.

"You're not leaving now are you?"Yugyeom whispered.

Youngjae nodded slowly, eyes never leaving the aggravated Jaebum.


Sorry if this was late, but I stayed up till 4:40 AM to finish this. It might have some errors, idk.

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